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May 07, 1922 - Image 1

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The Poet Series - IV. Amy Lowell
(By Lois Elisabeth Whitcomb) In 1917 her critical volume, "Ten- 'Polyphonic' means 'many-voiced,' is not purely pictorial.. "Patterns"
The fourth in the series of talks dencies in Modern American Poetry," and the form is so-called because it is a subtle expression of a woman's
given in Ann Arbor by famous Amer- was published. In it she discussed makes use of the 'voices' of poetry, mental revolt against the demands
with rare insight the work of leading namely: meter, vers libre, assonance, that convention makes upon her life.
iran poets under the auspices of the new American poets. It was the first alliteration, rhyme and return. It Technically, the chief importance of
American Association of University attempt to study the new poetry in employs every form of rhythm, even "Patterns" lies in the exquisite mel-
Women will be by Any Lowell at anything like a scientific manner, ana I prose rhythm at times" ody of its movement, which is sug-
eight o'clock Wednesday evening, May it was immediately recognized as a Although much of Miss Lowell's en- gested by this fragment:
10, in Hill auditorium. i work of vast importance. It was a viable reputation rests upon her com- "
decisive factor in establishing free pleteIn Summer and Winter I shall
lisa Lowell has long beets a domi verse as an authentic art form. very much more than a dextrous
nating figure In the field of contem- Up and down
porary American poetry. The success She brings to her critical work a craftsman. She is, indeed, a story- The patterned garden paths
of What is known as the free verse keen penetration and a vitality of ex- teller with a remarkable gift for In my stiff, brocaded gown.
movement has been due very largely pression that combine to make even packed and sparkling narrative, and The squills and daffodils
to her brilliant and vigorous defense her more technical discussions fascin- she has an amazingly clarity of per- Will give place to pillared roses,
of the ptinciples on which it is found- ating reading. "Tendencies in Mod- ception. She is strongly visual-i and to asters, and to snow,
ed, and to her quick appreciation of ern American Poetry" is a book in- minded, or as Mr. Untermeyer com- I shall go
the work of the chief exponents of valuable to af'yone interested in con- siented in his recent lecture, "She is Up and down,
fcce ver.e in Ibis country. tenporary verse. An earlier volume preeminently, the poet of the external
W of critical essays by Miss Lowell, "Six world." She revela it tints as an Gorgeossly arrayed,
Wtother strong chatupionashipogusyared
n French Poets," is also an authorita- artist does. Even their names de-
the near movement woumid probably B oned and stayed."
tive study. light her, and she uses them again
have succumbed to the s~ornfpl and
impatient criticism of the academic- Amy Lossell's own poetical work is iand again, as in the following pass- The historic sense is developed in
mitnded. She broght Is the conrs- published in six volumes: "A Dome ,e from 'The Captured Goddess. Am Losell to an unusual degree,
versy a keen-edged wit that she used of Many-coloured Glass," a rather 'She can recreate the temper of a by-
fearless;y against her opponents. She conventional first book which appear- I followed her for long, 1tone day, bring back the atmosphere
had al1 the knowledge upon shich ed in 1912; "Sword Blades sod Poppy I With gazing eyes and stumbling of a dead era, or bring to life a char-
Ohe academic depended, and, in d- i 'eied." a vivid and notable coller- feet. acter in history. In her remakable
lion, a realization of the sigaificance tion published two years later; "Men, I eared not where she led me, ion- poem, "The Fruit Shop," she re-
Of the new toris. There is probably Womte aed Obo ts," ear edingly in- My eyes were full of colours: tins to the time of Napoleon, and
no critic in this country wiho has so teresting for its variety and vigor; SaffronF, rubies, the yellows of recoastructs with surprising reality a
carefully studied poetics. Her famil- "Can Grande's Castle," four poly- beryls, delightful little episode of the mar-
:arity with French and Chinese forms phonic prose poems; "Pictures of the And the indigo-blue of quartz; ket place; a bright genre scene, full
has been of enormous value in her Floating World," which is often call- Flights of rose, layers of chryso- of courage and gayety and pathos,
metrical training. She is an author- ed her best book, and her latest vol- prase, an undercurrent of feeling running
it' on conventional metrics, as "r11 ume, "Legends," a group of narrative Points of orange, spirals of vermil- under the colorful surface.
