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July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…SUMMER WEEKLY One hundred three years of editorial freedom In. st, atin o b edakJuy 13,1941994 The Michigan Daily [n-state tuition to break $5,000 mark Provost to propose Tuitic tuition increases at The admini tomorrow's Board the next se of Regents meeting Average tui the cost ha y Lisa Dines past six yei nd Ronnie Glassberg AlLY NEWS EDITORS increase in state funding won't revent the University from reaching $11,01 eeperintostudents' andpar...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, July 13, 1994 -I IRELAND Continued from page 1 Maranda's first-term GPA at the University was a 2.8, showing that she experienced the same first-term diffi- culties of many other new students. But she could not finish winterterm due to the many hours of court pro- ceedings. After Ireland filed suit for parental support against Maranda's natural fa- I "" "= I ther, a studentatMacomb Community College, Smit...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, July 13, 1994 - The Michigan Daily - 3 U.S. House hopefuls debate health care By Andrew Taylor U.S. House Race DAILY STAFF REPORTER Many voters compareelection cam- With the Aug. 2 primary closing, paigning to that obnoxious pink rabbit six candidates are running for the of television fame - they keep going 13th District U.S. congressional and going and going. seat. Incumbent Rep. William Ford However,thisyear'sprimaries,now is not...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…OPINION P'g " , W edn a, !ly1,94 EDITOR IN CHIEF James M. Nash EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS Patrick J. Javid Jason Lichtstein 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Unsigned editorials present the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other cartoons, signed articles and letters do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Daily. The administration has submitt...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, July.13, 1994-- The Michigan Daily - 5 I Pupj4, Annoying Questions ' 'Where are you from?" asks the pale-faced man. That is the most annoying question I know. In fact, I think it is a rather stupid question, but I am told that there are no such things stupid questions. I sip from my reservoir of patience. "'Southemn Califomnia," I answer. "No, where are you from?" asks the pale-faced man. I know what kind of answer the pale-faced ...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

…6 -The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, July 13, 1994 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557. FO AE7:= FOR RENT 184 TOYOTA COROLLA, runs well, high miles, 4-door, 5 speed. Asking $950. Call E Wendy 761-7673.: S P O E T S DRUM-CONGA, QUINTO GonBops: B ... A* $200. Phone 662-4812. MAC IA GEWRITER II, $90 or hestof- Fumished fe/ Call Jeremy @ 995-0344 noon-5 M-F. ......Excellent Campus Locations **ANNARBOR STADIUM APTS.** 0 W -. e s 0n f-pmber" $0 Security Deposi...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 7

…Continu SLASSIFE ADS Em Gted is HEPWANTED HELP WANTED dents a E HELPthem bee CRUSIE SHIPS HIRING - Ean up to STUDENTS WANTED to earn $6/hour cal- expecta $2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships or Laud Travel ling UM alumni. Michigan Telefund is now companies. World travel. Seasonal & full- hiring for summer term. Great experience for Ssgnmei time employment available. No exp. your resume. Flexible evening hours in a fun Uni necessary. For info, call 1-2...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 13, 1994 Amer's deli takes over coffee shop in the Michigan Unioql By Frank C. Lee DAILY STAFF REPORTER "Is this for here or to go?" is a question often asked by Amer's Deli- catessen employees, but nowadays it may be a question better asked of the deli itself. The largest deli chain in the Mid- west is expanding by moving into the first-floor Michigan Union location formerly occupied by CafdItalianD'o...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 9

…ARTS Pae9Ienedy,.l * 1 3,1 9 'Yeah. But they were all bad.' - Arnold Schwarzenegger in "True Lies," responding to Jamie Lee Curtis' "Have you killed anybody?" Yet again, Doc steals show from 'Wyatt' By Michael Thompson As Wyatt, his brothers and Doc Holiday walk down to the 0. K. Corral, we all sit in anticipation. We know who's going to win, but we also know that the battle is going to be bloody. Usually we Wyatt Earp Directed by Lawrence ...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 10

…10 -The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, July 13, 1994 Regal Shirley Jones returns to stage in 'The King & I' a By Melissa Rose Bernardo Though her girl-next-door face and honey-coated voice will always epito- mize the screen musicals "Okla- homa!," "Carousel" and "The Music Man" and though she got her start in the chorus of "South Pacific" on Broadway, Shirley Jones claims her heart isn't in the theater. "I prefer film," she says matter- -of-fac...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 11

…* SPORTS The Sporting Views: Remember: It's just a game, folks By Ryan White DAILY SPORTS WRITER I stepped to the first tee atRadrickFarms Golf Course last Sunday having neverplayed arealround ofgolfinmylife.But nevertheless, there I was, about to embarrass myself in front of three friends, two of whom had golf experience and one who was good. Itook myfirst shot, and sent arching into the sky -a divot. e shot only went 20 yards, the divot 25;...…

July 13, 1994 (vol. 104, iss. 9) • Page Image 12

…O2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, July 13, 1994 I CHARITY Continued from page 11 East Lansing." , You want a secret, Fontes? How does Michigan 31, Michigan State 3 sound to you? 10:50: My first attempt to round up some free beverages and hot dogs for me and my stoic photographer, both of us penniless, is harshly denied. "These are for the celebrities and players only," says a volunteer guard- ing the wealth of goods. Iwonder tomyselfifmay...…

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