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April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 13

…APRIL 1988 News Features U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 3 APRIL 1988 * News Features U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 3 I Can there ever be peace in the Middle East? Students nationwide say yes, but differ in how best to resolve the deep-rooted conflict. Their opin- ions range from denouncing Israeli oppression of the Palestinians to defending the Jewish state. Most offer the solution of creating two culturally distinct nations. dEs St...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 14

…4 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER News Features APRIL 1988 Video revolution hits college admissions 4 By Carol Vinzant The Daily Pennsylvanian U. of Pennsylvania "I wish to go to Penn. I covet Penn ... I have to go to Penn," wrote one student applying for next year's freshman class. Heightened anxiety over tougher admission standards, coupled with a new question on the University's ap- plication, has caused a dramatic in- crease in suppl...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 15

…APRIL 1988 News Features U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 5 APRIL 1988 * News Features U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 5 Lesbians go Greek at UCLA By Michael Ashcraft * Daily Bruin U. of California, Los Angeles The gang met in Lu Valle Com- mons at least three times a week to sip coffee, smoke cigarettes, gossip and occasionally joke that they had become something of a sorority. So when the women took steps this quarter toward forming a ...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 16

…6 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER News Features APRIL 1988 ____ I ANNOUNCES College Journalist of the Year Award Presented by American Express Awarded by a panel of respected journalism professionals to an outstanding student journalist for excellence in reporting and writing in a subject of vital importance to the campus community and for commitment to the highest standards of journalism. JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR $5000 1st RUNNER UP $1000 ...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 17

…APRIL 1988 *Opnions U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 7 THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER DR.FRANKRAGULSKY,ManagerStudent TOM ROLNICKI, Executive Director, Associated EDITORIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Media, Daily Barometer, Oregon State U. By prstintoog awide rangeofoopinions and ideas rpittd fo hoodreds of CollgiatePress campus newspapers, we hope to enhance the quality of campus life as we JAN T. CHILDRESS, Director Student inform, entertain and enga...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 18

…$ U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Opinions " APRIL 1988 8 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Opinions * APRIL 1988 'Brain' can't compete without brawn By Michael Merschel The University Daily Kansan U. of Kansas It doesn't seem fair. I'm a big fan of that well-discussed team that competes in that famous building on the edge of campus, and when a top player is declared ineligible because of some silly rule, fans can't help but be disappoin...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 19

…APRIL 1988 News Features U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER APRIL 1988 * News Features U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 9 IA-F grading system flunks student's evaluation By Steve Fifield of teachers to challenge students with learning. learning. The Minnesota Daily relevant material and to present it in While the A-F grading system is Learning is not eaE U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities creative and stimulating ways. It is the deeply entrenched...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 20

…10 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER News Features . APRIL 1988 10 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER News Features * APRIL 1988 American Politics 3 Students great source of political power By Steven M. Perlstein The Minnesota Daily U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities If you're a college student, the pres- idential candidates want you, but maybe not for the reason you think. Aides working for several campaigns readily admit their pleas for support ...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 21

… APRIL 1988 " Dollars And Sense U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 11 I~ ~~ i~ Career insights Debt monitor Away from home New heart at 22 Roundup on potential U. of Kansas seeks Peace Corps couple trades U. of Delaware's Kim salaries, hot jobs, and computer to keep students in San Diego college life for Claudfelter received interview hints. out of debt. Senegal village. surprise heart transplant. Page 12 Page 14 Page 14 Page 16 Anatomy of t...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 22

…44 12 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Dollars And Sense APRIL 1988 CAREER ROUNDUP Graduates' starting salaries Bachelor's 1988 % increase Degrees from 1987 Non-corporate majors say placement center biased Math/Statistics Sales/Marketing Economics/Finance Chemistry Computer Business Admin. Accounting Engineering Liberal Arts Other Fields Master's Degrees MBA w/Technical BS Other Tech Fields MBA w/Non-Tech BA Engineering Accounting Other...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 23

