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May 12, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 161) • Page Image 7

…IDOUS MANUFACTU of Genuine SUITS \ 1 _ \ t ' i . ' K r-- -AT- 0' 5 .50 $33.50 ~ .d ~I )I _.. . fit I S... and *37.50 .*.,; FITPJRN U.- * .1 * 1i For Suits which are Guaranteed to have sold for $45 and $50 until Today backed by the Fitform Label and insured to be the very best that money coul even at regular prices. At the Gigantic Price Reductions above stated they b .;1 A i . - - _ \ s \ 4 1 } ' i 4- { : _ 1 .. , k \ r ...…

May 12, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 161) • Page Image 8

…f1 rza taI 171 . a.ri -r - Wesaa s iCIAL ULLET.N 118:0P. (U:W" 6uALSaturdsiL) I , MAY 12, 1922 Number 161 Senate: ourth regular meeting of the University Senate for the year will at 8 p. m., Monday, May 15, in Room C, Law building. Report of Control of Student Publications. Consideration of proposal for es- a University Committee on Discipline, J. L. MARKLEY, Secretary. Education Reception: taff of the School of Education will give a rece...…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…I ANOA 4 3Ufl p at AY r 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1922 PRICE FIVE Painted Demons E Seize Captives By Mighty Oak IVEN BY SENIOR [R E Listen to this tale of romance, R FALS ETale of Indian warriors bold- GETH FLE== NT ONIM S In the early moon of Green Leaves _-Camethey forth the stoics valiant; d DECLINES TO DEFEND Forth they romped to paleface wig- "POMANDER WAL" HAS CLEVER G AGAINST YEOMAN'S warn, LINES AND QUAINT l...…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…AL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ever morningexcept Monday during the nivItrsity r i.Conto Stud=n Publication. IBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for . all news dispatches credited t it or not otherwise la Pppr Aani the local sews prblisked tkorele. t the gostofge at Aa Arbor, Michigaa, as secan ) by carrier or mall,$.5. lnn Axb*0 Press Building, Maynard Street. Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414....…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

….late i g the ity, th ersity ogram ical fIi to A to sp estiom zw rians rrogram onally Known Speakers nterest in often in pullic, than the necessity of men and the American university man having he Repub- a real understanding of the issues of of Michi- the day." whereby President Harding has assured the gures will club of his hearty approval and inter- .nn Arbor est in the endeavor to present nation- peak upon al problems to the young men and ...…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

… :i .? , 6 %,._. , . . .. :, s 1.. .. " "- ... f r ,. .... '" .}. ... ". .- .; x a - t C 4 . t f . ' _ " ;. , he last day to see Mary Bank (State St.), Jane "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Shops. Tickets bought at, W. C. A. Girls camp by not help the camp.-Adv. r tickets at Graham's e), Farmers and Mechanics Daily Want Adis Pav.-A Singleton theater do WT. SIGMA NU WINS IN HOUSE TRACK MEET Sigma Nu fraternity won the annual outdoor interf...…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…I-.Y HKINE UYENTIME IN B LLINOIS SATURDAY I'u rd a Straw n 31an Who Hat K 87-44 SCORE s tracksters are working preparation for the hard- their schedule which will Illinois team next Satur- y field. The Illinois squad to be the strongest in the and are doped to win. rday the Suckers downed in team in their dual meet by the score of 87 to 44. I eight first places out of rhe high score was main- ever, to the ability of the place second an...…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIC FESTIVAL NOTES I I F lull I r I ES PLANNED AT N LIBRARY PS the lateness. of the Senior year the Varsity Band is to he opportunity of rendering' e concerts which will consist usic alone. Previous to this, is always been the custom nd to aid the seniors in the Igs during the spring and band concerts have been concert will be given from of the Library tonight from ck. The band will be under ion of W. W. Wilson, con- nned to ...…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 7

