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September 30, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-09-30

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/ 7/

T.he Michgn DalI

Voi'. X IX.


W T IST C L S will be a potent factor in the runing.MANY CHANGES ARE1I pars111y is thi tru
11A KN A K E thas yet to be decided whether "M's " M N H N E R ttetpfor, l . i'riiinserly
AD P hT' B wil b awrded to te whole team; atalofhe ils
CAPT. SCHULTS JOB say ratelteoan finishing irt of his MADE U ON CAMU S lir ae igT1!dA n h
Ctr,~ 11 J~ eamn will receive ote. The first nan MADE Ut'uioie the ou'Um ci" cornerso
--of each team to cross the finish lite will the ismpus.sTse stoewoi~s nirly
Yost Gives the Big Fullback,,* cottnt one point, second two, andl 50ot. New Addition to Engineering 1ISourItie, sl-sbinnarl ie reufirid
Trial at Center-Many Scruibs The team scoring the fewest pointsswill BuligM nBidngUl-hgt.Tsprmesobencfte
e declaredwivinter of the nme, ie nmens Bidn-ai uligUi- iistibutifliiirildsiio t1<0 rimpus
Come Out. only, ot of each tain of sevetn, qualify- izes All Available Space. li,'1lsiiiiiliilis iii
oity ight iiein demnonstrated iale- fg.Cotsidferableli'prosgess iasisbeen'iinodsie of asrsih ite sandlterei iwill lbe fouri
f sisnsto Yosd Michigass-yesterday Gayile Dll, captaits of the, tpo8£-qtrack (hiringc the sunie tr iiiiitie iiin irvin immeni iiise Do ) ricscolumniiisIsi,, iii ce
s1 trning outi and tarf ig p -thtegreen- tam, and contender its the recent Olyti- the apearance of te campssitssndsithe
swa rdin iisignsal tpractice. Nineteens sew pic sthree-mile. team race, is especially coniion of le svar is buiilings. TIeis' Il \ N'hS I V u1F NO
me eposrediforiswork, and ttore are enthusiastic over the prospects fr a snperinteindsen sf groussii Ihai,ssibenibs'1 uWN's SLti-11i-il111,h11
expectiedontiatitheisits'ciscrimtmoage thi strotng fence clistiling sanm to ivaec;ll hroisglh fihe sisrrIeaiflying the
afternooniii XAsiresult, Yost, Fitzpatrick: the east. lsndscaec sn firexeirnaliIappearanc:i hept tne 5iiiiiii'iith s ha(lii h
and ssiis'mo e ilsainshave itheirIatds ''TlhcUy is isisreasos,'' le says, "wy i 'is1f th tol tbildilngs, swhile si 1hands Iof ii5iiI'-ili.s~
ull . Maisnysofthuse snswho ave just ue cat's tlts out a team that will te creter's s setic the iisumme555r monts i tsuesl 'iandIgrsit progress i ms s or-' ii
iepotedfor ractice sre eligitle for the perfectly capable (f supholsing Michi- n cianigisig ue issterisr f telieus i u
vriyad tie coachssisy sdiscvser ass gaits iell arnted reputation. If every striscsirci ibsiresnssn'tissresirisinz i r*
sfcsisi sollusits. sssssls cs ssisysr lsstrulecsitn trss i msif tir hisisg e iireasing i cle iriciususis in
TIhire is not, rooismssfor smassystartling sill doihisisbest every say'-astircos'ss te ir n is bsuisilisg sipecially iais-g'ea t t s i
eh m ii'uFessin gicstr'stof te litos- will againsfly its the east o Nosembter clsasgs s ben ssmader, s get:inii iface: ii i's
cii' ivariiesiysuadl.bisisYost rstlr tunex- 21. Is is timie for those isess wvio hav tatseve-in iti l studssii ws ere 5trussbled ii iis
