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February 13, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

… outfit in its own league but highly outclassed by Michigan's National CollegiateI champions. The Wolverines, with- out Matt Mann who missed his first meet in 16 years because of illness, put on a good show…

… and drib- bled the entire length of the floor to get another field, goal. With less than four minutes re-, maining, Ruehle connected for the Wolverines and Bob Menke tallied from the field for Indiana…

… 10 to 19 charity tosses. AotherLoss Triangular Track Meet To Be Held Ton igh Pitt Swamped By Wolverine Natators,54-21 A 16-year Wolverine tradition along with five Niagara Association swimming…

… killing. Led by assistant coach Harvey Muller, the Wolverines won eight of the nine events and stampeded over five of the existing district records in their fourth straight dual meet vic- tory. Wolverines

… his ab- sence fronn the back line will be sore- ly felt on the undermanned squad. Together with Charley Ross, his other partner on the defense, Cal- vert has given the Wolverines much- needed defensive…

January 29, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

… "JTHE MICHIGAN DAILY P,,i F THPUEs FluyRidden restling eam Weidig, Paup T Out Of Tough Spartan Clash Wolverines Will Default In 128-Pound Match; Galles To Meet Hutson (Continued from }age 1) To…

… The Spartans have won in the sane fashiontover Wheaton College and Ohio State. With exceptions in the two flu- ridden classes, Coach Cliff Keen in- tends to start the same Wolverines that faced…

… once again send forth a strong, broad jump, McCarthy has done well-balanced track outfit into in- feet 6 inches in this event an If the Wolverine cagers can derive door cinder warfare. improving steadily…

… any ty's second Wolverine varsity team ference champion, Welles Hodge disgrace to be beaten by "the best can successfully defend its string of to Uncle Sam's military service al in the business." the…

… Paddy, right, is 165. Raph Sh warzkjzfs FaingRae 'Are Due To Lack OfGood Condition BIG TEN STANDINGS By HOE SELTZER AST YEAR Ralph Schwarzkopf, captain of the Wolverine track forces, was one of the best…

… runner-up hon with Mandler. Sofiak was in four place and Brogan tied for sixth. ike an )n- 01- By LYONS HOWLAND One of the main topics of conver- sation on the Wolverine wrestling front these days is…

…? Coach Bennie Oosterbaan will have a chance to find out for himself to- day at 4 p.m. when the yearlings will be tested in a regulation game against the Wolverine varsity at Yost Field House. The…

January 13, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… House will leave the Wolverines in the same position that they were before game time, the "dark horse" in the Big Ten title race, but if the Hawkeyes should win Michigan's stock will take a decided fall…

… breaking up a smooth working com- bination, especially in a nip-and- tuck affair. Although given a decided edge over Coach Rollie Williams' quintet, which has lost its last six games, the Wolverines are not…

…, and their three- goal rally in the final stanza was the redeeming factor of the contest. They should come back even stronger to- night. Two of the Wolverine tallies in the two goal splurge came from the…

… together Admiral Matt Mann of the Wolverine fleet and Ad- miral Mike Peppe, pilot of the Ohio forces, renewing their bitter rivalry over the supremacy of the nation's inland waters. Observers here tonight…

… looked for- Wolverines. Not since 1937 has Michigan won a dual swimming meet from Ohio. Two years ago Mann's mermen lost both decisions to the Buckeye forces' and last winter the two swimming powers…

March 20, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIG.AN DATTY PAGE TAR Gymnasts Win, 61-35; Fencer Tird iny State Meet "; Michigan at Top in Final Dual Meet with Badgers By HERB MUNZEL Third in total points for the The Wolverine

… * * * the Maize and Blue. His. team- THE TWO captains, Wolverine mate and NCAA Champion, Bob Dick Fashbaugh and Wisconsin's Schoendube, took second place John Matheus, shared top honors with Dave Lake coming…

…, Andy Tur- ner of the Wolverines took third losing only to champ Art Bruce of the University of Detroit and runner-up, John O'Conner of Wayne. Michigan, with only three men competing, took third place in…

…. won the Western divi- to the Wolverine in yesterday's fencing meet. sion of the NCAA playoffs 1last TWO DAYS TOO LATE: '11' uckster-s Whip Coldorao 10- nrght when they beat Oregon tae55-30. CKLAHOMA…

… over an outclassed Colo- rado College sextet yesterday af- ternoon. The Wolverines played one of their best games of the year to win the Junior Chamber of Com- merce Cup awarded to the third place team…

December 08, 1946 (vol. 57, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, DECEMRER 8, 1946 ? THE MICUliP,-AN IfAAIN vAnr pit) aT-.1711/ylTE7PAN nATy L " C.~RAxd EA VEA olverine FiveRompsoverMichigan Sat Z9 Doughtery Sees Wolverine Strength in Distance…

… any other remarks. Coach Doherty went on to say, "Our definite weakness in the high hurdles is still very apparent," as the Wolverines tracksters contin- ued their extensive conditioning. Big Nine Meet…

… Quintet, 49-44 Piling up a nine point half-time lead, the Wolverine junior varsity quintet defeated the Michigan State JV's 49-44 last night at Yost Field House. Paced by Gordon Rosencrans and Bill Bauerle…

… the count at 27 all but were unable to pull ahead of the rangey Wolverines. Forward Rosencrans and Bauerle were Michigan's offensive spark- plugs scoring ten and nine points respectively. Jimmy Deremo…

… coasted in. It was their seventh straight home court victory, State stuck with the Wolverines for the first few minutes but with the score 5-4, McCaslin hit for two buckets and Roberts added one and…

… State connected on only 13 of 50 tries. The Wolverines also showed the way at the charity line with seven for 12 while State cashed in on only three of nine attempt. By CLARK BAKER Michigan's freestyle…

May 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… of ScasoH y WALT KLE Froin the first pd ch when Walt Kell blasted a home r111 into the tennis rourts in right field, it was Michigan all the way as [lie Wolverine baseball team defeated Notre anie, 7…

…-1, here yesterday. In scoring all seven of their runs off the Irish's ace right hander, Jack Barrett, the Wolverines became the first team this year to defeat the Irish hurler who iad already chalked up…

… work." Although Michigan's record now stands at five games and three set- backs, Barclay has not given up hope on the Wolverines' title-winning chances. It is still comparatively early in the season," he…

… differences in the courses." He cited the Notre Dame match as an example of this. The greens in South Bend were very different from those of the University course and this upset the Wolverine golfers. Dave…

… opponent of the season when they tangle with the Boiler- makers of Purdue Saturday on the University course. games for the Wolverines while the Irish suffered their second loss in 10 contests. Cliff Wise…

February 11, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…SVNDA T, FEB. 11, 1945. THE -MICHIGAN i7DATILY' PAGE w. ara : i :LL 1 PAGE N.I chi D omintates RelayTs; Bad ers Beat Five Wolverines Take Six Events for New Big Ten Record; Jackson Wins…

