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December 01, 1939 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-01

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Large Fitted Purses Are
Popular, Useful, Stylish
"All that I know about purses is
that they're getting larger," declares
a prominent senior, "and I like them
"There will come a time when only,
traveling bags will be manufactured,
and women will not bother with mere'
purses," he moaned.
Even though they may be large,
they're useful and stylish. Fitted
purses have gained a great deal of
popularity this season, especially on
this campus. These satchels have
room and compartments for every-

Handbags Are Roomy

='-L_ A


9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.
a a
e 'for Her
She wants a gift of Style and Luxury
She will love a Fur Scarf or Jacket from
Make it a personal Christmas for her this year! Give her
something she'll love to wear. Take our word for it - whether
she's your wife, mother, daughter, sister, fiancee, grandma, or
aunt .. . that's exactly what she's expecting! We've everything
ladies love.best - glamour housecoats, sparkling jewelry, luxuri-
ous lingerie, incredibly sheer stockings-- to mention a few!
Make your shopping easy and easy on the budget!
for her private life
from $3.95 to $12.95
We have every conceivable type of robe, pajama,
or ensemble for her leisure hours. Merely men-
tion her size and preference and we'll do the rest.
from $1.95
Figure-flattering slips she adores! Sleek satins,
smooth crepes with luxury laces, also plain
tailore . . sizes 32-44.
GIFT BAGS...from$1.95
Sucdes, calf, novelties, pouch and envelope styles.
The more of these smart gloves she has the
smarter 'her appearance will be. We've black
and al needed shades. Fabrics from $1.00.
Doeskins at $1.95.
Fuzzies, Long Cardigans, Slipovers . . . New
Skirts, swing and gored styles. $2.95 each.
Definitely the nicest thought for every lady on
your list. Ringles 3- and 4-thread . . . 79c.

$1.15, $1.35. Two-, three-, four-thread. Spe-
cial prices on boxes of three pairs.
GIFT JEWELRY... from $1.00
"Gold" jewelry - newest Fashion Furore!
Chunky bracelets, necklaces. Also pearls.
Beautiful Wraps and Evening Dresses.
9 4. .. $16.95 %
Evening Blouses and Evening Skirts ..
from $3.95 each.
Warm as they are beautiful.
UNTRIMMED from $14.95
FUR TRIMMED from $35.00

Pastel Colors
Are Featured
In New Wools
Basic Black 'Date' Dress
With Jewelry Is Ideal
With HolidayFestivities
With Christmas vacation in the
very near future, a legal holiday for
sweaters and skirts is being declar-
ed by college women. Smooth sophis-
tication will be the cue for a grand
vacation, and silk wool afternoon
dresses will play the lead parts.
It is the little basic "blck" that
s:hines in a wardrobe of this kind.
If- it is chosen carefully with an eye
to line and delicacy of detail rather
than for extremely high style, it
will carry the busiest girl through
the most gloriously hectic vacation
day. It is equally good for shopping,
luncheon, tea, dinner, and informal
dancing in the evening. And a
wise cosmopolite will plan her clothes
so that one dress, with changed ac-
cessories, will serve almost any pos-
sible occasion.
Don't Clutter With Jewelry
Once you have chosen your basic
dress (and of course it has at least
one of the new ideas of the season
such as a bustle back, or a skirt of
unpressed pleats, in it) don't clutter
it up with a lot of jewelry. It is a
shame to spoil a lovely dress by add-
ing anything to it that might des-
troy its lines or cheapen it in any
way. This does not mean that you
should refrain from wearing any
of the new costume jewelry. But
choose what you wear carefully and
remember that too little is always
better than too much. By changing
necklaces, you can make many
dresses out of one.
As the fashion season was first
getting started, it was considered
very smart, and just a little bit dar-
ing, to wear a bright red dress. But
when everyone started wearing red,
a good bit of the smartness began
to tarnish, and it ceased to be a
sign of originality. Why not wear
bright green or electric blue, if you
want vivid colors? It will show that
you have a mind of your own, and
anyway we are getting pretty sick
of seeing red spots before our eyes
;herever we go.
Draped Lines Are Used
With the midseason fashion slump
upon us, there is nothing like a pas-
tel wool dress to cheer both you and
your wardrobe up. Many of these
dresses have long shirt-waist sleeves,
and almost all of them have softly
draped, full skirts.
Dusty pinks and powder blues
make lovely wool dresses and look
exceptionally smart under fur coats.
Loosely-woven wool materials adapt
themselves gracefully to draped lines
and front or back fullness. One
dress has a bodice of twisted drapery
and a skirt with all the fullness di-
rected toward the front
Lip Kit Is Designed
The art of make-up has progressed
so far that one can now change the
shape of the mouth by clever "lip
stenciling," as Hollywood calls it. An
ingenious little lip kit which a re-
nowned Hollywood make-up artist
designed for a cosmetic house con-
tains all the professional devices for
home use.