…club -'. 11 be on sale for orning in Univer- aore girls wishing addi- ticketscall student office vberry residence. 1 membership me*ting of . which was to have been rnoon has been postpon- slock next Monday after- actices for freshmen and are held regularly at 4 [ondays and Thursdays; id seniors, at 4:45 o'clock and Wednesdays. who are planning to be ner school and would be HOTEL DOORS OPEN TO WOMEN ONLY' One of the most interesting places ...…

May 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 160) • Page Image 8

…ICIAL BULLET 3:90 V. w. (11:W & a. .atuordays.) TRURSDAY, MAY 11, 1922 Number 160 :en and Women: mts who were in Military, Naval, or other Federal service dur- pean War and who have not sent in a detailed and complete ir service, are asked to call at once at the Alumni Catalogue Leat of the Alumni Memorial Hall, and fill out a blank. This ap- Jniversity students, including those who saw service before en- e University for the first time. iz...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…I r Aft ia n 'I IDAY AND * ) . .,.. t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1922 CE Of SF8RAUD TRACTS! xG[IER. IF COLLECTED ,L NEAR $100,000,000 for Investigation of Laxity in Pros- ecution of Nfichigamua On Warpath, Seeks V3rave Palefaces From behind the staring moon face, Comes the slow and solemn five booms Telling that the Evening Spirit. Wanders over woods and meadows, Lights the campfires of the heavens - Then the Michig...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…'A-XA .A i the Unive-sitr ons. entitled to the use hr eted to it or not othser i sews published tbhreIa. Arbor, Michigfma, as "e00 r Street. s, if signed, the igna- as an evidence of faith, ae Daily at tle discre- Daly office. Unsigned e entiments expressed AFF XTOR.........BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL ..........................Joseph A. Bernstein ................................James B. Young dams G. P. Overton Dawsn . M. 3. Stahl Lambrecht Pa...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…Faculty Prepafres for Diamond Battle Faculty members of the rhetoric de- partment are priming themselves in ce daily gridiron grinds for an indoor e- baseball game with the economic de- on partment. to be held soon. Rhetoric ed player chiefs are on edge to have re- ty venge for the terrible defeat last year nt *by the "Ecs," who seemed to apply the id budget system, or something, in ob- taining runs. ;_ Calendar Of Coming Events State Savi...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…DAILY it a £5 I' Alusic JOURNALISTS WILL GET CERTIFICATES, BIDNGCONTEST Between Durand and Allegan [ere Friday to Determine State Champion ATIONS EXPECTED FROM Y SECTIONS OF THE STATE s in the state of Michigan De- league will be held between high school and the Allegan Iool Friday night at 8 o'clock 'ersity hall. These two teams from the 185 teams that orig- were in the association, and ve been eliminated d'uring the inter. Approximatel...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 5

…° 4 9 . " " v 'f,. _ versed the decision in a pitcher's bat- tle. Although the Normal team does Snot appear as formidable as in former jlgg seasons it oan be depended upon to give a go1 account of itself. Liverance or Elliott Pitch Coach Fisher has announced that he will ,use Liverance and Elliott in Poor Sea- the box, while Blott will 'probably do g Op- the receiving at least part of the game. Liverance has not hurled a game sincQ the ...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 6

…IE IICH HE [ICkA . ..., .....z.,. s ennis Team Proves West 7n Seen Here This Season Victor Klein) bly be a long time be- ennis team on a par ma aggregation, which efeated Michigan's Var- , will be seen in action;' The three Sooner rep- rtainly understand the of the game and, what use this knowledge to tage in match playing. n team, comprised. of n K. Parks, captain, y the most adept of the Connel and "Bud" Har- e racqueteers who prov- in...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 7

…All.JrJA.~ p -. . --mow---- the custom of set- very year for ob American moth n, the Governo take part in ap n that day, tha e displayed asa that absent sons this occasion to Install .Honorary Physical Society Sigma Delta Psi, a national honor- ary society for the encouragement of r comprehensive physical developmenet and training among college students, -has been formally installed on the - campus. Dr. John Sundwall, directorl of students...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 8

