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May 26, 1931 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-26

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*nae council,
n with the
Saturday in
.r A. Cooke,
of the first

is a member of sev-
societies, and will re-
fall to take her mas-,
Botany. This is the


give as their part
ear program.~ An-
th~e Detroit asso-
-sity of M<ichigan
were present
e clubs; several
is sent letters.
Dr. H~amilton.
[ng business ses-
te adjourned to
Terminal tower
addrese by Dr.
, A.M, '10, a pro-
ird medical school
10 years a mnem-
of Nations health?
oni the topic "In-
i an~d the League
s passed by the
meet4g charac-
of D~r. Ald~red S.
Ledical faculty, as
'ins Cup.
trophy was given
meeting to the
ialumni c lub of
ring delegation is
n th~e number of
obser'ver at the
federal depart-
ni, and another
iAssoiation of
received at the
alum~kni clubs~ of
1 Rapids to hold
elgates came to
Ines. Most of the
came by air, and
delegate fro~m
own in a plane.
moi& miles than
but Will Rogers,


Yri Ni~SaeTeeh eOfial
WU~h~m'W. t g ,teidentby Carlyle Kitrede, 97E, asistn
."~"~'of the r udent Cbr tian associa- to the vice president of the MiVch-
w'ton, Ig d aes of the student igan ell Telephone company nd
r r x ,e r ~ve cabinets will attend a a fellow in the American Institute
r a lt. lrita? association con- of Electrical Engineers, died at
x k'w 9rf.': f -to l :hd l t Wis, June 12 [ noon Saturday, May 23, in Harper
r to 19 at, take A~ne a. hospital, Detroit, following an oper-
S~r, i ts facti ry imen, alumni ation for acute appendicitis.
> ° a r. grus workers He was past chairman of the D-
r ~ ~~~ x i ; e ..idsw il attendth troit-Ann Arbor section of the
$ Vie . aW ae ,fall, of !Ohio A.I E.E., and a member of the D-'
f e~tuiversty, as chairman of troit Engineering system.
tie ,central field council, 7ill pre- He was bon-at Mason, Mich.,
{ Ve. July 19, 1874 He graduated from
4 A group of morning addresses Ann Arbor High school, and later
Jh ,J' Y.will be presented on the general received his bachelor's degree from
Associated Press Photo subject of "What Students Live the engineering college, class of
John W. n99k, By." Thomas Graham, dean of the 1897, at the Univesity.
" OQberlin school of theology and M. Kittredge entered, the employ-
Former warden of the federal . Lichliter, of the First Congrega- m-ent of the Bell system in 1899 ,as
penitentiary in Atlanta, Ga., who tional church, Columbus, will lec- a special inspector for the Central
is being considered for a position ture during the series. Union telephone company, then op-
in one of the country's largest pen- Student leaders will confer on crating in Ohio, Indiana, and Ili-
al, institutions. Hfe has been sug- campus problems, Kearns said. Spe- nois. Four yars later, he became
gested for the post of warden of vial discussioon groups are in inspector at _Indnapcl1il , din
Clinton prison, Dannemora. N. Y. charge of E. B. Schultz., of the na- 197 was promnoted, to asistnt
___________________________ tional student division of the Y. M. chief engineer. In 1911, he eteretl1
LLI~ar FtIS # NCARC. A. Personal guidance and voca- the employment of the Michigan
ROLLNG PISONCAR tional help problems will b epe- Bell Telephone company as plant
ENDS MUTINY -PERIL cially emphasized and programs engineer, and in 1921 was promoted
outlined. tW chief engineer. In 1925, he was
ATLANTA, Ga., An.y 25.-(M)- madec assistant to the vice presi-
L¢atest in railroad equipment is BARNARD COLLEGE-A recent dent.
th~e prison coach, survey of the intended occupations Funeral services will be hld at
The first such coach to reach of senior students was made and the family residenpce, 802 Fourth
Atlanta brought 28 prisoners to only four listed marriage with no street, Royal Oaik, , t two o'clock~
the federal penitentiary here. paid occupation as their field of en- this afternoon. burial will be in
Chiilled steel bars close win-" deavor. Teaching headed the list. Ann Arbor.
dows 'of the prison coach as ef-"~-
fectively as prison bars. Guards
bottle up the ends of the car.
In case; of general mutiny they
have- only to retire to the plat-
forms outside, closing the steel
dloors behind thteli.
Wheni the car reaches the pen-
itepitiary it is' shunted inside a
steel' cage. The engine. pulls
away, the gates shutting behind
Director Contments on Values of o
Annual Educational
Insftite. S lI
Annual, five-day a411 ni educa-
tion courses are evoking apprecia-
tio~n andl response from those who
ve return~d to the campus to
tape advantage of the programs,
gccording to Wilfred B. Shawdi-
rector. of alumni relations, writing Wd
We*in the current School of Education
"Last June some - seventy-five
alumni retulrned to the campus to
attend tihe Alumni University', anI
ed~gatiqnal, institute covering the~
five days iminedigtely succeeding
co nl41eIcexrnent,"*A says Mr. Shaw.
'I0t4ing this period ten members of
the -faculty' each gave a course of
five lectures over the successive-
days with a most enthustastic re-
sponse from ,' ose who ttended. AD
The program will bc° repea'tdti
year with, it is hoped, a larger en-
rollment of alumni 'students'."
In an effort to extend the-courses
to nearby centers, five such u. i rses
were organized in and around D.e-
troit, writes Mr. Shaw. That there
Is a -real and substantial basis for
efforts' in this field'Is indicateed by

