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April 23, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-04-23

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SATURDAY, Ai"HIL 23, 1955


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Court Ban on Recreational.
Segregation: Go Slow


THE FAR-REACHING effects of the Supreme
Court decision concerning segregation in
schools is already striking at the roots of
Southern society.
Recently the United States Court of Appeals
for the Fourth Circuit in a decision handed
down in Richmond, Va., ruled forced segrega-
tion in public recreational facilities unconsti-
The decision, given on two Maryland cases,
is the direct outgrowth of the Supreme Court's
ruling on segregation in academic institutions.
The higher court refused to sustain a Balti-
more Federal district court decision that segre-
gation in public facilities was "within the power
of the Board of Park Commissioners of the
City (Baltimore) to makes rules for the pre-
servation of order within the parks."
The Park Board had said that "separation
of races was normal treatment in Maryland and
the regulation before the court was justified as
an effort to avoid any conflict which would
arise from racial antipathies."
HE CIRCUIT COURT cited the Supreme
court action overthrowing the "separate
and equal" doctrine, established inthe famous
Plessy v. Ferguson case of 1896 in educational
It added that "The Supreme Court expressed
the opinion in Brown v. Board of Education
that it must consider education in the light
of its full development and its present place in
American life.
".. . With this in mind it is obvious that
racial segregation in recreational activities can
no longer be sustained as a proper exercise of
police power of the state; for if that power
cannot be invoked to sustain racial segregation
in schools where attendance is compulsory,
it cannot be sustained with respect to public
beach and bathhouse facilities, the use of
which is entirely optional."
T HIS IS the result of the Supreme Court's
ruling which has long been feared by South-
erners and impatiently awaited by Northerners.
It drives deep into the social setup of the
South. It is different from the Supreme Court's'
decision in that it directly affects adults, where
prejudices are heated and violent, whereas last
spring's ruling affected these people more in-
directly, while only children were the par-
ticipants in the integration.
The Supreme Court deliberately left time for
implementation of de-segregation programs in
the schools. It was not only /a wise move, but

a necessary one if violence was to be averted.
The court encouraged "interested parties" to
submit proposals as to the implementation and
timing of the program.
Now, a Circuit court has delved into an even
more heated area. Education is compulsory, and
involves children. Recreation is voluntary, and
involves adults, indoctrinated for generations
with blind hate.
Children can only learn to hate with minds
still reasonably flexible, and if taught to think
by objective teachers, will in time forget the
difference between black and white skin.
Adults, however, are not flexible, and do not
reason on the subject of discrimination. To
them it is "normal", and to change it is to
change their lives. These people are not ne-
cessarily stupid, as many Northerners with lim-
ited knowledge of the subject contend.
THE CIRCUIT COURT has not stated how
the ruling will be carried out or enforced.
It is hoped that it will use the discretion which
the Supreme Court demonstrated a year ago.
Even the most avid among liberal supporters
of de-segregation programs understands that
time is necessary.
The effect of the decision in Virginia is im-
mediate. The Richmond City Planning Com-
mission deleted from the City's proposed capital
budget $190,000 earmarked for the building
of three neighborhood swimming pools. The
commissioners took the view that the pools
should not be constructed until it was deter-
mined whether they could be used on a segre-
gated basis.
The action will undoubtedly be repeated if
the decision is not given time. The South is
becoming ready for integration, but such in-
sistence on rapid implementation is inhibitory
and resented.
. Such action can have tremendous repercus-
sions and can cause retrogression in the midst
of the progress now being made. The re-
construction period had such an effect when
a rapid change of life was insisted upon by
Northerners, wishing to "punish" southern citi-
As reconstruction left the South bitter and
remorseful, so haste and unnecessary pressure
can evoke the same results.
As a society is not build in a day, neither is
it destroyed in a day, and even in the waning
hours of its existence, it retains the power to
persecute, hate, and fight with violence.
-Lew Hamburger


