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November 29, 1914 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-29

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r :,





f the Boys'
ch will be
dress, to be
f New York
3:00 o'clock
sion to this'
. until 2:45
galleries of
>wn open to
iith has the
f the most

i t ,
Fred B. Smith speaks at Baptist
church, 10:30 o'clock.
H. M. Leland, Michigan Union, 2:30
Fred B. Smith, on "A Strong Man," Hill
auditorium, 3:00 o'clock.
Menorah society meeting, Newberry
hall, 8:00 o'clock.
Rabbi J. Rauch speaks to Jewish stu-
dents, 6:45 o'clock in McMillan hall.
Glee club meets at 2:45 o'clock in Hill
Junior lit smoker, Michigan Union,
7:30 o'clock.
Soph lit class meeting, 4:00 o'clock,
room 101, economics building.
Meeting of tryouts for Union opera
cast, 7:;0 o'clock at the Union.

Detroit Man Speaks on "Character
in Business" at 2:30 o'clock
This Afternoon



( Members of the Union have an op-
portunity of hearing Mr. H. M. Leland,
.consulting general manager of the
Cadillac Motor Car company, at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon. His subject
will be "Character in Pusiness." In
order that those who desire may attend
the meeting for boys in Hill auditor-
ium at 3:00 o'clock, the Union meeting
will start promptly at the appointed
Mr. Leland is one of the most prom-
inent men in the automobile industry
in this country. He was for a time
president of the Cadillac company, of
which his son is now general manager.
Mr. Leland is also one of Detroit's
leading philanthropists, being the
originator of the Civic League of De-
troit. He has given a large home on
the west Boulevard, as a branch of
Harper hospital.
The musical program consists of
some numbers by a mandolin quartette'
composed of the following members:
R. H. Mills, '14B,- Francis A. Bade, '15,1
B. 0. Sippy, med., and W; 0. Johnson,
'17. Several sole numbers will be giv-
en by Stanley Wilson, '16.
University Wometl Help in Relief
Work for Belgian and Albanian a
W'ar Sufferers



William Jennings Bryan Defines
Resulsites of Manhood in
Glowing Terms



eats For "A Curious Mishap" Go on
Sale Wednesday in
U. Hall
"A Curious Mishap," to be staged by
ie Oratorical association Friday and
aturday, is rapidly nearing perfec-
on. All of the lines have been learn-
I, and the remainder of the time will
spent in working out the details.
he cast has held rehearsals each
ght for the past five weeks, under
.e-direction of Professor R. D. T. Hol-
ster, of the oratory department.
Tomorrow a force of men will start
ork on altering the stage of Univer-
ty hall for the production of the
ay. The Oratorical association pur-
ased a sot of curtains last year, for
.e purpo of boxing in the stage,
hich will be used, Footlights will be
stalled, and several minor changes
ill be made in the platform,


Before a crowd which filled every
available space in Hill auditorium, last
night, William Jennings Bryan, Sec-
retary of State of the United States,
delivered the main address, at the sec-
ond big platform meeting of the Boys'
conference. As eary as 7:00 o'clock,
the crowds began to pour into the au-
ditorium, and, fully a half hour before
the meeting was scheduled to begin,
every seat in the hall was occupied.
From the time until the doors were
opened until the arrival of the dis-
tinguished speaker of the evening,
each delegation vied with its fellows
in cheering and yelling. Carrol B.
Haff, '15L, was on hand, and he di-
rected the cheering, incidentally show-
ing the visitors some of the Michigan
yells. The glee club, under the direc-
tion of Kenneth Westerman, '14, led
the singing of the 'Yellow and Blue"
and "Varsity," while Carl H. Smith,
led. the singing of the entire confer-
Before the speaker was introduced,
the convention, in official assembly,
unanimously decided to hold the next
state Boys' conference at Kalamazoo.
A committee was also appointed to
draw up resolutions, thanking the peo-
ple of Ann Arbor for their hospitality.
Schermerhorn Introduces Speaker
Mr. Bryan, after a reception at the
high school the latter part of yester-
day afternoon, was entertained by
President Harry B. Hutchins. On ar-
rival at the auditorium, he was ac-
companied by President Hutchins and
James Schermerhorn, editor of the
Detroit Times. - Mr. Schermerhorn,
who introduced Secretary Bryan, spoke
of him as one of America's foremost
. citizens, and ps the greatest living ex-
ponent of the international peace
n ov ement,
Mr. Bryan spoke of his intense in-
terest in the student life of the na-
tion, and how great a privilege he
deemed it to be able to speak to such
a gathering as the conference and the
university students represented. The
main subject of his discourse was
"The Making of a Man," and, in his in-
troduction, he said that in this day,
we give too little time to the making
of a man, and too much time to the
perfection of those things with which
man deals. He stated that, in the mak-
ing of the ideal man, there are three'
developments which have to be taken
into consideration, these being the
mental, moral and physical traits,
(Continued on Page 8.)

