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March 22, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-03-22

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The Michigan Daily
AN \kl lft kH( IaIi \\ \\, f' II 2 AR H 2, (,)


No. 1 6.

G~arrels-Coe Meet will be Bitterly
Contested-Many New and
Unique Features.
In Potinltattttt o 7tt t ad irecord-atta t-
th nor ic t ofthtttIis taand -cyta-i
t exe t it estiona ti erGaret
meto iatya.Theecteeti
athltic it cl:t gat ing te tt i
th sirt tf ig t i tttir at ttttt
Roth attcre iclined tibelieveithatlth
m rcettawlltatlcthedeci((byuhevay
raeflllrcompsrial iv-etpount- .l
a (it the arrlttam ofacNtverlluttttt
wtottf a itrttt-rtea c oreitt it t 2utc. if;atr
andit a thereattttttithtt itt ali
th-ervictor . t ta ti ifaaaa- la
rely ac,.the noely ate lit- l'uutfue
tylt- itaitl-s ata andttttt ut r'ten ctt-
attta, ttth ytttncing It i-ttti t , aduuthea
gy itha c etttt itbitionatrt aaon tt arct
--a-ltpeialttttu lresatft grat t mtt otance.ttt
thei Tlietit a t at t r St thetCe itt dcry ate
itt-at ofcttttitt ttttt ta T IIthaifor tat
t-ilar t atl rodliv lo t atntrtttt l itt tfib-a
ittntrdi tagnal titicroitt hic-i-a hesrit.l as
lkenests' o tta ttf tita fetttrataint tattptt
itt-citwitht t al asltitall itta ibo

i11d)(1- m etsso ar hits rat l t'ta
a p as ttta tt he t the a-rtat-e a sh ma
(ad tte ~n i t \Vil 11(it11 lve a m
at t tatt am ttthe " ii tit' ttti d s .
atctt t i tt iiIaso 1avta tI ttrutt arati-
(Canttuedtciont Page Tttot.)
ssisttlt C ach ll~e a1i-il ce
tha ttt (tic ,se al ract I tic vlta ma1
that e\"rl' 11]111 l am t r p ti for pra tia
First (dame of Series will be Between
Freshmen and Sophomores---
Team, Announced.

Bennett ltrges a Return to Classic
D~rama and Commends Ama-
teaur Productions.
- I ile~ t1'[)( n all litn tiit, d a ai
critc- O the C'h at ft-at Ir ll di
Itati tt an tt()itit ta lii1 ittt(> atl ilt tattat
ineete u inc n at rciltit asla -l
:\ llMo at iat g. ~ fic the a-
a- att' t itat t atat1c ple- i Itaicic I tl": ll ttIg
aand t a t Illtt at t II tt it lt a~t'r
Mitr. I~ltat it ubjattiit wilas 'lat. lii-
verity :11(1 he atnaricl itat-.'
at 'lit atiti fa tatt ailtc it. scta i fet I
a(tc- t t he t t ill]itat t i t at-e ateat-i11tat' at--
itt itt itt t t(he ladIting. t'pm ttvole i
aela--ttIa att tala atatt a tha 1itlal k l els
lt atilthat ti(wt lt-i th
sh l ia . Thet ift e 1 a tS
Ilow' lie s(>ne 1 ere ere ittivothit
it te th wk; rtta. VI tai t he )t (
plays th a--t t.t at ala c}f the lail
-Itter hc h i wtetat itt il titel t i o -the I

isli-'iSo NIANSlii1.