… Two Pucksters Win Iowans Down Wisconsin Evens Count Wh Over Waterloo Indiana To ai Wolverines by Winning 55-44 i - 17 f". ' ,C t F is Ff1nvr 1) m r ao JUMKs-ters 3-4 al Dtg -tJenl(IcC Two MileR l…

…('-watrnhndisbdfr Tearn r'in highs. Ted Balogh, a Wolverine huri- Field House record. Witherspoon ! Victory of '45Season ja ta sharenfthned ite bd o filer, finished second and third in finished second, and Purdue's Ben or…

…. Conference last year, wound up third. ine thinclads win six events, the set- In the first event, the Wolverines Michigan Wins Two-Mile Relay By JERRY LEWIS into the loop's cellar as it outclassed ting of a new…

… the ir 19 aity showing that they are still likely to y the baton for Michigan. terloo net. Then Waterloo sped into toh successfully defend their Conference Willard Wins Last year's Wolverine captain…

… 7:14.7sn!rBert Herrmann, Al Kralovansky and whe hereahed6 eet6 38 ichs. terBil Detehaf ofPurueMoore of Western Michigan after a The Wolverines broke into the j Jack Herron found the range. In doing…

February 03, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…- ngits peak offensive performance of the season, rode rouaghshcd cver an. out-classed University of Wiscon- sin five last night at Yost Field House to smother the Badgers ,. 50C-39. The Wolverines hit the…

… tallis were sent thlrough the net. Wolverines Tlake Early -tea~d Only in the first ten minutes or the. contest was W ise-onsin able to minn- tain the furious pace set by Michi- gan, After Keith Harder sent…

… orentr ms asMcia ntt '20 points to Wiscon sin's 1 tBt te'ams flooding the floor r xith :su's:i tW'X.s. Wolverine guard Don Lind.'- MAN OF RUIM O S-I 0. "Fritz" Crisler is one of the probable candi- dates…

… period wenreti Badgerswithin eight points- of m high-fying Michigan. five. Aftert count stood a t 34-26, the Wo),lverine: started an tck: That threatened beoea rout bJefore a last-'min-,t(. Wicnin ra…

…, center, John Jenswoidl at left ing.Thie defensive l;ositions arc filled by Herb Upton anid Bob Henderson with Dick Mixer as goalie. The Wolverine scn owr will consist of 7-.)'_ enfild Fred Lounsber', r d…

…-5 victory over On the basis of tihe compoarative tiunes! tingent upon approval of proposals rO+ i1o State, the Wolverines- will try register~ed by these mren, and their to broadenx the authority and in- pto…

… reastsf l keevent. Free- (until Bcin Te nchools iiduall of the Wolverine's mat squad. utlBgTnshosidvdal stylersB I3i een1 and Bob Mowerson,I had studied suggested changes in the - .backstrokes lsob, Muns on…

January 15, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…: 'ongh Victory over Wolverines Wison~t'~1viTh~niilearn came gaiti its second i ini three Big Ten starts by defct ;1i ng Michigan, 50 to 41, before a rowd~;I(Pi8,000. Michigan's'TLorn King…

…Conferiene scoring leader,.was ablto wadd only 13, points to hi-; -40 point Big Ten count. The !itshy vWolverine for- ward was c losely gutarded on his un- dler the b ,astshts which he ap- pe r d ir 4 tlElroy Jlf ;:I…

… the two clubs. The Wolverines must win tonight if they are to remain in the running for the Western Conference cham- pionship. They now have a record of one victory and two losses in Confer- ence…

…-end the Wolverine hockey squad will try to make it two straight ag;ainst a strong Woodstock, Ont., Army team at 8:00 tonight. Coach Eddie Lowrey is planning to start the same sextet that had so much to do…

…- fense, and Dick Mixer, goal. A large crowd is expected. for, the game and, although the Wolverines will have a good many supporters in, the stands, the boys from Woodstock are bringing along a sizeable…

… cheer- ing section. Woodstock is carrying 15 players on its squad having three forward .lines, two pairs of defense men, and a goalie. Even though the Wolverines have lost a game this season they. have…

…; won one and considering last year's record, Michigan hockey fans are in for a good season. Playing a full- schedule of 13 games last season. the. Wolverines managed to win only one, game before the end…

…. So, should the Wolverines make it two in a row they will have. established themselves as a hoe~ey. squad that could reach high plat~es among Michigan puck teams of the Ipast. College Basketball' Ohio…

April 30, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…r t. y SiHE;IIC I , Wolverines hip Broncos, 10=9, in 11=Inniwg Si iwfe st W alterhouse's Hit with a Bases Full Provides Win Dick Drury, Third Maize and Blue Hurler, Finishes Contest To…

… midwest. lathward and Swanson Get Two In racking up their sixth straight win in seven starts, Michigan knocked out 12 hits, one less than the Broncos. The Wolverine safeties 'ere fairly well scattered as…

… Peacock then 'eiieved Biddle .and retired the side. 9Wth Replaces Boim Pro .QIm,. the Wolverine starter, had a touch of wildness in the second itining when Western scored a pair bf runs on two walks and the…

… the ninth after the Bronco three-run uprising. The Wolverines' next game is with Michigan Normal at Ypsilanti to- morrow afternoon. Probable starter ipr the Maize and Blue is veteran kill Cain who…

…- ways revere Yost and treasure his memory. Golfers To Face Northwestern Leaving Ann Arbor this morning, the Michigan golf team will entrain for Evanston to meet Northwestern in what will be the Wolverine

… journey to Ohio State for the first Big Ten match except Marcel- lus. Phil was a letterman on last year's team that won the conference title. The Wolverine squad that will meetthe Wildcats this week-end has…

February 20, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…,4v . fi 4 + ._a li (. ri zi A ,r., _ , ::a Sextet Plays Gophers Here; Mermen agers at Ohi( ) State Pucksters Seek Victory In Return Clash Tonight - 4 l3y WALT KLEE' The Wolverine sextet will…

… players al- most broke out into a fist fight in the third period when Gopher Patty Ryan and Wolverine Bob Stenberg exchanged blows just inside the Michigan blue line. Pre-game dope seemed to point to a walk…

…-away for the invading Vik- ings; but the surprising Wolverines put up a battle that Coach Larry Armstrong's boys will remember for a long while to come. The much im- proved Maize and Blue fought on even…

… terms with the Norsemen and gained a moral victory as a result of the tie. Anderson Gets Goal It appears that Gordon Anderson was the Wolverine who slipped the puck past Minnesota's goalie Mac, Thayer for…

… try every trick of the trade in a i effort to stop the Wolverines. The Minnesota first- line 'of Dick Kelley and his twoflankmen, Bob Graiziger and Pat Ryan, will not have the overconfidence that they…

