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November 19, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-11-19

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- - -

rail service
See EDi'TORIAL, Pag 4

C, r

Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom


Mdy cloudy today with a chance of
. it should be warm, with a

Vol. XCIII, No. 62 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 19, 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages
S I f

elects new
The Graduate Employee's
Organization, the University teaching
assistant's union, last night elected
their new bargaining committee at a
membership meeting where less than
7 percent of the union's members were
The approximately 45 people present
also heard about a half hour of debate
.on whether these delegates should
eollow the priorities GEO adopted last
OUT OF eight nominees, four were
For a look at where the
Graduate Employees
Organization is headed,
see today's Weekend
elected and two members tied for the
fifth position, which will be decided in a
run-off election at. a later date. The
remaining three will serve as alter-
David Fasenfest, a sociology TA and
member of last ,summer's bargaining
team won a seat. The other winners
were Toni Griffin, a psychology TA who
is a member of GEO's steering commit-
tee, Celeste Burke, a sociology TA and
also a member of the steering commit-
tee, and Avi Ehrlich, a computer scien-
ce TA.
Although last year's bargaining team
had 10 members, Cay Horstmann, who
tied for the fifth seat, -made-a motion
that only five be elected "to make sure,
that some people wouldn't get in." He
would not specify who those people
were, but added that he was surprised
that the motion passed.
THE CANDIDATES had only about a
minute each to give their platform
because debate on the guidelines had
taken so long and the organization had
to be out of the room by 10:30 p.m. A
motion was made but defeated, that the
See GEO, Page 9

Economy will
recover soon,
say U' profs

A dummy's view on the game DaIyPhotobySCO
Former Michigan quarterback John Wangler interviews a dummy named Earle Bruce at last night's pre-Ohio State
game pep rally. For full pre-game coverage, see Pages 12 and 13.
Alls quiet on Regents'
frot-or a moment

The national economy will improve
significantly in 1983, with high but
declining unemployment rates, continued
but moderate inflation, and an increase in
personal income-characterizing the
country's slow move out of its recession.
This optimistic news was predicted
yesterday by the Univeristy's annual
Research Seminar in Quantitative
Economics held in Rackham Am-
IN ADDITION, Michigan's economy will
experience a gradual recovery during the
same period, with increased employment,
moderate rates of inflation, and stronger
growth in personal income and consumer
purchasing power, the economists predic-
While the national inflation rate is ex-
pected to remain rather stable-5.64 per-
cent in 1983 and 5.24 percent in 1984-Gross
National Product (in 1972 Dollars) will in-
crease 3.4 percent to a level of $1529.89
billion in 1983, and 5.8 percent to a level of
$1618.7billion in 1984, the economists
While the economists predicted the
unemployment rate will climb to 10.1 per-
cent in 1983-from an estimated 1982

average rate of 9.7 percent-and declinein
1984 to 8.1 percent, they also foresaw
steady increases in consumer purchasing
"CONSUMER purchasing power will of
course benefit substantially from, and con-
tribute to, the economic expansion
forecast for the next two years, with real
disposable income rising by about 2 per-
cent and 3 percent in 1983 and 1984 respec-
tively," said Professor Saul Hymaris,
director of the seminar.
In addition, the forecasters predicted a
modest decrease in interest rates. "The
corporate interest rate, representative of
long-term interest rates in general, is
forecast to move downward from its
recent level of 12 percent to about 11 per-
cent by the fall of 1983 and to 10.5 percent a
year later," Hymans said.
The combination of the increase in
terest rates will bode well for the economy
in general, they said.
HYMANS predicted substantial im-
provements in the automotive and housing
Auto sales were projected at 9.1 million
units for calendar year 1983, rising to 10.2
See ECONOMIC, Page 8

Things were quiet at the Regents meeting yesterday -
for a minute at least.
About 50 students used grasped hands and raised arms
to silently protest increasing military research on cam-
pus, what the students consider the University's con-
tribution to war.
LSA junior Tom Marx, asked the Regents to think of
"the muted screams" of war victims during the silence.
WHEN PRESIDENT Harold Shapiro asked to go on to
the next speaker, one student responded "this is public
comment, and we're all addressing the board."
Marx and other students said the University's priorities
are askew, with research displacing teaching. "Let's
commit ourselves to serve peace, not death . . . let's get
the Pentagon off our campus," Marx said, pointing out
that Department of Defense research spending rose 14
percent at the University last year.
Also during the public comments session, students
asked the Regents for more informal communication to
replace their often confrontational monthly meetings.
"SOMETIMES I think we suspect you of being a
mysterious board that in closed sessions makes decisions:
which affect our lives," said LSA junior David Miklethun.
Miklethun passed out a list of questions to the Regents
asking for responss on such isses as student participation
in decision making, University priorities, guidelines for

