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April 11, 1988 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-04-11

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News Features . APRIL 1988


Politics 3
Students great
source of
political power
By Steven M. Perlstein
The Minnesota Daily
U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities
If you're a college student, the pres-
idential candidates want you, but
maybe not for the reason you think.
Aides working for several campaigns
readily admit their pleas for support on
college campuses are motivated as
much by their need for cheap labor as
they are for students' votes.
Since Adlai Stevenson's ill-fated run
against Dwight Eisenhower in 1956,
students have played an increasingly
important role in presidential cam-
paigns. Students are enthusiastic sup-
ports and can donate large amounts of
time-something that many adults,
constrained by 9-5 jobs, cannot do.
During the 1960s, John Kennedy,
Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy
enlisted students by the thousands to
stuff envelopes and knock on doors.
Similarly, George McGovern in 1972,
and John Anderson in 1980, also gar-
nered large numbers of campus suppor-
But for the first time, presidential
campaigns are fully realizing the poten-
tial college workforce and are taking
steps to harness it.
"Students can't give money, but they
can give enthusiastically through
volunteer work," said Jennifer Rigger,
national student coordinator for Sen.
Paul Simon (D-Ill.)'."The time students
give to the nuts-and-bolts part of the
campaign is probably more important
than their votes."
Colleges often help presidential cam-
paigns by giving students credit for..
time they put in on campaigns. For inst-
ance, the U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities
political science department can grant
credit if a student arranges with a pro-
fessor to count time spent on a cam-
paign as an internship.
Not surprisingly, spokespersons from
nearly every presidential campaign use
words like "fantastic," "terrific," or
"spectacular" to describe student reac-
tion to their campaign.
Democratic Massachusetts Gov.
Michael Dukakis has the most exten-
sive college organization of any candi-
date. Last December, Dukakis pulled
off the biggest college promotion yet
when he linked 55 schools in 26 states


Senior dedicates time, energy to Bush campaign
By Christopher Leary watching the news as long as I can convincing students t
Northeastern News remember. It interests some people vote. After they regi
Northeastern U., MA to watch aeall or ftall int - suades them wh thes

to register to
ster, he per-
shoul d vote for

Red, white and blue banners read-
ing "George Bush for President '88"
will be a common sight on campus
this year. For Martin Polera, the
Massachusetts' State College coordi-
nator for Vice President Bush's cam-
paign, the flags will be one small step
to aid the entire campaign.
"I've always been fascinated by
politics," said Polera, a senior major-
ing in political science. "I've been

ly, but I'm a political junky."
Polera, 22, was the chairman of the
College Republicans at Northeastern
U. during his freshman year. While
he held this position, he recruited
many students to promote Reagan's
re-election in 1984.
Polera, who was appointed to the
coordinator position last April, de-
votes 15 to 20 hours a week to the
campaign. His main duties focus on

OuuaIici iy uly nluuvu
Polera believes Bush embodies
what a Republican is-"an individual
who is committed to fiscal responsi-
bility and a strong national security."
Regardless of where the polls place
Bush, Polera feels he'll stay with him.
"I'm gonna give it my all. I will give
100 percent and I am thoroughly con-
vinced that George Bush will be the
next president of the United States."


Do you
support ...
Michael Dukakis Alber
'Star Wars'
research? N
Defense cuts to
reduce deficit? Y
Abortion Y
Child Care Y
Conditional 'N/A Sot Available
via satellite for a speech and question-
and-answer session.
Bob Boorstin, Dukakis' national cam-
pus coordinator, said the candidate has
more than one reason to feel strongly
about students.
"Students generally are smart, able
people who can participate in the cam-
paign at every level," he said. "We also
need their votes."
Among the Republicans, Senate
Minority Leader Robert Dole is said to
have the best organization. Dole, a Kap-
pa Sigma member in college, and his
wife, Elizabeth, a Delta Delta Delta,
both have their own bases of support on
the country's campuses.
In addition to the Greek system,
which has lent Dole enthusiastic sup-
port, college Republican chapters
nationwide have offered Dole and other

t Gore Jesse Jackson George Bush Robert Dole Pat Robertson
Y Y Y Y N yI
y Y N N N
Y Y N N z
Y N Y" *N
. Definitive position is unclear ART BY: JEFF SNOW, NORTH TEXAS DAILY, NORTH TEXAS STATE U.
candidates a ready-made base of sup- Democrat Jesse Jackson also has a
port, said Dole's national youth director strong following among college stu-
Dave Bossie. dents, and his under-funded campaign
College votes could make the differ- relies heavily on volunteers of every
ence in a close race, especially in the stripe-especially students-to keep
South, where Elizabeth Dole is very running, campaign aides said.
popular among students, Bossie said. Other candidates such as Missouri
Other campaigns, notably Sen. Rep. Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) seemed
Albert Gore's (D-Tenn.) and former to have bypassed college organizations.
Gov. Pete du Pont's (R-Del.), have bol- But aides contend that the college vote
stered efforts aimed at colleges by mak- is no less important to these candi-4
ing students their national campus dates-students will support their cam-
coordinators. paigns just like anybody else.
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