Footgear this year shows amazing
versatility, ranging from the digni-
fied and proper spectator sports, to
the delightfully whimsical flannel-
red canvas shoes that will be flaunt-
ed farther south this winter, or from
the square and sturdy ski boot to
impossibly fragile white satin and
kid mules.
For wear with lounging pajamas
and robes, the more feminine slip-
pers are the new bobridjis, exotic in
coral, gold and fuchsia with con-
trasting sole, or the little wedige-
heeled mules with turned up toes.
The foreign influence shows itself
in the Moorish scuff in bright shades
of suede, and the embrodiered Turk-

ish slippers to be seen beneath ori--I
ental pajamas.
Reindeer moccasins give a com-
fortably peastish feeling with their
warm red felt lining and furry tops.
'he beaded Indian-made moccasin
of white calf trimmed in white rab-
bit fur is the symbol of luxury to
some of our lazy loungers. For those
who yearn after glamour, there are
stunning black velvet slippers trim-
med in bunny fur, and dreams in
black, red and white satin.
Pert and pat are the chenille slip-
pers in pale shades to slip into after
the shower, and the red kid slippers
to swing from crossed legs on that
cruise--but that's unfair, isn't it?
We'd better make it on a Saturday

Blouse Stripes Are Gay

morning of studying, to be fair to
the frost-bound 'student.
For wet-weather wear the snug fit-
ting rubuer galosh promises to be
most popular, although new ideas
are appearing. Instead of a high ga-
losh, you might wear some of those
new spats, that keep ankles dry and
warm over low rubbers, or shoes.
When it gets really cold the fur-
trimmed galoshes will come into their
When you finally step out of your
saddle shoes at the end of the week
-thy're not really isadlocked on,-
you kno you will find the built-up
slipper the most comforting, but
your vanity will probably demanid
those dainty slippers

New Slippers And Galoshes Feature
Bright Colors And Whimsical Styles


A change from the perennial
sweater is provided by this mer-
rily striped silk blouse. That sports
wardrobe needs a pick-up.
Mittens Make
Exciting Debut
it Fur, Angora
Again there has been a striking
new reform in the world of fashion
which has turned the stylist's atten-
tion to a new and better variety of
gloves and mittens.
There is no limit! They range all
the way from brushed wool special-
ties to common pigskins, and are
worn by best dressed women on all
For the snow worshipper there are
any number of choices, consisting
mainly of angora, brushed and knit-
ted wool. Of these three, angora is
well on the way to the top of the
list. They come in all shades and
are worn with matching sweaters
and socks, being worn for both sport
and dress wear.
Brushed woQI mittens are worn
more consistently however for sport
wear. Their popularity is due to the
fact that they are rwarm, smart and
For the remaining few who find
trouble matching the right hand
with the right glove, fashion presents
j the new walled together gloves that
can be worn on either hand. For
more strictly dress wear, fur backed
mittens are worn to match fur trim-
med hats.
So, since you can readily see that
the key to being well dressed this
season may lie in your choice of
gloves and mittens, why not start
your mitten shopping now?

i i
MaV Ke it CseticChnristms...
I- ~
K, _ >~ Fischer s
Opening Night - Carefree - Whisper
V " P-nthouse. Four lovely per- p
Indiscreet - Mon Image - I mpromptu funesby Lucien Lelongin a
novel Penthouse package. $2.50
o I Men'so
Shaving Sets
$1.00 to $5.00
SOldSpice Toilet Water $1 -Old Spice Notion Box $2
oNTHERIC opens the holiday L E N TIHiE RI C
festivities with their "Christ-
mas Party"-a gleaming 4pTweed
gold tree spangled with a * Abientot
red star and crested with o *Shanghai
w pair of curly red plumes. 0 Miracle
Within-a trio of Lenthric * Compacts
parfums exquis-TwEED, *®Gift Sets
Perfumes and Colognes
Shalimar - - Night Flight
Southern Breeze p
Blue Hour
a Shalimar Cologne $3
n ~~~~~~$1.00 , j y IyV
j $375
No more deep-bag diving- for three sep-
arate make-up essentials -for Yardley
combines loose powder, rouge andfull-
sized lipstick in one lovely, slim compact.

Burnished gold in color, topped with a
sweeping motif in deep red and black
enamels, with the new finger touch open-
For the Ideal Gift ... Select
Yardley Colognes .. . Soaps and Gift Sets

Make Her Christmas
a Personal Delight
/ -
t na Pts, Gif "'4er
\ 31
than a Gift joist for tier!
Here are some suggestions we can offer:
A completely feminine negligee and gown ensemble. One of
those lovely quilted rayon or crepe de chine bed jackets in deli-
cate pastel. Velvet Housecoats in wine and black in the wrap-"
around fashion or with a zipper. Chenille and potter-moss
robes. Slips and gowns - plain for simplicity and usefulness,
camisoles and embroidered for charm. Pajamas, smocks, hand-
made step-ins, and always KAYSER hosiery.

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