The Michigan Daily
\\N N iARB I . 1 \ICH I V I)\ i NllAVxii,)
Ni.,. XN'II.
N~i. 114.
... . .... . ........
And "Big Four" Idea Is Re-i1 1(0 i1, liCHxSEN SNI lii N
jected by Athletic Board of -
Th' bar rii ta N;icihignx
,bal nt. itdra frm h Conx
lxxxiiia' lixxfr xhe ree.
the "le,;fou " ara gem ntx ai lflxxii
at xx xi present t ie:'xxx
f, lto" itxte h 'iii xxi-Mxx lxx i .
the lul xiat lh x letic hoard ifxrlxtitsi meet-
in-lat[ig t i .i ndentx iti on x ire-xi
'Imingwitth~ alwasieck lan th
tvh lc.clicsio of .Mihian' rlaionxx
xi~r te ls the deci sixx stepsx of
xxx' x'xte c~'iixxli1xxx f the proscrxxibedx
xxi o .orre uii ng theill iiii ex-giameix'irii
xxiiithe x i xxx Nr ac s ih i rsfill
lighting trength. i xhiii lsox ean tha
tth'n Pen~vco ic;to:1 t A h t-niexiittx
x~i,\ d iatti'ii'iiotiieii hanicappei d l
l,} the It", lof .siveriiiixi rx.x i chxixg xiii
%v I be g i xiive c lxgamesii iiirdexirxtox
ix, xxxiiifor t ihe xiiiniyigame i, xxxiiihey
xxxiii i llxxl;tiixav the a iinta es
of crl} rainngan u limied n mbe '
of ~ uc; ad taiin tlxx xi'I'll(-xx
Cif ic rulingii xx not mater ily
;eif x, xichxxi xig i asl:ii soxx thex
cage ofl ast nxi ght nei itheri' xdecrxea'xxi
nor the lchace iof xxixiiixxxi
xxiii xxvales-Iti stayiihe.i however, Nithat
; d lve-aml i i tatIion, i nce;''' i ch-
ix n hxxx il\iixdo iflu'gaunlet Iii
bexuevhlHniapedinixxheii Coi
lx xii N ixtat ee e tJ ne n 11
xxxl Mx ichlxigix not x affectedxx xx asi no
gamihi e eenxci duldxith et
ern Confcicncc li'iiiii* andiinonie prob-i
aktllhifio hageismaeinih
C'onferen'e ntlcx
The i lxx' i xixx l,includi the irx-
xxi lxxxiof xxii xi xligimxslfor fourxi
xxx t ow i th xxii .iii xx i son s x iiin
:mii Nlxix xxxi i, tiaxnevirirecixvedxithxii
faor hereiat lxx m, xx C icgx lkdi
uponi the i g, four"Ixi propitionxil asii a
,clttirl of t e vcten thic ix xli -
t xxxi xxxiifourigame xi of basecallxwithx
c llag 'a xxxied \ iia' lxeintixy
xino te ] atxxx xter xiiigi Cxxxixals
iaiprovedi TheN foothalliiiatexxithCase. y
Oiox Statlxxxi ixixi i Itlianxx'lxxiiii l-.x
Tihe'Kansax'ixlxxi xiibm' c hasixjstl ixxsscd
a biliiaxppiropxriatinlxxx$8,3x13toitheiistxati
univii ty. Of xi , $41ixxxoo )i
uniixerxixix andithiiibalancexis four iix
erecixi xxioni xiwbildiixxs. A.gncrxai
engxxieering buxiilx xxildg crs ig'$1 .o,ii, x
xxix'ixxxx e gineeilxii ixring b iig xxo cxxxt
and airaxi xlhopixloxiosti$7750 arc
ixixilithe nii impovmetsth ui
haixx'ili sason arcliiixliil icomleti ei..andi
axii g'ilxsiwioixrxcintexrsxdin theiiigamiii
iby Saturd'aixy. Studei'ntsxwhioihavxe xlii
xalre'xdiy ''rxgiterxd iniithiiix' ta'iii
xxxter iielxnoli requ'ired gx'xi
iixiii xxirm o k fxxx the mliii xxiii ofx the
portant ixx'ric'i'e Sturda at i' 'cl'' k
lGix xixcls neetdi'nthei meii areilso
urgedi Ito come to theii i practisforit,
andii xiall iiixiiho x w ish to take xprt xnxiny xo
1) itrS ll . v lxx x x xxx x
N:\i lxxino aion inii itline 'xy of pecixlly
plannediby 'tiecxxixxixx'xVrinciifoxi