ss'si Vset W tksiss its Sclzl'sceter tneil eforeto comse sut. It has dgsoos u-rtrurisi ~ss ii i i rlois n ss is'( culd niii
Poiton " ermiany" smesanwshlile reached beet shslownsinit sniersity recoris that sdcepositedl iite tritper plce in5 ime 1'thi- thoghI ra, hurl" i niis his ir fr
th incecofhii-s aiiitios, beisg-ter- a awstnevcser kowsrwvhelher lecats visiT h'Ili r k osits ii tievr ssiossnew sc ilisis 51ii' iii' iisI s iisi ts rs
initiiedItoi sc s iquariterbiack-swi thi a little or ntnstil he has triedl. Halstlseads, f ai ' sloinigs'iws'eeeIa'itdilthisi weiissiiihessitosssaeoni
flin bllt vr'soisn the sise lutes. IHis Cornell, russn sielI he takesi as its x- isssrf5-ss'slsls outdioor stssIsil shisground ~ -i~ cIsiiiithsi ocs i on
wo "i s ismmensdsitle wifle ie held amitple.IHe blossomieid sut ini usnight, as asldecisdeslcaetintheii i tcariai iiinnlis - i-of ii
the s.libisbut itowsrsd the clsse of the cayit twere. Lti the easterns cross scountry lih e msisinnrs 'iis ri- s-si s-s esiys t hatii s niot
heo th ss'tihts bsask o Iis keystsone smeet le rustssesossdltos Haskiss,'the 'Iis'sicisew sgiiessigbiuilding ouisisj ' sstoil i s ii iii i
's u itnd Jimmsiie trosttesd to the gys. great ttennssyls'anian. Sisce Itens le listsolwor'swisthsthlts teus it s-sir' whichtsonly
Samis I D ia iis icon ap ered'l iisthe field beets soisg the msile asosud 4':-0 cots- smonthilu. Wh1irsit 'sis sss m lte t l sitle l 1,~-~'ii ilssi ii 'i' sss'
ilof she cseistiii(th at er doublyliii h ad
ad jisis-iftle first squasds. Rariney, tinsossly. Andi lie is only ose f a gieat F"I' saper'd. 'hatsisart' of f hlee silinisg -si isss sss s isi ii siis'i'-
1011, snd 'Torr ey csasori-t il stp d lswn nitai''st-ts teser trfosl before"wsicsienesclises te isis-sitanik wille
th ield1 iwits ills'resargustsdsIof the first Next 'Tursdlay as 4:15, the fitst sitli-r'ais'sltso the' heightiio il'the 'rsenii lbuild-i Isnriisla is''their-si ans i i le is m-
squad.s IOthesrwsisseitheewere io casges. oriedlimetisg of he crosssscounitry'run- issg fis t lngssth ofi ety frtsis'. T e clo fdigterph ih Iwll
C. iuiuig-iiiuu, sscubs squarer for the ters still e held. Kecn it zpaettrick, ((sselisg Ith iss slur'tsi h ter'rrwill ibet s i ls ii'ilsnli 55wi'
ast "Csssns, 'sn le ig 551555d1 sf it- Dull, Bhnsacusk andilothesi'wsill hseuit ee sandsg ity withs sfuus 'si 'ut hti ssiide sf i t clii onll rwii-ii
I the ad raws s ii assbsost thej grid- somieinssg o say- that sill le swell sorhs fest rusnsninsg cssts andswses. This iwill ,
irn indr 'he scrutinuy' sf the coachles. hearinug. eserday as ssal scuatd of tssclictea, ui' i u-i f'c st ii' 's r us us' Er ryone'ussi 1 o dos he
ef ThesescPedefrson atutacsse usishBor- mii plsggedl their way oser thin couirs,.nsth liside hut-ies'-susthis- ciil enugineeiruss ucuttss'he fls land at the o i s
icskiuc astrscedsthe15' sist atention. nc pcnmg of thsssisei uulsis uh li r-s -uisurr'ug tue ii cl'' ri i s csusi i1 l
t s- atsis-Suu.fosur s}eares a Detroit sirs-. hBefores or- ca us-un i te
C<ta sar:x laeo th;D A,(, Mesiblers (f te Feices' cbhit autevu~ utle h uegisi ussur s-s'ouldnhaeisss uts lssti ersi' sssshat fs.