Til Slichi""ttI I l'tiOIa aII a r lItva tutu atil s )I e c.c td
prta ttatdesclaripttivtafth -- (f I'th e ttaterttli, - alta t elc tct het-a-
c')l(i t thatilttna titleCt ts a ftslatcitt ta a-(Ita t at h ila at epl
ittt ItItcta \I tattringa(qauartt at- IrI u - is c f I atasta t a att itudtat
Ilia t tilb-- n \ i~ ly c en1t, itt lit tatItla r .it ttttit oartat ta t rI t
,'l-C 2 ,inC'iwr~iy lal.'Ticet da te ~tblc tttade tw a itit ta-
ar sd a a~l tr is w(IIi ada nced IIttttttttt at
tatav bait itattia thetricl - Ilcrtailday
- ro tahtereta t ofoe tat eada O l-- a ' a ati wel ati~ti cli Theiill att
cls ia t x l~ li a-tat th a I'e tei l () t tt a ta it it) In t
tiwa I Fclty ttm c ts, nd te ittt ta-ato ltatr tr. Tt~t ettyatatc it-
tlr -p p l ita ltset ilt it(((btt I ta Ia--a aall ii tte tc~tr itplyI h attii l re
at tataat titiaThe midde (t i nd ha eetal ls a h O t idth rt thlan i llr
a t ta ttti l t at I k c1lath etatre aitaill rleata (tat tat, tat'. '~ee ac b tt
tuia5 illtany aar taIhaf t a a poit Ii1 tat at r itail Iii11ely N r
wh r tbauty i at-ais I acttiat i l t ott a tll :n I tt.Ita a Itac la i-
larity itIt() tI-ipt - itit aina te(}ibecause tThe ttitat c lit iatih tI t het I.Ii tatis
af a-ah-at--) n it ig it pg tt a urns t tat 1 (c )(r~liei the itibl actth aasaaIItI(()
atl ta t a I o~ itI i tes-a t hoent rle tal Ildacall it a teaer
at It I I c a. Icli paubl ic at i, r~ tictoi loeIgtat
att , e ies taill itat-la tal riieea ttu (uc aa- tat oi
ict. taii~ t it i i tattiataaparo aItams iata ilafaing auptheiii Itlttnla itttat aof atatetil
v l -ttami-rat st ritag l rt a ti -t iatata itS t t), 4 h iicht - aitit it d aw N(r1 ilta-5 -
tita tt atit itand t iutalth 5 itelec tio vII s il tilttitd
)t-II ).Ittttt at.i i te a rs . As t e it iat~~tIo IaItI Ith l
I Nar F1 trtigt a rt lta t ratila tutt ia it I h a h 1 tlili( tt) say. T heyalt aid-t
to arct/tttr arin ti co ty. T e lnila it ti tf((t litl ii('eal rad (ittt
scl . tat a is r tth laone tufuuta atIta fua litst l iic) c it I -iIs tr-(,i N I It
,Ic r itt tII,:ld I I (Itat aiI t ta ltttttre, tI I II e'(alItaa I tatii
(a(. ct hul A un tatait tt nortat tcit tItta t ctt (( a (iaataaolayI ttran(ant
has t ta til t-aatII g Iz:IIII(til falt alp t a I I ltitt iIt la ) ttuut (In tatiit
ta-at. 1Ii i kta tlt tilrn i ais ta-atw thelOppoaltnitalIns trut the tei' a l gin ity pil
atre, ad alitera ar ()fe rtte iF.1 t itrlt i Ii t ildat' ii ittt ou a-i the ai
Sr i ttuarte t cameinto bri-.asu udia)failss1c dra't il lth(tat pua i c i
ot e i iain , c m oiii tins oft r e tat ta al t ia ti tt) l as ics a-a--a tr Iitu
pues-tailfmu ic aec tiaativI uuie ceitat wil no lae tlal ics
fee. ! a\altlt aateroftis typ if )f te mas arpi -es fr i tithe o tayai
msical exta p raessi a Ii. all oei r wo ofthei ld ta t ersiutvivitisth ast andIii
oth r t aile(wuitn th bulk fa t hi ptib- br ing c(r s tegrate t lit t.ksti-of
muaaaitts a iciaalaoweer, a ucceshut Ily beauahe no lii it ~ is th
ialithistftrm if(art ltAd lph kiclcl sa(tat sil t' itdut of til.(t i a tedi-
in liii adhPltfessor taf iato, t afat hei et a t c~r tc I
hairly rad Co tilt lila a itti t ii the Roallatat\r Ita(,t n isasut jct i
Consevat o ryit oft Musticlia-i-i tat'tnuipr- a sil l til a totail Tha t xp se
ifneha tanm aubrofcop osiatiornusuadni-hsb~if l la n icr al
a)c litertciii n bauittit til Sner andtha tat t ai du co i ctian
lished.i It isi now f i a nuscip '(t form
(Cninuedt on Page Three.) fatritiati