R gr


United Jewish Appeal Aids
Refugees, Those Who Stay

State Parallel...
To the Editor:
AS A regular reader of The Mi-
chigan Daily, I have noticed
a startling and radical change in
the publication's type of editor-
ials. For many years The Daily
editorialists have written about
the world problems with a great
deal of skill and broadmindedness.
These articles were always inter-
esting to read, if but to see how
the young journalist views the
troubles of Communism vs. Capi-
talism, Labor vs. Management,
But in recent months I have
sadly noted a rapid decline in that
brand of journalism. Now The
Daily writers seem content to blast
the fine reputation of Michigan
State in regard to the "MSU" bill.
All I see in The Daily are stupid,
moronic editorials about MSU
that seemingly could have been
conceived by a freshman in high
The absolute low was hit on
Wednesday, March 23 by one Lee
Marks who maligned Michigan
State from here to kingdom come
by inferring that the East Lansing
school was lacking in sincerity,
prestige, etc.
I attended both schools and
found the average State student
and faculty member to be sincere,
fair, and helpful. State is advan-
cing rapidly along academic lines
as evidenced by the increased en-
rollment from all over the world.
And State will continue to improve
because of its energetic faculty
and student body.
It would seem better if The
Daily writers could really probe
into State's desire to be ranked as
a University. I have no doubt that
if such were the case, the journa-
lists from Ann Arbor would have
a much different opinion of Michi-
gan State.
-Cpl. Keith A. Miller
* * *
No Witches ---
To the Editor:
I SHOULD like to comment on a
statement by Mike Sharpe
. . .

FEAR - an ugly word, but a common one to
more than 80,000 Jews living in backward,
tension-ridden Tunisa and Morocco.
These people live from day to day in filth
and stench of Casablancan slums. Dirty, mud-
dy alleys serve as street, sewer and play-
ground. Whole families live jammed together
in one room hovels. Children have every ill-
ness born of malnutrition and poverty. Politi-
cally, as well as economically and socially, these
people are second class citizens. In Morocco,
they can't vote, can't even appear in court
and actually have no legal status at all. They
live in fear-a fear that mounts daily with
the increasing tension and political unrest in
that part of the world.
HELP HAS been coming to these people
through the United Jewish Appeal which
has set a goal of close to $100,000,000 'for its
1955 nationwide drive, the local campaign now
in progress on campus. Plans have been made
to move 30,000 of these people to Israel in 1955
where they'll have the chance to live and work
in dignity and freedom. But getting them
there is only half the problem. Many need
medical treatment, have to be trained for a
job and adjusted to their new way of life. To
speed the integration of these immigrants,
there is a need to establish 52 new farm com-
munities, build 6,000 new housing units, and
irrigate 45,000 additional acres of the long
neglected Negev desert. A strengthened econ-

omy in Israel will furnish a firm outpost of
the free world in one of the Globe's most back-
ward areas. In a time when country after
country has been swallowed up by the Com-
munists, Israel is being built even more
strongly into the system of free and demo-
cratic peoples,
UNITED JEWISH Appeal funds also help
those who must remain in North Africa to
attain comparatively better lives where they
are. The three most prevalent diseases in
North Africa-the scalp disease tinea, the
blinding eye disease trachoma, and tuberculosis
-are being brought under control. Children
are being fed hot meals and mothers are now
taught modern child care methods cutting down
infant mortality. Vocational training pro-
grams teach them to provide for themselves
in the future.
In the United States, the United Jewish Ap-
peal is helping 7,500 recent and exjected re-
fugee newcomers to take up productive lives
here. In addition, a vast network of welfare
tnd rehabilitation services is helping close to
500,000 men, women and children overseas, in-
cluding many escapees from Communist lands
and many still behind the iron curtain. This
work is one more American answer to totalitar-
ianism. It is a demonstration of American
concern for the underprivileged, an area which
Communist totalitarians have always pretend-
ed to monopolize.
--Arlis Garon

