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April 08, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-04-08

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Tonight: Cloudy, scattered
flurries, low 24.
Tomorrow: Partly sunny,
high around 43.

One hundredfve years of editonal freedom

April 8, 1996

Bargaining talks fail; GEO to walk out

By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite 38 hours of non-stop bar-
gaining last week, the Graduate Em-
ployees Organization and University
&gaining teams have left the table
without reaching an agreement.
The immediate result is a two-day
GEO work stoppage beginning today.
"It is not a protest. It is a picket line,"
said GEO spokesperson Pete Church.
"If you cross the picket line, it's not a
neutral statement. It's a statement
against the individuals who are fighting
for a living wage and a fair contract.
"It's a matter of social justice."
niversity chief negotiator Dan
Gamble said he did not believe there
was a clear definition of what crossing
a picket line meant.
"A picket line is in the eyes of the
beholder," Gamble said. "It's all an
individual's decision. I'm sure that ev-
eryone is not going to feel that deeply
about it."
Provost J. Bernard Machen said the
walk-out should not be observed by the
iversity community.
W"The strike is not in the best interest
of the University and GEO," Machen
said. "Our faculty and staff should not
honor the strike."
Some students said they understood
?trrested at
sports bar
By Barry Sollenberger
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan quarterback Brian Griese
was arrested at about midnight Satur-
y for an undisclosed charge outside
corekeepers, a local sports bar, two of
its employees confirmed yesterday.
Griese, 21, who will have junior eli-
gibility next fall, was removed from the
bar, according to a Scorekeepers
bouncer who asked not to be named.
Griese then proceeded to shatter the
bar's main window, the bouncer said.
"There was a little incident in the bar
d we just kicked (Griese) out," the
uncer said. "We pushed him out the
door and locked it. A couple of minutes
later, the window shattered. He either
hit it or threw something at it. We're not
really sure."
The bouncer confirmed that Ann
Arbor Police Department officers then
arrested Griese in the parking structure
south of the bar.
The bouncer said Griese was visibly
intoxicated while inside the bar.
"He was almost to the point where he
,uldn't talk or stand," the bouncer
Griese would not confirm or deny
that he was arrested, but said that he
did not expect any long-term conse-
quences to come out of Saturday's
"I'm not going to comment about it,"
Griese said. "I don't know the situation
onwhat is going to happen. The charges
I dropped and that is the end of the
AAPD officials would not comment
yesterday on the arrest. The
University's Department of Public
Safety was not involved in the off-
campus incident.
Griese was apparently accompanied
by other football players inside the bar.
"I know that he was with some foot-
ball players," said Andy Eisenberg, a

Sok at Scorekeepers. "But which ones,
4 on't know."
Michigan football coach Lloyd Carr
said he knew nothing of the incident.
"I'll obviously have to talk to Brian
(today) and rind out what happened,"
Carr said. "Other than that, I have no
Scorekeepers manager Eric Rogers
said he would not comment at this time
on the details of the situation.
"We want to find out what's going on
"nd make sure everything is finished up
before commenting on it," he said.
Griese is the son of Pro Football
Hall of Fame quarterback and ABC
announcer Bob Griese. He took over
as the Wolverines' starting quarter-
back for the injured Scott Dreisbach in

GEO's position but questioned the timing
and effectiveness of a two-day walk-out.
"The way I see it is the (GSIs) de-
serve the pay raise," said Engineering
first-year student James Tallman. "I'm
paying money to go here, so I deserve
the chance to go to class.
"Especially being so close to exam
time, it's really crucial that I go to class."
LSA first-year student Kelly
Klemstine agreed.
"I understand that they aren't being
treated the way they want to be treated,"
Klemstine said.:"1 understand their prob-
lem, but I also think it is pretty close to
"I wonder what a two-day work stop-
page will do."
However, LSA senior La Tonya
Sutton said she fully supported GEG's
work stoppage because GSIs do much
of the grading and teaching.
"I think GEG (members) do a lot of
work," Sutton said. "They need to be
respected and rewarded. I believe what
they are asking for is not an unfair thing."
The University and GEO engaged in
non-stop bargaining beginning last Tues-
day underthe conditions ofa media black-
out and closed discussions to non-bar-
gainingmembersofGEO. When the mara-
thon bargaining session ended Friday,
both parties spoke about the session.

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Professors to hold classes
off campus due to strike

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Picket signs sit in GEO offices Saturday night as GSis prepare for their two-day
work stoppage. Members worked Saturday to make signs and picket schedules.

By Anupama Reddy
Daily Staff Reporter
The University administration has
taken a hard line against staff and fac-
ulty members who plan tojoin the picket
lines set up by the Graduate Employees
Organization today and tomorrow.
"I've written a letter encouraging
all faculty and staff not to walk out,"
said Provost J. Bernard Machen.
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg sent an
e-mail message to LSA faculty in-
structing those teachers who do not
report to class to inform the adminis-
tration so those wages can be deducted
from their paychecks.
However, the administration's warn-
ing has not deterred some professors
from canceling, rescheduling or mov-
ing classes to off-campus locations.
Sociology lecturer Holly Peters-
Golden said GEO's cause was worth
any money that might be deducted
from her paycheck.
"On balance, having my salary
docked for one day pales in compari-

son to showing my support for GEO,"
Peters-Golden said.
English Prof. Richard Tillinghast
said he believes in the importance of
graduate student instructors. He said
he would also support the two-day
walk-out by holding his class at the
Delta Delta Delta sorority house at its
regularly scheduled time.
"I think GEO is full of people who
do a lot of things for faculty,"'
Tillinghast said."1 think theyare over-
worked and underpaid."
Machen said the administration has
not yet decided if it will dock pay for
faculty and staff members who do not
cross the picket lines.
"We have not decided on that,'
Machen said. "We expect all faculty
and students and staff to go to classes
tomorrow. That's their job."
Peters-Golden said she appreciated
the clarification ofthe administration's
position on faculty involvement in the
work stoppage, but she would still
join the picket line.