…APRIL 1988 Dollars And Sense U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 13 APRIL 1988 * Dollars And Sense U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 13 Choice of major is minor problem in scheme of life By Phil Bowling The Eastern Progress Eastern Kentucky U. "A career objective." "It's your fu- ture at stake." "Whatever you de- cide-you'll have to be happy with it for the rest of your life!" With these phrases used so often on campus, it's no wonder there a...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 24

…Dollars And Sense APRIL 1988 14 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 14 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Dollars And Sense * APRIL 1988 U. of Kansas basketball teamn By Elaine Sung The University Daily Kansan U. of Kansas Rules didn't matter to anyone when the U. of Kansas basketball team, the Jayhawks, hosted its fourth annual Special Olympics basketball clinic. More than 200 Special Olympians, from age eight up, came from all over the stat...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 25

…APRIL 1988 Dollars And Sense U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 15 APRIL 1988 * Dollars And Sense U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 15 Gov't cuts hurt AFROTC cadets By Chuck Horner Kansas State Collegian Kansas State U. Kansas State U.'s Air Force ROTC program will be one of 30 school prog- rams forced to close in 1989 to reduce the federal budget. "The nationwide cutbacks will save about $9 million ' annually," said Master Sgt. D.L. Kerr, u...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 26

…6 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Dollars And Sense APRIL 1988 16 U THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Dollars And Sense * APRIL 1988 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY New beat finds a pkwce in her heart By Jennifer Rich The Review U. of Delaware U. of Delaware student Kim Claudfelter underwent respiratory heart surgery at Johns Hopkins Medical Institute last fall. Thirteen hours later she unexpectedly came out with a new heart. Kim, 22, was born with ...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 27

…APRIL 1988 Life And Art U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 17 A iURIC 18OOKeA A TLIFEST LES Not just another Brit 'Bonfire' a classic 'Hairspray' Dancer goes pre-med English pop star Trent Tom Wolfe chronicles John Waters entertains Professional ballet dancer D'Arby's catchy new LP big-city corruption in latest with this latest cinematic lays down slippers for transcends hype. novel. sicko. stethoscope. Page 20 Page 24 Page 19 Page 24 Leisha...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 28

…18 U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Life And Art APRIL 1988 18 u. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Life And Art * APRIL 1988 Sex in the '80s: trading curfews for co-education By Nancy Murphy College Heights Herald Western Kentucky U. Ron brought Bonnie, his fiancee, back to Gilbert Hall after a night out in 1966. They were unaware that her dorm director was watching as they kissed goodnight. "I guess it (the kiss) was a little longer than it...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 29

…U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 19 APRIL 1988 Life And Art M EE'Wall Street' indicts insider trading By Gregory Robert Kzros State Press Arizona State U. In Wall Street young Bud Fox listens to corporate dynamo Gordon Gekko: "You're not foolish enough to believe we still live in a democracy, are you?" But Fox is, like manyyoung business profes- sionals portrayed in films, foolish enough to believe it-for a while any- way. Before long, the...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 30

…20 U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Life And Art APRIL 1988 20 u. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Ufe And Art.APRIL 1988 D'Arby's debut LP backs up the hype Nature inspires Winston's lyrical piano melodies By Erik J. Newton Daily Bruin U. of California, Los Angeles One of the leaders of the New Age movement, 38-year-old George Winston started playing the elec- tric piano in 1967. This balladeer's musical repertoire is as diverse as his fo...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 31

…APRIL 1988 Life And Art U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 21 APRIL 1988 * Life And Art U THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 21 MUSIC REVIEWS Aztec Aztec Camera's lost its punch in newest 'Love' y Jennifer Boddy The State News Michigan State U. Roddy Frame must have fallen in love, but he didn't need to share it with the world. And he definitely could have spared us Aztec Camera's latest, touchingly titled Love. How simple, sweet, sentimental, a...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 32

…22 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Life And Art APRIL 1988 Words of wisdom from the couch Editor's Note: Dave Roloff, an advertis- ing major, also holds anyadvanced de- gree in counseling psychology. His weekly column is a service of the Man- eater, U. of Missouri, Columbia. Dear Dave, My roommate and I have become very good friends. We have made several mutual friends, all who like to smoke pot. I myself have never tried it, but now my r...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 33