'i i'hur iday xeven i x. Nxxary xaiiliihe xac-
cxxiis xisor xies e lo lic ly wilb
prcre xnxerit at x anxiliix ieni i
gireaterxthanitie lixiin hasx hretlfor
i'xtirrex in islxiimanne 'rx. 'xxx x''xxx
Buelowx of1 Dliritxxco xxxsihadlsixteenx
x)lcars' iexirienein pepingxx sxxxiiri
Buloxii poides flrxceneryxxxx' xii
cxial x'fo'r'"Dx'rxxix'ix li ii'iia," niti illi'
helixtheilmostlilxpenive settxxing everi
tixxe xxth ixd xil int'iorixx w 'xxi thieixrlx iii
dence'xxxf aixcount'ryxx iii'lx' xcx. Mix
Buei liii xaxiihereirexxentli to i'getx'm'e xii
uremenltiiiflthexlstage axdxisxlnow Ipaint-
willixoxxiiilixiprepa'rexthe i iceneryx lbut
will xhave xtxe xxaixgeme xtxifxall ithe
stg xstingsion thinight ofxix ine plxay.xir
spec ii i iiiaef sb ig Maxiei xoxiir xxa iii
costixxi hichliii sikinglyuitedxxi xti
th chxracters, ad rhexmost'effeivxexiarexx
saxi ii I xiix ii ' lxiih h ntng s its '.sIdin lxxx
tumeii'iwhichisixolxhexxdicidedily grotes'queix
Vl ix xixxxi xiliecig uedinth iferenixaki-
upxxixlxxiieixsuppiliedxbuy Srs . Alen, of
hoin chax~i rg ,ofiihe xi'hexrxsxlsxof
edyis pax riixixulalylefeive'xxxx acxc'uti
toi eachi xxxi situaionxi. hxxixxly ldi
xrousxxisxa ldrunkn scxneiii'iiiwxhici laxxi
NN'odruxxff takexs xix.telleainglxxx. A
anotheixr tiiieIaixba iietx of ixsupxosed roses
lxxxix xxii txxxhe xxxi. filed w ih wixner-
wx'rsxxxanxdiihlixandllnxg o isxliisiua-
txionis xpectxedxxto affoxrdl iuxihx amusei-
Thelxx'ctoxrs arex rehearxsing daily. lEaci
lerxoix xxllthe.castisxxrexcxing priat
ished pl rdxciois ra id'lly xappeacring.
yeaxr lxxs aggxrgatig aoxuxil$37,00,
University Faces a Financial Crisis xxxiiix'x xliiic, cIxIxIxgix llxthli hllxii
in Which Underclass Activities Nlniii ixi 1irxxlIN(x, xiiMNaillx xtxxet.
ntroduce Complications. 1Nsorxlxxxx xxixxxiilxxix lxxxix xixxx~s iiix
c1 i''iiixii oft x l.' ixlali x'iile'i'a11x111ii xx
'Ih ip crasillt 'I( po i1e1 lrn 1r lh .x ;,;tralil w' rvs
xxix xxx xof thel _Ix xxiiit a e ictly ;11( li'x lxxi, l b ii1i ixxx MNilloixll ( 'xI-
xxxcl~c( ih xix xiii xxi x ital)IcIilim :,xx 'xxx t ~e~ix x '' N;ii
whic l hasx xx IwcIvv I the flii - xx ix Ix "xxxi I. xxxiiicI ( al oc-ctr ;n
xai I t l tCxxi xxx i xl ( 01i1111xx at' ills par the t i t1;!rxliii 11ii o8N 1111(lx rackx wil
lxiiinlxxi xi xixix xiiimelllal(fr ocekaI,1 ~l~ I, xi " hh i ' thii'' ii ix
xxiii lxxxiii lixa cc iliii x iiiii iii Pickt 1ab ~ti lxilcx xfrol) NN'Ix
xxxde Thiliie lxx ii ~ xi xluteriIs now as ing T I' iiiix I 14)1 on ,11(1 xxiii n
thei Ma' " l e- 1 'ixiii x llre for li111
lxiii wh xxich i is lmostiux i ce xx 'xx x iiisx1a s ll I' 1\ i NIx xl( iI
the ax''xxxxxxxxx r''x''xx l i N i g-illxx'''xxx11'1[,iii NN iii \'1"'l 1Xii ' 1"1?iii 111.1,
xxiMii" x i 1,111(1 ll() [711(' xxiii iii li 1111liii
l hose ix'xrsx' in tiei (,iii I l iii iil j
lxsatxpaer xan itat ihe ei re aIffair
xxx l lxii iiiu i'i'iiii'e iii lii iiiii' and
I'lix' )''''"xxtnia s ccl wil prsci
1xc i ('i'i'iiuii r'''x lxiii -J.