GEO President Scott Dexter said the
negotiations reached a stalemate on the
issues ofwages and international gradu-
ate student instructor training.
"The University was unwilling to
bargain on a mandatory subject of bar-
gaining - international GSIs," Detxer
said. "They also said they would refuse

to bargain on wages until (international)
GSI training was dropped. That's ille-
gal according to state law,"
Gamble said the main contention on
paying international GSIs for their three-
week summer training was their classifi-
cation as employees or students during
See GEO, Page 3A


5,000 attend Diag
rally; 68 arrested

By Will Weissert
Daily Staff Reporter
The beating of drums, large clouds of
thick smoke floating over diverse
crowds of supporters and onlookers, T-
shirt hawkers, police officers, and of
course the pungent smell of marijuana
signaled only one thing - it was Hash
Bash time again.
The Easter holiday and the chilly
afternoon did not slow the roughly 5,000
people who crowded the Diag to hear
10 speakers sing the praises of mari-
juana and blast the government, presi-
dent and police officers for trampling
on the rights of Americans, from noon
until 1 p.m. Saturday.
"The war on drugs is a war on the Bill
of Rights," proclaimed marijuana legal-

juana laws that took effect after the end
of his legal battle in 1971 have prooved
that pot smokers everywhere should
not face harsh government restrictions
and penalties. "We've had 25 years of
$5 tickets - and now $25 tickets -
and nothing has happened," he said.
"The city hasn't crumbled: It's a beau-
tiful day and people here are smoking
pot - so what?"
While the bash's speakers preached
their beliefs, organizers, supporters and
students smoked pot in a variety of
ways. Organizers and onlookers on the
steps of the Graduate Library defiantly
puffed away at large joints behind the
makeshift podium.
Others invented ways to hide their
smoking from the more than 60 Depart-

Dady ization advocate
Marvin Marvin.
Some of the
afternoon's head-
line speakers in-
cluded Chef Ra of
High Times
Magazine, the
"Lone Reefer"
and Dan Vites of
the National Or-
ganization for the
Reform of Mari-
juana Laws.
This year's 25th

We thought it
was important to
get hi - we still
- John Sinclair
Marijuana activist

ment of Public
Safety, Michigan
State Police and
W a s h t e n a w
County Sheriff's
officers patrolling
the Diag, by plant-
ing it in tobacco
and clove ciga-
DPS reported
68 arrests, mostly
for possession of
intoxication or ille-

marijuana, public

annual Hash Bash

also had a historical focus, highlighted
by the remarks of local Ann Arbor activ-
ist John Sinclair.
Sinclair was arrested in 1969 for pos-
session of two joints and sentenced to
10 years in prison, but fought the charge
to the Supreme Court. He was released
from prison after 2 1/2 years and his
legal battle prompted the change of
strict marijuana penalties.
"My role was to challenge the uncon-
stitutionalityoftheselaws," Sinclair said.
"We thought it was important to get high
- we still do. If it makes you happy and
doesn't hurt anyone else, go ahead."
Sinclair said the more lenient mari-

gal merchandising. DPS Sgt. Jesse
Lewit said this year's Hash Bash was
not more rowdy or problematic than
usual. "They all start looking the same
after a while," he said.
The Ann Arbor Police Department also
patrolled off-campus areas around the
Diag during Saturday's festivities. Sgt.
Chris Heatley estimated that AAPD made
five arrests and handed out 20 marijuana-
related violations. "For the most part, the
crowd was very peaceful," he said.
Hash Bash organizer Adam Brook
said he was pleased with this year's
turnout. "There are a lot more people
smoking-ha ha-I mean, supporting
See HASH BASH, Page 2A

Kaczynski investigation continues in Mont and Calif

From Staff and Wire Reports
Federal investigators are searching both
Theodore Kaczynski's past and his mountain cabin
for information linking him to the Unabomber's
trail of destruction.
U.S. attorneys from California, New Jersey, Mon-
tana and Utah are scheduled to meet today in Wash-
ington, D.C., to discuss where to hold the trial.
Tony Bisceglie, the Washington lawyer who acted

Attorneys to select suspect's trial site

it is unlikely the case would be tried in state court,
as California Gov. Pete Wilson has requested.
"The track record of criminal cases in the federal
court is somewhat better than it is in most state
courts, and I think the department and the attorney
general will be much more comfortable having it

University of California, Berkeley chairman J.W.
Addison wrote Kaczynski's University thesis ad-
viser Allen Shields of his unexpected resignation
from the California university.
"He submitted his resignation last year quite out
of the blue," Addison wrote. "He said he was

in a Helenajail. He has been charged in federal court
with possession of bomb-making materials,
The charge is intended to keep Kaczynski in
custody while investigators build a case against
him forthe Unabom attacks that killed three people
and injured 23 in nine states over the past 18 years.
As federal agents searched for proof that
Theodore Kaczynski left his Montana cabin to
mail bombs, two people said yesterday they had



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