… 'up' to- night when they collide with an equally unpredictable Ohio State quintet on the latter's home .court. The three. sophs whose presence is all importait in the Wolverine lineup are Dave Strack…

… the Wolverine and Buckeye track squads pair off in a dual meet at Yost Field House. The possibility of a new record in the 440-yard dash appears strong, since Ufer has approached the mark of :49…

… obtained special permission from his draft board o enlist as a voluntary indnetee. CLOSER THIS TIME: Wolverine-Buckeye Swim Tit To Present CreamofBi TnI TEMPLE TON SENSATIONAL PIANIST THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 8…

… Columbus be- cause of the proximity of the Big Ten meet, March 5-6. Intervening dual matches have, proven that the Wolverine and Buck- eye mermen comprise the class of the Conference and, probably, of the en…

January 24, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…- SUNDAY, JAN. 24, -143 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAG.MTT E Swimmers Overpower Buckeyes 0 in Thrill-Packed Meet vY Track Quartet to Compete in Millrose Meet I I Wolverines Capture Six…

… Square Garden. A sophomore, Hume completes the quartet of Wolverine runners headed by Captain Dave Matthews, including "Hose Nose" Bob Ufer and JohnRox- borough. Hune Wins Easily Varsity Coach Ken Doherty…

…, Matt ann's Wolverines last night com- etely submerged any claims of Ohio ate supremacy in.the water for this ar with a smashing total of 52 ints to the Buckeyes' 32. From the moment the opening gun rked…

… upset of the evening, Captain Johnny Patten of the Wolverines outdistanced the All- American Hawaiian, Keo Nakama, in the 224-yard freestyle. Johnny was out in front by nearly five yards at the 50-yard…

… Conference record. Wolverine Walt Stewart staged a thrilling duel with Big Ten 400-yard titlist Jack Ryan over the third spot, finally touching out the Buckeye. His time was a very good one, 2:15.8: Holiday…

August 26, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…, Michigan Normal. Time, 3:27.2. 17 ears On Top: Wolverine Mermen Expected To Take Big Share Of Titles (Continued from Page 1) Renaissance Rates As Pro ' F inest "> By GENE GRIBBROEK At least two of…

…-Singh, key man in the Rens attack, when the Wolverines nosed out Syracuse, 39-37. Rae had a ready answer when the writer asked him where he ranked the New Yorkers. "The Rens are the best a professional team…

… move around so much," he added. "In better shape than most pro clubs, they always put on a great show." The lanky ex- Wolverine center gave a warning that Sidat-Singh would cause the local five some…

… tation at Syracuse as All-American basketball and grid star before joining1 the Rens. He had just one shot at Michigan during his collegiate ca- reer when the Wolverines made their annual Eastern trip in…

… your winner and dollars to do- Wolverines, Robert Owen, Forestry, nuts it will be a University of Michi- and Stalker competing. These four gan man. Matt has tankmen piled teams had the best qualifying…

… times fni ru~ nnn aaarr t"noi BOB BARNARD . won though spiked the tape ahead of Michigan's John Purdue. The Wolverines won the other nine events, while the Spartan hosts failed to cop a single event…

… State College,t the Wolverines will embark for Ann- apolis where they will engage Navy in the last dual meet of the year. I, i, , , 1, ___________ ____________ don wirtehafter's jI DAILY DOUBLE I I2…

… Conference standings and were left with a mathematical chance of landing in the first division of the Big Ten race as a result of their two weekend victories over Illi- nois and Northwestern. The Wolverines

August 21, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…21, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Trackmen Meet Pitt In First HomeAppearance Decker Duels Pitt' Rhodes In Pole Vault Mile Relay Likely To Be Deciding Factor; Piel Faces Stickel, Carter…

… job on the starting forward line with veteran Paul Goldsmith j playing center. Fife is a husky boy,I and a fast, clever skater. He shouldl add considerable scoring punch to the Wolverine lineup. The…

… before a near capacity crowd of 2,500 fans but the Wolverines came from behind and Iroppzd the Hawkeyes 50 to 34 for ,heir 24th consecutive dual triumph. The meet started out to be a typi- cal Michigan…

… yards. ,.. and the diving events to go into aj 22 to 14 lead. The Wolverines then . reversed the procedure in the 100- yard free style and the 150-yard. backstroke and copped second and third in the…

… school here while serving as assistant to Ooster- baan. Jim Rae, Toledo boy who led the Wolverines last season, started his ,areer in Townsend's shadow at the .enter spot, and overcame an injury n his…

August 20, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

… keen race for individual scoring honors on the Wolverine basketball squad as the Varsity t goes into the home stretch of the current hoop sea- son. The diminutive Wolverine forward also mantins his lead…

… field in that department. jjjihi MA 'WeiI: Welsh Returns To Action; Sets Record In 220 Ftnal Relay Race May Decide Wolverine-Panther Track Meet Tarta 101 To r Bill Prew S 3 Yards In Better Old…

… the Field House tomorrow. It stacks up as a slam-bang, nip and tuck affair with the Wolverines slat- ed to shoot the bolt in order to even up fast year's 67-64 loss inflicted on them by this same…

… entry, Jim Wilk- 33 the powerful Brantford A.C. will take inson. 7 the ice in the local arena to do bat- Though Gus Sharemet didn't win 29 tle with the Wolverines. an 'event last night, his time of :53 32…

… T flat in the 100 gave evidence that the 2 ege nthedlayofs forethe Wolverine ace is rounding into better 7 engaged in the play-offs for tn shape. It would have taken a superb- 0 Senior Ontario Hockey…

December 17, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…'s sophomore swimmers are right at home in their new role as members of the greatest group of natatorialartists in the country. They proved this Saturday night as they led the Wolverines to a lop- sided 51…

…- ter winning his event, swam on the winning Wolverine 440-yard free- style relay team made up entirely of sophs. Jim made the 200-yard dis- tance in the breast-stroke in 2:33.5. Ted Horlenko captured the…

Wolverine pilot. "We outplayed them all the way," Eddie said last night. "We should have beaten them in that second game but the boys didn't cash in on a couple of opportunities that cost us the game. Once…

Wolverine swimming team this sea-, son was somewhat relieved yester- day when it was announced that Northwestern University has con- tracted to tangle with Matt Mann's; Marauders both in 1941 and 1942. The…

… complications, according to Chernin. Ohio is now paying the Wolverines back. It sounds logical enough. But, be careful, neighbor. Don't be deceived by this sort of superficial talk. Despite the fact that Ken is a…

…, Michigan had never entered a team in the National AAU meet. Several times, individual Wolverine natators had journeyed to the annual affair on their own ex- pense account. Came 1939, the year that the meet…

May 04, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

… Grant came through with a timely single to give the Illini a 4-0 margin. The Wolverines got one back in the third when Bond walked, went to third on Pink's hit and scored on Sofiak's infield out. Michigan…

