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December 05, 1892 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-12-05

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THE U.O . V1fDAIL fm.Y
THAT'GIRL you left!, 001)$TII -l m
behind you

]'isi e. il , il i i . ais'x ofstum nt
Stringed Isrmn
C..ALKINS' FINE Ciio0co- l ' -A-
Whel yo pr bone or hritmlcs. aei w.thi Pices) ,34 S5 State Street.
j 55g mn n iein nLi.

I'snlusthe mcd inn gracs to tiemhe)t0K infaactured'd.it

______Au ND COO 0 ( O STATE 5A0D00 IIJASTREE...TS.
UnvriyTexi.-Epooks l edlePI~~iiai 13inks, La ini ck, I )esl l I o,s. Stainie ti' -Note Ilimolcos. Blankim.Iok , stat moesx oue ,1,i taIargo
Stock of t ln and Esser IrĀ°< itsng.IIstromnes isat.
Our Stock. wil be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.

t1irtof,5 wsill di.-O le0 c i peiion ,iiboh sios ioed xten oo i varsitfst hI k .oe s5imi
Th'tour ittliens my La asee tue atshe east sisible c~oos wl,fm o. lesh
l ( t Pli'O l<. timDe. 2th, selli snsdiesad nuts a ihe olloing pres:
Stickc and Fine Mixed Candy, at -- 8C lper I11.
Choice Mixed Cream Candy, at - - - 12C
LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! ("rood Chocolate Candy, at - - - -14
Very Cleat Chocolate Candy, at - - - Zoe"
Mixed Nuto, at 15c per lb., or 2 lbs. far 25c.
We invite an inspectioofou socks.
-' '- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
BROW-N'S DRUG STORE.1 THE CAMPUS. The junior laws met Satorday
- morning to continne the election of
ilYo oo W V . Wertenberger, medic '92, officers. No quorumn being present,
has lorated ia St. Jooeph, AMo. they adjourned sulbject in the call
,'c oa SissvWiniosf i tols t H. D Wilbur, 'g; deal, madic a of the chair.
tur Sow indaowtt clla rofessional visitto Ha mbrg, Sat- joi .Mlsh a o
ur day. national reputation among college
GUITARS The classes in code pleadinsg swi1l and city V. Ml. C. A, men wxiii he in
AND have two recitatioins earlh this Ansi Arbor tse i Clii of this msonthi
PR ICES. weer.. to deliver ass address to the S. C. ..
Sections q15izze s i tixtures assd F. E. Janette delivered ass address
'RiE .ANN ARlIOIIOtRGAN CO., Easemeists bsegan today ansi conlin- at H-ancock, 1licls., before thse
35 sost inistsreet. ue tisroughout thse week. Altihodist people of thsat place, on
MICHIGAN tYENTDA I Dawsonanad Lyons, laws '92, have "Cleg< ay. M.> aelei
TieTal Reie). eh r0 ra formed a partnership aind opened an massaging editor cof the Daily Cop-
EAS r11. WS. a. in. office in iHeppner, Oregon. per journal.
5 ay ies__ n_>l i~a i-nxorss__s ;aT racy AMcGregor, of Detroitswill
N.s Liited t5 s las . s -p ' e :;Saturday afternoon Prof. det'ont
N.Y iitd i 5N .Lmtd95 address the 9:15 nmeeting ofus letrdbfe the Scos o ui
0. N. Espirc's-. as? . CIctgEpess C.A, ie5Sudy48oiin. on the "Htistory of Popular Sossgs
.slansiiexRpros.s so05Cii. Nighti h- ',105oIA fesw of the stadensts siiwiseuid o rne rmueEris tne
is. R. sxprss 10 - 40i 55 laoifc Fxiiiess__oN55 2a c,5r m h arist M e
iW 5'. iteac.. H. . HavEs, thseir holiday vacation isnlDetroit, Usntil the P'resenat.' ThEle lecture
1. P.a"5. Agena i.cageoes. Agt. Aim Arboir. eggs .M .A niso
engaed n V Al C.A. isso seas very issterestisig and wssvaried
FIRST NATIONAL BANK bork hr r. Scisissal I layisg soase if the
sir ANN ARBOR. 1) r. I-lercminassss to nice aci-
o pidal,'MO5)00iSisrilsiand P5rotits, $30,i000,rssdus . .A.SssongS.
ansac-,'! eniieisbanin~sg business,(fir- desd ha.C.A uday nsim- loss. C. 31. (Granst, J 5iice of tse
fors taeeri.. siir oas cdipe iro hg, but seasussasvoidably lpreveunted ssrsi or, nl etreo~'Ts
iupem Counticlllectuesonn"Th
s.wrC.JISNC isa
G.RcAc. NGEos, 5 'ii ies50. frosisdin soandaic1.r. CBosenssc- Esnforcensent of lase ''at the ices -
G NG RS cupied time timie. byterian church, Tu'sesday, at 7:-0
SO UA iN Cl b toIs:Ust p. ns. President Angell will lpreside.
Clb, Readings irons Dickens' Muisic wsill be furnished by the
nots Season, October, '92, to istay,'sa. Christmsas Carol, by Rev. John Snsy- Clsequansegn orchestra. Admsis-
ONR NEWS HALL is cenirally iocated andI der, of St. Luu; Inlasnd Leaune,
every provisiss has Seen maode to promotne the ionii5 isfree.
comfort of sur patros. There are no stai-s musical program. TePesCossilsie o r
in mount, the daneing room beinig on (lie TePesCu ilme o r
ground Blose. offieat acdemy, 6Marnrd-st. Professor Stanley swas assable to ganization Saturday next at5 p. us.
N Send sia2,,$2. or V350ElforeSam- meet the students for the practice of in Newberrylsall. All stadents who
t~Wh CADIES inn Aeri. ~college sn, aura:as he was isave had nww rexperience or
Put up so elegant hoses ood called to Detroit on business con- woitn neigtejunlsi
strictly puace. Suitableear ,woitn neigtejanlsi
PRESENTS. Express rharges nected with the World's Fairms-Poeso hudhn hir namesit
prepaid. RfrtalChcg . the committeeman of, their depart-
IC iflu T. F.c GUNTHER, desoefect ioer, cal committee. The practice will ment. Ladies are especially invited
C. F_ 212 Stte tr pobabl begin next Saturday. 1to join the club.


Call on Wmn. Fulde. time
't'aiilior, opiposite' tse LaiwcBusildinig, on
Willisos-st., first sloor west of iSte-st.
Cioaning repairisgiiand pressingidons neatly.
Ssuitoso oder aspcialty . All work first-cass.
33uy nAlarn Clock
sior have some Repairinsg done go is
' fm- Arlohkd, 36 Main Street
ffiYousire ini seedclof s i den
lDress Sit, 1lasisiess Suit, Osver-
cisat or assintli sig in omli line, call
ois Staffoird. Ms. Stafford is
agas indoisig isis ossn cuttinsg ansc
the diest graide ciiwoisk is sssred.
42 South $tate $treet.
Is the pilace ti gci for fisse'Tailoring.
Ile has tse mast oelect stockc of
iss Suitisigs, T'roiuserings, anud sancy
Silk Vestings in thme City, and
would be pleased to have you
call and examine., Ile
makes a specialty of
Full Dress Snits.

No. 2 E" Washaington-St.. Ann. Arbor.

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