…League -I Mn- rk membership in the League and I hope that it may serve the same purpose to others."-D. R. T. "It is just a little thing and takes such a few minutes each day but it will bring me the coveted member- ship to our League. What do I do? I make several girls' beds and straighten their rooms for them every morning."-T. L. P. Ndasques Play Given In Hdonor Of"IDean Jordan t- Mrs. Lois Law- urer. gave a the Ui ex- A+v s. Kelsey ...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 9

…AT THE THE ATERS ale for the Sen- 2 to 6 o'clock today in the box m. wishing addi- 11 student office sidence. ship meeting of vas to have been s been postpon- t Monday after- board) at 4 arlors e on sale this w morning in Tryouts for Tennis Teams Reld Today Tryouts for class teams in tennis will. be held for girls of all classes, whether they are enrolled in regular gymnasium work or not, will be held from 2 to 4 o'clock this afternoon. Cl...…

May 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 159) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Copy received unti 8:10 p. . (11:10 . u. Saturdays.) a WEDNESDAY, MAY 109, 1922 Number 159 the Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans this morning at 10 in the esident's Office. M. L. BURTON. Freshmen and Sophomores: Freshmen and Sophomores in the Colleges of Literature, Science, and Arts, Engineering and Architecture, and Pharmacy are .excused from sses from 3 p. m. Friday, May 12, unti...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…gie itV 4 a oe1 t ASSOCI, PRE DA'! AND I II0 SERTI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922 % ..,.. S TO AWATMichigan Tennis LAasses To Weigh . \ Men DefeatedC4H For Spring Games Michigan's tenOsJ team was unable FOR CO P ST E "Weighing in" for all sophomoresUGI tocp ihtespeedy brand of play and fr eshmen desiring to be in the shown by the Oklahoma raquetmen tug-of-war Friday will be held be- IU 5 G E S H A L to f tpe w th te , of Whiy...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…c Unifrsi s. yam Arbor,, Viobgam. aarC* L, $3.5*, s ee iig, M uaY nar* Street. ril, 144. 3e0 words, if signed, the sig int, but as an evidence of faitl ed n TheDaily at the disci ed to The Daily office. Unsigne nsideration. N."manuscript i se postage. endorse the sentiments express [ STAFF 0 2414 .BREWSTER P. CAMPBEL --.-.-.Joaes.B. is G. P. Overton waon M. B. Stahl nbrecht Paul Watzel rman..................... L. Armstrong Kex orfer 14. R. ...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIGER-SOX GAME GUEST OF HONOR ATI EON WHERE COBB 'S "DEGREES" erans'~ bureau; quarterma.ster, N. R. A. Becker, Detroit, of the Michigan State Telephone company; judge advocate, George King, '15L, a Detroit attorney; state welfare officer, Dr. Clarence L. Candler, of Detroit; chaplain, Rev. H. T. Fax, of Detroit; member of Cuncil of administration, Warren V. Gilbert, '23E, past commander of the Univer- sity, V.F.W. post. S...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…E.LtrUti LL 6ILY - dicToweIt' i :ld over a Shops, e. Aft- ate St., Of special interest to collectors Antique Furniture, is an inlaid cabi on display in the wind1ow of Mar Haller. The cabinet was part oft furnishings of President John Ty (1841-1845) in the White House.--A uenching dR t it leaves, - ing to be ' ed. / - C ous and eshing V C-5 The Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta, Ga. LNWELL OAL and Gas Coke of net tin the ler .dv-. kU-. f_+...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…...... :..... Mow mmm TELEPHGOE 214 F-t NE AILE f %I I Co. II' 11 More Michigan men play Billiards than is the case of any other American or foreign University. II I.Et IThis has been true now 0 for a period of about six-: .Eteen years. The reason. _t o. fI 1u d, ixLLAUDS CIGAUS CANDIES PIPZS 1LUNCLES SO1DA.S N I -_ ;5 Surelya a fmight eration. appeal t( correct i ing mak ty important factor in his success. and worth...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY NATION MIEN .5 ON lANGELA WIL ] BE GREATLY D BEFORE PASSAGE 1INKS DEAN iversity authorities have been 1 no definite information regard- the proposed new dance ordi- e of the City Council, according ie statement of Dean Joseph A. Icy. The University will, how- co-operate with the city in any lation it will undertake. ien asked as to the possibility of ordinance being applicable to the n and Armory, Dean Bursley said as th...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 7