the fact that both those who took
the courses in Detroit and at the
University paid for their participa-
tion, he reports. Graduates of the
University in the teaching profcs-°
sion were among those enrolled.
Despite the fact that it is a comn-
paratively new development in
adult education, some hundred odd
American colleges and universities
are interesting themselves in the M
problem of continuing education,
states Mr. Shaw.
X-Ray 'Doses' Made
Possible in future}
Scientist Discovers New. Method
of Measuring Rays.K
WASHINGTON, May 25. --(A')-
Cancer patients may receive more
benefit from X-ray, treatments in
the future because a government
scientist has found a way to stand-
ardize X-ray "doses" as accurately
as doses of medicine.
Lauriston H. Taylor, physicist and
X-ray expert. of the United States

Today's Radl
Those Who wish to dance will
Lhave amnple opportunity with the
variety and. the quality of orches.-
tras which are on the air toni-ht.
Paul Whiteman and his men broad-
cast twice tonight, once from VWJR,
'WLWU, and KDKA at 7 o'clock a 2nd
the second time over Stations KYW,
WGAR, andi WREN a? 11 o'clock.,
Fle;tcher Henderson, Coon Sanders,
B3.'A. Rolfe, OzzieNeon and Cab
'Calloway also are on the air to-


In the new Camel quarter,-hourj
programn. which takes thae place of
the former program is featuring
Morton Downey, tenor, and An-
thony Wons, of "Tony's, Scrapbook"
fame. On the program which comes
over the Columpia chain at 6:45
o'clock beginning next Tuesday,
the orchestr'al portion is played by
Jacques Renard's orchestra.
Zita Johann, co-star of "Toor-
row -and Tomorrow," on the stage
now in New York now in that show,
will be interviewed by "Gentleman
Jim" Corbett at 5 o'clock tonight
over the N.B.C.-WEAF channels.,
Frank Parker, tenor, and Don Voor-
hees' orchestra will also be, heard
ton the progra.
George Bernard Shaw, contempo-
rary author of "The Apple Cart"
and "Saint Joan" will speak on
Memorial day froma London, the day
also being the five hundredth an-
niversary of the martyrdom of Joan
of Arc, and it is expected that Shaw
Iwill tell something about the Maid


