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March 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

… 11 ic igan or_ 1 I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1914. PR i , r MEN FOR TEAM of IRIS Score i herself on door defeats e dual tract; st night, the e result was taking five and Jansen men to win EVENTS FOR TODAY Rabbi David Alexander speaks to Jew- ish Student's Congregation, Orphe- um theater, 7':00 o'clock. Mr. James Schermerhorn speaks at the Majestic theater, 6:10 o'clock. Dean William T. Sumner speaks at St. Andrews ch...…

March 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…Es8 if ) The Season is Here Again We are is a better position than ever to supply your wants in Golf We are the sole agents tr the Crawford Me Gregor Clubs Come in and look them over Golf Balls are much cheaper than last year. You can buy Balls new InS at 50 and 65c and save money. OUR LINE IS COMPLETE I co. SHEEHAN STUDENTS BOOKSTORE Tailors AI -7 10 8:zo 6:o6 a. in., m., 7:06 p. 0:45 P. m. 2:15 p. Mn. n-7:46 a. m. and p. mn. :12...…

March 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…eatrica I Chinatown. His preferences have kept him within the pales of more conven- tional civilization, and he would not leave it in search for dramatic ma- terial. "We are turning toward simplicity of surroundings on the stage, I believe and toward a quieter sort of drama. When it comes to tremendous effects the motion pictures have the stage beaten beyond hope. To the motion picture, the North Pole is nothing. On one film you can flit fr...…

March 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…Daster Concer Given By the Uiversity Band HILL AUDITORIUM TVESDAY. MARCH 31st, 8 P.M. SOLOISTS FEATURES So 2 TICKETS AT WAHR'S - - VNION - - GOODYEAR. DRVG CO. WHIT NEYII THEA T R E ONE NIGHT THURSDAY AP R IL. H UNDER AUSPICES DRAMA LEACUE GEORGE ARL s5 In Louis M. Parker's Masterpiece Disraeli One Year in New York Six Months in Boston PRICES 14, Rows O'rcestr .ii 20 Balance ps50................ 4 Rows Balcony .... ....... 1-50 N...…

March 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…SPRING SHIRTINGS I EVERYTHI 11 1 ra about fashions for you. 111 just received, a full line of soft, negligee shirts for Spring and Summer wear. WtVe have them in various styles .and cloths to suit every taste. Have' you seen that new design in Collar Attached Shirt? It is just the thing, for day, wear and very popular at present. Is shown The otr ametfd fth or here ready fot yor ± ( ,with the fol-de-rids' I I I TINKER Q .COMPAN...…

March 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…LY] BALLET PUMPS' L1f~) Are Best for the Tango KODAKS, FILMS, Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave. TRY THEM REGAL SHOES . NNW CAMPUS IN BRIEF UNER & CO. 1*" S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR Spring Hats FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR, AT NA RICHARDSON 115 East Liberty NE 166 mens They All Admit we are "Just a little better" SO WILL 'YOU ICE CREAM, CANDIES, LUNCHEONS PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE 116 S. Main St. -Senior enngineers will have their last ...…

May 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…e Michi :1 Daily PRIORU FIVa G E2 Vol. XXIV, No. 172. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDA.\Y, , 1914. ,. r M+ -err rr -. _ _--__ " y .. WOLVERINES TO MEET MA.C. ON DIAMOND TODAY Lundgren's Men Expect to Administer, Another Defeat to Aggies Whom They Beat Two Weeks Ago WEDDING BELLS MAY KEEP HUGHITT OUT OF CONTEST Waltz Will Hold Down Third Sack and Capt. Sisler May Play in Outfield PROBABLE LINE-UPS -0- * * *' * Michigan M. A. C. * Sheeh...…