…ee club will s year at 4 MIay '9, in. ers will be short busi- or the Sen- 6 o'clock ay and7 to- Hill audi- There will b~e a meeting of the board of representatives of Masques at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. Mortarboard alumnae will give a supper at 6 o'clock tonight at the Eng- lish Muffin Tea rooms. Acts 2 and 3 of "Pomander Walk" will rehearse at 4 o'clock this after- noon in Newberry hall. Tonight and ...…

May 09, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 158) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY?____ IAL BULLETIN p. A. (11:0 a.. SatUrdays.) I WHAT'S GOING ON U TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1922 Number 158 of the B :he Rege he Presid eceived 1 of Regents: 3oard of Regents will be held Friday, May 26. nts, in order to -be presented at that time, dent's Office before 5 p. m. Thursday, May 18. ater than this time will be presented. M. L. BURTON. >f all Seniors and other possible recipients of degrees or cer- mmencement 19...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…r J t r .'. ®E4 /; MMMW iDAY AND N14 SERVI , a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 PRICE FI 1 s DORMITORY PLAN ASSUR . . b i BALL TRACK TEAMS ND SLAM BY DEFEATING ITE AND HAWKEYE SQUADS 10 bIA [GHTH CONSECUTIVE BUNCHING HITS N THIRD D ICK PLAY ITS IN VICTORY Three Hits,. ives in Three ely Hitting f One Michigan's baseball team annexed eighth consecutive victory on Fer- field yesterday afternoon when the Iverines 'de...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 1

…r M'r4 ian &ait SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 The Poet Series - IV. Amy Lowell (By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) In 1917 her critical volume, "Ten- 'Polyphonic' means 'many-voiced,' is not purely pictorial.. "Patterns" The fourth in the series of talks dencies in Modern American Poetry," and the form is so-called because it is a subtle expression of a woman's given in Ann Arbor by famous Amer- was published. In it she dis...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…Monday during the University udent Publications. OCIATED PRESS iC11! entitled t+ the use hr ;recited to it or not otherwise se,$ pblinsed terla . r~Arbor., M ichan. a segien rd s if aia ire- nea I. £ sentiments eax EDITORIAL STAFF 'Telephone 2414 ; EDITOR.'...........BRIWSTZR P. CAMPBELL ..............................Joseph A. Bernstein. . ..........................James B. Young SAdmG. P. Overton n P. Dawson M. B. Stahl ard Lambr...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 7. 1922 upper classes to new men not taken a ing the U nion care of by fraternities. The Bwling 5~1an ging the U ll~f committee and Billiard committee put on tournaments and bring the better Editor's Note: This is the third and committee is running the ticker serv- professionals here for exhibition last of a series treating of the organi-: ice in the tap...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…mere handful of students attended the Normal, the school has grown to an enrollment of more than 1;700 during regular terms, with a summer enroll- ment well past the 2,000 mark. The greater number are women students. THE UNIVkRSITY'S COMW)GN HEALTH i..i Ui82D i In 1852 Has Press) -The Michi- 1 here, first blished west several re- le training entire coun- , June 22. e Normal during in one of achieve- President Chailes ad of the institu- st ...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE3 "THE MIND IN THE -MAING" (Continued) By James Harvey Rooinson (Pub~lished by Harper and Brothers) did; Euripides was an objet of ab- of change were the illusions at the cocorse mak all possible coubi- 8. Beginning of (riicall hilnking horreca to the conservative at his ttogittss sd liha sinpe-minded. ntarsns . ** There was no per- day, and Socrates was actually ee- a nanre aywhiere; all was no m...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…Whales proving somewhat scarce, funds had to raised by contribution, subscription and loans. A group of Jews contributed to a special fund for erection of the steeple. storic Trinity ray tomorrow cial services the granting illiam III of Gilliam Thomas Manning r. Charles L. Slattery of ch will offiiate at the rvice, and Bishop Daniel 'ttle of St. Louis, presid- of the church, at the ervice. 6, 1697, a group of New escribing themselves as of t...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 7, 19 22 J1'he ind in :;. i** tPl t mtite 1Ici :,V tl h the contception of .511ii 12 ti intl mels, etetnal 41 ticlci c,,afcedc tinigs w ei ll jtpetrf' 19' ish:iene 1. lie t'tiiticeie that ii hocmiil i ni i ;o , r, u l i t l in. t t flt l1'>, 1,1t " h ' , i t. l itlti 12, it tic i ia:,it tiaint jitt " i>v l ' !ci i ti :lies to i_% n t f ir . 'alc g._ it ;'i<-sl Olle in tie tise' ofi tet' ernt "MiddleA...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 5

