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December 05, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-12-05

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VOL. II.-No. 4.
Ninety-three Lits Win the Rugby
Banner, Defeating the '93 Laws
12 to O.
The decisive game is the aninual
alte-class series ofi Roue, ganses
swas psilayd aturd i)aylateinoontl 1
thi tleiildIetwiein the sen01io
;is ndsiortivilassthe lformcr beiiig
N a torsoisus by[2to o0 Xniotie r
1ostooueil gamie eiiiis to1"
i 1ad acrisisg'to the 'a Iedllie,
;;ti p ll it inoafet this
t'Cstl rai
Ic lie'ld iwsas iisin rtcisdt(I
ditios lfiiRigbyini fact, a wst
feld1coiild1hiardltylie iniagined.Tswoi
iiscihes of slushy sinowcovsered it
and at thise st eisi there svas an
inch or lieo of nmud. Puddles snore
alsv conveniently scattered about.
The result svas thsat the mnsSooni
looked more like foil blooded neg-
roes thain anything else, anti the
crowde of about 6ou stererkeit in fills
of laughtter.
Thle lits tidnmosst ofithe aggressive
swors. Learths off withs the ball,
die took it 1)' a sericsofiiirushes
variedl hy ocrcasioal miiidiruns, to
the lasws io yrlinhe. Itei it weint
toi the lawssoni downs, anidilthuiisier-
oiss yells frois the bioissa-laugers.
for class siliit ranii lighs
The lasts adIanredl a lessyards,
isit the teaisi sorkt- of the lits wai too
iiuichliorsem. eni litbalsooin
cihaingedl hainds agaiis, ansi this time
the its curried it os-er the line,
hDecke, niaking the touichidowvi.
Dlygert kicked tihegoal easily. Score,
'93 lills, (}; '9; law-s o.
the lairs workeid the sail swell1 sp
the fielsd sut never had it iinsiile the
liit 25 vardl line dusring this 1vhif.
Conakliisimadie a tong ruiis of
eards for the liis, ifollowvedllipshiorter
onses. Titsiworthi alsoiidthugod
sworem- Rushing, hiwiveer, iwas the
staple groeud gainer, the coinditiois
if the felil nakiisg enid runis diffi-
Frequlent psunting by tile fisl-
backs, Dygert and Flenmming, was a
feature of the ganme. No further
ncores swere msade iluring the first
In the second half Griffin made
another touch-down for the lits after
a series of rushes. Trhe' laws had
the ball swithin so yards of teeTits
goal line when lime was called.