… added another run in the sixth. Steppon was hit by a pitch and Ruehle and Harms chipped in with base hits to score the Wolverine second baseman. A keen pitching duel is anticipat- ed in tomorrow's game…

… when Jack Barry and Johnny Pacotti, rival aces, are sent to the mound. Illini Generosity MICHIGAN-8 ,:,._ IN THIS CORNER Wolverines, Minus Coach, Meet Unbeaten Golf Illinois Track Team Here Today…

…. After all, the Wolverine lads, educated, able homo sapiens as they are, will be doing the same sort of galloping this afternoon as the horses. They'll be trying just As hard and steering their uwi…

… world. The greatest sports writers in the nation will be in Louisville, and the Wolverine lads will run here. What is more, when Bimelech wins (Ooops, we weren't supposed Varsity Netters Meet Maroons Here…

… Indoors Defending Big 10 Champs Powerful Despite Loss Of Murphy Twins Chicago's tennis team, Big Ten champions for the past three years, will meet Coach Weir's Wolverine netmen at 1:15 p.m. today on the…

… group of men denbach and Hogan for bidding a who run everything from the 440 fond farewell to the Wolverine track to the mile. In addition to Dye Ho- fond sarwelngto th Wnnoeretrack. gan, Johnny Kautz…

March 28, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…, is back again. Wolf was a member of the 1936 Olympic team and may tear up the pool. He supposed- ly swam 51.8 for the hundred. We're skeptical. But he's capable of throw- ing oil on troubled Wolverine

… chosen to take Breiden- bach's place, Capt. Ralph Schwarz- kopf will be the only Wolverine re- presentative, running in the mile and a half against Charles Fenske, Wal- ter Mehl and Gene Venzke ler…

… Capt. "Butch" Jordan leads a group of five Wolverines who will compete at Champaign, Ill., Fri- day and Saturday in the National Collegiate Wrestling Meet. Jor- dan seeks the heavyweight crown. GOLIF TIP…

Wolverine wrestlers leaves at 8 a.m. today for Champaign. Ill., prepared to make a strong bid for the National Intercol- legiate title. The men Coach Cliff 1,een picked to make the trip will be faced with the…

…, Eastern Intercollegiate titleholders for three successive years; Kansas State, Big Six Champions; and Indiana, one- point winners over the Wolverines for the Big Ten crown. Nichols, Danner Seek Title Coach…

February 27, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 102) • Page Image 6

…SZ N--j), Y, r RY 27, 1 SUNDAY, I ~R~Y 27~ I Out Frigid Gophers, 4-1 Elliott Scores Defense Stars is Fii, Gacek, Burford, 15 Points To fcMilla ni Each Tally Once on Gonhers Wolverine Grapplers…

…, with teams began to rough it up a ing in goal for the Wolverines the assist going to Burford. little and sticks were carried and made several saves that Both goals came from in close. high. seemed headed…

… and tally of the game at 12:55 from at 13:50 of the stanza. Harris was caromed into the net. linemate Gordie McMillan on" a pushing Celley, and the Wolverine Minnesota was vastly improved shot fron…

… peppered McDonald ers, the odd-man advantage, but ike the Maize and Blue were in with shot after shot. but :"Mac" the Wolverines were able to kill or a lot of trouble. was equal to the task and turned off…

… tricky for Miller, as he es- caped three times, and was con- stantly wriggling his way out of the pinning holds. * THE BUCKEYE captain, Dave Ewart, won the 136-pound event handily from Wolverine Tom Mill…

… he counted on a takedown. During the third frame, Keough was trying hard for a pinning combination, but was unable to roll Wolverine Carlson off his stomach. * * * IN A VERY interesting match, 145…

May 06, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1918 TVHE MICHIIGAN DAILY . .A. a... ew . .w..F. M1si .RlF .s. We.d.R1! , .1Y118J J. Wolverine ine Trounces oledo Netters Rally To Defeat Kalamazoo College, 6-3 Wolverines

… Kalamazoo Hor- nets on the Ann Arbor courts yesterday. The Wolverines split the singles and, with the score at 3-3, they turned to the doubles where Andy's Raymond, Kobrin Spark Maize and Blue Batters…

… last of the first inning for two runs tonight, but that's all the home team was able to do, ex- cept watch the Wolverines tear around the bases for their eighth straight victory. Michigan banged out…

… No. 5 singles to Mantin of the Kazoos and Michigan stood at this point in the singles 3-2 over Kalamazoo. Ax Jemal worked on Wolverine Dick Lincoln for a 6-3, 6-4 win that evened things- for the Hor…

…- kin kept things alive with a single to center, but Elliott popped out to end the uprising. The Wolverines went two up on the home club in the fourth when three men crossed the last plat- ter. Tomasi led…

May 02, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 148) • Page Image 6

… position. Although the Spartans have had trouble finding a winning ,ombination this year, they are expected to throw plenty of good golfers against the Wolverines. With the Big Nine Titlist and NCAA Champion…

… hitter against the Buckeves of Ohio State to give the Wolverines the ;cries-sweeping victory, 3-2. The tall right-hander held the visitors from Columbus scoreless for eight and two thirds innings, but…

… undefeated. Taft showed remarkable im- ,, Falons Trim Wolverine'B' Golfers,_20-7 Weiler, LeClaire Star As 'M' Streak Ends (Special to The Daily) BOWLING GREEN. O, May 1- The victory march of Michigan…

…'s junior varsity golf squad came to an abrupt halt today when the Wolverines fell victim to the more experienced Bowling Green Var- sity, 20-7, on the Falcons home course. Michigan was able to salvage only…

… one of the six individual matches and one of the three best ball events in this fruitless quest for consecutive victory number three. Jerry Weiler continued to lead his Wolverine teammates as he bounded…

… Purdue, 1-0, yesterday in a Conference game, to remain tied with Michigan for the Big Nine leadership. The Illini has played two fewer games than the Wolverines. -11 1 . - -- ------------ - - You…

March 25, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

… Relays will see Michigan in its strongest bid for mid-western prominence. One again at full strength the Wolverines will be facing a vir- tual duplication of the talent they met several weeks ago at the…

… Porter. The Wolverines have the best time in the country to their credit but the reinforced Buckeyes will be pressing close. r 6V TIES $1 "+ If you have ties you +***, don't care for, here's your chance…

… Hill, Wolverine captain, and Wally Grant were named to the right defense and the left wings spots, respectively on the first team. Malt ann IlII Carries Hope For'M'Win in 1500 Meters Itoogerhyde Smith…

…'s events.) By MERLE LEVIN Matt Mann III, Michigan's Big Nine champ in the 1500-meters, will attempt to get the Wolverines off to a flying start tonight in their bid to wrest the NCAA title from Ohio State…

… overconfidence could beat the Wolverines in this event. The' 220-yard freestyle will find defending champion Bill Smith facing an aggregation of swim- ming stars which for sheer bril- liance of name and…

February 26, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 101) • Page Image 7

