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November 10, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-11-10

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\. \ N \N I 1(11 NHC~I III)N,\ N1It\I o,*[),\YNUN)L\I IIn o. ) x NO. 32.

Student Body Led by Band will




I Iiraai. to ot

l 11111 '
Sc' Il(>l
c' dcjlrt

Mtvrch to Station to (xikie T1eamnf l
Fiial Cheer. A5(0


'(IIIttI( 0 ,11c
(iji lic had 1;

'''Plano to Unite State Legal lDe-
s~~t;l partment With Law College
otrth i at Ann] Arbor.

,tall tl rt e
Ins tlfiti r 'tl
c il. ' te tl<<

' li't'}3111 t11 117 1}1 tllc var - h Y
tl r rc u- ]w

]) :il' 1l1' } 171t7t'
f vcsliiiwii.
11 <t <<t? 3 t 1lac 111,U]?
1111; ll:t
t13t <<i<>rit
11mily dici
da 's ] r. rticc

'ti't{?ii ;1330 tll ;{ }1(ll'f
C ' sct)I"t'( 31-;:t111 L t lt'
' 1 3t st2-a2 13t t I ri,<111
tl3c 2223t 2'itt ()f IIIc
1 \\ c3 < ,121 >ti -t3tis.
t ~f tile sc1*1111111"l-,
li t<} ct it3c t3ic°t2 t
i33 xttir 13,t Ii. ;illd
C' 11333i' 1:1 I;t'c33 ; )C'il(
II3ce ;1 is f("n-"d that
1 tt 31ic s it lw IIsol ,
k, 1. [ 1r13rW, r.:


N~atural Amphitheatre Beatiful, but
Heating Plant tUseful.
"' 1;i C -'1 11' i \V4 lt *1:1 i ----it.
t11t" lw - 11 1111-i I 1 t)11 itc trlt l l it
it llti . ;1i~ 1. ). ar', .l I i
11 1 .l +.C 1 'i'it ' t t1 1t 11ti'. 1t CI 11,o

t. t.: iit'lli)i t }

tr< ?s~tl; l l, ltii tilt r t tt r -
{} lc i + I t olt itlt 11" ttt it
4i ' ltl a~ t itr i t 1711'iticll i i -
iliaRli < tl'l a t11i~i~il ,i la Ii

1 t,h butt - MItrro . ctiv
o . , il l~c l ott li ";
, a t t, I ltar ia ' l o- 0
Student Council Offers Prize of $50
Open to tiraduates and Students.
'l~hcneed{,f t lw l~cll , i-t t:hecl
t~atn il (lci~ec t Ilicr 1ri eIfi ot til i
11111the sI licl w atntt h

ft. r_ l,<t1 t n, 1. C',mklill
W,% 1. ll.: M.Lgld-{)llll, r. ll.: C'l.tlk(,',
( )n th,, Siclc 11:1 s. C :l c1, F(hilllllds,
111ti1d, Allc relic t. .tlltl W clk rail
t< lI tlIc riltirc ; T it:; t i ?1:,1s,
~o ft r11, rl ; ,t c ;tlll It td,
111 17r ,tli^ 1, 1?.
c lc"Oll \1% ill] I-cc kk, ;t lilt)Il,1iT
l" li'Tl It lt':11"c <tt j _' l ,?11;;1]t 4r1't'i'
\lilt rl}( ,r r;lilr,)rltl. Tllc" l,:llld w ill
Ill frollt !m "i 11 Y hall ;o (7 :..{
Al tmu-'llt <tltI 11111 lti.tl tilt cr, 11 11
i' I( )II, W! cry tilt il-ttli %k'll :llld


rl r rtill, lt"i n t-a I iii7.1, 11 11111lM
7t li I iti( iii I ll; toot -Ill toas

NlI 10ii.
;t,1 t it t

i-i t o( t t i1 Ito;1-tilti- viill Iw
Nio- 1-ooo1.( l i Stll I to t '1i-
- ii It-11-t". I- o iott to 11111-

Aissouri Congressman Lectures
Before S. IL. A. on Picturesque
Public Men.
T11111 otta broiingso to it it tlelnetv
h ampClar. 'Ihc thjet of his Iec-
,mc c ill 1), I h ilt t e 1'1Ilc 1 e
Thi is: icevniec. fr teloutnctry
la -it itmant mton-uto aitre "pitur-
cs 1n11ina 0fu l neothettoword. Nfr.-
C'l l: i a ,ail cho an pa tothseaim-e
befoe tr phlicin n i trestiong erght
f, - hislon r~tet i l te ffirstheoftheor
nainh t c ill ocit11d infor suctIYih
phcncnen2I sucess ir hs lecture
il:il th ciiesof he + t o cursnd ev e
ne l I lia mi osi t t iia tbl i oth o urset.lo
The llturetritl0hegiatch ply a
It -"Clok. Th ie ts tor tisultct tre
as cal asfor te r illof the o roeedre
;o -cts. Tckets fo h tei n~- ti -
Iiit ll l fo 11010 111 1 retot
C~t1i1111111 oltorl too~l
ligini Jrdlv fto on, i- lit heo
Womn"Legu \il hlmothro Can-hu
til safe inI 111 L' i 011 i ithll h r oc1101eds1
,itc 11111ac o oto-theiou se-ocforn-o
itiitce Cld i, ;pro s, ittsitcto edaifort
c -lu tor th ontothie ttgt iliin B l t- r
it loo Ilr i fi no t The srrt ite'ts
forth c~ud ar b ig t 1furnished byu
N ~ r il Nn coNIegINhNI heel
asked 11 oo looINd o hr ha , the o ill tti
ptcnt} of111111 so that lev trttman ott
sh r i s, i-rt" h aolog Nies orx-
11111 tot toeIgilt fr io ilth Ills ottneet-e
tol. l w 11ti101 i ng comm111 i to s silt
'' ltuc-t N= li-l ilill 00 rti- i ggo os ltito i-
SItooronool otoore t T
111010 01111-- ll eer or rib.
ui ae pannng t atend tor ichidtga-
111011 tollilot:.ianto bib PNilidtlphia1311
Ncrep ioi:. tttsm ok iioa-dlriuni on a c--It