…1 a aar" l lval 11 jg gjg g gg uuri gu i f j IN FESTIVAL WORK Choral Union Full Rehearsals Are Di- rected by Frederick Stock of Chicago CONDUCTOR SEEMS PLEASED - BY SHOWING MADE BY CHORUS. Prepairations for the 1922 May Fes- tival in Ann Arbor, which will be held from May 17 'Io 20, are fast nearing completion. The Choral Union is being given its final rehearsals under the directorship of Frederick Stock of the Chicago Symphony orchestra and ...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SN'DAY, MAY 7, 1922 AHE Ml( A FewT Notes CHIGAN DAIL YMAGAZINE t (133 1 ). E.) asfaithfu lly as psible. 'T's, .whoa Week before last .I atte nded a pr i a . burly (110wr ( six fi- ti ot' nore,l tateIteratotee t St-sws Atax , I shoutlders like' a piano and with b is awhisker s a yard In tnips op anti the Man,'" given fr' thne Comtedy ill a _ill falstio, te itii te-ames (litti. Inth le main it 0Ris good tndtl, 0 tioui sham wtorse, it tecitate...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

… . .. .".. . , ., .. .. ... ." " . . ... Q ".. '= "' _ t a .: :. .. .. . ... 1 n . - z t g"Mbasketball also claimed some of his at- ci.'UOlles uch Of er Success tention and Fisher certainly could * have been pointed to as an all-around baseball To CGoaching Of Fisher athlete. Immediately after Coach Fisher's ay L. Fisher is the one who the margin of a half of a game. This __1 referred to as "the man be- year the team looks even stronger Cal...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 6

…"rHE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY? 7, 1922 "PAINTED WINDOWS" it is to have any hope of a future dmilitant life, we must still bear in Sr i (A Review by S. T. Beach) I(mind that the conclusions reached Ilo o k s a n d A uThe "Gentleman with a Duster," are purely personal; our lack of per- osonal touch with affairs ecclesiastical haigrmvdfrom the "Mirrors of "THE CHILDREN OF THE MARKET a friend of Douglas and having a good in England r...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 7

…Boston, .362; Blue, Cleveland, .380, ait,.SG1; TTERS 0' E IN~ BOTHR LEAGUES' RST 104 MEN ABOVE 360 MARK (By Associated Press) . Chicago, May 6.-George Sisler, first baseman with the St. Louis club, and Tris Speaker, leader of the Cleveland Indians, today are in a neck and neck race for the batting leadership of the American league, with Sisler topping the heap with an average of .431. Speaker is runner up with .424. Thee averages include ...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 A FEW NOTES BY G. D. E. , MIDLAND EDITOR VISITS US A New Book on Sex Her new ideals of worship are freely (Continued from Page 5) (Continued from Page 1) Miss A. Maude Royden, England's expressed and people of all classes Christ, Dante, Galileo, Nietzsche, Poe He commented that the writer of son- foremost woman preacher, daughter and beliefs attend. Since college days and numberless others. Som...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 8