… be- came a valuable addition to the Wolverine natators. The tow- headed Gus took second in the NCAA 440-yd. freestyle and gained a place on the 1947 Collegiate All- American Swimming Team. Matt Mann…

…) then it will be assured a tie. If on the other hand, the Buckeyes keep up their pace and drop Michigan then Iowa will have an excellent chance to take the championship. Wolverine Puksters Set For Two…

… Collegiate Athletic Association tournament tonight at the Coliseum when the Wolverines meet the Tigers of Colorado Col- lege in the first of a two game weekend series. Colorado has clinched the far- western…

… over the Wolverines in the history of the series. The affair promises to be nip and tuck down to the final tape with both squads evenly matched on paper, Pair of Aces Micshigan coach Ken Doherty Ivory…

…. { .. ?:: >:# ; .{ . ' y v G:b X k% "., .2 $f k?:fir .'f'.', :'y y, , . 4- on three previous occasions with the MSC ace winning twice and the Wolverine captain finishing ahead once. Barten will also run in the mile and…

… mile relay. Shifts Personnel In an attempt to secure every possible point, the Wolverine men- tor is planning on a little shift- ing of personnel. Bob Thomason who ran the half last week will be switched…

July 19, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…S TU.RDAY, 3UL 19, 194 4 ,THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE _ . _ Y,_ _ _ _ . 4 1 FI i 'fI I-M SPORTFOLIO I' iT'S ALL IN THE FAMILY: Wolverine Gymnastics Coach Started Tumbling i C ad1e- Hasn…

… imme- diate family when the Wolverines meet Minnesota this fall in dual competition. For Loken, a national collegi- ate tumbling a n d gymnastic champ in his undergraduate days at the Gopher institution…

… training and encour- agement from their "big" broth- er, will probably employ many of the stunts Newt taught them when they face Wolverine oppo- sition. An interested observer at this "family" meet will be…

… to an undefeated season. It's a mighty big order, for a coach whose primary task is to put the sport back on its feet after a 14-year absence from the Wolverine campus. 'Ah, the Sports Building…

… Sports Building, the happy hunting grounds for all varsity aspirants. "Not many of the boys had prev- ious experience," observed the enthusiastic Wolverine coach. "But all of them exhibited a gen- uine…

… return to the Wolverine sport scene this fall. smoothly-with a series of origin- al stunts. At high school, Newt establish- ed quite a reputation as a gym- nast and all-city diving champ. But at the…

May 29, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 170) • Page Image 7

…'s meet down to the lowest in several years. Wolverine Captain Charlie Birdsall will be forded to stay behind due to a persistent foot injury, while quarter miler and mile relay anchor man Dick Forrestel…

…, will be taking finals in law school. Representing the Wolverines in the dashes will be sprint artist Val Johnson, who has been improving all year and has recorded fast times in both the "100" and "220…

… it around the 50-second mark all season. The only Wolverine likelV to grab first place honors vill he Con- ference indoor shot-put champion Chuck Fonville who has cracked record after record during the…

… for the Wolverines. Morris registered the second best time j of the current season among Conference athletes when he ran 9:39.8 against Ohio State. Williams has been improving all season and his recent…

… performances have greatly pleased Coach Doherty. Only one Wolverine, Bob Harris, will participate in the high jump. Harris'"best effort of the current season has been six ft. two in., but he has gone as high as…

… SPORT 1,COf4ITS A new and better model with wider, padded shoulders and HERB BARTEN KEN DOHERTY . . . Wolverine track coach who leads his squad into the 47th running of the Big Nine out- door track…

March 23, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

… Michigan captured two relay firsts and Wolverine shot putter Charley Fonville won his specialty, but Illinois took home the university team title in the fifth annual Purdue Relays here tonight, scor- ing 46…

… Illinois set the other mark at 10:08.3, two seconds better than Indiana's 1940 time. The Wolverines started off in the right way by winning the two- mile relay in 7:51.6, whipping Drake University by eight…

… a little variety to his first place prizes this year. The Wolverine team of Vetter in the half-mile, Mel Detweiler on the "440" leg, Low running the .-mile, and Birdsall on the an- chor mile came back…

… back to put on a fine duel with Indiana's great Earl Mitchell in the anchor half- hile, the Wolverine winning by Phila. (N) .Phila. (A) 004 100 001---2 6 0 000 000 100-1 11 1 Leonard, RQwei(6) and…

… Barten a beautiful stick pass and the Wolverine took over immediately. Mitchell caught him but could not match the Bar- ten kick and the Maize and Blue won in 3:38.7. In the mile relay, Illinois took…

…, Witherspoon, and Forrestel ran for the Wol- verines. Wolverines Ed Ulvestaad, Gene Moody, and Max Kelly all brought home third place honors in the pole vault, as a total of 13 men tied for the third slot in the…

July 19, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…' COACH: Charlie Hoyt Ex-Wolverine Cinder Mentor, Is Retiring Permanently 4:,<* By JACK MARTIN The news that Charlie Hoyt, who coached Wolverine _thinclads from 1931 t 190, has resigned his posi- tion at…

… ten or twelve farms. 'Golden Era' Begins It was with Charlie Hoyt's arrival at' Milhigan that the so-called "gold- en era" of Wolverine track began. Mary Wall ips Betty Courtright In Semi-Finals DETROIT…

… of a possible 18. Up to that time Conference crowns had been rather scarce for Michigan thinclads. He led the Wolverines to the crown in his very first championship meet as head coach, the indoor…

May 22, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

… upon the results of the match in which the Wolverines' Paul Schoenlaub and Dean McClusky faced Art Leighton and Bob Stowe of Kalamazoo. The Hornets took the first set, 6-3, and were winning the second by…

…Xst Champs After playing host to baseball's aristocracy, the World Champion De- troit Tigers, Michigan will get back into its owvn social strata today, when the Wolverines meet Ypsilanti Nor- mal in a game…

… Plays Aside from Jack Weisenberger's triple in the first inning, which scored Don Robinson with Michigan's only run, Wolverine fans had only defensive maneuvers to cheer about. Chief among these werethree…

… Saturday for a dual meet with the Wolverine thinclads, the thoughts of many old-timers will return to that history-making af- ternoon exactly 11 years ago, when Jesse Owens became a cinder im- mortal. On May…

… will provide stiff competition for the Wolverines. def., 6-2 def. Makes your Bike a Here's dependable, <oor to door transportation for everyone. A new Whizzer juotor (easily in. stalled on any balloon…

February 03, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

…C- Wolverines Finally Score! Morris tied the score again and try champ from the New York Ath- Bob Marshall finally counted for; Northwestern went on to pile up a letic Club, in the slow time of four Michigan at…

… ictoy. captured the two-mile handicap run Wolverines play their opponents on Klier and Boryla marked up 16 for the second straight year, scoring even terms. After Ted Frick had points each fLr the Notre…