Ppuch, Tmn ip,

I Powers seas ruledi off loi slugging, THE MAJORITY RULE., :
aind Reid and SticRoberts received
slihts~sais. Whiteiheadi retired ! The Proposed Unpoular Innova-
a sprins. t ton for Reserv'ing S. L. A. Seats
at the end of thse first hlfinsii iifia ilPrbblveobnrnd
wlPrbbybAbnoe.of Mic~asugi. -
The lie ieslinedi till as Isollos: a Tle failuire sof the siinpoptular ANJFJW(L(
'555 r.Ae S,' 1"sition. eaLs nov-ationssbroughtfosrwrardi by the DEROT, IC
ct i orh-- . .. -------- --1' \ ' e S .L. it. lboa~rdl was5 155055 eesl in
iiesiRe ------lc.1t --- - rd
Thomas. 1 __-- _ _--lJilise these colsumssSatuda .lsim t
it ---- -- ---c ---_ -- - s s-eys-r ters s tu~and at ipresenit it s- is uiste iss
Grsiiiuein - -_--_ -__-- scc ' pisobale thati anass eresattemplt toss
55liiisii 5iiss es i 'tisr i lie saatte ins the lire ofi suchI
coikiig---_-___r t __ri-iis IsPoipular sdisappshroval.
v-Thelietlemainiil seli 1estesl tse I 1
vI pnttithe isoardl n1111sees lii Whset ioi wantthLunatest taicsropiii iryes
! PAC RIGS NC MRE jniistalcet, aisd adisits thiat such a iAnn5 II iricShes0t endfrCt alisuirito
RIN ONE RL scemne will nsot stoik at this toot n U : "
IThe Freshmen Succeed in Eleeting the course. Notitlustaist ing the FY E C
Tneir Offioers with no opposition statenments to the contrary, the nia- .1.I
from the svinority Caindidates. - o h tress te 101, 183-19iSilliliii Am)Av,
jordty o h tdnsopposed h RIT,110 - M- IIAX.N.
iriw methuod, andh as msatters nose
The freshmsanselectioin wshichi iasstidhepiotiisestoav
held Saturday afternoosias the ( von.u sEIgu K1
most uietelecton tat hs occr-voNo.
nios dlirt lecion hathas cctr- t is certains that a divecrsity of
red at the Unieersity for souse tinse. opiinnweitsiih h in - CIGARETTES.
Allithoe noprwhsssi axithswiisnist of O Cgaritte Smukers he
Al h pe-lsmnadms fhers of the boarrd siince the Isoluar V_ a, reuliiisto nay a little
the url freshmn wsere at the chasigedfor tie oriiary
dirh-remonstratioin of Saturdlay, and a tradeeCigaretitesswill Snd
football 5auseu thssthe class stas Tiie fmmheso h oan ri is RANDisumnrior so
heft to conuict its business as it chose. St helRsihmoind Streight
wehsriheartily fatoredh the inewe ilasnsutNo. 1 usseties are maesroitisithe bright-
Mir. Leroy cahlerd the liiectilieto I ""tsmost dic'aitel loed lanril highesi mest
order, ~formuerly, inoseare stilliisg to retuirni IGold ess grownesina Virginia.i se old5'
tuocto the 0111 systemsl oradhoipt theaudiwas 5 onighi outbys u-ri the year M151.
the chair, aisdphroceedhedltos the IBeware sc iiiiitations,ad ioiserive that tits
Choral IUsiousnmethovd, or .any other f5rai name as belirs an every package.
electiosn of the fosllostinug officers: reasonsalenassif allayinig the ieOu thunAserica 1ca uisToacci Cll
iPresidleist, W. N. Choaste, of peendacotntiuhiee lcatltdresa RichdiiVir 5ginia.
Jacsos, utcl. at 'ir iirufhst cts gleaned by- a relpresentativeU q esi na l
M~iss iR. Finch, AnsisArboItc. fthe un i'v, from conuersatiocsdvcepeidnJme N.1aisO.~ MA TCAD O
Chicago; secretary, Janmes J-F rancistth several of the nmenmbers of thleJW LY
J. Lcture Association hoard. Nest FRATERNITY JW LY
Ohio;- assistant-secretary Mtiss E Iselopoments in the msatter will be Aititsa Asi ,iii
Eberly, Indiana; tre-asuiierArthur annnsed frodmtndayatostdayotbuttit
Mt. Huuvey, Tacoma, St ashnon; none looa odybti 0 ' -T11is tvbe Isopsedlthat no further ~ O ~ I''
sergeant-at-arms, WarrenilV.T caves,
tcoruble will ecnsuce, as the CUiversity ARs niuiii:ilY
tondiansa; toastmsaster, E.. H tollandsuffers in the eiud, thuoughu thur false R0E MV & SON,
I Ittichsigaus. After thur electionua ad exaggerateulIt atemnts of tiur 7
msotions was nuadlets appisnlit a conipes hc r icltdbra-lurzr, - - ilI
E nittee to muakse arranugemaensts for thur cars, hsichu artte crthlaundr.ulliiili I -~t 5
organuzations of a glee auid banjo cs lruhou hrIssl ~
clnls. Mr 3 ivll uiu il si ' Out of the good huumuoredt andsI
w iere nnumil as the comiuuIthee foru that typ iical gathering of thue sturents, ini P.J. KINN UCAN,
pupoe.thur cmains hlatiurday nuorning, I
_ tuiso .,0____ nuuespsaper crrrespoustenuts linerj MERO
tt has beeiu recidedrthie (Ira-unventletdrruts, bloordshuedtandhother I1' ( ANT
gr bdir t rn tut th 01e restults thereof, and inonure cs.
thueir publication. Girls takern-auu an article in a promnuent neiwspapei JfTAI LOR(
un0 thereof I asserts in boilIsead l ines, 11.A riot
A report conmes to us thsat a cer- ansong stuidents scarcely equalled by'
lain msan, whlo apparently is iacking the H-aynsarket clot in Chicago." AND cicroo1:r1isus(us
in the qualities of a gentlemen, hasISorts reports tend to injure the
been making inmself especially oh- standing of the University, when FSNE =TOO) F SS
nonoxious to the "co-eds" in the circulated at a distance from Ann
main hsall. As his case hes beecs in- Arbor, and it is to be hoped that no 55 WT F~ORT 9ST_,
ported to the authorities it is to his occasion will be given for a repeti-
interest to desist at once. + tion of the same. Detroit, Mihg n

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