Due to unfavorable cooditions, the
Ann Arbor Civic assoidaion has post-
poned the banquet for the Michigan
football team, which was to have been
held tomorrow night at the Armory,
for a week. The exact time and place
will be announced later.
Lack of sufficient advertising and
publicity, and a limitation in the num-
ber in attendance, are believed by ofFi-
cdals of the Michigan Union to be the
reasons for the deficit in 1914 Union
football smoker. How far the expens-
es exceeded the, receipts it is not yet
known. This is the first year in the
history of the football smokers that
the management has not netted a prof-
it from the affair,
Attendance this season numbered
1,200, as compared with an average of
from 1,800 to 2,000 in past years. The
condition of the gymnasium made it
necessary to limit the attendance to
1,500 this year.

First Team Position See
McCall, '16L......RE J
Crawford, '15L.... RT .. Dor
Berge,'17M......RG ..Wei
Oglethorpe,'17.... C.....
Novy, '17........LG ....0C
Thomas,'16L..... LT .... M
Martens, '16......LE .... R
Williams, '15E..... Q .... S
Stearns, '16....... RH Brow:
Lovett,'15L.......FB ....M
Tuttle, '15E....... LH . . Thu
From the amount of mater
appeared among the 200 men
part in the inter-class footba
of tlis year, may well be fra

All-Star M

Present Cross-Country C!ub Men With
Certificates of Merit 'it Gym
Meeting Thursday
Officers and directors of the Michi-
gan Cross-Country club have granted
certificates of merit to 29 men, in rec-
ognition of their work in building up
the 1914 team. The certificates will
be awarded by Prof. R. W. Aigler, of
the law department, in the trophy
room at Waterman gym at 7:00 o'clock
Thursday evening.


SOf 1314 SLEE

nctitious elevens which w
the high class of football
tered by the intramural
The quality of play wh
staged on south Ferry fie
under the direction of the
siona coaching that clasE
had, has been marked b
improvement over last ye
In picking an All-Can
the merit of the individue
the first consideration,
their value to their team,
of games participated1i,
team wort. That the fr
team, which won its num
represented is due to th
while the first year men]I
team for their class, the

Chooses Mythim
200 Inter-Class
Men Who P
This Yes

re the

Q The seat sale will be held at the
11 box office of University hall, Wednes-
d day and Thursday. Reserved seats
will sell for 50 cents and general ad-
mission 35 cents. Members of the Or-
e atorical association, who have season
M tickets, will be admitted to general ad-
'Y mission on their tickets, but must pay
e 15 cents extra for reservations. The
t costumes will arrive early this week,
'- and the first dress rehearsal will be
s held on Thursday night.
S, In an attempt to give every one a
o good seat, the Association has decided
s to give the play two nights. This will
make it possible to confine the audi-
e ence to the seats directly in front of
o the stage. Those on the side of the
s +auditorium will not be used.

Belgivn garments, modeled strictly
after Belgian fashions, are being turn-
ed out at the rate of 800 per week, by
Ihe "garment factory" recently organ-
ized at the Church of Christ. The de-
signing of the clothes is beig dir-
ected by several Ann Arbor women
who hlve spent considerable time
among the Belgians.
The sewing is being carried on by
university women and residents of
Ann Arbor, averaginig more than 50
persons each day. The cloth is pro-
cured with a fund, all of which has
been contributed by Ann Arbor resi-
An organized campaign among the
men of the university will be com-
menced some time this week. A house
to house canvass will be made, to
secure contributions of both clothes
and money. Offerings may be left at
the Church of Christ any tidhe between
8:00 o'clock in the morning and 10:00
o'clock in the evening.

c "Asso
sn, wh



Look Out, Freshie, the Big
Black Bogie-Man Is Coming

ice. Most of
have plgnned
r until Mon-


hhihition chess
TJnion last
sity Chess and
Nis C. Karpin-
s department,
;wo and drew
the club team
in one game,
W. T. Adams,
n match, play
as continued.
:hess and the
Brill close to-
> have not yet
to do so, are!
:retary,W. T.

Modern dances will be tie feature
in the next number of the Gargoyle,
which will be on sale Saturday, De-
cember 12. Every phase of modern
terpsichorean art will be treated in
this issue of the humor magazine. In
preparation for this mumber, more
cuts have been sent away than ever'
before in the history of the Gargoyle,
and their high class artistic qualities
are assured by the editorial staff.
The cause in the increase in illustra-
tions may be attributed to the fact
that there are a larger number of
men on the art staff of the publication
than ever before.
Coach Cole to Pass Winter in Montana
Reserve Coach Cole has left for To-
ledo, where he will spend several
weeks, before going east. He will
spend the last half of the winter in
Montana, where he is iiter.ested In'
a land association.

