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October 28, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…eMichigan Dal -"- -N:.\ ARBtOR, 'MsICIGAN, Ti Vhdl ).\Y. lttTOIIVR 2, i100) ()i VARSITY MAULED FRESHMAN ELEVEN, Playing with Newi Enthusiasm Crippled Team Piled up Sub- stantial Score. Whl h aetitsetifo the Syra- j CPC :aUIC is ()t Is large- as lot' the P - lu siam t this timte last year, the m lu"Vicritc~hc sst prioch last ilm tr 'lstilllslars saile ndof the weekh. Mil silts {hiring IIithestiewdays !!a c ccns is-mrout that IDirector the i ...…

October 28, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…'1 i1 i C( 14 4 ( THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. i Wild Comlpally .MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- itgS, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We mnake Ful Dres Suits a Specialty CAOI eN) SEE US 311 SO. STATE STREET 6. f. Wild Comipanly A perfect fitting collar and a tfavorite with critical dressers. "'t S ~:~ MARK r "SARE-k' LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS. Tcxo.,xMe .-kQUA FC AL7, QUIP- r: Warrated ...…

October 28, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…r , _______________ - CLASSIFIED) ADVERTISING QUARRY jJeV7A'rIiecD. n Use a good Hair Brush Wrtitrduringradbours. Call in the enelin- rlati and Good Hair will stay illOn ttltgttiitwokg good. Poor Hair will leis tat, to earn frant 2 t $n a day, selling a itecessity for evcry nan~ and get better. I-oy. rite fir exclnsive territori of _________Ann__l ilcitoday. Century Sale"n Co.. At Adiat ll Ncli. 22 Drug Store inique ftrcnn Directoar'sofiie. B...…

October 28, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DA 1 . Y i 1' itb is'reccA. iil~ ild Wi t,-tu oinig at ao jt toi seie , leniade 's we're Noiiic York. Were a season ahead theav- I alOcad(I ahead of him in workmanship. r_ fn r i ethat today you can purchase tailoriig cst NOW the range is complete. Mini 118 Ei. Liberty SCHOOL OF DANCINGO iaE1t s ses . for Lades ad Getlemans II- d y eeins siat 700 to 800 sharp i e~tfly o I None 46 Office Hours: 1-5 and 7-9 p. m. -EXTRA- NEXT FRID...…

May 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigan Daily NO. t~a. VOL. AIX. ANN ARM11)15,5MI(lCG N. F5:)J) N'. MAY 28, joo). RAIN CAN'T STOP WINNING STREAK Michigan 5, Syracuse 2, Tells Story of Barr's Seven-Inning Game With Methodists. S pccrial ItoiThelDailt.] St-tacit-ec.A. V_ Mta- 27.iMichigai tennireca llinig the gameith tle at- the tittc theagaite itat cllel rtit wast falligt to mtotteIevitl tan in aug of th payrswc c it it ( ii by thetitdown-li Michian gt aw y to a it...…

May 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…TH-R MICHIGAN DAILY 6. H. Wild Comfpany MERCHANT TAlLORS : Have received a large line of wAoolens for SPRING and SUM- ME in (Mtenium, Light, and Dark A I t eath'er) Silver. Drab, Grecian Dra'b, Light Mote, Royal Gray, and KIg ,qsTan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Comberland, Chester, Orient, Pet- ham, Australia, Cynmric, Bullion, Ferderal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Eloating Tweed, and London Wars- teds. Please come early and have your Suit reserv...…

May 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY Samg Burclifield's 1 Fine Tailoring Trade Can !Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfieldl & CO. EAST HURON ST. Go to TUTTL.E'S ice C~n- sis u ana (na Flosu 338 South State Street THlE FARtMERS AND MEtCHANICS BANK MAIN AND I) URON STRETtOS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profils$901000 General Banking sls us., otis. aspercsst paid pssit Boxes to renst at 15:.40andupwsoards It. I F nn Prles. 55. C.Sr~5 5 ts Vuss-Is-os II. A. OtILIu s . ...…

