December 05, 1892

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December 05, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…I/A Of WWI r VOL. II.-No. 4. FOR THE THIRD TIME. Ninety-three Lits Win the Rugby Banner, Defeating the '93 Laws 12 to O. The decisive game is the aninual alte-class series ofi Roue, ganses swas psilayd aturd i)aylateinoontl 1 thi tleiildIetwiein the sen01io ;is ndsiortivilassthe lformcr beiiig N a torsoisus by[2to o0 Xniotie r 1ostooueil gamie eiiiis to1" i 1ad acrisisg'to the 'a Iedllie, ;;ti p ll it inoafet this t'Cstl rai Ic lie'ld iwsas...…

December 05, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFi.M. DAILY. yti fP ijihet tDily (Sndas excepted) durig the Colleege year, by THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. Probably the best playedl ted most interestitng game of footbsall its Ann Arbor thtis year seas playedi at thte athtletic lieldi, Satutrtday after- nloon. 'I'te greatest surprise of the gamee is regardto tsittdividuaal playing wsas the swork sfi Cottkling as htalf lunch. 'litte anst again he brstke ...…

December 05, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE, r ALOVERCOATS AT _L OFF.Yom nKlr, iv m nsHts - ~Ex(Istsite cGout s Illitison s, .Iaatli isibes, II onse Lobes, ALL SUITS AT. OFF.j Smoking JaI~ckets, _Pajamas, !Nigh1t Rob)es, I'errin'o ______ IDress and Walkinsg Gloves. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT _ I'{. HODGEMKN'S_ _ MACK1 IN rlSIIES See these bargains before buying. Earl & Wilson's Collars and Cliffs. WADHAM8,KENDc RU. THE TVVO Sf\M S. Ann Arbor Savings Bank...…

December 05, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…THE U.O . V1fDAIL fm.Y THAT'GIRL you left!, 001)$TII -l m behind you ]'isi e. il , il i i . ais'x ofstum nt Stringed Isrmn C..ALKINS' FINE Ciio0co- l ' -A- LATES WILSEY'S, Whel yo pr bone or hritmlcs. aei w.thi Pices) ,34 S5 State Street. j 55g mn n iein nLi. I'snlusthe mcd inn gracs to tiemhe)t0K infaactured' EXTIZA VALUE IN NATURANWOOL. Also tihe Well-Know~n WARNER'S EALTI- UNDERWEAR and WRIGIHT'S UNDERWEAR. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE...…

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