…APRIL 1988 Life And Art U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 23 APRIL 1988 * Life And Art U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 23 Freshman pens ovel, wins book contest By Danielle Storer * The Daily Californian U. of California, Berkeley Before coming to U. of California, Berkeley, many students worry about vhether they will be able to write the required papers. But before 18-year-old Michael Behrens came to Berkeley last fall, he spent the summe...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 34

…24 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Life And Art APRIL 1988 Ballet dancer hangs up slippers for pre-med life By Lauren Neumer The Amherst Student Amherst College, MA For A. John Turjoman pre-med life at Amherst is very different from The American Ballet Theatre, where he spent seven years after high school. As a ballet dancer, he came in contact with people like Russian dancer and ABT Director Mikhail Baryshnikov, traveled to cities around...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 35

…APRIL 1988 Student Body U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 25 AR19ASuTBo RECREATION HE NTIONAL CO TS Fat Sucking Age of Aquarius His aim is true Rooting restricted New body contouring New Age movement Wheelchair archer breaks Tragic accident prompts technique literally vacuums prepares for a spiritual records on his way to Big Ten restrictions on up excess fat. awakening. Olympics. cheerleading. Page 26 Page 26 Page 29 Page 30 Football boost...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 36

…26 U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Student Body APRIL 1988 26 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Student Body *APRIL igat ~V h - ( Eo/Gc7rAeo0rTiTHAr, I'/ ON THE P/L/_ - s New research may make m t en te Crystal gazers await dawn of a new Age of Aquariusl By Valica Boudry The Minnesota Daily U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities The New Age Movement. The words bring to mind mystic im- ages of crystals, channeling, harmonic convergence and Shirle...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 37

…PRIL 1988 Student Body Ieady to Shred! ghts red tape or skating ramp y Isabelle Tihanyi The UCSD Guardian J. of California, San Diego The grand re-opening of a student- uilt skateboard ramp marked the end an eight-month struggle to save it m destruction by university red tape. Due to a skateboard ban in effect hrough congested and popular parts of ampus, the U. of California, San Diego kate club, "Ready to Shred!" (RTS), de- ided to find a way...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 38

…28 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Student Body * APRIL 19 CLA S TAKE A COURSE FROM INDIANA UNIVERSITY! Our nationally recognized Inde- pendent Study through corres- pondenceprogram ogers over400 courses that you can apply toward your degree. Take advantage of the flexibility of Independent Study and fit our courses to your sche- dule. For more information call toll- tree 1-800-334-1011 (In Indiana 1- 800-342-5410). COLLEGE MONEY Priva...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 39

…U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 29 WPRIL 1988 Student Body Surfing duo set to put team on top ti By Steve Czaban Daily Nexus U. of California, Santa Barbara There are a lot of people who surf. But not all of them are surfers. And even fewer of them are hardcore enough to travel to Indonesia, or take a quarter off from school to live on Hawaii's infamous North Shore in pursuit of the perfect y wave. Yet U. of California, Santa Barbara's (UC...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 40

…30 U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Student Body APRIL 1988 Death, paralysis spark tough restrictions on cheerleading By Anne Upson of 1986, two unrelated but tragic acci- tragic incidents, said Triveline. allowed," Underwood said. The Daily Iowan dents attracted the attention of While the Michigan cheerleaders "p U. of Iowa national and state committees and were acquainting themselves with "These rules were put in place pri- caused them to...…

April 11, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 129) • Page Image 41