quoted in Thursday's paper in re-
gard to the LYL's difficulty in se-
curing headquarters. The state-
ment is in reference to why five
churches and seven meeting halls
refused them permission to hold
meetings there and is inaccurate.
He says, "This attitude is the
effect of fear resulting from
'witch hunts' and is no fault of
theirs." This is not entirely true
in the case of the LYL requesting
use of the lounge of the Wesley
Foundation in the First Methodist
Church, and I quote from our ans-
wer to them in the report of the
committee on use of the Wesley
Foundation rooms.
"Within the Wesley Foundation,
both student members and board
members feel the importance of
protecting and maintaining such
human rights as free speech and
academic freedom.
"However, the Wesley Founda-
tion reserves the right to decide
for itself how it shall implement
these Christian convictions in
specific social action. Two basic
problems arise: (1) the assign-
ment of priorities in the expendi-
ture of time and effort between its
basic religious objectives and the
promoting and defending of such
derivatives of the Christian pro-
gram as free speech. (2) The de-
termination of the methods the
Foundation shall use in promot-
ing and defending such basic
"The use of Wesley Foundation
facilities by outside organizations
is not a right of such organiza-
tions, but a privilege to be extend-
ed at the discretion of the Wesley
Foundation. In the case of an or-
ganization fostering a philosophy
alien from or antagonistic to the
Christian faith, the Wesley Foun-
dation has a concern for their
freedom of speech and assembly,
but no obligation to ally itself
with them in the promotion of
their ends."
-Marilyn Cortright, '57N
* * *
To the Editor:
AS TO THE polemic of Mssrs.
Shappirio and Weber, we wish
to rejoin that we are not in the
least (and how could we be when
they say exactly nothing in their
tedious note of reproach for sins
which we are not culpable of-or,
even, capable-and, in passing, we
would like to point out that it was
not Greek, but, rather, 12th cen-
tury Russian) interested.
-GARGOYLE Directortate
D. Kessel, Chairman
* * *
Book Meter.. .
To the Editor:
IF THE administration of the
University can place parking
meters in the University parking
lots, to "acquire more parking
lots," they why doesn't the admin-
istration place parking meters in
the library carels to "acquire a
new library?"
-Maxwell O. Reade,
Assoc. Professor of Math
Town Meeting .. .
To the Editor:
I ATTENDED the town meeting
held in conjunction with Aca-
demic Freedom Week, and enjoyed
it very much. I was very happy
to hear new ideas on the sub-
jects discussed, and was especially
impressed by the amount of work
to which the panel had gone, and
how well they expressed their
My only regret is that more of
the student body didn't take time
out to take part in the very worth-
while program. I hope that more
forums of this kind on similar
topics of concern will be held in
the future.

