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February 06, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… East Lansing, Sat- urday. This will be one of the largest groups of Wolverine competitors ever carried to a meet of this nature. Distance Events Best The distance events will probably offer the hottest…

… Ohio State anchor man in a dual meet held last week, while the Wolverine relay team beat the Buckeyes by almost the exact same margin last Saturday night. In the pole vault, Wolverine en- trants Chuck…

… stellar performers. In the shot put, the outstanding competitors will be Chuck Fonville and George Os- troot of Michigan. Illinois Cagers Await Michigan Wolverines To Seek Second Win over Mini Illinois…

… Illinois quintet will be battling to avenge a last-minute 49-48 defeat administered to them by an underdog Wolverine crew when the two teams met a month ago. Doug Mills, Illinois basketball mentor, plans to…

… garnered seven points against the Wolverine aggre- gation as substitute center will prob- ably see a great deal of action in Saturday's tilt, along with Illini al- ternate guard, Jim Seyler. Seyler is the…

… Orange and Black's smallest man, measuring 5 ft. 11 in. Win Means .500 The Wolverine Conference record now stands at four wins as against five losses. Another victory over Illi- nois would again raise the…

…, Northwestern, Kan- sas and Western Michigan have en-1 tered partial squads. If Injured Wing Returns Coa t HIcyliger Juggles Wolverines'I ,in0eu1p liE Iort'' c ySpoilOi oronto' ;Perfect Reefld Jea t SPOUS NEWS…

… Renfrew, speedy Wolverine left winger, will be able to play against the Blues. Renfrew suffered a broken wrist at Minneapolis last Friday while the I-M STANDINGS INDEPENDENT I Maize and Blue puckmen were…

…, Renfrew has scored 13 goals and is the leading playmaker on the squad with 20 assists. His total of 33 points for the season is second only to MacMillan who leads the Wolverine scoring with 40. Heyliger…

… scoring punch to the Wolverine attack in this move and also perfect a defense against To- ronto's threats Wally Halder and Bill Kosick. Chet Kuznier may be moved from his slot as wing on the third line up…

February 06, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, FEB. 6T, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan Trips Indiana,46-44;Swimmers Rout Ohio ,AGE-FIV Wolverines Nip Hoosiers In Final Minutes of Play Strack Paces Maize and Blue with 19 Points…

… an easy time of it as they did Friday night. Indiana Coach Harry Good devised a new and effective defense which threat- ened to stop the Wolverine attack cold early in the game. After trading baskets…

…- tunities by missing easy shots and throwing the ball away. Maize and Blue forward Dave Strack kept the Wolverines in the game by gathering nine points in the half. Despite his efforts the Hoosiers enjoyed a…

… 25-22 lead at the mid-point. The second period was much the same as the first with Indiana stav- ing off repeated Wolverine threats, Good's charges boasted a comfort- able six point 41-47 lead, but the…

… Michigan team finally pulled itself together. Rex Wells, whose fine play as a substitute for Elroy Hirsch at center was one of the main factors in the Wolverine triumph, and Strack caged quick field goals…

February 06, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

… Madison Square Garden, which was copped by the Wolverines for the fourth straight year. Bob (right) started the race for Michigan and Ross (left) finished it up with a 1:57 half-mile.' TUNEUP TRIUMPH…

… Shooting Good The Wolverines, who didn't arrive Barclay stated that the Wolverines' in Iowa City until two hours before shooting was excellent Friday night, the opening whistle, never headed and that they…

…'s hockey squad lived up to expectations when it swamped an R o outclassed Wolverine sextet, 15-2.; aisino f Race Saturday night for the second time thi yar.T a k T Minnesota picked up an early leadK1 and…

… Ted Greer, easily the the racing ban, a turf writer would most outstanding Wolverine puckster be subjected to "sure-fire" tips on of this season. His first tally came winners--that didn't win. But in in…

…, as eight penalties were1 Saturday." details of the games will be carried called-six on Minnesota and two on' I However. the one criticism made in the following day's Daily. the Wolverines. There were…

February 06, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 73) • Page Image 8

… men and a few made a total of 22 points and it was Michigan all the way, the score at the half being 32 to 21 . . . Satur- day it was a bit harder. In the last three minutes of play the Wolverines came…

…-end. The team won 57 to 26 Saturday from the Ohio State Buckeyes for Michigan's third straight Western Conference dual victory. The Wolverines took six of the nine events and the Buckeyes didn't even score a…

February 06, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… present record. Advance notices had predicted a record-smashing perfor- mance for the Wolverines, but the other teams in the field did not press them sufficiently. The Rochester re- lay team placed second…

…, followed by Dartmouth and Penn State. Wolverine contestants in other events did not fare so well. Ufer was defeated in the special 600-yard dash and Ross Hume was scratched in the mile. Elmer Swanson and Bob…

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