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December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 11

…Fr DAY, DEC.1, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILYP PAGE NINE Large Fitted Purses Are Popular, Useful, Stylish "All that I know about purses is that they're getting larger," declares a prominent senior, "and I like them small." "There will come a time when only, traveling bags will be manufactured, and women will not bother with mere' purses," he moaned. Even though they may be large, they're useful and stylish. Fitted purses have gained a great deal of...…

December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 12

…PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY r4,IZT AY-, DEC. 1, 1939 -r ~---~ -- - - - - ~RIDAY; 1~O. I, 1939 FittedLuggage Is Stressed For Christmas Gifts This Year Problem Of What To Give 'The 'Man May Involve Records, Shirts Or Ties i I By MAYA GRUZHIT of music, there is the matched or For once in a long time-twelve contrasted combination of shirt, tie months for sure-the men have got and sox. Monogrammed fine i'nen the women guessing! handkerch...…

December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 13

…FRIDAY,DEC. 1, .1939 TH E -MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN ,. .,. Sweater,. Skirt. Styl1es Reflect Fashion Trend IDid YOU Know .. l' Scarcity Of Angora Wool That your mascot 'can be your Heightens Acceptability handbag as well as your conversation Of Prennal Fvorie 1piece this winter? A darling little Of Prenial avoitefulff of a Scottie, curly coal black For the next few weeks the world with a bright red tip to his nose, can be obtained to ...…

December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 14

…PACE TWELVE THE MICIGAN TIbA TiV FRIDAY, DEC. 1. a sa -.. ara a v as a v- is .1. L-X1'1'1 L.1 M .._ * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * EKriss IKringle has been here.' * :-. * ~Qii7 TWa see It's time to Jacobson's for that "F "GiftedI Ida" particular Lady"..' Y ' - L4 ".E~e ~tr 5<a&a ,'A Successories for unusual and clever gitpcae.lteigfra Truly she will "dance with purses and sleek antelopes. $z.95deih"wnser- }-7.95....…

December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Variety Of Clothing Leads Choice Of Christmas Gif Campus Styles; Dictated And Preferred -Daily Photo by Bogle Men's fashions as described in stile" magazines, and fashions as is are here portrayed by the gentlemen from the South, Mssrs. Barnes, Meadows and Taylor. The lounging jacket (wrinkled) on the left, and the earth colored sweat shirt represent the latest in study wear. All clothes, courtesy the brothers. Males Favo...…

December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 16

…T H~E 'ANCfUA N'D'A I L Y :ot To Be Keynote Of Season's Style In Formal Comfort Element In Pajamas Luggage Appre Beig Stressed In New Styles Compact two and three suit-carry- are the latest thing in the luggage field for keeping the clothes Variety Is 1940 Keynote this year. For the man who knows of the careful man pressed, In Styles And Colors his liquor and is a connoisseur, 0r A wide choice of pigskin, cowhide, any gentleman just interest...…

December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 17

…iti ANI D )e Field Is Dominated By ovel tyling mda"Mmowe"m WR Brogue Types Are Favored By Young Men New Models For Country Wear S p o rt Origimal Treatment And Colors Daring Styles Built By ALVIN SARASOHN With the modern emphasis on well- shod feet, many novel and revolu- tionary styles have been developed this year to compete with the old stand-bys, some of which have been given slightly different treatment. Since trouser bottoms seem to h...…

December 01, 1939 (vol. 50, iss. 58) • Page Image 18

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY oks, Outlasting Christmas Season, Provide Gift Solu tion Best Seller Lists Offer Myriad Suggestions To Would-Be Donor Argyles Still Most Popular A mong Christmas Gift Ribbed Lisle In Various Colors Also Rates High On The List For Presents They used to say of a certain mo- tion picture star of short stature that every season his pants went up an inch and his heels went down an S inch. ;a A condition slightly similar has...…

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