Find Lid
On News
man's crackdown on the press
for not publishing all the facts on
the Eisenhower Administration,
coupled with the severe news cen-
sorship by certain parts of the
Eisenhower Administration, pre-
sent vitally important problems for
he American Society of Newspaper
Editors meeting here this week.
Many editors, among them Rus-
sell Wiggins of the Washington
Post and V. M. Newton, Jr., of the
Tampa Tribune, have been waging
a vigorous campaign, not only to
print the truth but also to break
the tightening wall of censorship.
They realize, as most people don't,
that about 70 per cent of the tax-
payers' money is spent by the De-
fense Department, where censor-
ship is tightest.
Furthermore, the greatest pro-
portion of contracts awarded by
the Defense Department to any
company goes to the giant firm
which Secretary of Defense Wilson
once headed, General Motors.
Hitherto, the Defense Department
has regularly published the list of
the 100 largest companies getting
contracts and the proportion of
business they get. Wilson has pub-
lished only one such list since he
assumed office, and that under
Hitherto, it's been a Defense De-
partment rule that matters per-
taining to dollars, to the expendi-
ture of money, should be a matter
of public record, that the public
was entitled to know how its mon-
ey was being spent.
That, today, is changed. Today,
it is not possible for newsmen to
ascertain whether semi-outmoded
tanks are still being produced, only
to sit and rust; why the Navy is
b ui I1 d i n g a multimillion-dollar
Spanish base near Gibraltar when
the Air Force has exactly the same
type of base just across the Straits
of Gibraltar which both could use;
Whether Secretary Wilson is right
about cutting down on small de-
fense contracts and pooling them
with big companies-including his
own; the number of times he uses
government planes to go deer-
hunting; plus a myriad other ques-
tions which in no way involve
national safety but do involve ef-
ficiency, politics and the right of a
self-governed people to now how
their money is spent.
Easy Cal Coolidge
THERE are other things the edi-
tors may want to examine this
week. There've been, for instance,
a lot of changes in press-confer-
ence techniques. Theyhavecome a
long, long way from the easygoing
somnolent days of Calvin Coolidge
when a mere handful of newsmen
gathered around Cal's desk twice a
week to hear him.ramble on about
fishing or the stock market or the
hive if bees he'd found in a tree
on the White House lawn.
Questions were asked only in
writing then, and if the rPesident
didn't choose to answer, no one
could cross-examine him. The pub-
lic didn't know there were press
conferences then, weren't supposed
to know that the President ex-
pressed his views. His views were
published as coming from a "White
House spokesman," and newsmen
carefully respected this anonymity.
Today, how different! Today,
the press gets more chance to ask
questions, almost more glamor.
Today, a White House conference

is more like a Hollywood stage, and
some reporters seem more inter-
ested in asking questions that will
listen well on television than pro-
duce news. They know this is the
best way to get their names and
faces shown back home.
But their fate as glamor-pusses
depends on a tough young man
named James Hagerty. If Press
Secretary Hagerty doesn't like the
question, if it's too searching, too
embarrassing, then censor Hagerty
cuts it out of the TV record and
it isn't seen all over the nation.
It's a technique than can dis-
courage searching questions.
Appeal to Publishers
rHE White. House has also de-
veloped another technique for
discouraging newsmen who pry in-
to disagreeable subjects. It's simi-
lar to the technique used by Her-
bert Hoover when he didn't like
critical newsmen-namely, eco-
nomic pressure.
Milton Friedman of the Jewish
Telegraph Agency was called in by
Max Rabb, White House assistant,
and told that his news stories re-
porting on Eisenhower policy to-
ward the Arabs were c a u s i n g
trouble. He also didn't like some
of Friedman's questions at press
conferences regarding the break-
down of the immigration bill-the
same breakdown recently high-
lighted by Ed Corsi.
Rabb promised that if Friedman

