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October 28, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-28

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eMichigan Dal -"-
-N:.\ ARBtOR, 'MsICIGAN, Ti Vhdl ).\Y. lttTOIIVR 2, i100)


Playing with Newi Enthusiasm
Crippled Team Piled up Sub-
stantial Score.

Whl h aetitsetifo the Syra-
j CPC :aUIC is ()t Is large- as lot' the
P - lu siam t this timte last year,
the m lu"Vicritc~hc sst prioch last
ilm tr 'lstilllslars saile ndof the weekh.
Mil silts {hiring IIithestiewdays
!!a c ccns is-mrout that IDirector
the i lu5 l s'''ttjt- tis-i is ns
apd ~ vas te dtes approacshes thtat
tho est t is Vi ar." sidl 1 r.It' I - -,
It "()11 sa I il si ilsititisan I is raidlys ii
iniad s e ievethit b Sturdayo
mfr W te N i i lt Ietfu ily s st ls

iilc - -'titrti scittt ki(
Is~cr its ~i ir e
hed idr ll lcit dth
dil itc% ii l tit t :it-i )\i t
-4n rts h e ,i 11
stilts clya il( e~d
at g 1tts ~ t its, I'll ti lt
tn~n atiMIA, h,,.1er~tll
ctl it t ai li h i
lie o h ir 17s itci( m
li-iet a t i'iit- bst ii's --
sit} .r e -is C~ i s I t
il,1tnti ,:n s 7h, {c
T it, slis t ea isist ii c .,,
Dol (; et is-i i1s IIs
I li Iii ii \I ' a nI m
iaii sit t. I i it , - it-'
3it 5 st rtiie ?hi rits , I l i lit',
c c(t l l i1 a l itc 1

cm- dic iIrst
7001-01 ]11112]( -
(T All'-rt.la s
ual liiic, thW
it ;"}r a
rrt' 111atlc I)v

CONTINUE IN RUFT 'I'1)frth c, lnh nc l;;
Regent Beal Admits Faults, but stt: m oc )1 c h l O
Says Money Must Be Spent 's iktS llse )ts 5555-5m :It i
on Undergraduates. li
' e e s 1t t heii' -lialtiti isssiililils I isill h v t ei s et(°d ts sit 1)v'1s'\
st(>l ill (s edt () i t' Rigs-i it t"tr tc ss's'sss';' st fr is's' f t
sit'sie t-i's- Ni(). 4. W h5ile nsit)-lis sits'5151 itil p1t
den'sVtth tttf'1-f .H 'tnl T tssi ' tlsis it i ts lt hi- h s Vc )cl, tl(
cis ()f i's lith presein' - iiilii l s ools ist tiartli t l it h itn1i ti e cm
i ttls siei hl - 'eo t eafirilsts' sits l it- t55i-'
sills'- ii Is'sit i t '- lat st slesorm is t Ns i lit}sdcisis 5 f.i llc Ulit>
wisttisl iv et's ii g555 iti, dsi l e. it actt' ive-i liiasi-h. a l ilcl
h(,ti d llald it t l s-1ter g au at ei t oo I stilt d st r ed tlt in c "
,c i.' i lint J. is.itealtt his ts- ug its )r it d o p a tie-I .-sc
-usiii in ih St i I I s ka k tt k a t i,,istM llrci tiltlt I
ast sit\ i titist Howei ertith ti ll its slit lthel atu ti l ov w r
'sttu idemand I.Is i-s lnyi - teF rtilts I)its iiti-sl 1ti~ 11
idrr a t s' slpat -i ti-t fs lt i lt I15 f f .fit c mo I lis h h h a rai)l. c ~ f t
ollsiert~d fa(-llt\ lli lhiii avetititlitilstill)
tilt titisti tti - )gl -r lliipio ; sits1ti i:ir aritt Iad (
ic(o s n t s) tlr Mi I t n v r-I(a e n - ol'(. C i f :1 1 11tl
;it% Is n oter shool of he-cass-o ihgnciis

-Bell-Cow" Murfin and the
Other Real Enthusers to be
at Mass Mleeting.
fol s t l lia I ncs'- l'li 1- il
'i cls' t 'is cr~r > 1 isis-litit' a iso'
:t :1'sst c055'list ofi pai rs 51 s hc55s(



still this s -


,fsits s~sl1
i t st w i s te

L1Mgi q
ii >mchi1''\\ ils
"f 111M iit'WCSI
Ilcyv ilc1v aq! ;
tliirf, Yards
IN Oval or
t ila i nt <liti-
in tl c li<. l tcr
i t;reeni .
il tllrc t ,Il for
A, fushnicii
,rcc Mack of
)f their
Alma ;o!d
Jay ill We?
i-c.!,-d tlif rill]
1 C'i=ti<tl i nal
"vs reslpnsi-
'11 st airol Im
t l Ic ft f, cl:le
,c7i't tl >\1"n tilt.
1 Earn". Kay-