it N1i l 1"}'1 I t1(
T I c ca -Im i t--
11<t1" AS "Inh ila'

ti 1114 alt
'l l , I-il(. I

-ort lti 10
1111" - tl-

tr i. Ilcilt I is a d 41 ur Ni l
() a Iic licftsli arci 111 itto olotot l lc
t-ol"-httil s~1thv tililpn4T ,
to~ arcAtlttonlt u--at il-i-
l 1110cti 011 10h;; 1111 I I to all too
rrill /li1 > I loc pcccN 1,) fll il

t it t ol 1 I (rca i 1 Ii
I ~ t tr t Il 1 II 1a1111i
1,}i ;111i 1alt-i-ito toc ~~ l
it ii1' 1 1'',, 101 11i1 11
ll<to l c to t -ot1 o till ttl too-
t'I-l ~)l- I s il1111 Ii
tol h lw t-i - mat


ill I l

-l~ Cotta1?1
1111 iii t

'tt1 la1t y t

a-li tcl

a 110 a Iti i - iii

Pil, l

a l- t t ail ala e nt a t
tc l {t 1ill ;at W vit l e,111a
ta Il o to iti II
t ot t1 N1 I N heItt I
f 111 11111 li-i at ity

,': I11'1cd t tr 1111 l' t l it c l r l
-( )111v t liiii 1 1 htot p t fo r iii
into i h c 11 i, c!in l 11111 gi n(,t
c 1c1 ir 1 i w p a tu ice - a




Imt lti (- i ( tt i atiI til - it tz
t ae i'W d ttti toosi i-itt
totli totals hf ito Ot


K,, 110111111 1111111111 11110 lh i iit i-CIl"(
Seat No~lwi h 0>-i'1ylm toooithle
11111 i tootooli l 1 a 1111 111 1 111-tlli- foir
wli sh w11111the sho11(ml t I11111
I() othmto Ic wstao d too till ,W;I
lnitee, r111)(I('( of 1-(fess> Is1)1111-
014111 Soltlanl aleol lo t-sIto.
l .t111111) d d, I t c r o s t l loot
irp (tth i cat 11 1 i 111101 it ay as,1-(
Th,ilto aWllCNI1 lto 111111
s(tilo The t o lott t("\' i i 111(11Will- re-

teo l

d'arm l to ct 1110101 )asoor--o i otlec1001
a lcl1 r (f tat tIlttlo"ioo tot tiltitollo f
tor~t Brti, at tltct I- ig lh fs u
de rsa 1( fr 1 c ]tll Ot to liolterctillllil
; auto lotcll tItlit oalld fortilt' toto ll lo t oi I It()
Is fr .l it li o lo ll . lo t l lo t 11)1) e1
tcas;cc r ir PiotillilteS ae

pa t - - -tt) h - tit, h mnt - p olireiltnt (i ihe l'ig 1f the
la ttrrn owllthen too osooolit . (s h ~l i litlh iwhich t 0010 ttttoitiutlfor
1001i1c ,Otto l1fte l ~ r tt' h ti to ltoorlr to 11iilliutto k0001 rizlae of
ii-c to-ci w ,f thofcuty Ip -th C ( o tli I 0\\-as to sp 1111a the
in tsoW te1 plyis ) to t heii o otot S ithi N1mer11ican toolitcal situtiont,will
:hiratc~n thee cll e n o~ht ast <lci\ r hs ahircs' he oil boeo Itoh at a
t t tei \\il be made01111chic
A~t lh i~- ottla totoolo I htodle ii i ne t 1 5 \! I' (\I.1111'[X!,t; ooT oo-tE T ' a c R O ON1.
+l~ e~lt\ n rin tc ff- lo ii<->l-ic- -i lolll bon o mn or lie Glee
to- clout : esd nt ler W n Itand linl aspsIt1 toll Itoe omoade after
Idwr vlWrOto to ohsiIo oi l is N lNb 1 011110j ou T urda nght, Noiv.
i l a ;s.cto 1101 IPilop1'.k isI to-1. \h i fry e ill e ho ltsentito
1000 11.I. Otto t;oratonu ag r, ma e the "Ilat r111ip. Ithaos tot lbeent
NWalt-i J. in:cas hs r~i is di liii deided lil o ltloot ite Bano
It l ).l~ioooochito"ill makeitheOtoINotowithtlo ho-othteots.

100 u totii
'r~trfc rj t e .1!c i. tn l tt-
,n(1 C f)1)],-[I , he estlt +1f too
ii _I'c n lt i'l (;<< I \% tlot

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