'Itit-aig wibeag regulari i imgeitingo
Vioiittf lnid imi aita at-i gb
Wiliam enngr.al.S.Ioi
Situ-Ro-keillerit EductatJiol taut i -
If p i~ai t 'tI I t, a( -I al. J. ii Ittiathit S t
a- Itipitttti itiitltlia
a- y at a ker Aiiat-iti .i- aid.-uts-
ifad atI income ii ta;i I\ trittitit
II. I. i nitgh (aut
First of Musical Series for Benefit'
of Michigan Union to be (liven
Next londay Night.
fiats a titrrat V iItI a ltti'l ii-etwuecnit iei
a'lwors ad fteashmain, which taili
tae tacat -i o'clin harboiturtuugymi-
na iillli.ihe tseas itill probabilly taut-
ssttf ata-etrita f fourtaguaes,whichal
i-iell oaiza itin i o pltd fo
w luau the exceptin of the aeniorta mtt
Ill,, tutuner al t tilfit (ato r a-aeidetiti is
asfolw.:Catit \ Ritaa titaipStrb
u-titcalittan,;Nis iii1tlit Iar;iep
rtslit a -ti l iii tu tu r iii sp
omoi officeaare:I lCapStainflits(rc
(taut representavir sl r Tu
liii ld represenatit e, Adlaide Ini i-
utattatgeatll ithe iitigame o i e tha n
The ttteaslitittaill platay Iitoor-
ro 'sga eari c an foil lows:tt
p iii e: la'tatfieldmt-ipiter-
(1wl , it tlu au utst; Sis s itaihaigatll,
-aon bt~ti aae; A- a-tie I tita, i rd
tI'iat'aatttt' ter, ight ashtsitop;a
luau iseWitan, utut-lft shorsto;i Hle
fi is I
Trelod lirtbst;DSta-i earn
eci'ontdlbaset-; G t-ta- Jtffries, tird-a se
Situ-p Sleaitortaright sorattup ahuIftutttr-
at' Kitltg itft aottrlatt; ifebccct ftut-
itt, rigiht ii ; Eduabit tlteia ift fild-h
Ih"15-iSI iaitiS WXliaI I N{)iI;i'T
iusio h ofiutt5g i tpattiothe ani'itg-
moeIatiiealyipn .iAptilAs thuerca
live' tni, tll ithos itei ng iia t gu tol
tia afuir iai-aea-a-ialacta-iltat tiotify thei
Afteriaotinag t deiayhety iex 'pntses
if thetass btasetbia-lihtears ufor tieasta
acsltheatnti' i waf stadtjurneadl
TlIn~ianiDaiiItfly Stetliha is aocpt-
ed aavlia-onae wo itt-titing sytemu

Twenty Juniors Picked by Student
and Faculty Votes For the
Thestden eitos f te Sihia ii
Iii Ifevitei- far te clege- -cr f
tap-i.l iatert. eletcd-aiyc-trtitip. Th
lap er ofihu tle, i' ttai clas u'om iiate
b balo~ tti it,- cn itstforthtuusei
nmntail ha tilt' studtsitaithe awitc u-
uliit-i-iactsit-intyiteditorsa. ThisIaw
Reif ewt toaurd farai allh o l tt'tastst.il
hl aw depit' a rualtet, I ad hattcarttgec f
at'e ''Ifat Dec iistions"a i thea SiAiigai
Inthe workaaia of Otisdeairtment,a
dei u taaa'aa froat he cl urrnt courtt
heors i adteit he basis if teahintet,
Iseach ti ahefat imiilr or confal'lcig
dec tiitil authe lasame l p toint, Iid a ihort
critics liai is writteni tilm taidpyig if lilt.
o at atinl atau' in a ses oft. nfha c
numef til til la'a t, facuty, oat-if ittesii
tla a rpryb ai l led alsei a ry ait i
ieaga- f tingsig utiai aa-hre'thitlawis t
't'is dearti~n alfa'e Reiewca'itis
c n i-i-a-a - - of itsm s a ittibI-fta-i
lair's lipthe luga liofi n . I ncrai
tng uat' f iit. imade by iractiicinggitawc
yersa it-iara 1oia-a-ifug Ptouarcts of
haiti-aa-in tgiin eatot knotyuques
t ns aiig i hir lii it tiitti
thet ighthoItr inedbtutu appoint
itttotathisa rd.it Tal elibetsht t-tninii
thei deartt tit t at-e begtinintg a-ca-tinit
tilt firtatyala a t, t aktet te aias nam
huh aiti' t at 111,11<Ithetcia ligiltha
Thi et- hod ofatl calhtice, lip-vatel-of thet
seem aobeasntal method -- frrtgectit.
tatg th hestiiimate illa tutu veri tt e
ofi e ci n a l bltyi ieirsii ls
Thei falowicngtmembers oiaaf thit juniot
t iL it ittitit far the colleg yar,
Bane, I.A. eit, tarpW Xownit
litry ity C. iNowealI,. C.hulJr,
Moore, RIf K.XMorgn, If M innII
Staurr, kSI M. 1ii, J. I,.XWintner.r
ah aron lec atins far tht ith-it
mornainag ftom-itto11:30irtwith tiltx
taeptintof tuatf tPa j uir a-ngintats,
n-hit-l tiill Ieh ldil fruit 1-1:3o ta 2
Tae enginit-trs till holdtllheuti ahlection
ini IRotut 3hi, l~tgineeia-i-iiig ldting;itug
its. tutd thefat erntitntiesin RoomIfCtu U nii-
versitp Ialltu h e l as i Ia-taut',I I ti
buuiditg; the - meadis iiiii c eta ln
theateir f thei-Meiattl builulig' atud
thet secretatrystoficataoat1thi nItali ld-
itng Every bhauufila-einiorhisat
wsitht his ide-ptmen it- I hite frteitriti
elertionu itcht fraterrtiy il oea
unt catitghationatticea.


[University W ni. Jennings Bryan TO NIGHT
Hall Under Students' Lecture Association Admission, $1.00

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