May 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ir sh vott r a rlrz~ s and=on tVa~dille 4 o Pv urasmartevy one.Uiesfy iiia C Oustysare asmodest oft sPa deo1C brdomeasdiaaridg s nAfiators: ReevdoSeatnSaleatn ewllaWhiteTheateBxOfc UNIVERSITY NOTICES All snior titi t rlit ic 1 ti(1w Fres h m iitirjaeit llt. i Ci !tt ()'al d, mlay n Soth Pt. toil at \\ lttitirc< lgIIup atiLdlit 1 t 12 clt ocit hIt tttiv iew iii ip rtantl. iiieg it o'cltckin o l078 A.ttAs078hiis t~ attci fth...…

April 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…rhe NMichigan Da \\'5, XRPIIIS l 1 --------N---- IN I --- X--l--I----it - VOL. AXn. NI .146. WOOSTER LOSES TO WOLVERINES Michigan Runs Up Score of 5to I Against the Visitors in First Home Game of Season. Thoiis Xse lrt'ii's's tii' t at til ~ e' could 1)aN soil, 1all i liil lct 1 111 'I'mlcd he au~by Woste is isia team,.ilbut Io e of tilhits countig st itt 56 Cli, S~cCwd inin st~rle 1'ta l fir 1 iii t;tie hid al it w, l l initI 11111< iI II...…

April 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

… i I t 5 Atty THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. f[.Wild Compdany 1ooin1"to MERCHANTF TAILORSBuissMuo ists scat to te titr lwcicilts of sli(co "get-together eventls, MIak h e iis i tiers entertasiing. gvelcthir tegularle. Iux cair ttesIsItsct as annoisuncedi, and their saccess soil lie assured. Thev ire too good a feature to lose. i mawic anb Dramna esl''sl iREsITAL.. .srecital twill lhe givenislits afteroon as byt pupiils iof XMr. HIowtIsland iiand te ...…

April 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…CHICAGO fJJNS FRESHMAN Sam Brchfield's Relay Team Lyon at Philadelphia by TaioringUsing [irst-Vear flan. kh1 1UItkkisJderal icommen11t1221has usc] rin cfused h} the' ictioslioftthe L~ii crsity 12n onthir1ilei'relay ' iatette clcwhich tso the evecnt at P'hiladelphia. S,1w12- (liii.d ipushiingh ichigtallinto c 'cond( plac. WhiltiP he stpecial eventls 1tille T eh e aeur it te, '111e 2 ('Iliracs, t '111212Wth the 5istitut1ion1s east and1 p r ci t ...…

April 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIIGAN DAILY DANGER Nttku truit ittto tailors oflsues oilokand your e etpitatittilfot' l cetdrelet nt are :at.when iNve illot "e t'11, ltthes-t'raftlug'. ii it halted a train load of tt f'lltee "srint' and s11toittet' falt~it' ,\,-tr 1olt siglitit o ffritntlgs. itd sf i al emtout fori'yourevetiia 'toitli tron 1.1wigli tea1k if '1t()DFt . We'll it 'toutr)a U ir l - outlw ito pl )iitti. AHEAD I)MK ti i a t' l r tr Iti r tt ttur idiopl...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

… 0, -vi m, =r = .. .. 0 a 0 .. 7 ' a r-e C, co - -d N ,. r " ,_ " i : _. s - : , M ;. r- ' , --- I Imo, ' ' r, ' ,.--- 'r - j J r- f r r J4 J tv u "f, r r . H 77 '- "n '/i . . ._. .... ' J: ,. . (" 'J f ^'.. "Mae i V h. C: I ~> f i t I y I P- 1 'j V 1 d J. .+ ' i n J r' l .f J 7- 4' I- _; ri ... "" G. mss' . : . .. u ' . c tr ,,. . « , rf a r "^Y . s * M,. tw ' p f Y' P10 M w ii ° ^F 'i qa*d^ {.. S w + 9 9 d 7.11 …

