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September 30, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-09-30

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i L1 1{ LPL t V +a a v f a s + +

TienLarget Suck in
lhe its
- 6t
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentlemlen's Wear
i'V-tig rquired (ir Suits,
) craiiats IFany Vistins, and
Trii -rhi n and of high clas
abis and special iSyles.
Full Dres Suits a
G. . Wild Comipanly
311 South State Street
Sas e alt your money and buy
Second-hand5 books at
"Studenit ' ooI'torc
Uiniversity Text=books for all
Drawing Instruments for 1En-
gineering Students.
NV,,i iar r all ie bet inaks
heettuco Leader Futati Pe
- Tetic lSt $1Pnthe tt World.
Sheehan & Co.'s
s':r;sirr A G. Spalding & Bros.
M- -a iia wiiior in ie
Ioull I.BasketIBal,5leSkaes,
HIoeny, CoI, tymnasium
'iialdi *' iamkd .. my Iusrate
SrN-1, i i Sap, Diiil

.l-ingig LEdior-Ancr-IEn F. RTCHIEr.
Buiiiniao llriiig"t--Jiiir F. 'sciir.
News_........DointlIH. Daluies
Athletics ..........Lee A White
Atliletics, Asst. ..C. E. Eldridge
Exchneltge.......Roert lMotser
lisic ..........Roy D. Welch
.rm .......Rymod Vissher
Woimrei's iditor ... .Louise \ValVooris
DI liL ..i ririy Robieir Moreland
Mihe . Nhfllugih FIrei F. G'ooding
Leoitari C. lRe1
Lowell J.('or J. 1. Prescitt
Walter K. Towers Lois Kraft
Paul Greer Samutet H. Morris
I1", G. C. \Williaims Paul Leidy
W. M. Abilot 1. 1. Armstrog
1. A. Iinley DanaI"1.Jres
Carl it. Adami Hatrli P. Goldiii
Address: MCHtIGAN DAIrY. Press Bldg.
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
\VI2INtSI)\V SIPT.:3. iooai.
Wiih le uiial ioning of college
tmlreis of thelutiiii- euiblemntic iof
niii -.1 p ii lhe assoiaion iuuare ii
eiiiieiice. Vet there are esei mor e h
dreds whihiie ond-inot licause
luecicanut ufforditit. nor bcuse ter
htdlierately udeciued nt to, bitilbe-
cau se ini le excitemiet of getig hck
adenteringi ciilege lie luhave urnply
ngetd i.
Wihu isislng toipose a- ai trunun
liii li te athileic assocuuitionu.'thle
Daluily tkes thi is iliiirrtunt of uirgiiig
i-r-rstuetc hcaltouIuiiiijiiiinte ath-
lcic -il osuciaiiuuu.,iiiiltoi"do'it nowt
Teclis -ai twoufoldl rea-iinifiii beliiigiig
toi le atiletitcasocition ii apii
-i -Iaswell asiaiiit. COf ciiiise it is
:, liii every stuentiioweus titei I fnii-
ito do lueversilhing h liffuto ihelpt
alogite lilngs that iare to mialc fii
ai liter uuuiri-i - and. o nute f te
th-'ing hti suldoig tt is le athletic
toiii ii i iwithotwhichliathileicandi
u-mu.. itea swoiidibelimpsihe
('rier hlrisi-uiefiiieiiimanuaagemnti.
-oilunietalls i iiigt be -ri-rkel
that iiiiiien ears isthsru-
.i icliga s ahleticare self-suppoirting.
Liii two i-iarciol ri-rirsicn ifooutatll
as well s aiireliii erconiton
S ick fii l ttusni-ulthe' iar-ity triiigiiiui
th ihl f telasbsealsesn
he m lii to lci- the-finnces ofith
ii ii I01 l 1 o e b
In formerii ccrs i i i r istiluiniitrn i
theheinn Iiof heco lgi yetr t
I_ jIoi macs nuni-iiug u-len stuient,
r~sriiiis aiiilliisiiiiss utner is-ir-akeu
toi sulscribe ltoa fuiiid1fii-liie iaiti-

