October 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 6) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. "rICflI6AN 33, CAS[ 0 'Varsity Won Opener After Haro Fight-~Hestons Run the Fea- ture-Good Showing By New Men. Just fair,'. tas aCotaciht 'st's smerdc <fcyetra's game, and Captait l isul nd tI]tin lla i)thtin etam echota tihe cacith'setimnt s. ITerea sn-at l' inso fotalill test-ra'a t sttt' - go adI andtiintlifferent.T htetrtwa omea;oeawrk inthtatfarsi t hlfut ba tasiatrte a ere f tltaatraa: itt ittsiii t tittalitt ...…