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January 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

… '(P ZZ " ^ r-, ^"' n ~' -- r % '-= ., ice, 7 , ~. J r ,_; ~", ~Y v ,_., . 1. .--. r" '; ^. J i 7v r"- 7 !-*, , . 1 + \ ,--. v r- C1 N ('j N I I . ..j I' l' (y .- r: . . i r J: !J f I r i .-." it I .. ._ 11 I _ - - -- CD as ti H iy s . " ' U i J.; . . J u , '-. .. _ r. _ " v. -. .- r; - - r;. .-- ^ N f -J~---- - -Y-. ;CO c:N v .-, J._ O ~ t-a ,i i '' ( ,f t i j i i M ',',.., / 4 1 J I i N 1 '' Msr i o ! . . -- i - ! i r-- r' %. - ; I ...…

February 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN\ \1RPOR, MICIGAN, \. \ l\1 D V 111 Yl \lti to ojo VOL,. XIX. BASKETBALL TEAM' IS STIRENGTIIENED, ',Cons" Do Little Damage and a Number of New Players Are Added to the $~quad. reipiets t' of "tong' still others, icludi- ing- sonic of 1he test tplayers ii theo tit werit)-r ote tooble to practict with the first squtad. \iotg titese latteit art 11 iayeCoo, hi1lcr antd Lot lot Witht ilht idditionttf these mwt to t terst tt...…

March 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga'n Daily AN \RBOR, ?I1ICI§A , VIIDNESDAYI lMARCH i o o( ) ) o.13 Vol-. XLX. No. 1 r3. TROUPE OF NEW ZEALANDERS VARSITY RECORDS MAY BE LOWERED Annual Indoor Varsity Meet on Saturday Night Will Giive Lie on Prospective Material. il be 11e1d SIIrdaO. loro, 13, 011d will ;;ire 1110 first 111e1111t1 opportunllity to see the entire prospelctive trac: 1team 1110' rI men1,01 1an 11 1110h thesestar work- 111ces that1 have marked,01 prvil...…

October 10, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…Th..e Michigan Daily ANN \ RBR,14MIiCHii IGAN, SC \ I)AY, C TERi)CoI,29Cto90 VOL. XX. No.6. MICHIGAN VICTOR BY SMALL MARGIN Lawton and Benbrook Star Re- spectively in Offense and De.- fense---Ma ny Fumbles Costly. \iivedice's toe' staved otf a ie. st(d gave .Michitgant tile opinllg footaell garde byl a1 3 t so.M ichigan s offenls was soimewhatt red avnd frequent fu i-l bies maredii thveir wri pryeentig the score troinm roliligthilet. li ...…

November 10, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…\. \ N \N I 1(11 NHC~I III)N,\ N1It\I o,*[),\YNUN)L\I IIn o. ) x NO. 32. VARSITY LEAVES TONIGHT FOR PENN' Student Body Led by Band will I(IIIO) IoNI IIC PI I)I-"NT 'RGN SONADVOCATES MERGER silc I Iiraai. to ot 1111(w 111(11'1: l 11111 ' Sc' Il(>l c' dcjlrt Mtvrch to Station to (xikie T1eamnf l Fiial Cheer. A5(0 ]\\; '(IIIttI( 0 ,11c (iji lic had 1; '''Plano to Unite State Legal lDe- s~~t;l partment With Law College otrth i at Ann] A...…

December 10, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vot'. XX MICHIGAN NOT TO MEET NEBRASKA Neither Cornhuskers nor Chicag " Will Play Michigan in 1910- Other Games Scheduled. It is xrlyhi Is lfnsl if tMNicigan and Nnlihr si iwill metcitsithc -i grtt 5 in igi. NTo e sidelsisiIil-sisma sksuh a Cnttesi pracicaly ipssil lThe irtis thatithc Coiriiliiserswiris l lii gai to plain ii uthitwnstatsanti(t h secondiitis that the Wolverii~ties Shae wostild inadvis iiiiile.itt Nehrasikai ...…

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