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May 07, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-07

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g"Mbasketball also claimed some of his at-
ci.'UOlles uch Of er Success tention and Fisher certainly could
* have been pointed to as an all-around
baseball To CGoaching Of Fisher athlete.
Immediately after Coach Fisher's
ay L. Fisher is the one who the margin of a half of a game. This __1
referred to as "the man be- year the team looks even stronger Cal:fo a s, by Brilih
;un" of Michigan's success in than the one of the past season, and :.Califrnans, by Brilli
y and last. And although it may be rather early to . Take Two of Three
ness to him, it must be said make predictions, it would not be out '"from Varsity
in no small way responsible of the way to say that the Michigan . .
plendid mark that the Wol- nine must be regarded as the most WELSH AND GREENE S
inond men have made during dangerous contender for premier hon- ' ... ' 'VISITORS; RORICIH
and a half as coach. ors in the Conference today. j:, x'
certainly understands thie Fisher an All-Around Athlete .,.'...s,. . Michigan's tennis team
baseball, and what is more, Fisher was quite an athlete in his x": '; "...{ 4 fore the superior ;playing
how to impart his knowledge college..days, being one of the many ... J versity. of Southern Calif
rt in a most effective fashion. who has taken the step from athlete { " "redoubtable racquet-wie
that is what his past record to coach. Middlebury college is the : 'r {" ' day morning in what p
,d one to believe. coach's alma mater and it was at one of the hardest foug
ar, the coach's first season at school there that he first gained his . skillfully played matche
he was able to muster up reputation as an athlete. While at '"'"* '4 "on the Ferry field cor u
flicient enough to finish sec- school, Ray, as his men are wont to iforrians n the better e
Le Conference standings, and call him, shone on the diamond, and to one score.
nois barely nosed the Wol- became known as one of the star col- t s ori h Star
'ut of the championship by lege hurlers in the east. Football and Merkel, captain of t
" team, was pitted agaix
" - 3Welsh of California, pla3
one. The Wolverine lea
quite strong enough to m.
ponent and lost after thr
Rorich played number t'
igan and met with gra
than his team-mate, defe
of California in brilliant f
del paired up with Roric
bles. This match also
sets, but with Michigaid
RAY FISHER, COACH OF MICH- defensive during the last
igan's baseball nine. all hopes for triumph dis
-.,._ _ _erkel Takes a;
graduation from college the New York Welsh displayed a red
Americans claimed his services. So, of the game in downing]
from 1909 until he entered the service first singles match. Sc
in 1918 heitchea a consistently good second seat first, havng
game for the Yakees and came to be 5-2 advantage. With the
regarded as one of the most dangerous ing on a single point Me
flingers In the league. After the war time and time again, fo
the coach joined the Cincinnati Na- to change his style of p
tionals, and for two years his hurling safety rather than his-
proved quite effective, although he driving game, and with
was regarded as a veteran. It was his of tactics the Westerner
lot to pitch the third game of the by the score of 7-5. ,
world series between the Redlegs The third set of then
and the White Sox and this he did run-away for the Califo
most creditably. the uselessness of attem
In 1920 he pitched in 33 games and steady Merkel, he again
ranked high among the hurlers in the his smashing tactics, and
National league, only an ,average of cumbed before his decis
h te F" lanne2.73 runs being earned off of his de. The score of this set wa
livery. : The Rorich-Greene si
/ W E During his years of pitching Coach offered a more brilliant
xf r Fisher found. enough time between array of tennis than was
seasons to' act as athletic ilirector of couht one. Both men .
Middlebury college for five years and, exceptionally well and ti
at another- time, to teach pitching at almost impossible "ge
Springfield Y. M. C. A. college, rounds of applause from
(Continued on Page Twelve) crowd that attended the I
,_first set went to Greene
' rae dytotal of 18 games hadl
"Watch for cantestoday. Greene used his overhe
x___advantage while at the ne
* f ich's back-hand playing
PHOTOGRAPHERS salient point in this set.
, set found Rorich playing
- Try-outs are wanted for the and he took the set 6-1.
'photographic staff of the 1922- # the going in the thirds
For Men Since 1848 1923 Michiganensian. Phone J. harder. Greene showed
I B. Vlack, 1508W. j this set than he had in
Ix-, one, but continued to m
mistake that was largel
---for his loss of the seco


ant Playing,
m bowed be-
g of the Uni-
fornia's two
Iders yester-
)roved to be-
;t and most
:s witnessed.
is for somrel
ound the Cal-k
nd of the two'
the Michigan.
nst Captain
ying number
ader was not
aster his op-
ee hard sets.
wo for Mich-
eater success
ating Greene
fashion. Rein-
Ih in the dou-
went three.
driven to the.
of the three,
al knowledge'
Merkel in the
ore 8-6. The
h .playing in
Merkel at a
match hing-
rkel hung on
rcing Welsh
lay to one of
rather hard
this change
lost the set,
match was af
rnian. Seeing
pting to out-
resorted to
d Merkel suc,
sive stroking..
s 6-1.
ingles match
and thrilling.
displayed on
were stroking.
Eme after time
ts" brought.
n the large
matches. The
only after a
been played..
ad smash to
et, while Ror-
was his most
The second
g at top form
Rorich found
set a little
better form in
the previous
Fake the same
y responsible
ond set. He
* playing his
urned the ta-
on his back-
an man play-
beginning to
e the right
The score for.