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publction of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all nembers of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Vol. LXV, No. 139
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test Sat.. April 23 are requested to re-
port to Room 100. Hutchins Hall at 8:45
a .m.
Students Interested in working on
Registration for Summer Session should
apply to the Personnel Office, 3012 Ad-
Men Students-The Personnel Office
has a number of part-time yard jobs
available. Apply 3012 Administration.
Admission Test for Graduate Study in
Business. Graduates of the School of
Business Administration applying for
graduate admission beginning with
summer, 1955, or later, are excused from
this test. See bulletin board for details.
The Lake Michigan Playhouse, Grand
Haven, Mich. will interview candidate
who are interested In SUMMER THE-
ATRE WORK on April 23 from 1:00-
3:00 p.m. in Room 3B of the Michigan
Union. The Lake Mich. Playhouse is
connected with Alma College and of-
fers six hours of college credit in
Speech & Theatre. Positions are open
in the following fields: Acting, all
phases of technical work (lighting &
set work), Business mnagement. Mr.
W. A. Gregory is interested in both ex-
perienced and inexperienced candi-
dates, of either sex for their children's
and adult's theatre. If interested in be-
ing interviewed contact Mr. Gregory in
Room 3B.
Greenbush Inn, Lake Huron (Green-
bush) Mich, will interview candidates
on April 25 from 7:00 p.n. to 9:45 p.m.
In Room 3B of the Michigan Union for
the following positions: Waitresses (F),
chambermaids (F), kitchen help (F),
child counselor, and general handy-man
(M, gardening, etc.).
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., April 27
Brunswick, Balke, Colender Co., Mus-
kegon 82, Mich. - B.S. & M.S. Ind.,
Mech., and Chem. E., U.S. citizens only,
for Research, Development, Testing
Present and New Products, Processing
and Standards.
Eaton Manufacturing Co., Foundry
Div., Vassr, Mich.-B.S. & M.S. in
Mech. & Ind. E. plus at least. one
course in Foundry for Foundry, Indus-
trial & Supervisory Training.
Thurs., April 28
National Aluminate Corp., Ann Ar-
bor, Mch.-B.S. or M.S. in Chem. E.
or Chem. for Sales Engrg., U.S. citi-
zens only.
Jervis B. Webb Co., Detroit, Mich-
$.S, or M.S. in Mech. or Ind. E. for
Kalamazoo Veg. Parchment Co., Kal-
amazoo, Mich.-B.S. or M.S. in Mech. &
Chem. E. for Research, Process Engrg.,
Quality Control.
Fri., April 29
Brookhaven National Labs., Upton,
N.Y.-all levels in Nuclear, Metal.,
Mech., Chem. E., & Physical Chem.,
U.S, citizens, for Research & Develop-
Gen'l. Elect. Co., Transformer Div.,
Pittsfield, Mass. - PhD's only in all
Engrgiprograms, Chem., and Physics
receiving degrees in August or Feb. for
Fundamental and Applied Research and
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., ext.
The following will be at the Bureau
of Appointments:
New England Mutual Life Insurance
interested in men for actuarial, group
insurance sales, and claim adjustment
Wed., April 27
Lincoln Nat'. Life Ins. Co., Ft. Wayne,
Ind.-men in LS&A and BusAd.
For appointments and additional in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 371, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Representatives from the following
school systems will be at the Bureau of
Appointments for. interviews:
Tuesday, April 26, 1955
Fowlerville, Michigan-Teacher Needs:

H.S. English; Girl's Physical Education;
Jr. High English-Social Studies; Seventh
Grade Mathematics-Social Studies; Ele-
mentary Art - Music combination;
Fourth Grade.
Linden, Michigan (Linden Communi-
ty Schools)--Teacher Needs: Jr. & Sr.
High English-Journalism; Commercigl-
shorthand; Home Economics; Music-
H.S. vocal and Instrumental with Band.
Bakersfield, California (Kern County
Union High School and Jr. College)--
Teacher Needs: All fields.
Wednesday, April 27, 1955
Blissfield, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Coach (football) - Physical Educgtion-
Social Studies; H.S. Social Studies; Ele-
mentary Music; Assistant Football
Coach-Social Science.
Kalamazoo, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
German-English; Mathematics-Science;
Latin-English; Home and Family Liv-
ing; Early and Later Elementary.
Thursday, April 28, 1955
Petersburg, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Early and Later Elementary; Sr. High
Industrial Arts and Physical Education
combination (assistant football and
basketball Coach) Head baseball coach.;
Sr. High English.
Ida, Michigan-Teacher Needs: Vocal
Music; English-Art (H.S.).
For gppointments or additional in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Lecture, auspices of the Geology De-
partment. "Origin and Interpretation of
River Terraces." Prof. J. Hoover Mack-