military research, and the 1970 promise of achieving 10
percent black enrollment. Miklethun asked the Regents
for written replies before their December meeting.
The Regents also heard from Herbert Grossman, direc-
tor of the Institute for the study of Mental Retardation and
Related Disabilities, who urged them to refuse a recom-
mendation to close the institute.
Grossman charged that the budget panel which
reviewed the institute was set on closing ISMRRD from
the beginning, and did not enter into the procedure with an
open mind. He also said the University essentially
reneged on a promise to help solve ISMRRD's problems,
not eliminte the institute.
Grossman said when he was hired in 1980 the institute's
problems regarding faculty support, productivity,
research, and service were already known. 'My charge
was to begin improving the situation."
"A tremendous amount of time and effort has been
wasted by the committee and University in partially
restating what was known," Grossman said.
VICE-PRESIDENT for Academic Affairs Billy Frye
said a badly deteriorating economy, plus the loss of a
major federal grant in 1980 contributed to the University
stance that "it's not worth allocating funds to rectify the
See STUDENTS, Page 2

RSQE National Forecast for 1983-84

Real GNP
1 972 $'s


Rate, %

Real Disposable
Income Growth,
1972 $s

Rate of
Inflation, %








'83 '84 '82 '83 '84 '82 '83 '84 '82 '83 '84


City police continue investigation

into post-f
Ann Arbor City Police have watered-
down their complaints against Toronto
student Jeffrey Patterson about his in-
volvement in the rush on Michigan
Stadium's south end zone after Satur-
day's football game.,
Lt. Duane Weber said Saturday that
Patterson would probably be charged
with either assault and battery or
assault on a police officer for his con-
frontation with officer Walt Willard,,
who was protecting the goal post from
the rowdy fans.
SEVERAL eye-witnesses to the in-
cident, however, said that Willard was
the one who started the fight. During
the episode, Willard struck Patterson
with his nightstick, causing an injury
which required several stitches.
Washtenaw County Prosecutor
William Delehy said that Patterson has
not complained about any excessive
aggression on the part of the police.
Patterson has been unavailable for
WITNESSES disagreed with Delhey.
"The police were definitely the

)otball game
aggressors in the violence," said LSA
sophomore Darren Brown in a letter to
the Daily. "Everyone went at once and
the cops just started to swing to stop
them," he said yesterday.
"There was no reason to smash him
(Patterson) in the head," said Doug
Carson, an LSA junior who also wit-
nessed the fight. "He (Willard) didn't
need to use that kind of force."
Police are saying now that they might
not charge Patterson at all, and if they
do, it will probably be only with a
misdemeanor. "It (the case) could go
with no prosecution, or he could be
charged with simple assault or maybe
larceny for trying to steal the police
nightstick," said Detective David
Jachalke, the investigator working on
the case.
Delhey, who would make the final
charge, said he examined the original
police report and sent it back to
Jachalke to find out Patterson's com-
plete side of the story and ask if he y
planned on coming back to Michigan in
the near future. Delhey said he would
not extradite Patterson for a


"- 2

Daily Photo by WENDY GOULD
The latest DeLorean
Artist Alison Parry (front left) poses with her creation, "Regal Monument to Christo," on the Diag yesterday. Parry is
surrounded by the students who helped her.

..struck by police nightstick

, <


It's that time of year
ELIEVE IT or not, just as you're realizing how
bad you did on last week's midterms, it's already
time to start worrying about next semester.
Course Guides and Time Schedules for next
term's classes became available this week outside 1407
J Mason Hall. CRISP appointments will be handed out, as

Diag. The seven were students in a Residential College
poetry class who decided to brighten up the Diag pavement
from the West Engineering building to the other end of
campus. Alas, they only made it to the "M" when campus
security officer Robert Davenport happened by. Davenport
threatened the group with charges of malicious destruction
and demanded they clean up their pavement poems. So,
buckets in hand, the seven began experimenting with a new
medium, water poems. "I think it works as well with water
as it does with chalk," said Laurel Balkemore, one of the

dow. In its place, the name Comerica appeared
mysteriously above the door. The bank had joined scores of
others which are part of the Detroit Bank Corporation and
owned by Comerica, Inc. According to Jayne Colombo,
assistant vice president of public relations for Comerica,
the name change had been in the works for two years and is
an attempt to de-emphasize the word bank, as well as em-
phasize the fact that the banks are not only located in Detroit,
but stretch across the nation. Students will either be
relieved or dismayed to know that there will be no policy

Also on this date in history:
" 1943-Students were urged to donate blood for the!
American war effort. Student leaders "called on students to:
be aware of their patriotic responsibility" to give blood for
wounded American soldiers.
" 1957-Secretary of State John Foster Dulles unveiled a
new American plan to strengthen NATO defenses by
building a "network of rocket bases with stockpiles of
atomic weapons" across Europe. The plan was hailed as "a
new concept."





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