this set was 6-2 in favor of Rorich.
Doubles Match Slower
The doubles match +found the play
a trifle slower than in the singles.
Rorich bore the brunt of the play for
the Michigan team in the first set, but
the California duo were too strong
and it was lost by a 6-3 score. The
second set found Reindel coming
back strong. His deep cross-court
drives were beginning to -take effect
and both he and Rorich were able to
come to the net for decisive strokes.
as a result. The score was 6-3 in fav-
or of Michigan.
Welschand Greene came back with.
a punch in the third and deciding set.
that meant nothing less than victory
for them. They took the set by a
6-2 score, and with it went the match.
Oklahoma Next
As a whole the match was most
gratifying. Although Michigan lost it
conclusively showed that they are ca-
pable of doing great things in ten-.
nis. The defeat was not unexpect-
ed. The men's playing was of a cal-
ibre that should enable them to eas-
ily triumph over Oklahoma, who will
furnish the competition for them at
2:30 o'clock on Monday afternoon.
R eike, Isbell and ILMarsh Cover Long
Runs in Fast Time; Hubbard
in Dashes
Archie Hahn, freshman track men-

time for the half and are giving pro-
mise of becoming performers if they
continue to improve as they have dur-
ing the spell of good weather.
Isbell ran the mile in 4:36 1-5 which
is slower than was expected of him.
In the start, Isbell, Nichols, and Heap-
py all set a fast pace and maintained
it for the first three laps, but seemed
to die on the last lap. Nichols and .
Heappy have made the best of the fine
weather and displayed fine form and
endurance while running.
Only one accident marred the aft-
ernoon's runnig. It came when Am-
stetz collapsed in the sixth lap of the
two mile. He had been running a fine
race and it was expected that he would
lower the time that he made indoors
for the two mile. He had just passed
Slenefield, over whom he had a hand-
icap of 75 yards, when he contracted
an acute pain in his side which forced
him to stop. Shenefield continued
the grind and turned in 10:38 for the
distance. Shenefield showed an im-
provement over his indoor perform-
ances as did Amstetz. Amstetz is
Archie's hope "for the two mile, and it
.will be a matter of getting rid of the
side pains until he will be a star of
the first water, for he has plenty of
stamina for such an event. Shenefield
is displaying more form every day and
will eventually become a good miler.
Hubbard Wins

tor. is unusually optimistic since the:
freshman outdoor time trials on Fri-
day. The time turned in by the yearl-
ings was exceptionally good, especial-
ly for the first time trials held out of
doors. Most of the men showed mark-
ed improvement in their form, but as
a whole they very well proved that
they need a good deal of experience
before they can secure the best ,rec-
ords. The most noticeable faults were
those of the distance, men and the
broad juinper. Sometimes the run-
ners would start too slow, and then
again they ,would set too fast a pace,
while the broad Jumpers overstep-
ped the take off too many times to
turn in good marks.
Fast. Half Mile
A fast halfmile race started the
trials., Reinke, as .was expected, won
first place.. He travelled the distance
in 2:00 2-5."Marshfinished second
and bydoing the run in 2:02 3-5 show-
ed that he will help make up for the
lack of second placers that was so
noticeable in the Illinois telegraphic
Reinke got away to a slow start, as
did Marsh, and then on the last lap
collided with Spedding, all of which
tended to slow them up. Archie ex-
pects Reinke .o run the half in less
than two minutes next Friday. Kreig-
er, Spedding, and Zinn turned in fine

Hubbbard won the 100 as was ex-
pected, in 10 1-5. Maloney,' Houlse,
and Wittman finished in the order
named. "Maloney's performance was a
revelation. The star of the indoor.
interfraternity meet was but two feet
behind Hubbard at the finish. Houlse
did better than was expected, and
Archie feels that all of the men will
bear watching when they answer the
call for the Varsity team next year
with a year's experience upon their
Roesser won the 440 yard dash with
a spectacular finish. Gowen; Jones,
and the winner ran neck and neck all
of the way with Gowen leading. On
the home stretch Roesser crept into
the lead and was followed by Jones
who finished second. All of the men
ran in fine form, and the results wers
most pleasing to Coach Hahn. Roes-
ser's timje was 52:2-5, and Jones did
it in one second more.
Houlse won the 220, with Maloney
running close second. In the othor
running event, Hubbard easilycopped
the 120 yard high hurdles in the note-
worthy time ok 16 3-5. Higgins also
cleared the obstacles in fine style.
This was the first time that the high
hurdlers have had a tryout for time
(Continued on Page Twelve)
I Uniforms for Cheerleaders '
I Any one having an idea as to
1 uniforms .for cheer leaders are I
" requested to describe same in a
letter and. send to A. 0. Cuth- I
I bert, 1016 E. University Ave. I
1 .1
Ann Arbor Custom Shoe Factory,
shoes tailor made to suit your indi-
vidual taste. Sport shoes our special-
ty. Bring your repairs to the place
where shoes are made. 534 Forest
Seniors carry canes today.

Iissel Carpet Sweepers Are a Great,
Help in Housekeeping


Q' QUAL1TY. 5'
ry .

tried to beat Rorich by
back-hand, but Rorich ti
bles on him and beat him
hand shots. The Michig
ed a heady game from
end and generally mad
shots at the right time.'

The housewife who owns one of these good carpet sweepers will
tell you that it helps her to put the house in order quickly. A
constant aid in keeping rugs and carpets free fromthreads, crumbs
and other small particles - does away with the old dust-raising


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Remember Mother this year with something new, original and unique -
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hand painted, glass covered, in white
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securely fastened to a box of fresh,
The sweetest gift of all.

broom which always made so much unnecessary work for' the
housewife. Bissel carpet sweepers are built for year in and year
out service and satisfaction. Prices from $3.50 to $9.50.




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