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May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…I. tr ' 4att -0 AS EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1931 TS 1 1 1 E E cou IYCIL P urka Thoroughly Enjoys Doing Greek Drama; Likes Ibsen Plays I to By Margaret O'Brien Expansive though regal, the Yur- ka swepst away all the 'usual for- malities of an interview, and spokel from the heights of the charms of a college town with a disarming quality ...…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

…THE MIC14ICAN f)ATLV _ _____ .1 - o 4DonaldB. MaMillan Traces.Air Route RffIT[W for Trans-Alanic Tripito London in Jtrne IUJIILI Il UV 3 I Board Extends Its Sanction of Plan by .Mail; Voting r Is Unanimous. 45 ~MEMBERSHIP OU TLINEU; Sigma Rho Taux to Hold Initiation Ceremo~nies rToday Preceeding Its AiwumalHoniors Banquet Rites to Tike Place at Stuamp NearEngne~iugArch; -The reg. ular spriwn l intioii of Sigma Rho Taul, egneigde- bating s...…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN D4TtV:' _____ *nae council, n with the Saturday in .r A. Cooke, of the first is a member of sev- societies, and will re- fall to take her mas-, Botany. This is the ire give as their part ear program.~ An- th~e Detroit asso- -sity of M<ichigan were present e clubs; several is sent letters. Dr. H~amilton. [ng business ses- te adjourned to Terminal tower addrese by Dr. , A.M, '10, a pro- ird medical school 10 years a mnem- of Nat...…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY morningexcept-Monday during the University 'er itrol of Student Publications. Western conference Editorial Association. Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- iews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise er and the local news published herein. Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ial rate of postage, granted by Third Assistant carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50 rbor Press Building. Maynard Street, Ann Arbo...…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 5

…MICHIGAN DAILY cc L MI R Pageant Will Precede L.tern Ni 1ght Cerern ENT OU LEAD1 FUR ANNlUAL PROCESSION ON PALMER FIELD Semi-Final Matches to Be Played Today Have Ordered Will,'Meet Tonight. GUEST S ATTEND INFORMAL PARTY Jordan Hall Entertains Faculty; Hope Eddy Offers Program. Jordan hall held the first of a series of informal suppers for the faculty Sunday night. Margaret Mix, '1 president of the hall and Malvina Lemmle, grad...…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 6

…THE MIC141CAN% DAILY T 01 all W ( Qe Awar J Jn ack Anna 3CET ' ffi iy Nine to Meet Buckeyes at 1 C 'I i Vill Receive Honors fear.. Won by 25 st Year ason. of the 1931 will receive last season, d last night. ST RIBLING, HEAVYWEIGHT FIGH TE R, TRAINS FOR CHAMPIONSHIP BOUT Athletics Rout Yankees to Take Double O Bill and Lengthen Lead h i Junipo Wa s h i n g t o n, though rained in Chicago, defeated the C t esterday. stepnd int...…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 7

…T~HE MICH-IGAN DAILY' ,,.. ft 'AMBEA TS IESOT-A, 7-w2CLAl S F'ED i ADVERTISING LIV HD AmericanLc;g Philadelphia . ...... 24 Washington ....20 New York.. .. .9 Chicago .. ........14 Cleveland ... ....1 St. Louis... . ...12 Boston .."..... .11 1 I,' r L 13 13 _21 18 20 s squad ule yes- rely de- team 7 National League St. Louis..... ..18 8 Ne wa York .... ...19 9 Easton ...... . ..... 17 12 Chicago ..........14 14 Pittsburgh. .15 17 ...…

May 26, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 170) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FICIAL BULLETIN tin is constructive notice to all members received at the office of the Assistant to excepting Sundays. '11:30 a., m. Saturday. HO0OVER APPROV ES $38,0OOOUOOO0DROP III POqTAIf iv~riiqrI NEW YORKER ~ at.Large MAY 26, 1931 NO. 170 NOTICES E! SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS! e day remains for the payment of diploma fees. There on beyond 4 p. m, Wednesday, May 27. The Treasur. d Satuaday afternoon. Shirley W....…

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