…a a ..... ... .. . - - - - --- m +r r U A ' dull languid andinefficien OMMON HEALTHdelicate membranes of tie throat are injured. seme d the e and rema to gig is me tells lities. that Fresh Air, "Secondly, fresh air is moving air. ained for Prof. C. E. A. Still air blankets the body and pro- ve a clean-cut definition duces a deadening, numbing effect. Air ant 'by the term, "fresh in general motion stimulates the skin. us that "Fresh air h...…

May 07, 1922 • Page Image 8

…8 'HAL MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 TH ICIANDIY AAZN SNA MY7,12 THE POETS-AMY LOWELL with two stories "The Indian Summer (Continued from Page 1) of a Forsyte" and ;"Awakening" which present the life of a representative the French town of Bar-le-Due in the English family thru three generations Province of the Meuse, the prefect (Scribner). had issued instructions to prevent the children from eating candies which might have b...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 9

… a STARTING TODAY STARTING TODAY 4i A PARAMOUNT WONDER "PICTURE The DazigQueefSrenLn eo S t e READ THlE ANNOUNCEMENT IN "THE SATURDAY EVENINGx POST," MAY 6TH, A DOUBLE PAGE OF RAISE. aions!f A PARAMOUN' WONDER PICTURE I I w .._ __._ s Unusual uCreations F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MRM ___________ ___ i_______ _______________ r 'I Tr 'may : : ,. The., Most- Thrilling ( l re lL Love Drama Ever Filmed A REQUEST Th...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 10

…sociated Pres: r 6.-Sharp s tment of fed number of cha "ITS Chicago, was quoted as saying. "Our cases of drug-addication are so rare that we have never kept a record ofr them. In the year 1918-1919, of the 8,842 cases which were actually in- 'vestigated by us, 412 of them were directly caused by intemperance. But in the year 1919-1920, the year that s Reduc- prohibition came into effect, we handl-t to ed 8,267 cases, and of this number 33t ca...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 11

… memo" STARTING TODAY STARTING TODAY STARS ot the STAGE and SCREEN on TRIPLE FEATURE PROGRAM YOU HAVE OFTEN HEARD OF DOUBLE-FEATURE PROGRAMS- BUT HERE IS A TRIPLE-FEATURE BILL FOR THE FIRST TIME. - - -~v On the Stage The Supreme Musical Organization' 10 ARTISTS The same aggregation of Pennsylvania College musicians that played at the J- Hop and'Military Ball is now'transform- ed into a wonderful stage attraction that is second to none.- ...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 12

…Is LY O ICIAL BULLETIN ILSPORTS t opy received untll 3:30 p, . (11: S. . S OaPSMuraIys.)C SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 Number 17 U U R IUH ~I~aetlar metingofT10U.S.C, TENNIS MEN o t egular meeting of the University Senate will be held Monday i y 15, at 8 in Room C, Law building. (Continued from Page Six) u J.L.MARKLEY. and their work was most satisfactory s to all of the- critics. Little can be said e of them until later when they will have on of all S...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 The Poet Series - IV. Amy Lowell (By Lois Elisabeth Whiteomb) In 1917 her critical volume, "Ten- "'Polyphonic' means 'many-voiced,' is not purely pictorial.. "Patterns" The 'fourth in the series of talks dencies in Modern American Poetry," and the form is so-called because it is a subtle exression of a woman's ven in Ann Arbor by famous Amer- was published. In it she discussed makes use ...…

May 07, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 157) • Page Image 14

…a 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE upper -classes to new men not taken care of by fraternities. The Bowling Vianaging the Union committee and Billiard committee put on tournaments and bring the better Editor's Note: This is the third and committee is. running the ticker serv- professionals here for exhibition last of a series treating of the organi- ice in the tap-room, which gives games in their respective departments. zation and activities of -t...…

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