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October 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…TheMichIgan Daily ANN .ARBOR, IMICHIG'AN, WESDA ).Y CTIy)Ii]"R 22, 1q07.N.25 VOr.. XVI.. r0. 2 5. BOARD OF REGENTS MAKES A SWEEPING CHANGE IN ATHLETICS Board Votes Unanimously to Reorganize Present Board of Control and Create New Governing Body With Two Student Members Chosen by Faculty and Alumni Representatives. ei aut o t ttlnifabot i ml ri lieit nih 'ilo ll t ii s l rng a Ian Chanttge ill the personelft he f Athletic t rack teamn was ...…

November 22, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…_Th __ htgan Daily ANNARBOR,\II C1II[GA \\ I LM)Y\ NOVEMBIER 22, 1907. v-oL. XVIII. No. S. NATIONAL COLLEGE SEEMS PROBABLE Congress will be Asked for Funds to Establish Institution as Planned by Washington. The National Association of State univ ersities. at anteeting hel last aCtes ay in Washingoi, adopted a ee rttnendatioii mate by a joittcemmit- tee of the association anti of the Na tion at'dncational associaioni that a n- tionauniversi...…

January 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…0 The. Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, '\ilf 1,il '1\\ '['~f)\\ \\ jA \s' t 122,1907. \VOT. XVII. t, 4 "J" HOP PLANS ARE NEARLY COMPLETED Novel Features in Decorations Are Vtomsd-List of Patronesses to be Announced Soon. \, thi t'elii~'t ffirrhe J ititl i f) Hog tits s eff ts aketh is rsbl iii" hert ion rcord. tirtig'sr'being I hutee Is yiist tirig te tor ~f cring for fithneitfsmaldtis Of ifie iritigriltnIwhttf icar inti'ssars for :ttid itiii i...…

February 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…(77 r ' 7v .' !i _ 41 r v G m ca T 4 _ 'n (^ - J C _ ,y r J 74 J n r r' _ _ S C) x > Oa r, - "+, t' r (: .4 ." ... r' i tom'. " . . . J "l f. ' .t .. ." 1., O 2 7. r -" "" ., . r 7 N N r. bR _ _ JC r Ji - . - - " hh Z f^ - J /^ 7 _ n 1 - % - / .. lam: u.. n. . ... . .... -" _ _ - .r - - _ 071 !, t7l r° mm G7 ''CJ M CO r r mom; m ,-- c _ . f ^: s, v s. '_ ;' ", W - r v 74 - . r: " "®= e . P r _+ a+ _ " , u ..Y ..m ... _.. . -- ;,,, ,, ', ,-,...…

March 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN \kl lft kH( IaIi \\ \\, f' II 2 AR H 2, (,) VOL.. XVII. No. 1 6. SPIDERS AND FLIES AIM TO BE SPECTACULAR G~arrels-Coe Meet will be Bitterly Contested-Many New and Unique Features. In Potinltattttt o 7tt t ad irecord-atta t- th nor ic t ofthtttIis taand -cyta-i t exe t it estiona ti erGaret meto iatya.Theecteeti athltic it cl:t gat ing te tt i th sirt tf ig t i tttir at ttttt Roth attcre iclined tibelieveithatlth m rce...…

May 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…71 M Jet -+ V v y i 4' ", ^, ..i u V t j 1. : .. v U - ., 4 . t7, 'J 1: -1; 7- --- -.- A , _ : "- Ste - J. f 7( I "'t " ,_, ,"+ r .may r .1 vJ, ',+ ' if ""' . l ' f r^ ""' 'J '-. ... V , '' ! - '- _ _ . V Y , -! ., r r, J. n r ; J' r., , !^ M ," r; ., V 1 1 l~" , t. 4 u C: , n n ;, y s Y J n r r,. n J. '", y l ~' f;, y ,. W . r. v." :-n c ^. 7w n ^: a:. r~ r. K .. ^z "' ^ n" J .. . J ' u ys 7° ' 4- :i ,, _. i r " .,+ i '+" k C I .. v I i...…

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