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October 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A-NAII3ORxM IC HIGAN ,TESDAY, OCTO)BER 8F, 1907. VOL. XVIII. No, 13. VALUABLE PLAYER COMES TO MICHIGAN Owens of Benton Harbor Enters University-The Team Begins Practice for Wabash (lame. ixnia\cd y ti" rigg(l vlhowig nmaderby thei.varxity againist .aixi'Satr- (liy Coach YoN as maippedi xxiia strenuiious priogramixnfor telxtwo weekh interveningihefre lthe gmne with N'a oah. C'xxiixcie'iit ssxig1h'spratxitev was thehrdestl...…

November 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Dail o. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. No. 40. LE R, SUB HALF, 0UIT&?'HE ELEYRN Cause for Action Is Not Known- Yost Leaves for Philadelphia- Paulty Seat Sale Today, At least one of Coach Yost's plans was given a staggering blow when Lehr, the Escanaba lad who has been playing sub left half, quit the squad and turned in his suit. It had been the intention of the coach to make use of two con- plete sets of bac...…

December 08, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…_heMich iganDa ily A\N ARBOR. MICHTGV\:N.SUNDAY,..DECEMBER 8,197. Vol'. XVIII. POLITICAL METHODS MUST BE CHANGED Athletic Association Situatfon Begins to Clear Up--Agitation of Principles, Not Personalities. The poliiial a tmtophere oft Ath- '15 ioabeplial mt ods inC olcam-t~g figpoitics, acmiItteeCCto cosidr' Iotmtdingti revCCfising te, cIotittito 'u1ders1and(1gCofot((ltis andpurpole iitoi n0 the1 so-calle -opposing~ 1 ac :t 1111101 tttof ...…

January 08, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…r- r r r f W ,f 17, - - - . 7 - - ~Oil ! . / ^ U. ' C _ t _ ._. J: ' '+. -« ;% r. .J J- ' r to; ",7 r ^- t^ r ' , '" 7. . 0 % r f J J .- , j '" r r, - r . - _, "~ " M w _ . p r T1 -, y ~^ - r J, r. - . 'r ..,.. 7 , ~ :; .. ^ J. Jr rri ,. J f r " f.- ' , " "! j ' . . J, f r r rr . o J, JI J: =. . . ~. ' N . .u r 'it;, , r C H .... l . f - ;_ 7 __ i,. f f; y r %. 1 .-. f ._. 'I: r. C-. r' !0 , . f l~w .-.. r _,I 4 :,- :/, l 'r W r r- J-...…

March 08, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \\N N iARB I . 1 \ICH I V I)\ i NllAVxii,) Ni.,. XN'II. N~i. 114. ... . .... . ........ STARS MADE ELIGIBLE=== SEVEN GAMES ALLOWED And "Big Four" Idea Is Re-i1 1(0 i1, liCHxSEN SNI lii N jected by Athletic Board of - Control. Th' bar rii ta N;icihignx ,bal nt. itdra frm h Conx lxxxiiia' lixxfr xhe ree. TihitiMichiganxdieslnotxconside the "le,;fou " ara gem ntx ai lflxxii at xx xi present t ie:'xxx f, lto" itxte h 'iii x...…

May 08, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily VOL. X V II. ANN A\R l,(i.)R IiCH'IGOAN.\Vi hN1.;S)AY, MAX 8, 1907. No. 1 57. MICHIGAN SCORES ANOTHER SHUT-OUi1 Whipple Pitches Good Came- Plays Elrrorless Ball-Score 2 to 0. Whiipplle te vrit ta rstuthpawc placedi aoter shtout t hisrei yesterday when, laiedi btperet slp tart, the champinship \Wooste'an was beatetn 2 to 0 on its holme gounds, lth teatms made ie safe hitt. \With thehep of the samte ttnttiet' ofl 111511 ...…

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