…APRIL 1988 Student Body U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 31 APRIL 1988 * Student Body U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 31 Graduation for the Middlebury U. (VT) class of 1987.5 took place gowns and skiied a processional run to receive their diplomas at the without the traditional walk down the aisle to the tune of Pomp and bottom. The ceremony came off with only three wipe-outs and no ircumstance. Instead, the students donned parkas under ...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…InYeekenMagaziHey, graduating seniors, have any idea what you're __________MagaZ_ e doing after college? *Demi Moore saves the world? Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 128 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 8, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily v Soviets and fghans to Y "e\d/war MOSCOW- The Soviet Union compromise. z ~and Afghanistan said yesterday that President Mohammed Zia ul-Hag an agreement is at hand on endin...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8, 1988 '-Top Dems nail Gore for loud mouth By the Associated Press Albert Gore Jr. got a message from two Democratic Party heavyweights on Thursday to tone down his criticism of presidential front-runners Michael Dukakis and Jesse Jackson, while Sen. Paul Simon put his campaign on hold but kept his delegates in pocket. New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, one of the Gore critics, implied he might withhold his ...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8, 1988-Page 3 Search for new U $Pres. debated By STEVE KNOPPER As the University's Board of Re- gents winds down its search for a new University President, members - of their advisory search committees continue their duties with little *knowledge of the search's progress. The three search panels - alumni, students, and faculty - have been reviewing candidates and recommending cuts to the regents since they w...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…,1 OPINION Page 4 Friday, April 8, 1988 The Michigan Daily Mbr 3icign 1ai1Q Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVIII, No. 128 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Raising rap*aw*areness University harasses workers * THE STATE of Mich...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8, 1988-Page 5 Lameduck city council hears opponents of N. Campus mall _ Prof. says exiled Palestinians lose identity By PETER MOONEY A proposed shopping center near North Campus provoked an outcry. from about 30 nearby residents at last night's Ann Arbor City Council meeting. They spoke before a lame duck council, four of whom will not be ere when the council decides the issue on April 18. The . Plymouthvie...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8, 1988 CI ASSIFIED ADS 7641 -0557 LOST & FOUND FOUND: BLUE ART BIN BOX at W. En- gin. by the phones. Call Jennifer 995-1488. ,FOUND: Driver's License belonging to John Derek Green. Call Stephanie at 662-0003 be- tfore 11PM. .-FOUND: Pair of reading glasses near MLB Thurs. night. Please call John at 662-2048. LOST: Ann Taylor jeans jacket in Mason Hall. Great sentimental value. Please call Stephani...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, April 8, 1988 Page 7 Wainwright delivers own brand of one-man show By Mark Swartz Who is Loudon Wainwright III? If you look him up in The New Rolling Stone Record Guide, it'll say, "Chaplin through eyes of Artaud, filtered through Dylan." Melody Maker magazine once tagged him, "a Tom Waits for those who prefer beer and Woody Guthrie to liquor and Charles Bukowski." Understand now? Neither does Wainwright. "Th...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 8

…Guitarist brings music of Brazil By Ari Schneider To fit the hot Brazilian-like weather that Ann Arbor has felt re- cently, tomorrow night the Ann Ar- bor Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Carl Daehler, will feature Brazilian music played by Brazilian guitarist Carlos Barbosa-Lima. The concert will feature pieces by Brazilian composers Antonio Carlos Jobim and Laurindo Almeido, as well as works Handel, Haydn, Whettam, Debussy, and Rav...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8, 1988- Page9 McShann plays 01' Kansas City style By Brian Bonet When you think of Kansas City jazz, you think of Count Basie. But another name, among a long list of others who deserve recognition, is pianist Jay McShann. Like Basie, the 72-year-old Mc- Shann is a master of the tempos and piano feeling that evolved by way of Kansas City and the optimism of the great post World War I boom that thrived in t...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 10

…i " f- Baseball vs. Minnesota (DH) Saturday and Sunday, 1 p.m. Ray Fisher Stadium SPORTS Men's Tennis vs. Purdue Saturday Track and Tennis Building The Michigan Daily Friday, April 8, 1988 Page 10 NORTON COUNTED ON AS DEFENSIVE STALWART New star in New York By DAVID HYMAN From the time Jeff Norton took off his Wolverine hockey jersey and donned the stars and stripes of Team USA, he could not have asked for a better script. Even thou...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8, 1988- Page 11 'M' hopes to bury Gophers BY PETER ZELLEN After a week of non-conference games, the Michigan baseball team (20-6) will resume their battle against the Big Ten this weekend, facing Minnesota. The Go- phers come into this weekends double-headers, their first Big Ten games, with a 7-10 record.. One thing that will be visible from the Minnesota squad will be its offense. As a team, the Gophers are...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily-Friday, April 8, 1988 1988 Michigan Tennis Supplement Women netters spring into Big Ten action By STEVE SCHLUSSEL Spring is the best season of the year for a couple of reasons. One is that it's warmer than winter and two is that it brings hope to even the most pa- thetic (e.g. baseball's Cleveland Indians - 1987) This spring once again puts past mediocrity behind with a possible future in the limelight ahead. C...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 13