May 03, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, MAX 3, 1945 THE iClHIGAN DAILY PAGE °3 FMFF ~F~TURSDAY, MAY 3, 1945 PAGE T~IFE Michigan ine Face Tracksters To Compnete ini Wolverines Take On Purdue, Wolverine Golf innesota In…

… Charles Birdsall in the two mile. Wolvetines Enter Dashes Other events that the Wolverines are entered in are the 100, 220, 440 yard dashes, the half-mile run and the 120 high and 220 low hurdles. Michigan…

… will also compete in the following field events: shot put, dis- cus, high jump, broad jump, pole vault. Here the Wolverines are not as strong as in the running events, and this meet will answer many…

… questions as to the actual strength of his field men for Coach Doherty. Fisher Favorite in Hurdles In the hurdle' events, Wolverine V timber toppers will run against Har-... old "Whitey" Fisher, who turned in…

… face the Detroiters in the second1 meeting of these two clubs. Earlier in the season, the Wolverines en- Ioward Liebee announced that the Physical Education Depart- ment would like to sponsor a men…

April 07, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

… the Wolverine middle distance corps which has borne the brunt of compe- tition, all winter. Severe Blow Dealt Coach Ken Doherty, commenting on Vetter's departure, called it a "severe blow" to…

… five-point de- crease, and possibly more, in the Wolverines' indoor strength. Such a decrease might easily spell the differ-. ence between first and second place next month if the duel betweenf Michigan…

… to the here, May 22. 1945 Wolverine baseball schedule yes- Meanwhile, the baseball squad terday when Coach Ray Fisher an- moved outdoors for the first time in nounced that contests with Illinois, a…

… interim. The Wolverine mentor said that his trdublesome infield games carded for the season to 25. sh akdiprouemetinfyes- The llioisgam wil b plyedshowed marked improvement in yes- The Illinois game will be…

… played terday's 12-inning practice game. here. April 20, and will be followed Ray (Red) Louthen. who pitched by an already scheduled tilt between a three-inning stint for one of the the Wolverines and the…

June 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…SUNDA Y, JUNE 11, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Nine Clinches Big Ten Title with Double Wolverines Turn Back Boilermakers, 4-2, 3-2 WHAT A RECORD HE'S GOT! Leroy Weir Is Title-Holdiug Coach of Champ…

… title, Michigan hung together 12 hits in the opener to score four runs, one more than was necessary for victory., The Wolverines jumped on Boiler- maker hurler Ed Timms for two markers in the first frame…

… championship in the last 23 years and the eighth for Wolverine squads during the 1943-44 athletic campaign. NOTICE There will be a Sphinx meeting at 1:30 p.m. today in the Michigan Union, President George…

… time his teams have chalked up of his career by whipping George two conference titles. In 1942 the Jennings in a torrid five-set match. Wolverines lost their crown to North- Incidentally, Weir never saw…

April 02, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…-game exhibition series and all hands glad to escape to the relief of the showers. Iowa and Illinois Most Consistent Michigan Rivals in Diamond Sport Same Schools May Be Troublemakers for Wolverines During 1944…

… Maize and Blue quartet in 2:59. Mert Church, swimming the anchor for the Wolverine "A" team, tried valiantly to close the big gap which Smith had given the Sailors, but couldn't quite make it; and when…

… Dobby Burton, who was swimming the anchor leg for the Bluejackets "B" team, closed in on Church, it became a three-way race, with the Wolverines "A" team barely edging out Great Lakes' "B" squad for sec…

… the ten- ure of Ray Fisher as Michigan's baseball coach, teams from Illinois and Iowa have afforded the greatest obstacles to the Wolverines' winning ways. From the reports which have been flowing from…

… Michigan over the past eight seasons, having won 61 and lost 25 for a fancy .709 figure. In that period, it won one champion- ship, tied for two others and never wound up lower than fifth. The Wolverines

… gained 56 wins against 28 losses for .667 in the same stretch, copping two championships outright and tying for a third. The Illini, also, have always been right at the heels of the Wolverines in the games…

March 07, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

… at Garden; Swanson, Hirsch Contribute to Saturday Win J - Departs ftr Army By BILL LAMBERT Although most university activi- ties enjoyed a between-semester va- cation, the Wolverine track squad was…

…. In downing the Illni Saturday: night, the Wolverines showed the same well balanced power which has enabled them to-romp through their. schedules undefeated so far this sea-: son. They captured eight…

… sparked the Wolverine back- field last fall and held down the cen- ter spot on the basketball quintet, placed second in the broadjump with a leap of 23' 1/4". This was Hirsch's first itercollegiate track…

…'s ace half-miler and Western Conference champion in that event, will be inducted into the Army March 10. His loss will be a severe blow to Coach Ken Doherty's hopes for a Wolverine triumph in the…

…, the loss meant a tie with Northwest- ern for third place. Wolverines Are Sixth Michigan and Illinois head the sec- ond division with identical records of five wins against seven setbacks. The Wolverines

January 21, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

… game today against Michigan will be the Boilermakers' first major test of the campaign. Purdue must sweep the two game series against the Wolverines in or- ler to maintain their number one position in…

Wolverines have been at full strength. Wiese has been out with an injured ankle and Leddy just returned from a two week fur- lough. Lodge Sparks Purdue Attack The Purdue attack is sparked by center Bill Lodge…

…'s powerful two-mile re- lay team will defend its 1943 cham- pionship at the famous Millrose Games Saturday, Feb. 5, in Madison Square Garden, New York. The Wolverine quartet of Bob Ufer, Captain Dave Matthews…

… and tomorrow. Today's program in- cludes the sprints, high and low hur- dles and broadjump at 4:15 p.m. Saturday, the Wolverine coach plans trials for the pole vault at 1 p.m., high jump at 2, shotput…

…. Phi Chi. 3:30-Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Pitcher To Be Hunter Swimmers Set For Sailor Meet Michigan Hopes Lie In Freestyle Events The Wolverine swimmers will real- ly be out for blood tomorrow…

May 16, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…. Wolverine baseball squad played, through an extremely slim schedule with a very creditable record. At the present writing the varsity. has played 10 contests, while 12 oth- ers had to be called off. Michigan…

…, possibly the last for the dura- tion. Co-Champs of Big Ten The season started April 10 when Michigan met Iowa, which were de- fending Big Ten co-champions along with the Wolverines; in a. double- header that…

…; Fisher's charges shut out Michigan Norman, climbing all over the Ypsi squad for 12 hits and eight runs. Then Michigan swept the series with the Illini, the Wolverines capitalizing on their opponents…

… finally tallied the winning mar-, ker in the last of the eleventh to win, 10-9. On May Day the Wolverines trav- eled to Ypsilanti to take the measure of Michigan Normal for the second time of the season…

… quit. Coaching staff Of Wolverines Tops in Nation (Continued from Page 9) of the freshman baseball players, and is the newest addition to the staff, having come here only this year. Perhaps the most…

