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November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…- - - Improving rail service See EDi'TORIAL, Pag 4 C, r Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom l~hULI! Okay Mdy cloudy today with a chance of . it should be warm, with a Vol. XCIII, No. 62 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 19, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages S I f TAunion. elects new bargamnig committee members *By GLEN YOUNG The Graduate Employee's Organization, the University teaching assistant's un...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, November 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Students at Regents meeting protest war (Continued from Page 1) But Grossman said some of that reasoning is not valid. He said the loss in 1980 of the Maternal and Child Health grant as a result of federal cutbacks was, known before he came to the University. Loss of that grant caused ISMRRD's faculty and staff to fall from a peak of 130, to the current 30 mem- bers. Grossman also said staf...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…111 The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 19, 1982-Page 3 Bell absolves Reagan on aid cuts_ WASHINGTON (AP)- Education Secretary T.H. Bell says hard times, not the Reagan administration's curbs on student aid, are to blame for a drop in freshman enrollments at the nation's private colleges. Bell said he will press Congress again to streamline the student aid programs. He said there should be only one program for loans, one for grants, and one...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

….,.,.- ,. _ ~ , ,., .. ... .m.. . .. al I / * P§ge4 9 9 4 a 4 4 4 A OPINION Friday, November 19, 1982 The Michigan Daily 0 Blanchard: Aman in a minefield Bs By Chris P'arks ac mi ml Co. gdJ sol m P1 st fu do P D! vo hi on NSING- Gov.-elect James Blanchard is tng like a man who is entering a political fefield without a map. hie 40-year-old Washington politician is bring gingerly onto the somewhat unfamiliar sing turf, stressing con...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

… Bishops condemn nuclear warfare WASHINGTON (AP)- Despite late appeals from the White House, Roman Catholic bishops voiced strong support yesterday for a sweeping condemnation of nuclear warfare, including an assault on key aspects of U.S. strategic policy. That pointed the nation's largest Christian body to the forefront of the anti-nuclear movement. The surge of support came at a pivotal closing session of the National Conference of Catholic...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, November 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily iii I' , 4 Brought To You by The Michigan Daily TV LISTINGS -le . . - II LFIriday D ytime Specials 5:0 D HBO ALL-NIGHT RADIO The zany goings-on at an all-night radio station are satirized. 8: (D HBO TWO OF HEARTS When a 10- year-old black girl, the product of an interra- cial marriage, needs a new kidney, her estranged white mother consents to be the donor. 7:09 9 HBO CONSUMER REP...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily F Friday, November 19, 1982 Page 7 Records r thevlaeAohcr Daily 9-6, Closed Sundays and holidays i112 South Unversity 663 5533 111 Soth niersty 63 +e3 Albert Collins screams with his guitar at the Soup Kitchen tonight and tomorrow. .XFrom -M Trinidad to Maxwell Street Don Henley-'I Can't Stand Still' (Elektra/Asylum Records) Don Henley made a name for him- self as a pioneer- of the "California Sound" by co-fou...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 8

…'Page 8-Friday, November 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Shultz anxious to improve U.S. relations with Soviets WASHINGTON- The Reagan ad- ministration is ready to explore ways to improve U.S.-Soviet relations, but won't be swayed by the "mood music" emanating from the Kremlin's new leadership, Secretary of State George Shultz said yesterday. Shultz, at a news conference, said the United States was ready for a "careful, thoughtful" dialogue with t...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 19, 1982-Page 9 Joman di GRAND MARAIS, Minn. (AP)- Drawn by messages from "some higher power," Gerald Flach and Laverne Landis drove last month from St. Paul to the snowy, frozen wilderness of northeastern Min- nesota to wait for a flying saucer, authorities say. For more than four weeks they waited in their car, apparently eating vitamins and drinking water from nearby Loon Lake. ON MONDAY, a motorist fou...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Friday, November 19 1982-The Michigan Daily - - - . - - - - , - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - --- - --*-, .7117 .." ... ..- - - -;..- - - - . . . .. I -. . . .__.- - - - - - . .- . -..- - - Blues Brothers A Boy and His Dog Harold and Maude THE ELECTRIC LADY (XXX) and TITILLATION (XXX) If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES A I *. tf I . 1 ll ...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily cers host Buckeyes 'ORTS Friday, November 19, 1982 9 Page 11 Michigan Hockey Statistics By MIKE MCGRAW When the Michigan football team travels to Columbus tomorrow to take on: Ohio State, it doesn't have to win because it has already wrapped up the Big Ten championship. But is is just eopposite for the Michigan hockey mn which hosts the Buckeyes tonight and tomorrow night at Yost Ice Arena. The icers find themselves at t...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 12

