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January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…THE .W EA T H E R I VOL. XXXIIIL No. 80 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 13, 1923 EIGHT PAGES SEE THAT HOCKEY GAME TONIGHT PRICE FIVE C Will Head Marine ANNOUNCE EXAM DATES FOR ENGINEERS AND Corps Inspectors arn ii arifi arvnanl Eneny Of AliesuA I Now Is RefugeeUSMANASHNDOF with enthusiasm at the inauguration of hockey as a Varsity sport at the Coliseum last night a game in which Michigan netted two goas to onevfor Wisconsi...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE m JIGAN [LY .. w w .- rM.rr rrrr r lrrrr rrt wrr +4 rriiirrrrrri6 rrY r rsr w ny wr on~~~~ nu P'~ P i e ~ e 1~tc ~t seuece te future ongasths ilstonexims and ual~~~~1'' COlCljIC' r ot re- 1, an ll-(3yA. PR)-='Gelsen-. th lre e n snortheast of Ev- 113d, in the1C ;on')1d zone .of oc- FO E " GERMAN MVA.N OF WAR RETURNS TO UI, S. AS A TRADER MICHIGAN WINS, (Continued frome Page Erne) through the entire Michigan teamii)and 'shot from...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…___ ___ __ ___ _ Tk 1CH iAN fl DEAIN HAMIL TON TELLS FN IN OF SELF-GOVERNMENT1 FO . -R VWOMFN,,V Self-go)vernmenIt 1? k1 stas a theory (tho b.-u odirectors of, thleag 'lmpng the woMr:en Michigani, bu3114. i' allrnoon in IBarbour gy'Iul no one has clear ideas about it, Dean nasiun). .'ean ilamnilton declared while address- Dean Hamilten. explained the tw, ing the board of representatives of the types of govcrnmenit which arc possi- Women's l...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATRA Y, DO WE WANT ITT Upperclassmen in the literary col- .FE.N I lege are privileged to take final ex-1T D O OASEDRL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE aminations under the honor system 1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 4 by notifying the instructor of their EEf f "THEIREIS 1 X0N Published every morning except Monday dgsire through petitioning. As most I ETHOD LBYI ring the University year by the Board in students on the campus seem to ...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 5

… ,- ATTRDIAY, JANC RY WI1RDY~ ANARY13 It2: __ ___ il C',TGAN QAI .+ J 1 b 1 A : Y, ?' i \ ! (fit h "] . !ll JI u tf" ( t 1 air. . I ( 1 k1l) ./;! i . .. ' & v /4 f .,. I N The Schultz rGocery- iEHOME OF PUIR E FOODS YOU CAN DO BETTER, AT LEMBLE'S THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS INCLUDE- PHONES 326.=327-328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON Hiome Killed Chicken, .30-.35 Mr. Steward,. Facy Home Killed Short Rib Beef .. Fancy Pork Roast . Veal ...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN -DAILY } ymer. ' pop_- 4,IIPIIIIININI III if-L ma7 ,doom%. o ' _ IE HUML. K,: { ,"\t ' +'.'"' ~'q ".. / A.,^'. /.e SA AT NONS ANDr ipAl Aprr ,nlri~Tlft lTgaras but their sp'ed will not come Inew one and the real test will come J t fl t i eithr Faller or 'lplc'=tnight. Coach sMahlstated that too E P c r sSCiiiAERuE Dil RUL iV iLiii IUr It i while Cappcn works ust as effective-mfuch confidence sould'not be plac aed I...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . __. FORECAST STRONIG AQ URTIC .._S5EASO i Acquilsitioni of IBowit for Coach ( ivA- T~l nk Teamn 's Pr'sioets B;g :. Boost Z)(i).;i)litlfis i i raing; w'ith a fu-. tur'e soi) prol!;=ing ?Fit11"e1th ' lbeen pPi; d 1 e SW1 _1ERS.WUL-GETF1 ST' 1l'e , sz to so ns i l19 ,) Ihe TEST AGAINSTii .A.C{. J. 1 -)C~u O~ th ii ve lunty c lo4 ,gugto r- 'With. the announcement made last'ti ntefl f12.furire. to 111if5 0' b'...…

January 13, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 80) • Page Image 8

…_________T1 teaMICHIGAN DAIL\ 'E NEMESISOFGRAY I side hal.Subject, "A Creed for [but all other necessaries must be furn- 92:;."ish~ed by the players or teams. '~~~l l3 "civrn~ ~i'ie inllubll and!- t ;riuni. T)D1. II. K. W. Kumtn Watch the signs that have been ~; ~dxl. c2zted around the campus telling - 1 whether or not the ice at Wineberg's t'3..JIf 1;icoliseum can be used for skating. PI- rh' okr n~i st have their ji{e-# P'dfr V c. ](:ig...…

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