naiiciiof tire athletic teams._ This noi
lunger hiilids truee use only requtest nade
ofi the stuirenits is that they will join the
lio ri-vert to an original stateent,
miemiibersiiniithe Minchiganrathsletic us-
sociatuion is a privilege. 'rhty? Blecatue
it is a pirisilege for arry stueirt to feel
liartlie iridividiually iinr aoreasirre re-
stpinsile foir the accoroisisrcltts of the
uirsity'ssatliletic tetams, aridtrut Ire
is a fatotur in hielpinrg ii maintain the
pirestige that rs alreadly lictrgat's-even
riiiirghi te in himiself rirabile itrouot a
fooirtall, lrk any - trrct: recordis.iir
bireiaitdiowrithre batck firrces sithr Iis hit-
inin basebnrll.
hr'tidditionirtoiithe"ditrt naid Iprivi-
lege inrvst-ldirsjiinig tire athrletic tas-
siicritiiir istrrrrore tirauctical bernefit to
bei teri-ud. T'eluetriton irsiair irrentie-'
mislyibectaire it shuns that tire inearer
is aimemerir-rnd thre season tickets, the
advanriages ofiis-hichr tre riore fittingly
piti-il iut it the-attletic assiocriioin
iffice thn in these cilumnrs, result in a
fiacitil nsaing tiitire stirdents is-io wsishr
to atteniiitire gamses, eqiuali talsost, if
nut qute. to tie re ineroriginatlly itid for
lie riemrblershsiprticket.
For till if trese retasonrs, and irore.
iwi-irge mitutagtairntirjinirstireatthletic
tissiociatriirn, rn, le-ni yourforget. "do ir

At McMillans Hatll, Sunrday evenink,
Dean Reerd of rise literary departint
addiressedi anroverlorw nmeeting of thre
incoming smein of the University, bn the
proper procedure of takiing up colliege
life. flie chose for his suhject "Otn the
Thtreshtold of University Life," and in
his remarks emsphasized stronsgly the
gret imrportance of chroositsg Ihe right
hint of friendis.
After tire lecturre .a social tinsen-as
enjioyedl, excellettmssusic bseiing provided
bry sire XY. i. C. A. orchestra 'and quatr-
tette. Secretary Smith states tisat, it
tire future meetiings tire as well (attended,
alarger haltlmwill ire providedl'atsd thre
nmusicail end of thse eistertaitstsettts nsade
Geoirge Caprons, whrose -wndrerfurl
work ansia irotp kickerwsnrtso muanry
gamies for iirresota, Iras seers- elected
capttairn of tsis yeair's Gopher: teamist t
fill rise sactancyrof Caputainrt ttre, mwto
comsmsitted suricirde last msonit. - Capirons
is on tire inseligibsle list bsectaise if fail-
tirre irs iis sturdies. --
'T'he freshmsarn-soiphiomore reception. at
Syracuse was maurred iby tire ripper-lsmnseln h c ra n
"anel food.'