…a0 Page 12-Friday, November 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Run for the roses already settled, Wolverines have QB advantage; Buckeye running game has depth While tomorrow's battle will not be for the Rose Bowl hid with Michigan haring already wrapped it up, it will be a clash between the top two teams in the league. It appears that the "Big Two, Little Eight" syndrome is still alire and well in the Big Ten. With that in mind, Daily Sports Ed...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 13

…so ichigan plays I OSU f boos... The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 19, 1982-Page 13 or pride $l4 ((t ii I I - l' C . M' QB Smith silences the By RON POLLACK These have not been tranquil times for Michigan quarterback Steve Smith. His presence on the field this season usually is met with tremendous fan reaction. Agony or ecstacy, elation or despair-there's never a dull momen twhen th jogs onto the field. RLY IN THE season, Smith undoub...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 14


November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 15

…WOMEN CAGERS OPEN WITH AUSSIES Soluk sees improvement The Michigan Daily-Friday, November 19, 1982-Page 15 By PAUL HELGREN What happens to a basketball team that loses three star- ters, including the all-time Big Ten scoring leader, and the school's blocked shot leader, and doesn't have one senior on the club to replace them? If the team is Michigan, it gets better, according to women's basketball coach Gloria Soluk. "I WAS watching some tap...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 16

…'.Page 16--Friday, November 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily I 0 !J01 i B k I T I I I y 0 I r r I [=I4. I A I I. G1s1 I. Z? i l [ NI tU * It's a hard, cold world ...$2 0f But Ulrich's has maize and blue seat cushions, !r$ F stadium blankets (don't be selfish, share it with a Off a y * friend), scarves, hats jackets gloves, etc. The listo f an n goes on and on" and yes they have your size, no Mih n fK0N A RO A T matter what...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 17

…_. 9f w 7SP 7777. IF -W '- ; = !li~rniI.!mi MIIIIB~mB The Mannes College of Music 157 East 74 Street, New York, N.Y. 10021 (212) 737-0700 MAJOR FIELDS OF STUDY Ensembles in Residence The New York Philharmonic Wind Quintet The Dorian Wind Quintet The Galimir String Quartet Special Guest Ensemble PIANO Edward Aldwell Arkady Aronov David Bar-Illan Claude Frank Richard Goode Jeannette Haien Eugenia Hyman Lilian Kallir Edith Oppens Mari...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 18

… w - 9 ~ j'kv*-~' t- *.< I ':tW .CC~Z a 2 FREE TOKENS WITH THIS COUPON 1 (U of M Students-Expires Thurs., Nov. 25)' I I j MICKEY RAT'S S* NOW 7TTOKENS FOR $1.00* -Brand New Pinball Room- , ' E. William-1 Block from State' me= =su a mem m ism please to m present a m J I; J f- is plasedtopreen ia the interaction between story, charac- ters, and actors is Pirandello's most important way of dealing with questions of reality. Speaking w...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 19

…00 0 0 0 T ?edter K is F:r,.;{:.";: ::::isti:";r,,:":;::::::.;-. .;::.;-:.};:. :..............:._:.-"ii'r '-Yi -ii::"f.:"Y :.y .,r .;r .,, ,, ., _ r .,r..; err ., .;; r~if".;;:.: :::!; ,"fFf. :y.: 1 ."f"3.+."".g: ..' :'J.{"Sff.{.fJfr: r:r., ,{....t.,+ri r. '+"S ' ray irf,::vys".:'": si;"' ?+.yii.4.:'..: : iS':"'..;.:.'{,,"f ; :;; r, C'r",.; ;.;: ::::,:f / :-:"-.--i:":::::":::::I.,.,f.::.:::: : 1.'.:#f{."'; ...:; .::{.rf:....:,: . 'f"'+...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 20

… U U 7* 9 -f 7 luK Musical group Art Ensemble of Chicago Michigan Union Ballroom 8 p.m., 10 p.m. Friday, November 19 By Mike Belford IT HAS BEEN said that no group embodies the collective spirit more positively than the Art Ensemble of Chicago, who appear tonight courtesy of Eclipse Jazz at the Michigan Union Ballroom. The San Francisco Chronicle described one performance as "A cataclysmic union of natural forces with human creativity...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 21