In. University of Washington. Mon.,
Apr. 25, 4:10 p~m., 2054 NS.
University Lecture sponsored by the
Department of Slavic Languages and
Lteratures. Prof. Ernest J. Simmons of
Columbia University will speak on 'The
Postwar Crisis in Soviet Literature',
Monday, April 25, 4:15 p.m. Angell Hall,
Aud. C.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Economics and the De-
partment of Near Eastern Studies."Eco-
nomic Development of Turkey." Omer
Sarc, professor of economics, University
of Istanbul, Turkey, and visiting Oiro-
fessor at Columbia University. Mon.,
April 25, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall.
American Chemical Society Lecture.
Mon., April 25 at 8:00 p.m. in Room
1300 Chemistry, Prof. W. H. Eberhardt
of Georgia Institute of Technology will
speak on "Valence Structure of Hy-
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar. Prof.
Alfred S. Sussman, botany, will speak
on "Metabolic Changes during Asco-
spore Germination in Neurospor."
Room 319, West Medical Building, Sat.,
April 23, at 10:00 a.m.
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Mon.,
April 25 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 2308
Chemistry. Prof. W. H. Eberhardt will
discuss the chemical binding in hy.
Student Recital. William Doppmann,
pianist, 8:30 p.m. Sat., April 23, in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Partita in
G major by Bach, Sonata in B-fiat mi-
nor by Chopin, Sonatine by Ravel, and
Sonata No. 7 by Prokofleff. Mr. Dopp-
mann is a pupil of Benning Dexter, and
his recital will be open to the public.
Events Today
Frosh Weekend. Maize Team Tickets
Committee Meeting, Sat., April 23 at
10:00 a.m. in the League. All members
must attend.
Frosh Weekend. Maize Team mem-
bers interested in participating in
stunts next week are asked to attend a
preparatory meeting, Sat., April 23 at
10:15 a.m. In the League.
University Ballet Club presents its
Spring Concert "The Ocean Floor," Sat.,
April 23, at 3:00 p.m. on the second
floor of Barbour Gymnasium.
Hilel: Israeli Independence Dance
Sat., Apr. 23, 9:00 p.m. featuring Paul
Brodie and his bnd. Dancing 9:00-12:00
p.m. Refreshments and entertainment.
35c per person,
Hillel: Sat., Apr. 23, 9:00 a.m. Services
in chapel.
Stump Speaker's Society of Sigma
Rho Tau will have its second debate
practice on the affirmative, "Resolved:
The automobile manufacturers should
adopt a guaranteed annual wage." Sat.,
April 23 at 10:00 a.m. in 2084 East En-
gineering. All interested engineers, ar-
chitects, and technologists Invited.
Sailing Club. Rides to Lake will leave
Lydia Mendelssohn, Sat., -April 23 at
8:00 and 9:15 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. Rides
Sun., April 24 will leave at 8:00 and
9:00 a~m. Sat, the Sailing Club will host
in a regatta. Public welcome.
Fishing Clinic. Sat., April 23, 9:00
a.m.-6:00 p.m., Yost Field House. Regis-
tration fee, $1.00 per family, couple or
individual. ,
Coming Events
Bible seminars sponsored by West-
minster Student Fellowship in Room
217 of the Presbyterian Student Cen-
ter, Sun., April 24, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m.
Congregational - Disciples Guild,
Sun., Apr. 24, 7:00 p.m. at the Congre-
gational Church, a fine arts program:
"Toward Jerusalem," the life of Christ
told in music, art, and drama, present-
ed by students.
Newman Club. The Panel Discussion
Society of the Newman Club presents
The Opinion On Trial: "Federal Aid
Should be Given To The Parochial
Schools As Well As To The Public
Schools" Panelists: South Quad vs.
West Quad. Sun., April 24, at 8:00 p.m.
Westminster Student Fellowship Guild
Meeting at 6:45 ,p.m., Sun., April 24,
preceded by a picnic supper in the
Presbyterian Church Yard, cost 50.c
Recording of "Lost in the Stars" based
on Cry of the Beloved Country.....