arsrrai-rii fusfth S X~ nugesdifor three osmnssumsests uso takroposdl adduiioniss stuff ibs' S r aoirtersssS 5 uh ii huh sil bs'h
pmis-si hich is sstes hh it--ussr ong hssplucedftinsg.- te rcoititgschool year. is lcasntetus'fuhwomesus'tsfutur'sf Iul 5'h-s-ialls
lii us lthesrackistarfomis Ist atut GtiovegI, uefirst,a u elulhitg souu iuit, will Sis ulcs t ii- 155 sri su 55: u ll()is.
io ,ws t i r actlitr t oc- Ira e lce hbefore Chrnistmsaus, tie svinerslkusitterfdsssss sfisu tht ncr
hiss sillslslush Isi us shire isith''si'
in ''us-si. s nus s lls S e555 icintrig. iCl trtA fwhichs sillreei-ve a silver cutsp fs f i sucuissuus- u I ura illilisssswo udis I t a i nterste
stug ufsthe sui etalrr coelsg c hurlm, us 1ed by' hun isesidesnt of the cub, K A. ssusu uu rsiu lisui' ress y i llshe scll se ills ndsfi etas5-o5theirl
Sgru Fstl usise tets u etcher. sAboutt Feruary- , thus'secondss i llsushI us f uss5 s t thus- xss thats of
alsoucui ifhte us.iuftmost5 's urpr sifs . cii sssusi f 'im
t uiamemt, siteuemt forunomssices, will tu I 5fst hentss. he eul iiin lnn earn( toIshir s: u s h' lIsis
Yst eSahis s hits -~lus iesas i s i s rt u geellti ien h h ums to s eras if iiiifS eiissui forSiis tanfuss'hu
sills ''hc is ,i,,,t re ,rdint..,,th l ivn.lc rz o the wine -ltibilon P teiWite o uihsutdms t si'
lic-is o fne tS i day i isposib e e Fencers' cdusts embhlemu, reguiarlyi-Suitssyifs Illsufu d st-uhfthis'e sitntitus
lii sixiS tus is i l soss wardsnuedh only o those qtaifying itsthue c sss-ufwitufs'lfss. The ussits isall s 1 fro fD tot h eiiseswous I
hah ilus h ldu t so esui oh thur sets sl itakentsia om rmauett hs u rs fip wilhSwindowisss, rexc'eptufusstiliie- uss1sls ii si suf 5uf sfsi-s
toushi~ g ood 155early nsIi the sason: h iusmy lst tursnm enmt of tie year, knownuss-to Such sususussu Is ussr his' r suufn 'flu
S~~~wl be sissireidisifrsithIsmuofurpnsrou list
us-n ill ssakesthus-Cuase gamseone of te annualmsitournamest, miarks thin cs still i isis tuhansirloan, thusist sun es-usf
of the season's is-crk amnsh takes sae lum s ilinthg, mukstiug thi~ ss r ic lighti s sss hs ssssi si si
dir fsind c a srion ug furthin ssun im edisely before spring vacsin. sifs sutuss tu s i i ictus - --gutsito 5putlSi ill Istt~lps
fohisoen, o remauurk ifth itnesthe 1hose qtuaifyig is this totrnasnt re XXstunsuit hih' c\rsuuiry' lsuifuu-u"lie
ushuses heesuustuhst eso cee a oembershi in ssthin clib for lbthe its suhI1 ustsths'Stlt tundii fof t~uu h eIll ogram' iiistillf1 i-
gssauues. Afte r thatsthe smuied ls-fgyerountip f i lsuse sconstracstofr Ito nuihomsistse g siu u i c isl''I uh
hirectr-usralirsd appea-sredh uhon the field Tie officers of the dish for this yeaslucsussitthr rhsur uethrSasesthesu 51 niil idhcI
wldseldtebusb i as fae K. A. Fletcher, prnsesi t ;Donal u-ik is usrt swlsrsi'ug Ii i llt, esif f e i ll a harttiu
shes wor ols~ef eslslrshuad.Hegf uss ps sse Haies, vice-president; E. Kenmer,see iiby s$90 fr0 us0. sHwvefsil sse su I Th h e murpiiiilu'sls sl.l is issii s 5are5' what
oti s tou remfaSinsoffuthe ieddrequests tan; -Pasti Reigharu, treassure;n d -it hse$ocos fmsiss'ts tus'oughtrss- isf 'rb-yseS lics'-stsudent is ssi odyisi