… 0 9 -W -W -W lS 7W first-year TA in the School of Natural Resources, who didn't join GEO. "There's not enough discussion and too much rhetoric going on. I can't under- stand why they can't get together." Ritchie says that his experience with other schools has shown him that non- unionized graduate student staffs fare better than GEO has. "The dealings between graduate students and ad- ministration were much more low-key and much more...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 22

… U -W S U Kcn0 §1 x U K- .. .:....... .... ... F . ............ ..... .. ......... .......:: w:; -:::::::. : :w.:... ..... r:::::::.i: : iii:-}ihi::"... .r:::. :..::::::::: :v:.::.":. :::::::?:^:: ::ii:4;,,, :; "^:'.; :::. ::.; ..........,......,....................................... ... . ...... .... ........ ... ....... .. ...... ....... . ... . ... ....... Playing By Joe Hoppe IT-PLAY'S lyrics are poetic. That's because before th...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 23

… -V w -f 7f -W jif cf X',.': .:::::::v:::::: : ". : "":: v::::: r:: x .:.. ..............::........:... .,. .....:: ....; ........ :...e"x v:.}i ....; .......: "..:::::; v i:;:;:} :r:"irr ;:; -:+ :v v ::" v:. ".... r yr " f. {.:::.::.:...r . fr::r J.{:+';.""ti..'>;."vv:r a . .:.: ::'{a'wvS'.v.:::.vvhr'":::.}.5........r:"i. Oh Oh not it's Devol Devo Warner Bros. By Larry Dean C C IME OUT For Fun" leads off jside one of album number fi...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 24

… 9 S 7W CPreep . things ai Creepshow Starring: Hall Holbrook, Leslie Nielsen, E.G. Marshall, and Fritz Weaver. Written by Stephen King Directed by George A. Romero Movies at Briarwood By Richard Campbell ... .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. . . . . . . .. . iu...... A FTER THE MANIC murders com- mitted in endless Friday the 13th and Halloween sequels, it's fun to watch a good horror flick like Creepshow....…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 25

…0 z 0 'C c0 00 .. . m o a cs m rn p7 ?' °' a a Ca.Cs. n .30 Fu' ion t o. 004 -. m su m ! o 0o' 0 yCa+ QC ut aaO~p'"Oo 0 OagO A I. . or 0. 1. 0 ID ! ~ ' *c0 U - wv o ff . *, _ A° _ -A, g ., w0n * N w'1o" ' su.. airn e~ cn oyt ' p o ~tp N0 - 0* 4p *1 GV w" y O " C y w - -fir0Eh O 0 c.- -C I e t 0 00B . n a* aP . * a a 96 ~ a0 " < 'XI~ '- oa co v 0 e -A . a -s y to .+ 9- D aZ W CA Y-te 5 t/) (W Yn M'm ~ ~ ~ ' O0S raC). i7~ A4 0 ~m a0 b.0o...…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 26