T iA I ii'i'ixr ( '. N.VlRuby,
lgsao (nwl ts xiuxx' ii xii" ' t~x'x'' ix'xulxi i'iuiiixx'xA M MII ixuiuxxxit l()fthe Nixxixx (%'
lthatithexxxaxiii xix iii .ill appri ateilul ir lx i I I ttNh xxxiiai )),e}
lxx illicaix xi 'ii'"liii ii Si'~i"wi l ixfuriulill centl l xi 1ii'x11, las xassexu byxl it(- x'Iow'ai
C(Iln(niii iii xxInii i xx iii iii lix thi s II x lix ii t n l i lii ixuxux
xxxiii t 4) gi t" lxxxiiir xits xxiiranv s re Ja le I lgaii an
strfeth St de t i )!n , I ,,i xV l laA.I- V(Iixi hi le ft(, xxix' 'xxxiir kV
Speial exix 'uii'ithiis lixusxxx .i.iiliixnd {'xxi' XV.n
T e ll f uri ncreasediii" xxxiiiaiii i ii 1 1111111 at~n o)
day. Ii the xx'iixxl'ix-i xiim'ean'txxux xuuime e 1H ss tn l ux' xxxxxxixx'x'xxirefrain
FREliSHil 'lli I II IliN'l' .Ni i\VN'l IOF 1,t)\INl(IiVilS
in theii ii xltr liii ba k tb ll i-ie ' las
maxxirg ''i ,in o mw ipint tex i nalxx '(mi ll
andix inauracy x'ii i ' lxxiixbaslxxiii.xxxix
fis lf endlixdlxwithlthe egi neeri7 Ica
in lxt ,Ii x hiei'il' oxxdx'h'l'xx' i tNI lbxit
one mx inuteixxxxx'er lxi, ii' iic~r e ga t
lxx xxxiiare I rix ile l ixixfliture.
priclil een.Coxix x xirwer
chic lxxto eachixother, Ind hi lcx oxixl
wrisnxtx i n I ri s I. N "xfor xixfa :a
Vaxcxuh((xxxii .I,. V.N ..... i~xll.)
Nch er lxiii I.. C lgxiii
Co jui xx (C p . XX. C.(xx.xiii ly (Cap.
basketsi- NllnyxxFaiii a(;31 -xii;
fromi lxxx ixulil xxxni .t. tu imers'-
loka ii xI^ i es1,1, Scorers -lliiN
Nuxixux ix xndxii i dg 'xi''xixxx'x . xi
lix.N I gil 'S xxi.i x lI.ii %IIii Axx xi 1x
Nh F ?NTi xI''xI' xxIIIx iuxx)IxIyxiY
All thix crxx 'xxi l.rxmxti ' Itei' l Ncxl wi lli
Ie gxiven inderxx iii euu spx''xiiceii of two~u
uxuxcix xxx ixuxgllix'roups iixi. lxl xlatx4
woxxxix re coiallyxixnvitedx The play
lessie. Cass. liiieexeninugxxilxxlos
xxiih daning andxxiilighti xxlxx'xlxxxill-x
thei il ii' li pracice thatbod s w llixforxuli i-
for y ooarcwringhardxevery3111'
liiiixiii to indoor pract ice tahI iii xxii
xxr~m imslxxxiii 1 llsi' fiedlx' cxxxx-
tliii xx I i ic "xxxRegarxxing ' txxxi 'xx' xxxi
()Ill, up xx lx lxxi xiih iiis xxy xxi
"1;n v r u x'x'uxx''isedxthatlxxoix
in rtd n ttro '.Inx orderitx'iiixlii'ii uxl
xic i Jili n Iii ixiliu havei at leasti
(,irxiii Ii xxxx f ont whii t(xxxii s
lxxxs xx and second teams.i I I hopexx that lxx
xxxn'igbl, o ur o t.