Hillel. Student Zionist Organization.
Sun., Apr. 24, 8:00 p.m. at the Hillel
Building. Yehuda Levine, director of
Midwest office of. Professional and Tech-
nical Workers Aliyah (Patwa), will
speak on "Professional Opportunities in
Hillel. Sun., Apr. 24, 6:00 p.m. Supper
Unitarian Student Group will meet
Sun., April 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the
church to discuss the topic, "Is Reli-
gion Outmoded?" Transportation from
Lane Hall at 7:15 p.m. Refreshments,
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury house breakfgsts. following both
the 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. services Sun.,
April 24. "Faith of the Church" lec-
ture, 4:30 p.m., Sun., April 24, at Can-
terbury House. Canterbury Supper, 6:00
p.m., Sun., April 24, followed by His-
torical Literary Readings' and Criticism
by Harold Walsh of the Philosophy
Department. Evensong at 8:00 p.m.,
Sun., April 24, followed by Coffee Hour
at Canterbury House.
Election of officers to the Graduate
Student Council for 1955-1956 at the
regular monthly meeting of the Coun-
cil in Rackham Building at 7:30 p.m.,
Thurs., May 5.
Undergraduate Math Club. Mon.,
April 25, 8:00 p.m., Union, Room 3-K.
Speaker: Prof. A. H. Copeland, "The-
ory of Games."



At Architecture Aud. . .
TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND was one of the best
examples of a certain type of British for-
mula comedy: the type which celebrates the
staunchness of the "backward" regions of the
British Isles, and on their resistance to being.
pressured by the stuffy central authorities in
London. Scotch On The Rocks is one of its
worst examples. Its country folk, far from
seeming vigorous and independent, are merely
stuffily provincial, and enmeshed in a grossly
sentimentalized squirearchy.
The Home Office is "gravely concerned", we
learn in the first few scenes, over the "out-
break" on anarchy" in County Laxmore, an iso-
lated Scotch peninsula. One is accustomed, in
this sore of movie, to the government's not hav-
ing much common sense about the relative im-
portance of things. But we feel rather put upon
when this vaunted "anarchy" turns out to be
nothing but the fact that Laxmore's five auto-
mobile owners haven't bought their current
license plates because they think their roads
aren't being properly repaired. This dreary

attempt to blow up a tempest in a very small
teapot characterizes the rest of the movie's
soi-distant "climaxes."
The government, instead of sensibly sending
out a road commissioner, sends out a commit-
tee headed by a millionaire manufacturer. This
latter is a very grim customer, who no sooner
sets foot on Laxmore sod than he starts look-
ing astounded at everything and muttering
"Have they all gone mad?" He makes some
unctuous speeches about "progress," which he
lards with grotesquely Lincolnesque references
to "my sainted mother." and doesn't consider
the Laxmorites wretched greivance at all.
Instead he recommends that they all move to
a modern industrial town he's just building;
that they become, in fact, Ex-Laxmorites.
THE CITIZENS tear into this monstrous
straw man of an industrialist like so many
rat terriers. At a meeting in the school house,
a couple characters who perhaps were supposed
to be picturesque old fellows, but who unfor-
tunately, seemed only horribly senile, come out
strong for the scenic wonders of Laxmore and

Sixty-Fifth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board, in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Eugene Hartwig .....Managing Editor
Dorothy Myers............City Editor
Jon Sobeloff........Editorial Director
Pat Roelofs.......Associate City Editor
Becky Conrad........Associate Editor
Nan Swinehart .......Associate Editor
David Livingston ........ports Editor
Hanley Gurwin ...Assoc. Sports Editor
Warren Wertheimer
........Associate Sports Editor
Roz Shlimovitz...... Women's Editor
Janet Smith Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ...., Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Lois Pollak .........Business Manager
Phil Brunskill, Assoc. Business Manager
Bill Wise.......Advertising Manager
Mary Jean Monkoski Finance Manager
Telephone No 23-24-1


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