May 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…r _, On Display u LL THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINGS FOR SPRING 1 14 he Largest Line @1 Woolens in the olty to seloct from SENIORS Order Your Visiting Cards Now Plate and 100 Cards Script $1.50 I I Plate and 100 Cards English $2.75 Old Plate and 100 Cards Shaded Old English $3.00 The above are the three most popular styles. Place your order now at SHEEHAN'S sTUDENTS' BOOKSTOaE I I I HE WILD-co. Leading Merchant Tailors YROIT UNIT...…

May 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

… IDuck and Flannel Trous ers, I Tennis and Golf Shirts EVERYTHING THAT IS NEW The Stein=Bloch Fashion Camera Nothing gets by it. It reflects what London thinks about fashions for yo , -what Paris thinks -what New York thinks -what Chicago thinks And out of all these opinions, with the fol-de-roll el- imnmated, come, The Styles Sensibly Dressed Americans Prefer. Such styles we are now ready to show you. imperial Kats, Deimel Linen, ' Mesh Un...…

May 29, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…-1 - - - - --.- - - --._________________ JST ARRIVED LYNDON'S KODAK, FILM, Latest Styles in Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave. RESAL SHOES and OXFORDS NOBBIEST LASTS. NEWEST SHADES. GRtUNER & CO. "S. MAIN STREET GRUNE COOlii ANN ARBOR Spring Hats FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR. AT DANA RICHARDSON 115 East Liberty r - .. of interest to you For the convenience of those discrim- natingfolks who appreciate gnd desire our High Quality Ice Cr...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Daily[ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1914. S * * * * * * * 3 Tuesday Wednesday 256 Thursday 396 Friday 597 Saturday 807, Sunday 891 Monday 128g. SHIP STA. * * * 1)-14 14-15 * 121 108 * 215 197 * 354 366 * 533 554 * 808 828 * 1149 1151 * 1266 1216 * 1670 1643 * 4 I, * * * * * * * * * * VARSITY SCHEDULE. --o- . Sept. 30-De Pauw here. Oct. 3-Case here. * * * * * * :k ;: K: Oct. 10--vanderbilt here. Oct. 17-M. A....…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…r THE MICHIGAN DAILY )uality iness. Our experience o' twen- sively made-to-order work, the he entire supervisions in the cut-- man who measures you are the e our established quality. : ::S S. State St. m V H R S I T Y BOOKS ad Second Hand INSTRUMENTS ir money and buy CHTER BRAND, Rule, $7.50 with Leather Case i Pens. LP. Note Books i Special Self-filling Pen $.50 AN & CO. Students Bookstore ,D LINES TABLE Cars for Detroit--7:1o' 6:...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Pen besi - -- . 1 . HARVARD GAME IS MICHIGAN'S 'TEST Big Year in All Branches of Sport Is Present Outlook Facing Michigan Coaches and Teams INTERSECTIONAL FOOTBALL CONTEST IS MAIN FEATURE Yost Must Form Entirely New Line Because of Losses by Graduation Athletically, 1914 promises to be the F.W.GROS Our custom tailored clothes are made to your individual order by Ed. V. Price & Co. because there are no other tailors who...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i Area dia.,e ctive and home-like student restaurant appeared in Ann Arbor opened this year name "The Arcadia." It is on the same d two doors west. 'eciate this large, airy and light dining tely new and fresh. The management ay with the atmosphere of the ordinary The idea has been to make it a home- :he students. t has not changed, the distinctive excell- rcadia will be upheld. There are plants hina is white and glossy, ...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. isip in Theatrical Circles ISICAL COMEDY PPEARS TONIGHT n i r ays Come True", Will be Prt, :eiated on Whitney Stage )ERJC SAINTLEY ilEADS CAST hen l rAms Come True", which trs a_ the Whitney theatre to- is by Philip Bartholomae, author e two farcial successes "Over- and "Little Miss Brown". ? aut:or has indicated the same allty in the book of "When ros Come True" as he did in his s.- He recounts the story of a 01v vou...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ____________________ 7 >usiness opportunities for young men, hereby diverting them to the univer- ties. In times of peace and prosperi- y, it is stated, men desire immediate echnical knowledge and a chance to hare in business enterprise, while in imes of social reorganization such as he present, men turn more to the >hilosophic and economic branches. In contrast to the purely problem- tical effects of the war on the unive...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…CHIGAN DIFALY CIHIGAN DAILY in and ake Yourself at Hom U U ling. Billiatd Room=-21 Tables Bowling Room=-8 Alleys Cigars and Pipes i I Huston Bros. was or- rch, 1905, and includ- ie Roscoe B. Huston, n "Si" Huston, '03D, Euston, '05D. They billiards business of I and started business e St., on the 26th of The fixtures included tables and one six for cigars, cigarettes In the summer of d floor of the build- deled and four addi- v...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY e Daily Is LAR AER Paper now The Price is still $2.50 RIBE NO' SUBSCRIBE NOW T H, E IC IGA A LY r _ The nill Roo UNDER HUSTON BROS. JIM PURFIELD, Prop. gular Meals, 25c. 11 to L Supper 5 to 7 Short Orders Orders Delivered Rj S FROM H IMPROVED War Situation licies of lent Emeritus James Burrill returned from the eastern sea- fortnight ago, after a beneficial i at Narragansett Pier, Mount and ...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I STUDENT S We are ready to show you the best line of flIen's Suits, Overcoats, Balniacaans, Raincoats, Hlats, Caps and Furnishin11gs Shown in the City Things You Need Today Msofyuyugmwho read this ad kn( good style T 00 ' TH brushes, paste or powder toilet soap, 1 bath soap and nail brash, towels, -wash rags and sponges, WRITING PAP1RR pens and pencils, Fountain; pens and ink. We have everything that you expect to fi...…