… defeats, losing all four of their Big Ten matches. Doubles Team Seeded As a result none of the Wolverine singles players were seeded in the Conference championships. However, Michigan's number two and three…

March 26, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

… and the 1500-meter freestyles, the 150-yard backstroke and the 300-yard medley relay. There is a great likelihood that the Wolverines will come out of today's events even with the Buckeyes in the matter…

… Rogers of Columbia should take fourth. Holiday Rtules Backstroke Field Wolverine Harry Holiday has be- come the exclusive ruler of the na- tion's college backstrokers, proved by his recent NCAA record…

… two-mile relay. Ufer Will Run 600 Doherty said that if it comes to entering the Wolverine in only one race he will be placed in the 600. In that case, Bob Hume, regular two- miler, would take over Ufer…

… hurdles, com- peting against such champions as Bob Wright and Whitey Hlad. Bob Segula competes the Wolverine con- tingent, being scheduled for the pole- vault. Two Freshmen Make Trip Making the Purdue trip…

… maybe a chance of John Liedy, last year's captain, returning to the team, although he is in the Army. I I - MICKEY FISHMAN ... Wolverine hurler, who along with "Pro" Boim, will be counted on to provide…

Wolverine ball club will be one of the molt interesting that he has had to work with since he came here in '21. There are only seven returning let- termen, the lowest number that he has ever had for a nucleus…

December 06, 1942 (vol. 53, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

Wolverine track fans, Bill Newcomb, late of Albion College; who flashed through the 60-yard dash in 6.6 seconds. As expected, "Hose Nose" Bob Ufer loafed through the 440-yard dash in the compara- tively slow…

…-43 basketball sea- son will open tomorrow night when Coach Bennie Oosterbaan sends the Wolverine quintet against the Spar- tans of Michigan State at 7:30 p.m. in Yost Field House. New faces will spot the Michigan…

… Diehl a forward, suffered a back injury and it is doubtful whether he will see action. Varsity Has Height The Wolverines' main asset tomor- row night will be height. The start- ing five will average six…

… puck team. The Wolverine ice squad gave a better account of themselves than the score indicates. Sophomore Bob Opland, first string center, and Bob Derleth, defenseman, gave perform- ances that show that…

… Second The second period was a seesaw battle all the way, with each team scoring just once. Derleth pushed the puck into the nets at 6:50 on a re- bound of a shot by Bradley, who led the second Wolverine

… was short as the gun sounded. (25 '4 __ with kh.Sculptured Waistline Here's a Slip You'll Love! . /.. r, i r ~"4 _____- London Pucksters Win from Wolverines,63 Opland, Derleth Spark Michigan…

May 03, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

… 11n Sloppy Tilt Big Fifth Inning Enables Michigan To Gain Split; Cartnill Hits In Pinch (Continued from Page 1) v n The Cracker Barrel, By Mik eDann Associate Sports Editor Sunday at the Wolverine

… of the fifth to knot the game up again. Two hits and two walks did the trick this time. Neither team scored in the sixth, but in the seventh the Wolverines produced the game winning tally. Once again…

… as the relay race was called off at the request of the Illinois track coach. LEN ALKON, the Wolverine sprint ace who has been in the Health Service for the past week with glandular fever had recovered…

Wolverines were con- cerned because Piel was able to take a second behind galloping Bob Ufer. Coxon arrived just in time to see the finish of the race. Don Boor, Wolverine first base- man, is still hobbling…

… fifth singles positions. Roger Schutt defeated Wolverine Chan Simonds in the number two spot to give Purdue 2 points. Sim- onds has not regained his exception- ally good early season form and it is hoped…

April 24, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

… Ball Tonight Ruthvens Head List Of Patrons f f , ' m 'Co-Op'Dac i O Dance Is Tomorrow Wolverine To Turn Proceeds Into 'Bomber-Scholarships' Bomber-Scholarship Project has found another ardent backer…

… in the Wolverine Cooperative. The members of the Wolverine are donating the use of their building gratis and mem- bers are giving their services free for a dance from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow so…

March 31, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

… policy designed to facilitate the com- escyeserhis right to the honor. Pound for Michigan upon the open air court. pletion of the full spring athletic day, the Wolverine thinclads were pound there can…

…. Last year at Maxwell Has Color annual conclave at East Lansing Sat- vious campaign is the vaunted Sigma Drake, the Wolverines took a sur- There was however one other mat- urday . . . at the big dinner…

… following year. off events were decided during the The Wolverine trackyjuggernaut tennis, but has never played on any Transfers Again past week. In badminton, Bill Mac- rolled overwthe Buckeyes last year…

…. He Theta Delts to no avail. teamed with Tom Gamon as the third doubles team and the duo went to the final round before bowing to Johannesen and Martin of Chicago, 9-7, 10-8. Wolverine Swimmers Lose…

… the Detroit city doubles cham- pionship by beating Jim Tobin, Wolverine captain last year. and his partner in the finals. With this, his senior year at Mich- igan rapidly drawing to a close, Gerry…

… year is that they are the smallest team in the Big Ten . . . the only six footer that will probably make the team is Paul White . . . The River Rouge slugger led the Wolverines in hitting in their first…

December 19, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… if his leg is bothering him too much, Morrie Bikoff will take over his berth. If he gets the start- ing assignment, fikoff will be the only Wolverine under six feet in height Capt. Cartmill At Forward…

…, 165 and 175-pound. ound Michigan's Sports Scene: 440, which is faster than any Wol- division titles were decided afterthe Wolverine gridmen Bob Westfall verine trackman has ever done be- other four…

… the Christmas vacation, the Wolverines will play four opponents, three on foreign courts and one here in Ann Arbor. Varsity Meets Butler The first of these four battles will find Michigan pitted against…

…- turn to Ann Arbor on Jan. 3 to face their first Big Ten opponent, Iowa. When school reopens on Jan. 5, the Wolverines will bq at Lafayette, In- diana, battling Purdue's Boilermak- ers. who are starting…

… from Michigan Tech on Jarguary third and fifth on the Tech ice at Houghton. The Wolverine puckmen will re- turn to Ann Arbor, on Dec. 30 to practice for their first encounters of the season with the…

September 23, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 1) • Page Image 37

… one of the best distance men in the country. And the man who is second only to Adolf Kiefer, the greatest of them all, will no longer fill a Wolverine suit. For Frannie Heydt,' iichigan backstroke ace…

…'s aces will be wearing the khaki of Uncle Sam before the Wolverines take to the water. First on the list of army eligibles is Dobby Burton, freestyle star and captain of this year's outfit. Then there is…

… season rolls around., Y~et the Wolverines won't be a woe- fully weak team. Mann himself ex- pects to have a good outfit, bat it is doubtful if it will live up to those, of the past three years. Skinner Is…