prasciisc isho us si suft ur failhi t sssg ay Lot-nie meumnberi f executive Isis usht ssf sis siuiug sil u'su is this part5.51 the' u us ha
isi-poisrd.s is ewto flniihtesh l.osohyeid snstoususyufussusnfsthw.'l Ii- isis no
us-us io f teslur' s andcs a h enis. -general istylc f sarchiteciu tle fr uc '''used t 515555 sldr t hisg ssan ube sstsiad s'e
Thise fso iing are the suitwsmembers inthlis buuidig st"ff1 he simsilsr o thast fs'~ ~ ~ i li i
of Slur sq~uad:larChik, F. Laswton, G. RUSh IREGULATlIONS PASSED cspoehistu'unt lslu uulforis usitis' ifralls hilennissrnc-I
Iatn Boeusu tsrlskeUnger, Sullian, AT 'TiliE COUNCIL usiEFTING ho uusghs fle sirs' f tS lureuisissry huifl d Sating'yessse ufrssicsinandsnow
elgn,,mm h1,-rdihig Crag, Kuhir, Calls tg will he twirs-tht ofstif S tr . sllenrs''gy' is -usnt si a inlg assof thiss
X'irus efJ-fries, iuogert sius, iI -- Seeral s-ies andsh plais governifng iThe situ Iiatsi u sifldigs iswhichs ie'e fsi sil t ssgus si' he i-
us.iflcy huifiunsssuu it Pfifr.um ieclass sactivities sere adoptedi last removiseidhuso uusake roomssfsr thurchesmisstry sdoully 1 ue-sc icisi icrca e i itorsisex
Abosusut hrs's' Iundssrrid falls st-cnnout to ight hby the Stuident Counicil. Thin strutire, husiss-js's-s flaceud ion thu st5f srss srshn s uu' is
'u-c Slur fusuehice.. fres-soph rsh, was disctussesd as some side sof thuresampusisatsh sil heefter 1u1,cgruns hllosr tfiwrkusin theiipf i ng
csih ~ re R lle 555'0'55555ltf e5 nsghtamd a cosmtmitte nas sppoiteud he knoswns as thus-cisil enginee'srinug buiul- wisn isu S i ousi srls, rrssssiss gtrcsi d
Th al is outS fior sdisst e rnneimrs. o dranw isisa set of rtules governintg the, ugs. Prosf. J. 13. sisis st-fu ss ssefor otherfihisisisill hi' os iric-f us-use
Onu Nosvemb ter 21 thin sevneonswho contest. These sillhe ptubishedl lateruerhy assssisuttesnsusf thelur tmuent flusly completesds'thiss-groun&ss Isiill lea
sure cshoswnS 555p lues itsthin prelimtinary- us the week. 'The folowing resoltutionssof engineein,,n ow asus cosnue rusts fifthis asssciielloati onususss fsrthis rcllegs scs
russusill representi Michigan ill tse were decidesi upon: I idepartmtent. 'ilh' lbuiluings havi eenmsu ndluhf rhuntsprsenti plsusSusefsrt
rose -iriucrusts counutry meset, to leheltd Resolved, ihat he tde~casses shal remodeedl sushIwill serrs-itheuir puirposiehwsifflfube s r es hat i llus Mauskse ius grssssushe
uponssuthus Princetoinusix-mtile couse.neot atempt to hult up any posters before lsadmirblsy. Slur SisteScmplete ind isu upto-ate fusui
Xi iriigessuneedssmsensoupthod len repo- 6 p. in., Mosday, October 5. 1 ''he tn-sdentauilbuildfing sill he resady snyhinisg f heir ikid.It isa noe
tai mfriprouuucig cdistance ises. Resolved, that te ussdercasses shall for soccupacy nit-wesek. ASfresentsuccslie siSutsi wrhyuoessandsluhe luck
Theu cosur se is difficlt amd hazardous; reraint front all hostilities oss thicprop- thtenclasses arfbeig heldl ithe med-uicsl -isnd1 deermsinatsions of ousr Isair sisre sr
lrufiestifulsandsudihtuuis said o' erty of te Michigant Unsion, Mc~uihilan buidig. 'The senuthhsilig wsu illtisue isussusstishfe and teir rsn
lie- anukl-dseepu itn mansy ilaces. Strengthlt Hal, nstilNewberryIHall. wish hfle idfesa f Issaig' ulety f fight rspidsiprosg'esss rs-tansssjssiiss i.

