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April 23, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

… NOT IN A DAY See Page 4 Y 1MwF :4IatA, y/d4-,i nYlr//~ Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, SHOWERS VOL. LXV, No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1955 SIX PAGES Wolfson Admits Defeat in Battle+ Avery Still Head of Mail Order House Following Noisy Meeting CHICAGO W) - Sewell Avery's tight grip on Montgomery Ward and Co. slipped a bit yesterday, but not enough to lose control. In a five-hour annual meeting marked by che...…

April 23, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 139) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MCMGAN DAILY SATURDAY. APRTT. 22_ IONS PAGE TWO THE MTCIITGAN DAilY ~ATTT1?~AV AIDTT 1)9 lflXK 0,MJL UJLV A& p 13rnm 4+1, 121a)a7 a MURALS, SKETCHES: Deceased Student's -Daily-John Hirtzel Above is a typical example of Euker's sketches, analyzing the emo- tional behavior of children. Below is a self-portrait done in oils, utilizing an impressionistic style. SPINE-CHILLING ,THRILLER! * Art Shown By DEBRA DURCHSLAG Students ...…

April 23, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 139) • Page Image 3

… 5AIUKDAY, AkkUL 23, 1955 ITHIE Rllct tl6A I% DAIL I FAGS THREE SAI2UKJJAY, AkiUL xii, 1965 PAGE THREE Wolverines Beat Wildcats in Opening-BigJ en Tilt Mound Duels, Highlight -M Softball Pitchers' duels were the order of the day yesterday at Ferry Field in the Independents soft- ball league. Gil Kombrink led the IRS Club to a slim 5-4 victory over the topnotch Farouk's Five, as r Jay Goold's sixteen strikeouts were not enough to overco...…

April 23, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 139) • Page Image 4

…ill PAGE FOUR TIIE MICH16Ai% DAIL I SATURDAY, Ai"HIL 23, 1955 PAGE FOUR ~iAT1AU)AY. APRIL 23. 1955 ..«. x.... .... .. +sy a.e avaa wrws} ...ever A NOT IN A DAY: Court Ban on Recreational. Segregation: Go Slow "Shoo" THE FAR-REACHING effects of the Supreme Court decision concerning segregation in schools is already striking at the roots of Southern society. Recently the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in a decisio...…

April 23, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 139) • Page Image 5

… u' SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAt"M FIVE SA T U D A Y, A PR L 23 195THEM I C H G A N A IL rA Iur' UvrTW 5 COLLEGE ROUNDUP: C ornell Condemns Discrimination By BETTY SCHOMER C At Cornell University, the fac- ulty passed a resolution express- ing its disapproval of discrimina- tory practices by campus organi- zations. Further recommendations in- cluded no incoming student or- ganization whose constitution had such discr...…

April 23, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 139) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MCHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1955 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1955 Mm 'U' PERSONIFIED: Alumni Director Recalls Unique Career By JANE HOWARD". 4" ,ne~ With greying hair topping aF 'I genial grin, the man who's directed Michigan alumni affairs for 33 ..............roc { t "° '*, years. recalls that he's partially an< alumnus of another university. T. Hawley Tapping, '16L, got his =. AB in 1911 from Iow...…

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