Dartmouth May (iet Our Place on
Pennsy's Schedule.
I'Ii i sl i I i s O t. 27. IiIf t. ()f I'.
lwa Alielii,a iitlthiladelhia, Nuv.t ,;,i
tes Ie fi t 'is i ill i till itt-silt 'ost's is-eai
.11a( scis-isis - ii 'stta at iii liii' sis of
d Ji hehel lildth its-tiws ilt ' h
accvr~ttlists 1 tsr1


fr." eha-sainThe tmatttter
lisDa ts e~tt i w ta kesittil
whetnis wit hitdst heidtil ioi
ti'e lusnitns.Ill tutueisedtoiiigo
tse I tit ss m ev r
s~ll" lts ildlitktius etriy tiuchl
sits simd i sri tmt-it play. t 'ju
t i be tak n p i We bits-i
's- m h i's' qsi- itIt f ti lt'

'i )

u- 1c

(' t tlt i
7i ' isIisi l-
i'c ti- ilist
t s r, l

1 Itr N s & Ior the-.st f lI r(ll 1sf tiN
r ti- CW1 ty r li mst t et ill l io o
Sml dat ald te i ltsC lit ii fdistanc
-5 Im ISl~n issutitlisatin iMsiy.
r_. ir he ~ i is-utilmtoiiregister tt
I Wly1"tit " Iat \ua s it aeli (mts 1
it c, --it-ittthisti trcoegte
ru ilbeh l t-i i-sst-s trs- oni ng-i
,'.i cs lii tlt ()p itu it 'ito n's ti-
III' 'till. JAN11 1ff
i(A)it-isis tisi11s-li-sit-i
be i isis liii it alit iii ofi thei liii
is ri iii e d~ mti its ii T exas
lii tl t itsben laced iiiiltheshandtilt
i l'~ . Te irstipt for anci o
c ;r illbe ip ll botl thetil leof~t
its' gristsucce s ti-ie onldi Robets-
t); list 111 Ns. "atilt e list i
1'ts 111 ii \' t',1()\ I.1sit tit IO FV
W ilith ni k r a till ni ngii Iati tsse
iit syis)f ustiidctis.f'' W s in tn
it tlslssit ii' -lfe \e t - i' st l ir t'tendedii tilit
511115' ut55eminsce es o evets in


.p-it it M y~t'i tl ii Isi th ee(w ttr uils in a las
s-sis castll fori sir s-isltsis' l ists ip~ci-
Rlltt7i;5 >5551'I lls i/i 1; Tt i 11.1555515
iirlii-n A'ndtrust I s-ssiarsls'sit hf.1..,
it ) is it' nenhr htgits
''tiy ht liilt uck fitlitarit fAcademyts-in
lilt-it- s li ts--tsis hisl ls- liii- lither'
Whishre r lit ri iwils asisitntin-s
de a t en . I I -lit a t t'iii'lo ti-- oi
liet- lstrg-sles t e r

sit-It. .fis - psuitsiip slis il" k-s
sctr~h d l-st i't and''' i- iii a t.t
man'tts life
1 '1-t tis(, t l n Ir lil tf oi
stil ts 5 iii a ; th rn- tt lli
1V 't-s stli's-s i W O-s C o

" I~ll N)\' Mil- n hs tilts ris ih
its-tnt: ne Odhsi l tssti)tbetre-
.ar~ccl.as a loriia -st ills e tuthsei
' ahcrigs. X i it in t ts - si~o lt
til lt 51 il-liiiitiiltit situ tutu R l itt
Xilli al ti i iiis and s~ iti fiii
%ill ills 1 s isi;o)1 c rm an istiblis
iFtt at th nc -l t s-ihc vih ti
tilrt- si-t'-i-itsilts
Tl~cnitctia w liMati t i W hw
Ind oli t1O On Mir,1 1v plste
Basketbill Fains Mint Await the
Biard's Answer.
At s-i 1 is lisig f t itittitl i
lrthc la cI~ d tclilt i ttii l ts itse
msil n a d wih O nm r m (e
-iiiitin i s im t-s i te yac
';pc tl t ic !;i 1e ii unale t oullaill
'll 1"'iitinti) iti~ l ts ii ittssrd In
I~t~ ,1C t"(hscss it litsersil
hit vit ititili t iii
)as\'111 I) 111' pr~scll l ito) l"g ie thie
~i;tc'I t I s t nii tm. I c m15sa
s'iltIl, tits ta ilii'l t ii itstii-llt

()Iiii- srtissit
stit I sreltilt
tlst stills isis
its liiit I1i1
til l stilt

'Whos siatu or - aus 15)irestsss'ofI'the J.llii tti - itisic-i' s' - o
.-ailli Ite Plats o rI'it' heii'.I'-as'si- Gable~si. )

0 1:'.1
if' l!t

isis"i- 'ills 5il.-soIvd ia
h'risisss'at '-l

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