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 2

…- -~ ?HP. ~MICI41GA> ,' iL1 IT"EMICH-IGAN DAI LY.a. >,'hstti; nth ol lisi im in i II I Sl55fi n~ "AGWild Compa i c/,rc1cc sar forttill c tot11!l. <,tsrtuilrinanscfis inn isIln h BA LI lit10 hn n i Icurttia 1 . t ; ioeii u And We Areo P-pe -ad. hesws ....... . 1 l~eA b\iteCi nty: ri sC r isnrt __________1c____ Athletics. . . I,-. Ldridge - - - - ]ill It1 5 ii i hi I r ~ H-ano. received a large line of tcshagv . . Robert Mountsien inr'ir n mushi...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 3

…T149 MICtICAN bA!- Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfiekl Q,, 10 6 & .Co. EAST HURON ST. TUTTLE'S for N1ot Lunchecs Icte Cream Sods Bnana. Flops 3381 South State Street THE FIARMERS$ AND ME1CANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits $90000 (Oooeral iBanking IBasiness. 3 perett paid o Time and SPuner- teposits. Safety tDe- posits Boxes to rent at 1.00 s!anupwartds It. KammPes. W. ;...…

March 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 129) • Page Image 4

… THLE MICHIGAN DAILY BiURSTING' BUDS Iat 111015 (f 0ur NEI \XSPRING FASHIIONS. The Malcolm picturesa11011(1 devoid of fadts, ye s prbiits i style rlghtne-'os. WeVo (iii ift: (y1u (witth tllerriiig prtcisi(I, tl a piice that fits 1,C0 ,. J.iKarl Macolm 118 ft Liberty UNIVERSITY NOTICES Al Ik III te N 00)le ilia ) forl 111. rtolitll h(:t ltoit 1) ofthe0 Sc sl t o cl nl (1(100 Si0 ;04 ; 1 ;, 1)iit t 1f cI oh.1 ,; ! ' lS '1 ,. .) I 0): IIl1 ( i1...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil \\' ltt N\ C 1~\NS.\) tIb Da d 8 l(i \Vol.. XIX. SOPHOMORES,,-WIN FROM. FRESHMEN No Records Broken in Indoor sleet; iood Form IDisplaytd "Throughout; Finarl Score 54-27: boai~,l o -fc tdihc"_tiotilt ivin - f R, )- dic the ivi-rl ' i t h irkn IrI c c m vr l )iolr t lii rafet t h the cvut. 1lll ithle fr ies d the Or rko i l :uti nches;' 1 j1( It. the It -- 4 fllto il ( 1111(1 hig "m teshtpt hr m te t;- elle L; fe t inchs. Il...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DIAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY.! G. H. Wild Comfpally M4ERCH-ANT TAILORS . Have received a large line at woolens foe SPRING and SUM- MER io (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have thr Blarney, Hudson, Cooshberland, Cheter, Orient, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Woes- teds. Please come early and hav...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE. MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchificld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver. The Goods Sam Burclhfieldl &.,.CO. a EAST HURON ST. (In to "TI LE & COI., 3013 state St. 101' WHEAT or B3UCKWHIEAT CAKES JOLLY'S t0S S. STATE ST. S - 1B w B Own Wake BEST SRI AR PIPES Wat led1tint to1Cracktor Itua i Owlrac - - $1.75 to $5.00 '4olls$1.00 ) I$I.5O A MiBt ANCUt Bell Phone, 9i8, 2R4 Homne Phone, Os 11. A. DOLPH & CO. 1cet orh (.M.t arti 1 Funeral IDirectors 2...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…Tit E MICH1IGAN DAILY t1 010 10d. The0100t1 1'ooo' totliot' !Ihitc-c-cSpin. r i.,K MALCOt L M,. Prop', 118eEt.Liberty St. UNVRIYNO'TICES r. 5of 11 4 1;c c 1" 1"~1<1 1 711 11c A llh' Ni 1111 (11111111 ril I~a a [>.' 111 '00 11111 10 FIUSE M ENT11S Attractions Coming to The New Whitney MONDAY, MARCH 1 AL. . Field's Greater Minstrels +65-BLACK FACE ARTISTS-65 P rices 25-50-75-$1.00 Seats now Selling TUESDAY, MARCH 2 THE BIG MUSICAL SVCCES S "I...…

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