…r-- CK) L Q z 1O D -J 0 cn H- wuZ CA C) V .w 0 N 01 i - C/ CC$ CCU "0 a, ." , , t +,,, ,,,,,, , _ ' ' " oa °' ° C .- , _ , U) U2EF-4 < Now a A z 0 x d C7 . a Lo C) ' 4 C) 4') E: m' .. F.- Z3 0 0O 1= a 4Q. r _O 0- a. 0 c=' Ci,. ) O'D _4) .a CV CV NI UV Ya U_. N) r . . - -^ 0 a Q~t'S9 O LI~b~ ' ~J' W 0 U.V 0 0 E0 w o0to wr o JU. W - h . V > r2 x- I: ^"1 A ~: 0^ . j i I 7' U) ( ) M 1 IM 1 1 Cr W 'zI OOU UC C...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 14

… 0 0 VOLUME 6, NUMBER 23 (beirigan Dui1Q __APRIL 8, 1988 t- ..SING TO NG 355N.MAPLE 995-0422 - .... ...__ _._ _r _I\_ WE NOW DELIVER with $10 minimum order DINNER FOR THREE SPECIAL Sweet & sour pork Almond boneless chicken Shrimp fried rice 3 egg rolls $13.95 Delivery Special M A G L L . A -', Z I N -F EL _________________________________________________________________________________________ A 0 m PERFORMANCES FRIDAY "ANGE...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 15

…0 The What's happening in Ann Arbor this weekend FIRST-RUN FILMS ABOVE THE LAW The action-thriller-shoot-em-up- lots-of-blood-and-violence-police- CIA-Vietnam-vet-inovolved-in-inter- national-scandal-and-stolen-docu- ments-starrring-a-real-life-martial- arts-master film of the week. At Fox. (all week - 12, 2:15, 4:30, 7, 9:30; F&S 12 a.m.) AU REVOIR LES EN- FAN TS Nominated for best screenplay and best froeign film (France) this new film by...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 16

… 'W 9 music Dead people, fish: Hitchcock's song fodder Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians Globe of Frogs A&M Records What do insects, fish, and decaying dead people have in common? They're among Robyn Hitchcock's favorite song topics. In fact, it seems he writes about little else. And he's probably the only successful songwriter around who's been getting away with it for 10 years. Hitchcock has long been England's most eccentric expor...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 17

…9 RESTAURANT FILM Stomachs, rejoice! Prepare for The Choice J, H 4 New Life:' C'm( By Stephen Gregory and Alan Paul hat do you get when you cross an average (well actually a little better than average) dorm cafeteria with daily entrees like some of the best fried chicken in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area and char-grilled halibut? The answer is simple - The Choice, All You Can Eat, Smorgasbord. Yuppies may call this place a "buffet," ...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 18

… FILM. Continued from Page 5 save the world and the other... I'll stop there; the second-to-last thing I want to do is give away the end. The last thing I want to do, however, is waste your time and mine going into an in-depth, pseudo- analysis about the film; there is little to say. Special effects rule here, as well they should in a movie about the coming of the Apocalypse. Art director Francesca Bartoccini does a competent job, especially...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 19

…0 0 0 THEATRE Oh where, oh where can Ramona's All-local production ponders the boundaries of theatre and the definition of reality, life, and love reality be? By Linda Gardner What 'is real? Perception of reality or reality of perception dominate Oh, Ramona!, the new play by University graduate student Naomi Saferstein. If traditional realism is your answer to the question of what drama should be and experimental theater disturbs you ...…

April 08, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 128) • Page Image 20

…0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 p ! 0 " SHEA Continuedfrom Page 12 Ann Arbor doesn't belong to the students. Yes, it's a great college town, but Ann Arbor ultimately be- longs to the homeowners who pay thousands every year in taxes, As heavy-handed as the television campaign might have been, the statistics are not without accuracy. Had rent control passed, the city would have eventually passed the burden of lost revenue on to the homeowners. And in simple...…

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