"The sophs 'U1getch4 if you don't
wat out,.
Trainer Steve Farrell is far from a
disciple of the Bugaboo Man, but he
dces believe that a "word in time"
saves trouble. And so he has been us-
ing this warning, and with a sure ef-
There is a time-honored tradition at
'Michigan, which inhibits the wearing
of prep school insignia on the floor of
Waterman gymnasium. But it requir-
es more than two or three months to
instill into the average freshman mind
an idea of just how sacred to the cam-
pus are its traditions. And so each
year some "noted" high school ath-
lete, inflated by the notoriety which
has been his during his prep school
days, braves this Michigan rule by
coming out onto the gym floor, garbed
in the flaring colors of his Alma Mater.
Trainer Farrell is his salvation. The
whispered warning from the grizzled
W olverine athletic mentor generally

certificate of merit men are urged to
be present at this meeting.
The men receiving certificates of
merit are John V. Kuivinen, '17E;
Thomas.C. Trelfa,, '16; Edward Bouma,
'18; Frank Walters, '16; Robert E.
Bement, '16E; Howard L. Carroll, 17E;
Russe A. Cole, 18E; Wm. M. Darnell,
'18; Howard Denee, '18; Clarence Fish-
leigh, '17E; George J. Haering, '18E;
E. Merhl Hoerner, '18; Granville D.
Jones, '16; Merle K. Mead, eng.; Ron-
ald R. Monroe, '15; Frederick W. Sev-
in, E. spec.; Robert E. Sevin, '17E;
Clarence G. Stype; Kenneth W. Vance,
'16; Sol Wolf, '18; Floyd L. Young,
'16L; S. G. Vedder, '17P; H. E. Ken-
aga, '17; Irvin S. Olson, '161.; Walter
I. McKenzte, '15L.
The team, consisting of the mWn who
won their "C-C-C" 's this year, is as
follows;:-Trelfa, Kuiyinen, Walters,
Carroll, Olson, Donnelly and Bouma.
These men will elect next year's cap-
tain, following the taking of the an-
nual picture.
To Give Reports at Clinical Society
Case reports will be given by Dr. A.
H. Beifeld, and Dr. D. M. Cowie, at the
November meeting of the Clinical soci-
ety of the University of Michigan, to
be held in the medical amphitheatre of
the university hospital on Wednesday
evening, December 2. Dr. R. E. Skeel,
of Cleveland, O., will read a paper on
"An Analysis of the Mortality Rate in
Abdominal Surgery."
Bartelme Returns From Eastern Trip:
Director P. G. Bartelme, of the ath-
letic association, who has been in the
east for the past week, determining
Michigan's athletic relations with Har-
vard and Pennsylvania, will return to
Ann Arbor this afternoon. While in
the east, Mr. Bartelme witnessed the
Harvard-Yale game of a week ago, and
also saw the Cornell-Pennsy game last

sends the yearling scurrying to the
shelter of the locker room, to reappear
in more suitable apparel. Michigan's
veteran track athletes, many of whom
are now training on the gym floor in
preparation for the indoor season, are
Farrell's kindly assistants in this task
of warning the too-brave striplings.
All of them try to get their warning
hint to the freshman before the deter-
mined sophomore arrives on the scene.
The other day they were unsuccessful.
The result was the complete destruc
tion ofa flaring crimson shirt, witha
beautifully monogramed "'" emblaz-
oned on it. The avengin.g-'17 men be-
moan the absenca of a swimming pool,
which would materially assist them
in tbeir efforts to administer a complete
lesson to the erring freshman. But
to date they have been uniformly suc-
cessful in their self-assigned task of,
teaching to the 1918 men, the sacred-

some of the teams which failed to se-
cure the class insignia.
Line Stacks Up Well
The line on the first team would av-
erage about 180 pounds, and would
look well in a great many colleges.
Oglethorpe, at center, and Novy, at
left guard, are from the- team which
won the campus championship, the
soph lits, and they proved a stumbling
block for any attack, directed at the
center of the line. Berge, a soph med-
ic, showed an aggression which, with
his weight, wins him his place.
Crawford, a senior law, for his foot-
ball knowledge and his ability to make
it count for his team in a game, is put
at the right tackle position, while the
other tackle job is held by Thomas, a
junior law, who looms up on the grid-
iron in such a way as to cause oppos-
ing tackles to shake in their boots.
McCall, of the junior laws, played
one of the best ends that has been seen
on south Ferry field, showing a capa-
bility for gathering in forward passes
that sent the junior laws home victors
in all but the final game. Martens
played at tackle for the junior lits, but
was light at that position. His strong
defensive showing, and his speed
sbould make him a good end, and his
ability to punt further cinches his
Williams Star Pilot
Williams, of the senior .engineers,
was the star quarter of the field, his
head work and his open field running
proving the main support of his team.
The other back field men: are largely
picked for their value as offensive
men. Lovett was the line-
bucking man in the senior law back
field, and has been placed at fullback.
Tuttle, next to Williams, on the senior
engineer team was their most valua-
ble man, being heavy and running low.
Stearns starred in the backfield for the
(Continued on Page 8.) .

ness of this

Michigan tradition.'


No Majestic Meeting Tonight.

Instead, Hear

Get Tickets at
Univ. Y.M.C.A.






Free as .longas they
Offiee open 10-12:30

Hill Auditorium

3.30 P. ML

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