… 7W 9W 0 I Bars & Clubs Annie's Dugout-Footloose plays original country swing and bluegrass. Arbor Valley Inn-Dance to the Top-40 sounds of Scat. The Blind Pig-Jimmy "Fast Fingers" Dawkins brings along his guitar. The Earle-The Ron Brooks Trio continues to play some great jazz. The Habitat-The Whiz Kids pump out their danceable Top-40 sounds. Joe's Star Lounge-George Bedard and the Bonnevilles play country rockabilly. Main Street Saloon...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Endless war See Editorial, Page 4. ibE Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom IE~aIIQ Grey skies Increasing cloudiness with a good chance of rain as night falls. High in the upper 60's, with an overnight low in the 40's. VoI. XCIII, No. 35 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 19, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages Overberger: .'U'will not undermine human ities By NEIL CHASE Despite the increasing interest ...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…Pdge 2-Tuesday, October 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Suicide prevention: Can the University do more? (Continued from Page 1) referrals if they notice a depressed student, instead of leaving RAs as the only vehicle for referrals. ANOTHER change that could help a suicidal or depressed student who refuses counseling is to allow him or her to terminate a dorm lease, Howe said. She added that there needs to be more flexibility to get a student,,who...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 19, 1982-Page 3 School of Ed. plays games By TIMOTHY MANTYLA University faculty members and students played games last week - in order to become more effective teachers and learners. , The School of Education hosted a North American Simulation and Gaming Association conference last Thursday and Friday. In a simulation game, players take roles and react to situations thrown at them during the game. STUDENTS...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 OPINION Tuesday, October 19, 1982 Wasserman The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIII, No. 36 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 IS KILLI1N& I!\i HU SIGTND Cy Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board 10 0,j lz The war goes on SURPRISE, surprise! The Salvadoran chance t insurgents are at it again, raiding Ameri villages, ambushing soldiers, during ...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 19, 1982-pa Parade is on, UAC exchanges work for funds By KRISTIN STAPLETON City Council last night put an end to doubts about whether there will be a Homecoming parade this year by deciding to pay the $2,000 needed for police protection along the parade route. In exchange, members of the Univer- sity Activities Center, organizer of the parade, will put in 20 hours to "beautify" a city park. THE AGREEMENT ...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…40 Page 6-Tuesday, October 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily TV LISTINGS Tuesday Daytime Specials 5:45 Q) HBO MONEY MATTERS A fast-paced documentary examines how to cut food bills drastically and how to save money by cata- to gue shopping. 6:30 Q HB3 hpTRILOGY: THREE CLASSIC TALES The magic of claymation brings three children's stories to life - "Rip Van Winkle," "The Little ~Prince" and "Martin The Cob- ber" Daytime Children's Show 10:00 Q 5 CAN...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, October 19, 1982 Page 7 Local shows; notable and not-so 1 to By Rob Weisberg Can you spot the real Tommy Tutone? Tommy Tutone calls *the right number M ANY THINGS of note have occurred on the local pop music scene in the last few days, with the threat of even more lying ahead of us. Most notable was the benefit perfor- mance given at Joe's Star Lounge Sun- day night by the bands It Play and Non- Fiction...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Tuesday, October 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily .I . . , , . . .. . p .... . . .. . . . , . . Polyester CADDYSHACK Haroald and Maude CHAMPAGNE FOR BREAKFAST (xxx) and ANGEL ON FIRE (XXX) If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES a *1 . I . 1. 1 * ' 1 .1 I L I "11 . _ rs .Y..ywwr+l .. R ENt1T ".': l PER'SODNALP BU9SINESS. SERiVI...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily SPORTS Tuesday, October 19, 1982 Bo predicts tough road ahead for Blue Michigan Grid Statistics Team Individual Rushing' Rogers............. 3 Garrett.............. 2 S. Johnson ........... 1 Kattus .............. 1 Nelson ..............1i 47 15 15 12 4 15.7 7.5 15.0 12.0 4.0 0 0 0 0 39 8 15 12 4 Page 9 Field Goals 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-}~ Total Haji-Sheikh ......... 2-2 0-1 4-5 1-1 7-9 Returns By BOB WOJNOWSKI In...…

