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April 08, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…Michigan tennis supplements. See SPORTSmonday Pages 4 and 5. Since 1890 j 9 3W TODAY Breezy, cloudy, rain; High: 74, Low: 48. TOMORROW Cloudy cooler; High: 64, Low: 36. Vol. Cl, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, April 8,1991 ; e Police Bush visit prompts identify accident "Vc tim by Jesse Snyder Daily Staff Reporter * Ann Arbor police have identified the body of the jogger killed by a hit-and-run driver last Thursday near the int...…

April 08, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…Here's mud - er, I mean tear gas in your eye. The Ann Arbor police paid no regard to gas etiquette in clearing South U. Monday night, and the students' attitude was not much better. Tommy Stinson's no longer just a 'Mat - he's doing his own thing with a new band, Bash 'n' Pop, which plays the Pig tomorrow night. Hail to the Victors! Even though the men's basketball team lost to Duke, they're still #1 in our hearts. Fans flooded Crisler Arena...…

April 08, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

… The University should be commended for trying to be one of the first schools to benefit from President Clinton's new service plan. WEEKEND etc. Now that the New York City, Athens and Seattle music scenes are a thing of the past, check out why Boulder, Colo., is now the biggest buzz. SOT WEATHEa- The Michigan baseball team lost yet another game yesterday. The Wolverines fell to Eastern Michigan, 4-2. I I. Today Warm and wet; High 63, Lo...…

April 08, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…FRIDAYFocus IiiEM Page 3 IC 9*1 trail po U" One hundred three years of editorial freedom Community unites to help women to 'Take Back the Night' By JUDITH KAFKA DAILY STAFF REPORTER For women who never leave their Iomes past dark without clutching a can of mace, for women who stay in at night rather than risk being at- tacked on the streets, for women who feel dependent because they always have someone walk them home, Take Back the Night...…

April 08, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…'cragw .t Weather Tonight: Cloudy, scattered flurries, low 24. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high around 43. One hundredfve years of editonal freedom Monday April 8, 1996 Bargaining talks fail; GEO to walk out By Anupama Reddy Daily Staff Reporter Despite 38 hours of non-stop bar- gaining last week, the Graduate Em- ployees Organization and University &gaining teams have left the table without reaching an agreement. The immediate result is a t...…

April 08, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…t: 476-DAILY vertising: 764-0554 , trru 1aiW One hundred siv years ofeditoniafreedom Tuesday April 8, 1997 ists reveal booster may have helped recruiting Heather Kamins nd Ajit K. Thavarajah aily Staff Reporters Examination of the Michigan basketball am's complimentary ticket lists show that it booster Ed Martin may have acted as a iter for the team. In a March investigation of the ba:tketball rogram, Michigan Coach Steve Fisher is quo...…

April 08, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…2~'Elan tj ews: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom Wednesday April 8, 1998 F S e )ialogue addresses race y Rachel Edelman aily Staff Reporter Through protest and discussion, about 400 students k part in a town hall meeting in the Union oom last night as part of the President's Initiative n Race, President Clinton's program to stimulate dia- gue about racial issues across the nation. Before the dia...…

April 08, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…2l ia tti hIA'&0%6160&W earnd >r roday: Partly cloudy. High 68. L ow 45. onorrow: Cloudy. igh 65. One hundred eight years of ed rialfredom Thursday April 8, 1999 tackson to speak about diversity y Saur e )ily Staff Reporter University students interested in hear- ng about issues of diversity in educa- ion, voting and activism from one of the nost well-known orators in the world hould plan on getting a seat in Hill kuditorium tomorrow mor...…

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