September 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - W. at once Snow, Ice I reservist colors, and t with the pening of Lyndon Sells the New Diamond Disc Phonograph The Edison is the latest and greatest improvement in Sound Reproducing Instrurtaents the world has ever known, .It gives greater volume, better tones-more realistic music-than any other phonograph ever produced. No more needles to change-no more records to be ruined-no more records to be broken. Records that ...…

October 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY ERY IMORNING $2.50 The Michigan Daily SUBSCRIBE NOW $2.60 F XXV, No. 27. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. _...._ .. ILVERINES SPEED 3WARDS CRIMSON Advance Guard, Composed of Players, Officials and Scribes, Heading For Suburb Outside of Boston HARVARD'S OVERCONFIDENCE DECLARED ASSET TO MICHIGAN Improved Physical Condition . Adds to Prospects For Success in Coming Tilt By F. X. Church ...…

October 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…T' T HIGAN DA~ILY nd we abrics, s, the :r into TAILOR AT SuSR 0 av 4a i i ,, r ' i ..- I else. State Street FOOT BALL SOODS omplete line of Foot Ball Goods of all kinds Balls from $1.00 to $5.00 Vm Supplies" outfit for $2.25. Get your Gym Shoes for the rush 75a eehan's Students Bookstore A BITE TO EAT? S B EE POPULAR PLACE" THE SAME AS JNG TASTY - EVERYTHING O.K. LAST YEAR. iES rs for Detroit-7:xo to p. m., also 8:io 46 a. m....…

October 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

… ww... f1i ii h Iff STUDENTS, We are ready to show you best line ofa len's Suits, Overcoats, Batmacaans, Raincoats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings Shown in the City AMS & CO. -123 So. Cain St. the Kodak Developed and printed over night. Try all the o t h e r places, and then come here a n d be satisfied. That is what I o t s of others have done. Films I REMEMBER We have a lull line of Patrick Duluth Mackinaw Coats Sweaters Balmacaan...…