… methods of Old Man Grad- uation, Wolverine basketball coach, Bennie Oosterbaan, will be faced with a herculean task in molding the 1941-42 edition of the Michigan cage quintet when practice begins some…

…. Mel Comin and Leo Doyle round out the list of experienced men around whom Coach Oosterbaan will ,I probably mold the new Wolverine basketball squad. Comin, a tall, sharp-shooting forward, took foul…

… has some other paddiers who will help the Wolverine cause. Backstrokers Strong In the backstroke he can call upon senior Dick Reidl and junior Ted Horlenko. Matt's hopes were dealt a severe blow when he…

May 25, 1941 (vol. 51, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

… Teams Place Wolverines Win Easily Wakefield Hits Homer With Bases Loaded; Michigan Drives 17 Hits In Slugfest Slugging Rightfielder Cindermen Trail Golden Bears In Record BreakingTwo Mile Second…

Wolverine rally. But the Michigan batters took to Bill's pitch- ing like ducks take to water, and after the smoke had cleared away and the inning was over, 12 Michigan players had batted and six runs were…

… pitch for a home run and gave the Wolverines four more runs. Two singles and a walk in the ninth gave Michigan their last run. It Won't Be Long Now MICHIGAN AB R Nelson, cf........ 5 2 Cartmill, cf…

… third leg, Breidenbach staged a thrilling duel with Trojan Cliff Bourland, and forged to the front by almost 10 feet when Bour- land got mixed up in the lanes. But the Wolverine anchor man, Al Thomas, was…

… Michigan. But the consistent rushing to the net by Stille and Schaflander was too much for their opponents, and the Wolverine players took the first set, 6-4. The score was 5-2, Michigan leading and match…

…, 6-1, 6-4. Tomorrow the Wolverine netters travel to Kalamazoo to help the rac- queteers from Kalamazoo College ded- irate their new tennis stadium. This is the l st match the Weirmen have before t…

November 21, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 46) • Page Image 5

….95 1.49 Formerly 1.95 CORDUROY 1000 395 By Wolverine The Wolverine held its second drawing of names from the student directory yesterday, Phil Westbrook, '43L, social director, announced in the campus…

…-wide contest sponsored by the organization. The five winners of this week's con- test to win complimentary tickets to the Club Wolverine for Saturday are: Leonard Blumberg, '42, Chester Wit- ters, '42E, Verne…

March 05, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

… Conference Win; Sofiak Scores 10 (Continued from Page 1) No Feudin' Please . . the floor swished the nets as the gun went off to close the contest at 43-32 for the Wolverines. Pink, Wood and Rae dropped the…

… Remain Alive DespiteHoosier Licking 13 15 431 scare at half: Michigan 16, Minne- sota 13. Big Ten Swim Marks Sought By Wolverin There is nothing sacred, nothing' inviolable in fact, nothing immortal…

Wolverines ought to find no, trouble surpassing the relay marks. Ohio State is the present king of the medley with the 2:56.8 timing turned in last year, but it was just two weks ago that the crack Michi- gan…

… able to come out on. top, the Wolverines gave a performance that showed them cap- able of taking the crown this eek- end if they get their share o the breaks. With Capt. Forrest Jordan and Bill Combs on…

… the sidelines with injuries, the Wolverines suffered only one fall at the hands of the Big Ten cham- pions, and in four matches came within a shade of getting the nod. Jordan and Combs will return to…

… record board reads 3:33.8 set by Ed Hutchens, Bill Holmes, Charley Bar- ker and Walt Tomski during the 1939 meet. This year's Wolverine quartet, made up of John Gillis, Bar- ker, Tommy Williams and Gus…

… Chicago, but he took time off to say a few words about last Saturday's meet with Notre Dame in which the Wolverines came the closest they've been to a dual meet defeat in the last two years-only a 13 point…

February 02, 1940 (vol. 51, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

… the, season will be held in the Sports Building pool when Wayne Univer- sity's powerful natators engage Matt Mann's Michigan crew. Taking a back-seat only to the{ Wolverines and Yale's Eastern+ champs…

… without a doubt the toughest team Matt Mann has been able to schedule. Only Yale is rated above the Detroit team and they refused to meet the Wolverines. The nucleus of Wayne's strength rests with three men…

… Hockey :Keague. Apps scored the first goal and made the play for another one in the sec- ond period by Nick Metz. He was at the head of the charging Leaf lines throughout, Four Wolverine Athletic Teams To…

… represented in the fol- lowing events: 75-yard dash; high and low hur- dles; broad jump; shot put; mile re- illnm squad. The Wolverines have al- ready bested the Dearborn A. C. and the Northwestern squad in…

… suffered Shirts and Jockey Shorts defeat at the hands of the Wolverines in their opening game. 35c After the State tilt, the cagers ourney to Chicago on Saturday, there for $ .00 to do battle with the…

… Street1 & Co. I nc. Phone 4914 IF L Et_ e .... _ _i U OWN u NO INCREASE IN PRICES AT THE WOLVERINE r I WHY? 1. Yearly food contracts on a rising market. 2. Coowerative non…

December 09, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rely Heavily on Burford, As Wolverine Puck Star Set 18th Swim Gala Tomorrow By BOB VOKAC Coach Vic Heyliger is probably one of the luckiest men in the…

… flying skaters will form the first line of attack when the Wolverines blast Tickets for the hockey game with McMaster University go on sale this morning at 8:30 at the Athletic Administration Build- ing…

… ACQUAINTAINSHIP re- sulted in Burford's joining the Wolverine pucksters and after last year's results, it may prove to have been one of the luckiest friend- ships for some time to come. ROUGH WATER-The Varsity…

December 01, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

… CIGARETTES $1.69 Carton - Plus Tax 50c BARBASOL 29c 25c Citrate MAGNESIA 9c " I- m r- v r r- r m r- r- I- -v - r m I t- t- D v to MAKE WAY FOR WALLY-Al Wistert (11), captain of the 1949 Wolverine team…

… tally by going up and over. He led the Wolverines in scoring this year with five touchdowns good for 30 points. -J y- CL. -. Everything ELECTRIC for CHRISTMAS G. E. G.E. Portable Steam Iron G. E. Mixer…

… offensive performer and holder of the 1949 Conference record for tota 1 offense of 768 yards, had his best day against Minnesota as he led the Wolverines to a 14-7 upset victory. Tom Peterson (33) and Dave…

January 19, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

… was two minutes old he dropped in three more quick baskets to push Michigan into an 8-0 lead, a lead the Boilermakers never threatened. Wolverine Defense Tight To go with the sensational shooting of the…

… hook in a shot in spite of being fouled. He then made the free throw. From this point on Michi- gan breezed in. Morrill, second high scorer for the Wolverines with 11 points, looked like one of the most…

… im- proved players on a greatly im- proved ball club. Fast Breaks Mark Game The usual deliberate attack of the Wolverines was used sparingly as they matched the Boilermakers stride for stride in a ball…

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