October 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 35) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, October 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Search ends for athletic facilities By LISA NOFERI The phone rings. It's the freshman girl you met at that party last night; the one you'd like not to forget. After engaging in small talk, she ends the conversation by inviting you to her tennis match in one hour, subtly indicating that her potential availability depends on whether or not you show. "NO PROBLEM-I'll be there!" is your confi...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…Fun with nuclear war See Editorial, Page 4 C I tic Sit is an Ninety- Three Years of Editorial Freedom l43aI The brighter side Look for sunny skies with a high in the mid-60s. dik - W Vol. XCIII, No. 10 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 19, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages Militia.kills 100 in Beirut c From AP and UPI Wolverine quarterback Steve Smith (16) attempts to run with the ball before he ...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…al Page 2--Sunday, September 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Reagan says Israel responsible for raids (Continued from Page 1) Brezhnev for "an immediate interven- tion to put an end to the massacre per- petrated by the Zionist enemy aimed at annihilating the Lebanese and Palestinian peoples," WAFA reported. WAFA SAID Arafat stressed to Brezhnev "the Soviet Union's full responsibility as one of the two super- powers to stop the massacre and force...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…I -HAPPENINGS- Sunday Highlight A "welcoming" brunch will be held by the Graduate Women's Network, today at noon, in the Guild House, 802 Monroe (across from the Law Quad). All graduate women are invited. Bring food, it's a potluck. For more infor- mation, contact Graduate Women's Network, 4121 Michigan Union, 994-5148. Films Alice Lloyd Pilot Program-The Paper Chase, 9 p.m., Alice Lloyd Red Lounge. Cinema Guild-Long Day's Journey Into Night,...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…A OPINION Sunday, September 19, 19829 i i H i 1 Page 4 The Michigan Daily; ---- ---- 4 State makes promises; Regents play dumb A RE PROMISES from the state made to be broken? That's what University administrators are trying to figure out. In a budget-balancing move this Wednesday, the state legislature passed an executive order that will mean a $7 million loss in state aid to the University. In- cluded in the order, however, is a promi...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…I 4 injured in attack on Belgian synagogue (Continued from Page 1) Jewish or Israeli targets in Europe sin- ce Israel invaded Lebanon on June 6. A bomb blast that shattered an Israeli diplomat's car wounded at least 40 people Friday, including the diplomat. Six people were killed in Paris Aug. 9 in a machine-gun attack in a Jewish restaurant. In Belgium, three people were killed in August 1981 when a bomb blew up in Antwerp's predominantly Je...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…*I Page 6-Sunday, September 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily TV LISTINGS Sunday Morning 5:20 m HBO NOT NECESSARILY THE NEWS Comedy sketches combine with classic film and news footage in an offbeat, satiric take- off. O ED WORLD AT LARGE 5:30 p i AGRICULTURE U.S.A. 6:000 HERE COMES THE SUN HBO MOVIE ** "St. Helens" (1981) Art Carney, David Huffman. An 80-year-old man refuses to leave his small resort after a geologist predicts a volcanic disaste...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Sunday, September 19, 1982 P Records SLK played bouncy ska last night at Joe's. New wave, rock, and ska at Joe's Liszt Ferene Chamber Orch. -'A Vono Mesterei' (Hungaraton) Intimacy. This is what sets true chamber music apart from its grand, symphonic brother. Chamber music calls for an individual sensitivity from each member of an ensemble that too often is neglected in symphony or- chestras. Each and every chamber m...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Sunday, September 19, 1982--The Michigan Daily a ,,. . . -__ __ 1 aI-aLL'LL:LrLLLrL G 1w... LLLL ~i~~17VFFVW17FF . f h? .y -..I % Hirold& A Maude Itl Ii4f TT I F. .U.NES au QE ol 6. ^^.r,., I' I I I ~ ____ I -,--'- .4 ~ I I *1 1. : .1 Iqp Caddyshack r1 V,1- -U The Wordprocessor Affordable Word-processing Prices that invite comparison. 662-0210 S,i I ... 'L I I 4 J - ~ * ~ ~ :L-j- ~ 14~k..~1 ~ . ... - -J......[...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 9

…SPORTS Sunday, September 19, 1982 the Michigan Daily Red. Sox down B I I By DAN NEWMAN Special to the Daily DETROIT- Bob Stanley pitched 7% shutout in- nings yesterday at Tiger Stadium to lead the Red Sox to a 6-2 victory which allowed Boston to snap a four- game losing streak. Dwight Evans delivered a two-out RBI single up the middle to score Dave Stappleton with what proved to be the winning run in the seventh inning. Stapleton had ope...…

September 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 10) • Page Image 10

…0 Page 10-Sunday, September 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Irish hold on to down (Continued from Page 1) After Rogers carried the ball to the 31, a delay of game penalty pushed Michigan back once again. Then came the pass over the middle to Bean,.who was hit by Duerson, and then coughed up the ball as he fell to the turf. The Irish then ran out the clock on the Wolverines, who failed to convert a single third-down conversion the entire game....…

June 19, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 33-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 19, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages British ships take POWs to Argentina From AP and UPI _ day undeclared war over the South Two British ships set sail yesterday Atlantic islands. from the Falkland Islands for Argen- The stunning defeat cost Gen.. tins, carrying 5,500 prisoners of war Leopoldo Galtieri his jobs as president from the humiliating defeat that shat- of Ar...…

June 19, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Saturday, June 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Credit union changes name, expands service The University of Michigan Em- credit union members last month, ex- ployees Credit Union has changed its pands the union's potential pool of name to the University of Michigan depositors by more than 110,000. Credit Union and has greatly expanded Hoffmann said the action was taken its potential pool of customers, accor- to prepare the credit union for ...…

June 19, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, June 19, 1982-Page 3 AT U.N., BEGIN CALLS FOR WORLD PEACE Israelis call for PLO surrender From AP and UPI Israeli troops and armor rumbled through Christian east Beirut to the Green Line boundary with Yasser Arafat's enclave yesterday and Isreaeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon said the Palestinian guerrillas should realize "their struggle has no change." Reporter said the Israeli units moved through streets in the...…

June 19, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…Page--Suturday, ue 19, 1982-The Michigan Daily Senate passes voting rights extension bill From AP andUPI WASHINGTON - The Senate breathed fresh life yesterday into the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965, approving 85- 8 a 25-year renewal of enforcement provisions designed to guarantee free access to the polls for millions of blacks and other minority voters. Overcoming the tenacious opposition of a small group fo filibustering Southern conser...…

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