October 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I OLLEGE MEN HAVE THEIR IWN IDEAS ABOUT STYLE 250 MORE Lyndon's " M " Books RECEIVED ESTIRDAV At the old price $1.00 This is the last lot of these "M" books that we can buy to sell at this price, so get busy. Whitney Theatre, Friday Night, ct 30 Charley Frohman presents F you're a College Man and hold a reputation among your friends for wearing decisive and distinctive clothes, you cannot overlook our Fall and Winte...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…1 an Dai . SUBS(, NO T YLI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1914. PRICE FIVE CE F r :, s 6 Bid One f the Boys' ch will be dress, to be f New York 3:00 o'clock sion to this' . until 2:45 galleries of >wn open to iith has the f the most i t , TODAY Fred B. Smith speaks at Baptist church, 10:30 o'clock. H. M. Leland, Michigan Union, 2:30 o'clock, Fred B. Smith, on "A Strong Man," Hill auditorium, 3:00 o'clock. Menorah soc...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY the importance of being prop- ored. The impression that parel makes is not to be regarded. For twenty-six e have been especially suc- a making clothes for the uni- ien. Come in today and order t for the Xmas holidays and prove not only your good t, but your good taste as well; r. H. WILD COMPANY Merchant Tailors State St. I , 1 " . ,I11 i , . 1 q. 1 Stationery Sale 1 Box Paper-1 Box Cards THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official news...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…THE HJ~ORIG~AN DAILY =1701 1, TussH Wed, OOD SHOW J s Phone 1701 Every Night at 7:30 and 9:00 ALWAYS A OOOD 9W ys 3 ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2 3 Days 3 'I R, LIOI laster AND lagican USING A REAL LIVE MAN-EATING LION IS, BRIDE a ---------- Things An Entire Carload of i Will See! Scenery ? MAGICAL DIVORCE," a novel conceit in which a uman being vanishes in air. !TERY OF TIlE CRYSTAL CASKET," the crea- on of a huma...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE MICEIQAN DAILY t _ _ _ i complete medical care and examina- tion of athletes. Columbia A service has been established here during the past year. Hours are kept twice daily, caring. for about thirty students. A well-equipped dis- pensary is maintained in one of the campus buildings. The service is rapidly extending although there has been no definite .provision whereby the service can give infirmary privileges to bed patients. No fee has ...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…THE !MICHIGAN DAIT - gaos aw ?3iclbigarL U RE BATES, DEAN OF THE LAW DEPARTMENT apparent epidemic of acute pharyn- gitis. There has been no expressed op- position to the service. Student senti- ment is eminently satisfactory. Stu- dents have been surprised that in the past they did without such a service, where now in need they come for ad- vice and treatment. Iowa State Since 1886, a service has been at Ames. -800 students pay an annual...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…n ea rical Circ es :T FELl Ir. Monarch in IN EUROPEAN TRAVELS aer iother lions in self-de- captive the two fluffy, the most important vaudeville house south of the Pyrennes. Carter found "Baby" a quick study and a thorough artist, quick to grasp the possibilities of the leading "heavy" in the melo- drama. The situation was dramatic. It was "Baby's" premiere. The theatre was the Little Colyseu in Setubal, a city about forty miles fr...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

…THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY ,. !. "head and Shoulders above the Crowd" of ordinary dressers is a very rS natural and wholly justified feeling for a wearer of STIN-BLOCH Smart Clothes. ASK ANY COLLEGE OR HIGH SCHOOL MAN WHO MEASURES UP TO HIS IDEAL IN STYLES THE ANSWER WILLL INVARIABLY BE L. ADLER'S ROCHESTER CLOTHES Whether you want to dress smartly or Try it-you'll like it. conservatively our L. ADLUR'S CLOTHES can take care of you in either ...…

November 29, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___.. . -Over Foot wear I HEAR HAND PRESSING New 'arisian -ast -a t~ "I Want to go Back to Michigan" (Fox-Trot) en the Edison Twelve New Up-to-date Dance Records in this week's Supplement LADIES WORK A SPECIALTY C. I. KIDD - - -Sophomore 1530-J 1112 S. Univ. Ave LYNDON 719 N. University I 50 - Short vamp, square toe effect, I and patent vamps. Tops and quarters of fine grey cloth. All leather Spanish hee...…

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