No. 2
Union Takes Charge of Gather-
ings-Rousing Welcome for
New Students Planned.
'hss iciligsssUionisssswil this yru
s usisl, isstakse.Chrgs'ofs01C his'sas e 55s
i is s ehu~ h is fll in.ivrsiteiy
usllPesisuss iesiothsf nionItuss
tecu toisugs c lluu n I isi u illsrf se
lii-m n of it Ills mi tteil eI . 11he otherii
dolphs-JosFon iihsumsuss (usli
usssss.sandiRi- iuXesssu
o 'isii'sth pan s-te c u's t efo r
Ile hli ss-years si ;1 s' 'usssuuiil's' uss
ofas shllS gswilt he eld. "Th
Ins l.lmes ill, s i el''' will ie, h i 'thur
prinipaly'denh-Is' w lco inisg lth
Iss i si ' ~~,t 'ilntg t e is toryuss Isa his
illsng forh ite p esnilaslsi o f is'
Xicigansus U ionuus in iiesnili; hig ils d-i
v~~t' sofjin5singS thllsat hltir:s Sushi
'io ushand Slsh ismatters of a-imia
n lr Ii susniri s thiss sussinsg swil
h1 on thesi o C sec 'ssiiic slur
uses gamus th esoyls1ndsuosnsgs
us11uhf his' h ieds-i hissy sills's oosinsug
5511 has'e i asit spisci ill shjscs s his iiis
5555 5 55 I Ski 1' c5555Un im lls I s i a
andar mstste f5oclu llsltl
goushmhisalimet.sic 5 sudens ar5at
the 5555 lii Ss t h theh adnt on5 ter
adie Xii t o eadihe;ssci
Shill siif sill us r fs s tl hii sis in orm li i
due tol hss', n ~neliinct on
tNi t uc, srli uiuuua- S siu arse'uusiussd i-
lsushicsihh ofhe t .hs,- sus sisss Su
Istcan'ssuing hRoyI\XclSl -aSill 'nil
Shr ofihis- 'Ifi-'igemss-i st ereu pri' -
cnuant tssheiumrcsssering f tIsergreat
faoi s more tus'hansss ii"(1 he visitors
irn t sl ;sut afterS t iunt:S Ias pur'
for alis '.,a u ' S clur csolss
Tonightihesmandli cXlu apper a
OI It.L i
Sisslsis uf o f iis'iisi r-iss e'sxin isa-
Isl 'I .55 Xl: ria- lgb rsi,8
t u seuos;G e lrm usn isis. ulls sRoom is'
u, Roosmsil ;'Shiusory
tin omery,8 as71

Issly-' hies's .si mu
Co poitionu an'su it hus-uusu'r , cus a.smm
Roomss 8; hahish z . Iu .,us Room'sI 8; ( us-i-is
t31'-.usin., Room 8: ; hu'uss'3Ip.Ifsll., i 'sush
12; c'heis tryci'g ush i."iin. som S.


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