TheMichigan Daily
Vol. XCII, No. 33-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 19, 1982
Ten Cents
Sixteen Pages
British ships
take POWs
to Argentina
From AP and UPI _ day undeclared war over the South
Two British ships set sail yesterday Atlantic islands.
from the Falkland Islands for Argen- The stunning defeat cost Gen..
tins, carrying 5,500 prisoners of war Leopoldo Galtieri his jobs as president
from the humiliating defeat that shat- of Argentina and commander of the
tered Argentina's military regime. army, and the country's military
The Argentine Foreign Ministry said rulers continued meetings to pick a new
in a statement to the U.N. Security president from their list of generals and
Council in New York that there was a admirals.
"cessation of hostilities," but it will be A British Foreign Ministry
"precarious as long as the British spokesperson said the repatriation of
attitude continues in force, evidenced the prisoners began after London
by military occupatin of the Falklands, received no attack guarantees from
blockade, and economic aggression." Argentina via the International Red
IT SAID A "total cessation of Cross.
hostilities" would be possible only when
Britain withdraws its troops and naval HE SAID TWO Argentine hospital
task force, and lifts econmic sanctions. ships, the Bahia Paraiso and the
It made no direct threats of resuming Almirante Irizar, were to said for
military action. Stanley to help expedite the return of
The British Foreign Ministry said the wounded prisoners. British officials
requisitioned cruise liner Canberra and said they have counted 11,845 POWs.
the North Sea ferry Norland, loaded Puerto Madryn, the prisoners'
below and atop decks, left the Falklan- - destination, is a small town 700 miles
ds capital of Stanley for the small and 24 hours sailing time northwest of
Argentine port townof Puero Madryn. Stanley and 650 miles south fo the
BRITISH FORCES captured nearly Argentine capital, Buenos Aires.
11,000 prisoners when they broke the Galtieri was booted from the
Argentine defense line around Stanley presidency, the three-man junta and
Monday in the climactic battle of the 74- the army command Monday.
The Kelly trial
The jury deciding the fate of accused murderer Leo Kelly is still
deliberating the case, end a decision will not be reached until next
week. The eventual verdict will mark the end of one of the most
tragic events in University history. For a summary of the events
since last year's Good Friday slayings and the subsequent trial, see
Page 5.
'Two loeal theaters
drop '$1 ovie day'
Daily Photo by JACKIE BELL
For Father's Day
A member of a group calling itself "Fathers for Equal Rights of America"
demonstrates in front of the Washtenaw County Building yesterday. The
group seeks to change child custody laws which they feel are unfair to divor-
ced fathers.
Regents approve new
hospital bidding policy
The University Regents yesterday
approved a policy which will allow the
Replacement Hospital Project to favor
"in-state" firms when awarding con-
struction contracts.
While contracts currently under con-
sideration will still fall under the old
policy of awarding the contract to the
lowest bidder, all upcoming awards will
be decided under the new-policy.
The new preferential bidding policy,
proposed by Regent Thomas Roach (D-
Detroit) consists of the following
resolutions which favor Michigan fir-
" When bids from companies are
equal, preference will be given to the
firm whose supplies are manufactured,
produced, or assembled within the
s Several other states provide
preferential bidding policies to protect
their contractors. If a contractor from a
state with such a policy competes with
a Michigan firm, the Michigan firm will
be favored to the extent the former firm
is favored in its home state.
The policy defines a resident bidder
as a person, firm, or corporation who is
authorized to do business in the state at
the time a contract is first advertised
for bidding.
The policy will extend for only two
years and it will be limited to the
Replacement Hospital Project.
ROACH SAID the decision was made
to help state firms because "Michigan
is , presently suffering the highest
unemployment rate in the nation
and . . . the Replacement Hospital
Project is one of the few major con-
struction projects underway in the
Richard Brunvand, executive direc-
tor of the Washtenaw Contractors
Association, said he thought the new
See REGENTS, Page 3
Tuesday night at the movies will be
less of a treat from now on for local film
lovers. The United Artists movie house
chain yesterday ended the Tuesday
dollar-movie-night policy at two area
Briarwood Mall and Fox Village Mall
theaters, both members of the chain,
were forced to . stop charging dollar
admission on Tuesdays because of
"contractual problems," according to
Milt Daly, United Artists vice
president. Daly, however, saidL the
policy would be reinstituted as soon as
A manager at Briarwood, who asked
to remain anonymous, said the decision
was made for financial reasons, but ad-
ded that bargain nights do not erode
theater profits.
"Ithink the decision was a terrible
one," the manager said. "I used to take
advantage of dollar nights all the time.
I hardly go to first-run movies
See TWO, Page 2