of Orleans, "Saint Joan," the hero- Wet Organization Reor
inc of his play
Coon Sanders and his dance or- Over 1914.
chestra will make their final ap-
pearance in the Florsheim Frolic1 WASHINGTON, May 25:~
program tonight. The broadcast, I An "analysis of America's
~which will be heard over Stations bill' by the Association Aga1
WWJ, WTAM1, ,and WGY at 7:30 Prohibition Amendmnt est
o'clock, is one comprising all pop- peopl~e in the United Sa
ular hit tunes, spending upward of $1,000,00
4:30-Bert Down and his orchestra-'WXYZ, year more for ligqosIthan is
WFBL, W oL"~mrow'ad'Toor The association's rser
ro^w"-WNEAF, WGY partment concluded
5:15--Pelter Van Steeden and his or
ch~stra-WVEN'R, WJR, WGAR' r the 'illicit liquor business. b
5'30-Savannah Liner orchestra-WJZ, WBZA come one of Ameica's ma
6:35-Final baseball scores-WJR ~dt~po
6:45--Rambles. Rondoliers, dance orchestra- dustries.' It si h ep
WENR, WREN,WZY are spndng$2,848,000,000 a
7:00-Paul Whiteman and his orchetra,-the itxctn e~a'
Jesters-WJR?, WLW, KDKA ly for itxctn eeae
Julia Sanderson and Frank Crumit-
WWJ, W-FAM, WGY -pared with the $2,793,166,812
7:15-Round Towners, with Irene Beasly- sale figure for passeneral
7:30-Coon sanders dance orchestra-WWJ, blsi 99
W TAM NI,V-Y The ex<penditures were div
9:30-Philco Symphony concert - WXYZ,, follows: Spirits, $2,290,000
9:00--5. A. Rolle and his dance orchestra- against $663,009U,000 in1914
WWJ, WTAM, WGY liquors, $395,000,000 compare
9:15-Tito Guizar with Vincent Sorrey's o-$,3,0,adwns 23
chestra-WXYZ, WEAN, WFBL$1O,00,adwns
Rich ie Craig,1r.-WXYZ, WEAN, WFBL against$124,000,000.
9:30-Morton Downey on Paramcount-Publix, Comz4 4ratively little weig]
program-WXYZ, WEAN, WFL gve n h alcu-latin.f
10:00-Fletcher Henderson and his orchestra__g- nintI
WXYZ, WEAN, WFBL ciation said, to prices p"
Sen ator Borah--WLBW, WABC liquor in speakeasies or to thi
'10:30-"Dream Pictures," Archer Gibson or. legger.' . jt addd 4 it ei
ganist-WGAR, WREN, KDKA $2,984,000~,000 estimate 'col
11:00--Paul Whiteman an d his orchestra--
WG~AR.WREN, KYW 7 tive."
Ozzie Nelson and his orchestra-WXYZ, "The make-up of liquo
11:25-Red Apple Club-WJR suml~ptlon has 'shifted cQP4ij
2:00-Nighthawk Frol ic-WDAF under prohibition," therp
1:00-Midnight Merry-makers-KWK tinued. h

in the ilrfl
air routes.

. - 1





I Ili




is Lab~or Dispute Appears
ien Cabinet Reduces All
Governmenit Wages.
CIO, May 25.-(iP) -The cabi-
day announced a cut in the
s of all government employes,
ling army and navy officer~s,
'orthwith camne face to face
;he most serious labor dispute
half century of government-
ed rail.~ads.
bureau and section chiefs of
Alway ministry prepared their
ations and 210,000 railway
yes throughout the country
;eed to cease work in sym-
he wage cut applies only 'to
eyes receiving more than 85
$42.50) per month, the great'
ity are not directly affected.
hte face of the threat the cab-
efused to withdraw its thrift
ale. A b o u t 9,000 railroad
rs will have their salaries re-

ov sol



;ion of the army
all government
petitions with the
sing the reduc-

This Year

. Sage to Succeed
Sod t as Carrier Head


ithorities confirmed the
t of James R. Sage to
tave Sodt, deceased, as
carriers at the Ann Ar-
e, in a message received
Postmaster A. C. Pack

bureau 0f standtards, nas developed.
what is believed to be the first port-
able "X-ray yardstick," a standard
unit for measuring_ intensity of all
X-rays._ It is known technically as
a p' o r t a b 1le standard ionization
chamber. t-
Fe~w nhysicians at present give

Sage entered the federal service
tthe Ann Arbor postof'fice in 1899]

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