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April 08, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-04-08

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earnd >r
roday: Partly cloudy. High 68. L ow 45.
onorrow: Cloudy. igh 65.

One hundred eight years of ed rialfredom

April 8, 1999

to speak
y Saur e
)ily Staff Reporter
University students interested in hear-
ng about issues of diversity in educa-
ion, voting and activism from one of the
nost well-known orators in the world
hould plan on getting a seat in Hill
kuditorium tomorrow morning.
k Rev. Jesse Jackson is scheduled
o iver a speech - free of charge -
itled "America Must Leave No One
3ehind" to members of the University
nd Ann Arbor community at 10:30 a.m.
Jackson's last campus visit was in the
all of 1996 on his "get out the vote tour,"
aid LSA junior Brenda Robinson,
ackson's niece and coordinator of the
esse Jackson Programming Initiative.
Tomorrow he also will address voter
registration and
Robinson said, as
well as the issues
of affirmative
action and "peo-
ple's responsibili-
ty to the democra-
tic process"
Robinson said
other students
ackson have made it
KW nto her that because the issue of
Lfirmative action is so prevalent on
ampus - and because of limited
ccess to black leaders - they wished
o have an outspoken leader who would
peak on the subject.
"People need the opportunity to
ecome informed from someone who is
well-versed on this issue" and its impact
n other colleges and universities across
he country, Robinson said. "There are a
1oA people who are not fully aware of
h tricacies of this policy."
Jackson readjusted his schedule to
isit the University, she said, because "I
hink he sensed the urgency and fervent
desire to have him here"
But Robinson stressed the fact that
iffirmative action will not- be the only
:omponent of his speech.
"He is here to deliver a message that
he whole entire University community
: efit from," she said. "He wants
oMch out to a variety of groups and
:ducate his audience on these impor-
ant issues."
Dina Anderson, a spokesperson for
ackson who works for the
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition - a Jackson-
ounded organization where he current-
y serves as president and Chief
Executive Officer - said the concept
behind the coalition and Jackson's belief
is to preserve the rights of all people.
he biggest misconception about
RerJackson is that he is pro-black,"'
Anderson said. "The Reverend pro-
notes the rights of all Americans."
Jackson's work encompasses a multi-
ude of different spheres, including the
>olitical, religious, activist, educational,
economic and social, but Anderson said
he main focus is always "leave no
American behind. We fight for the
downtrodden and under-served" despite
h6race, ethnicity or religion, she said.
Some of Jackson's current projects
nclude a conference to fight for "eco-
nomic inclusion into corporate
America" and a crusade to register peo-

ple to vote in the South.
On the political side, although
Anderson said Jackson is not planning
on running for president as he did in
See JACKSON, Page 2A

NATO presses
for increased


Shane Visser (front) and sister Katie Visser (back) enjoy the fun and games at the Feminist Fair
yesterday on the Diag as Arlel Ortiz looks on.


Feminist groups
celebrate on the Diag

The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - As the air campaign against
Yugoslavia entered its third week, NATO's top military
commander pressed yesterday for a dramatic increase in
firepower, reflecting concern that the bombing has been
too slow and too limited and, with ground troops ruled out,
may not produce results soon enough.
The request for more U.S. and allied warplanes, from
Gen. Wesley Clark, came as the Yugoslav and Serb leader,
President Slobodan Milosevic, gave indications that he
may be preparing to release three captured U.S. soldiers
and issue new proposals for a negotiated settlement in the
battered province of Kosovo.
"We're going to progressively intensify and tighten the
pressure," Clark said, signaling the alliance's commitment
to put more aircraft into the battle despite Milosevic's
cease-fire declaration and the beginning of what looked
like a bid for talks. In comments to reporters at a NATO
facility in Mons, Belgium, Clark added: "I'm looking at
various means to augment those forces ... both reconnais-
sance and strike and various other things."
While Clark offered few specifics, a senior NATO offi-
cer said the proposed buildup could involve "vastly
increased assets." And Defense Secretary William Cohen,
who met with Clark at Mons and held other consultations
at NATO headquarters in Brussels, said the supreme com-
mander will get what he asks for.
"Whatever General Clark feels he needs in order to carry
out this campaign successfully, he will receive' Cohen
said, reflecting broad support in opinion polls for the
Clinton administration's tough attitude in the conflict.
NATO warplanes and ships carried out another night of
attacks, hitting central Belgrade with three missiles in the
second major strike against the Yugoslav capital, news
agencies reported.
Reports were confused, meanwhile, about the fate of tens
of thousands of civilians from the Serbian province of
Kosovo who have fled or been driven from the country
since the air war began March 24. Macedonia abruptly
cleared about 40,000 from a fetid field where they had been
camped along the border, shipping some to camps inside
Macedonia and others to Albania, already swamped with
At the same time the flow of refugees out of Kosovo
ceased as Yugoslavia closed its borders with Albania and
Macedonia, U.S. officials and relief agencies reported.
Brian Atwood, administrator of the U.S. Agency for
International Development and the U.S. relief coordina-
tor, said he is "terribly concerned" about refugees pushed
back into the interior of Kosovo, where he said they
might be used as "human shields" against NATO
The refugees' plight and televised images of families have
See BALKANS, Page 7A