S. I- . .. IAKRES ALUMNUS Opieratinig coats and aprisis-Wagner
RftOlh TEMPORARY OFFICE & Cii.. State street. 1-4
Itectirse if rue imrovsrrsemsents in Un- Drawming instrumients arid ensginseerinsg
versiry tHtll whiici resuiltedin t the deart's sutiplies, largest stock 1n city, lowest
ofice icing chitangeid. it hsbieeni neces- prices, at tire Sfitdtls' Porok Store
-tire furthe Studienrtn' Lecturre associa- Shseehatnl & Co. -1-2
tionto havrue its oficilse itire taluir.s
rom.'This iwill Ire temps~orary, unitil a Younig hats-"nonire setter trade-on
sunx oflficeis ited tip n ear tire erntranrce sale try Alters, Main street. ' n-0
toDa edsoc.Tis week tickets riaiy Ire secirred tit Collegian clothes fur college risers, on
the S. I.X. odilce irstire aliumnil roomrs. stile bsy Alters, Mini street. i-6
iriise wso irshirtirsiolicit for this year's'
oiffrce shoiurld see thre tretisirrer, Htowardi' Enginreerinrg overalls andi jackets-
it kdutl, rinrg ri-u ifflceehiurrs, mvhichr Wagnter & Co., State street. Sigir of
ar il irsfriomir2auntil 4:30 o'clock. -tiretig iwhtite shire. 1-4
ikt a escrdfo :0t 90 this miiorinsg. Seciond-huandtlbooks at bsargainis for all
_______________ deptartmnrirts, at tire Stuldernts' Book
.MICHIGAN IS INVADING Store. Shseelian & Co.' l1-
EASTE2RN PRESE RVES Bs ruriiet to es- -
Bestguarnted ' I~oopenirl the city,-
at Cnrstilng's tphatrmtacy. - tf -.
Thtithie exoiduns~iof tire studuenit Iroms
ttsiitus talretady begun is shownst ty 'Young htats-"niound tetier' tmtade"-onl
litile studyif thne uter tannouncemsenstustile IsyAlters, lhiti stureel: 1t
if tic.unris-eursit y. Latr yearr Ness York ________________
state senti 337 rien tos Michsigans.nture ir Mhichrigarn music anid late operatic. Ott-
irspcs trunew ungirt for passing sic tnt Roout's Music iHounse..- tii-tls-st-srn
thne 400 martis yu etar. 'Whiat easterni- ___
usthikufurk iheliga-nisi-cearly- shownir Spotrtintg goords isulndgymrt stppliru
byi tue fat thtat inent tre- corning ourtnsf, prices right it tint Sturdernts' Bunk Stuore,
hue sery shaudownsif Cornecl ndt Syrti- Slnen'an'u.- --1-
cure-in Ithe n-ereat,h -nndIHIra- andet
'rate ini lie tastern einast states. Qunarry- sells niotinig burt the choicest
iThe sectiounaltclurtsstutit u try tine canduies-Nrurlly's, Gilhert'-s, Lowinevy's.
ese nunmen foster tire stirnt of goon- crc. 1-3
fellowusship -untilforns a nsrucuts aroiud _________________
whlichi turn aggressiv-e campa~itigns for Mitclh- Collegians clothes"- for college mets; ott
iiiin iatiers. 'Cle eastern states are sale by- Alters, Mains street.,- 1-6
tip-eseunteudtsy-tineNews' Englarsilcluh,
the Nest York sruate cluib, turntine Key- .iWe carry tine largest stock of biat-
- n il) obres andil pajamras. Hlenry & Co., Wiii-
- -___________ -- ors, funiishners. liars andu shoes. tf
Steutmutand siry-cletniinug-hussLos-elI,-
3.2~ S. State street:.tigent for A. Peters, Qurryr's hiology sunpplies -tre coniplete
Deutrouit. - 2-7 andulnf scsi tquality-. 1-3

FrLwMedical and all
New and Second-band
Drafting Instruments and
-Engineering Supplies.
at special triers
Stationery anti Blank Book
Ask to see our Solid Go
-Fountain Pen for $.00
-Call and be convinced that
stole is the est pl'nce to tr
University Bookstore
719 North University Avenue
Photo Supplies
Amateur Developing,
Printing, Enlarging.
Banners and Pennants at lower
prices than elsewhere.
%porting ooe
22" South Matn Street.
11Alarm llocs. garnteei19C
Michigan Pins
'Te Largesstulettit it ruin'


Law, Medical, Dental, Literary
and Engineering
We, carry tire most complete line in the city.
- Special demsonstratiorn of the
Formerly the Co-op Store
310 South State Street

Call at Wadhams & Co. for youir FALL Sl $
Cra venettes, and .verdoats, Sweaters,
Slickers' and' Und-erwear. Shirts and
Neck wear of all kinds.
121 and 123 .South Main Street

121 Wash~ngton E. The Randall Studio,. Ran dali & Pack, Props..

Phone 598

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