as the great advocate of free verse. poesus made out of old folk stories. lion, The sympathetic side of Miss Low-
She came to the battle well equipped, The second book, "Sword Blades The spotted gold of tiger-lily petals, ell's nature finds expression in var-
then, for she possessed en unusually and Poppy Seed," is especially im- The loud pink of bursting hydran- Oits other ways in her verses. "The
comprehensive intellectual ballt- portant from a technical standpoint geas. Cornucopia of Red and Green Com-
ground. In addition, she had a real because it contains the first appear- Ifolowed fits," . poem of the ear, is an inter-
enjoyment of the struggle. A fight in ane in English of "polyphonic And watched for the fiashing of her esting combination of horror and con-
so good a rause eas a delight to her prose," the three examples being "In wings." sciosly beatiful sensmous impres-
splendidly controversial spirit and a Castle," "The Basket," and "The sion. It was based on a news report
she waged a merry war against the Forsaken." In explanation of this In "Patterns," which is perhaps the (probably false) to the effect that in
strongholds of the reactionaris. form. Miss Lowell has written: best-known of her poems, the interest (Continued on Page 8)
John Frederick, Midland Editor, Visits Us
(By L. E. W.) ; universities and colleges. Be men- He told with pride of a new depart- specimens of the work of about twenty
tioned that the largest number of mental feature at the University of poets. Although this might seem to
"Michigan certainly puts out the manuscripts submitted by undergrad- Iowa, whereby advancement in the afford sufficient opportunity for an es-
best student paper that I've sebn," uates came from the University of English department is gained on the timate of the poets represented, Mr.
volunteered Mr. Frederick, Editor of Oregon, and said that he had often basis of creative writing as well as Frederick feels that the new plan is
the Midland, as he glanced admiringly wondered why this was. I suggested because of academic research. This a greater improvement, as it will give
around the busy Daily office. that it might be due to the stimulat- departure from the usual seems so each poet a real introduction.
A tel ing infiuence of one member of the fair and reasonable that one can but In addition to his activities as editor
Ah- here was a gentleman of Int lnglish faculty there, Mrs. Mable hope it will be successful in attract- of the Midland and member of the
ligent discrimination evidently. It Holmes Parsons, a graduate of the , ing gifted young writers to the fac- English faculty at the University of
courtesy I could not but agree with University of Michigan who is a ulty ranks to replace some of the pe- Iowa, Mr. Frederick is also a farmer.
him. woman of rare charm and a teacher dantic danglers of the golden key. He has a farm in northern Michigan
"The Sunday Magazine section is of exceptional inspirational gifts. Mr. Frederick said that he found at a considerable distance from the
especially good," he continued. It is Mr. Frederick inquired about the his work with the university students railroad, miles from a post-box, and
i unique feature among college pa- rhetoric department here, and was exceedingly interesting. It was clear, from the nearest neighbor. Here he
pers. A fine ideal" interested in the large enrollment in however, that his chief delight is in and his wife spend part of their time
It became perfectly obvious that Mr. the Short-Story courses, He is heart-I the Midland magazine. The Midland in the peaceful seclusion that they
Frederick was a person of percep- ily in favor of limiting the number publishes manuscripts from all enjoy. In the summer their farm is
tion. of students in all rhetoric courses, and, parts of the country, but the prefer- made a gathering place for a few of
lie commended approvingly on Iconsiders it very regrettable that this ence is for Middle Western material their friends who are doing creative
the literary activity evidenced at is so seldom possible. Mr. Frederick and Middle Western writers. Most work. Usually writers are invited,
the University of Michigan, at- is himself a member of the English of the work published is prose, usu- but the group this summer is to in-
tributing it partly to the pres- tfaculty Of the University of Iowa, so ally prose fiction, but some verse ap- elude an artist as well, The guests
ence of Mr. Frost, butt largely to he spoke with feeling, lie conducts pears in each issue also, and one are always persons who enjoy and ap-
the influence of a general wave of a critical course in Modern Poetry, number every year is devoted entirely preciate out-of-door life, and who find
interest in writing noticeable all over which is closely allied to another to poetry of the Middle West. Mr. the country quiet, favorable to the
the country. As the Midland is pri- course in the same department, writ- Frederick stated that this year he exercise of their artistic gifts.
marily a publication in which the ing of verse. Ie was greatly sur- intended to give the poetry number His own literary work includes both
work of undergraduates and those re- prised to learn that there are no over to the work of the seven or eight prose and verse. Of the metrical
c ently graduated appears, Mr. Fred- courses in poetics given at Michigan, best poets who contributed, thus giv- forms his favorite is the sonnet, which
erick is unusually well-informed con- and wondered how soon that need ing each one adequate space. Last he likes for its dignity and simplicity,
cerning literary work in the various would be supplied. year the poetry number contained (Continued on Page 7)

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