Assii stn I xiii San'g' er i'ii' i s veryi- iigiul
sirii i th''iii he' inei ligl exxisei s alie
w .ith he-vait'y 'tcayml
Th iii x law banquetxi toxxi exii ld i
t xxi a teC')l Ilxi ipr'i ses lxxii
he ()rte i lf the iiisx events lin flux istoryi'
i n ixte id Xlc I n seivIra l 4 lthem ill
re xifir lxoxcxct . lfuxililix I lxx lx iii
Fishe'; orhetr wil urishixither
mak' lA, inf x lxxoial p xxiiislth-
Ax o',c lck .:l i llx beixsxi a'exxi txxx lljoy' i
was sent ito ith ipress xia 7 i, pracical-x
lyiAite ruird op b ing ixtitha
ixpresses Surprise at the Lack of a
Common Meeting Place For
Michigan Students.
ai i'ixrUiiii l ' mee ingxx placii' fix' ltxe i
irr cctu exl xaix.ll iehixlxixuxuxostxxxi-
111any'ing lx lkeit beforcxl. I i t,
xxx u xi' iiliiix lxi x iiiiifrtto ro xxatso gie il
a u ivrsty cmid av ix ii xso lxxxii
li iid, collegexi' life i'e'teir'i'x ii l oii ar
111111 i' l ;1i1(illxx al inx' tanxgx eixxxxxx
li xi cicx' ,xx aix e hellx il l xxi lhinix-i
t~tlxxxxx" txeii i'" xxi hii'lu i xxx xxxii lxx-
thing i l w ichi lixuihihi xii xifli libehind
IfradColl and x li xl lcaplxx
backe aii. lxx i, bx thipulxxic andi xinotx xy
pl~te ndtidn liishouldii Saleiitoii
xxxne us Is lx iii dly.,, xxi xxi i
he icioi ,xxx ofxxxxalxl iii xxi li xy''
"seem the samei "houghuu tliouty
lion'between theicast and west illxth
matteri oflinte.'llectua'lixiixi iity. u uuinixyt .
(hvebrdinth taiioaly xxxxx'lxl x
lxix uxuonx Xxxi xx xx xxxxxxx im. Ni.
1 xxk ;iii I ami suri sedhi toil fin(du
thatiAmeicanlreporirs s lxxxi x I"
,hirtlxa'ilx.'x 11 i n lllxx asii xi o l xxxil '
expert x 'i'~'xx x x i lxxxrlhe, ;tnrtIii xgxxixx
liii lxxxiiic xxo o i lexA lxxi
xxxii. Nhaitiwexgxetxoiiiixily arei noti
axiiuuxxlxi tremendous x Nef ct xix ian jour-
' riu. It iv successfxxixpi rha'p'ixxxix
theignorantxlxxi, but haslnoxeffectiuponxti
lxtter xhas s ipy com, ti thi: ilx o
see alli itemui' e, yonul hliuxux ill
if il ,'Moxtherix'x e o r, 3i xi xxiiii. Yllowx
lo llnalism pray provx'xxa isl-or' i vexxx
acxixiuxi cxit wllchx kthx''ges
lxx i~qil'xx h x i th u prxi'x"cu- ffi rs, x
Ix'. itelxuux an x h'e'lxix mxx i' lx' andxixxu xxii
' lledii luwuii''xli i iiiiiii x. Oneiii' rtc
and l'rge, sxigliy xixixuxeyupu.
door iimall, 'th xxsai, oiiiixi thatxxin x
thei' floiii' aiisi' pentii h erolx i ncelx ri s x
Iii' xigretiiied, I xxxx xx, glxtxxislxxwalkixxg
tip hiidlxxixtii broxugh intlxmorexuxc'osexly
litear work,'iilie hs lradypulihe
liiimberxxfxxooks in sbetsi n xx lii xliy
lhe. isx aicxulx'y iiiteres'ted',ianxxexx
lxxii ito xxxIito thelxx litini lie lxxxi
future'x. f'iixAxxatcxxxiient, uchxweve', xnxx«gx
tii xine or ixgxg ix his ttnton