By Kristin Wright
Daily Staff Reporter
The Committee for Renewal in
Kosovo is asking area churches,
temples, mosques and synagogues to
participate in a weekend of prayer
for the people of Kosovo.
Suzanne Camino, a Rackham
graduate student specializing in
Albanian music and Albanian cul-
ture, Elvira Hoxha, a Public Policy
student and Frances Trix, an anthro-
pology professor at Wayne State
University, formed the committee
last Friday as Serbian forces began
to deport and kill Kosovo Albanians
in attempts to reclaim the land that
the Serbians claim as their own.
Camino said the purpose of the
prayer weekend is "to try to counter
some of that hate with the infusion
of prayer and love."
"We couldn't get over there and
protect people," Trix said. "But we
could send prayers."
The three women initially met to
practice speaking Albanian but their
focus digressed to Kosovo politics.
About 50 churches in the Ann
Arbor and Ypsilanti area plan to
include a prayer for Kosovo in their
religious service this weekend,
Camino said.
The prayer, composed by the three
co-directors of the committee, sends
a message of compassion and hope
to Albanian refugees, suffering
Albanians still in Kosovo, those who
have died because of the turmoil in
See PRAYERS, Page ?A


By Risa Berin
Daily Staff Reporter
Although a male was the one falling into a
pool of cold water in the dunking tank on the
Diag yesterday, organizers of the first Feminist
Fair say the event was not about male-bashing
but about the celebration of feminism.
LSA junior Lara Zador, one of the event's
organizers, said the purpose of the fair was not
to promote negativity but rather female
empowerment. Zador said she felt an event of
this nature was necessary since many of the
events during the academic year focus on the
more negative aspects of womanhood.
"The focus is often on the more problematic
things involving womanhood such as domestic
violence. Instead of another vigil, this event is
a celebration of women," Zador said.

Zador wore a crown and ribbon that read
"Ms. Feminism" but Zador said her attire was
mockery of the real beauty queen pageants.
Zador also carried a purse filled with condoms
and tampons to distribute to participants at the
fair. The tampons were not the usual Tampax or
Playtex brand, but a brand called Natracare that
according to Zador, is made without chlorine
and dioxins, making the product both safe for
the environment and safe for women.
"I am a figure of passive beauty today. My
role is one of education and conmunity
involvement," Zador said.
The event, sponsored by the Undergraduate
Women's Studies Association, was created just
two weeks ago. In addition to the dunk tank,
booths for tarot card reading and hena decorat-
See WOMEN, Page 2A

Key Polish political leaders
study '89 round table talks

By Ray Kanla
and Asma Rafeq
Daily Staff Reporters
Ten years ago it seemed unlikely that
Poland could revolt against commu-
nism and trade it in for a new democra-
tic regime - much less without a drop
of blood shed.
But the Polish Round Table Talks of
1989 brought an end to 40 years of
authoritarian rule, and last night those
who made it happen came to Rackham
Auditorium to examine what lessons
could be learned from their experi-
More than 300 academics, political
and religious leaders and students gath-

ered to begin a four-day conference
commemorating the historic negotia-
Panelists at the forum included
former prime minister of Poland
Mieczylaw Rakowski, former mem-
ber of parliament Wieslaw
Chrzanowski and Adam Michnik,
one of the leading social activists
who fought for Polish democracy in
the 1989 discussions.
The conference, titled
"Communism's Negotiated
Collapse: The Polish Round Table,
Ten Years Later," will continue
through Saturday when the Polish
President Aleksander Kwasniewski

will share his experience as a Round
Table participant on the communist
"Those who favor peaceful ways of
resolving conflict face similar ques-
tions" Michnik said. "How can one
think of making a pact with an enemy?
But what you've got to come to terms
with is that needs to be done precisely
because he's an enemy - with who else
would you negotiate?"
Michnik, whose comments were
translated for the audience through
headphones, posed this question to the
audience, describing the spirit of the
Round Table talks.
See POLISH, Page 7A

Activist Adam Michnik confers with former Polish prime minister Mieczyslaw
Rakowski and former member of Polish parliament Weislaw Chrzanowski last night
at Rackham auditorium.


waily to assess affirmative action attitudes
The Michigan Daily will conduct the first comprehensive survey of student
opinions on affirmative action and admissions policies at the University.
The survey, designed in conjunction with the Department of
Communications Studies and the Institute for Social
Research, will be a probability sample of 1,600
University students, selected at random from all current-
ly enrolled University students.
Students selected to take the survey will receive an
e-mail with the subject heading, "Michigan Daily
Student Survey"
To ensure all University students are represented, a
high level of participation is required. If you receive
an e-mail with this subject line, please respond as
soon as possible. The survey takes about 15 minutes
to complete.
The results of the survey will be reported in a series
of articles in the Daily in the coming weeks.

IRS tax deadlines add to
jA students' April woes

By Calle Scott
Daily Staff Reporter
In the month of April, it's hard to tell who's more
taxing - University professors or the IRS.
With deadlines looming, many students are
scrambling to keep both parties happy.
Engineering senior Osiris Garcia said he is plan-
ning to do his taxes this weekend. He added he is
dreading them not because the process is difficult,
but because they are "just tedious."
LSA senior Chris McGinley said he hasn't done

selves in a similar predicament, there is help avail-
The campus chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the
national accounting fraternity, is rendering its ser-
vices to University students and members of the
Ann Arbor community through its Voluntary
Income Tax Assistance program.
They offer sessions for tax payers to talk one-on-
one with members of Beta Alpha Psi, who can
answer questions and assist people with their tax
forms, said the fraternity's Vice President of Service
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