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February 06, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-02-06

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Atomic Energy Necessitates
Decentralization of Cities


"Cities have alway
less decadent; the n
tralization has bece
with the discovery o
gy," Prof. Arthur E
sociology department
Agreeing with the
ed in the America
Sociology by Prof.
burn, chairman of
department of the
Chicago, Prof. Woo
cities should never
lowed to have reach
size as they have do
"Cities have been b
Tro Confe
Phitip M
By The Associa
DETROIT, Feb. 5-
leaders of the CIO
Workers to confer wv
dent Philip Murray'
Thursday coincided h
a report of impending
elopments" in the w
Special federal me
Dewey, of the Genera
was the authority fo
the "national develop:
indicated would have
ultimate settlement o
GM walkout which h
Dewey made hiss
press conference foll
GM- negotiating sessis:
the same time UAW h
nounced that Preside
and others of the UA
dom had been called t
Union sources gave
of what the Thurs
would mean, but it ha
ly reported in bothu
ppration quarters her
ment of the GM disp
on peace in the steel
That point received
when Dewey told n
swering their quest.
forthcoming "develo
have some effect on
both parties.
"That's one of thei
in reply to a query w
strike would be invo
ported developments.
The federal mediat
ing guardedly of thes
east as it might affect
and in other GM pl
country, said, "person
will have some effect
of both parties."
This was in referen
developments he sp
whether they would h
the GM impasse.
Aid Bill F
LANSING, Feb. 5-
state aid to local gov
plummeted into the
ive session today 1
faced rough treatmen
Ways and Means Com
Meanwhile, Houses
sought for a joint r
sored by Tracy M. Dol
ocrat, to put a veter
posal on the Nov. 5 el
Wants Amendment
Doll's plan, propos
calls for a constitu
ment to give every rel
man $15 for each mon
forces with a maxim
would be financed by
issue at 2 per cent in
timated that $200,00
would be required. In
circulating the petitio

he obtained 23 sign
needs two-thirds. ofl
to pass it.
Introduced by R
David E. Young of Sa
drew Bolt of Grand R
publicans, the city-ai
an appropriation equ
of sales tax revenuesf
to cities, villages andt
per capita basis begi
Sent To Committee
Ways and Means Co
bers, to whom the m
ferred, were almost un
, laring that state ne
quire all the $27,600
surplus in the current
that no funds were left
Chairman John Esp
lared that "the Leg
consideration is for th
tal health, and other
tions. When they are t
don't see how there wil
left for the municipali
New Fight
George Arli

s been more or ance with the laissez faire attitude
eed for decen- of businessmen and realtors,'' he
lme imperative said, "with nb concern shown for ::":-.><:>::
f atomic ener- improving the living conditions of"
Wood of the the people as a whole." As a con-
said in an in- sequence, cities have been character-
ized by congestion, slums, and gen-I
view express- eral uneconomical living, particular-
nii Journal of ly in the field of transportation.
Williath og- Until the discovery of atomic4
the sociology energy, the question of decentrali-
University of :,...;":
d stated that zation has been largely an aca-;
d ated thnat- demic matter, there being no ur-
hvbena- gent need for immediate planning,
ed such great g e o mdt a
ied uch reat Prof. Wood continued. The release
.i acof atomic energy, however, makes
such pladning a matter concerned
with the survival of humanity. As ":; .,a. ; " "f ..*:* >::
adste, one bomb could destroy a
cit. itha scattered population, - HERE TO JOIN HUSBANDS-These are some of the British Brides who ar
r* U&~ t destruction would be more diffi- Yokt onherusad
cult. __ York to join their husbands._
"Cultural advantages now so abun-V
irray dant in large cities," Prof Wood E-' -
states, "would be lacking in smaller I i i L CAM PU S HI
ted Press jommunities and may be the one
-A summons to disadvantage of decentralization." Of D etroit Vets
United Auto Prof. Wood believes, however, that-
ith CIO Presi- the perfection of television and the
in Washington wide use of the radio would mitigate I -L Ivunaki iinal Meeting..
here today with this condition, though large libraries
"national dev- and museums would still not exist in By The Associated Press Avukah, student Zionist organiza-
ages and prices the smaller areas. DETROIT, Feb. 5-Eighteen Brit- tion, will hold its final meeting of the
Prof. Wood advocates the estab- ish war brides, some of them with semester at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow at
diator James F. lishment of small communities children their ex-GI husbands had B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation.
1 Motors strike, with an average population of 30,- never seen, today were getting ac- At the meeting new oficers will be
r the report of 000 people, communities that quainted with their in-laws, following elected and, a discussion of Avukah
ment" which he would be surrounded by vast ex- their late arrival this morning at De-policy will be held.
a bearing on the panse of unused land so that when troit's Union Station.
f the 77-day-old such communities grew too large, The homecoming for some of the Red Cross Refresher .
as idled 175,000 part of the population could esta- brides was confused, not only because
lish itself elsewhere. As an exam- their train was two hours behind A nine-hour Red Cross refresher
statement at a pie of such planning Prof. Wood time, but also because icy driving course in first aid, water safety and
owing a union- cited the English Garden Cities. conditions made it impossible for accident prevention will be given
an today and at Admitting that decentralization their husbands to meet them. to first aid instructors from 7:30
eadquarters an- necessitates long range planning to 10:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday,
nt R. J. Thomas over a long period of time, that any Also, their arrival at Detroit was and Wednesday at Red Cross head-
W high official- such planning will be opposed by clouded by a heavy fog and dirizzle, quarters, 1601 Washtenaw Ave.
o meet Murray. businessmen and realtors to whorm but this was banshed by the greet-
no intimation large cities are advantageous, Prof. ing most of the women received from Fraternity Pres ents
day conference Wood emphasizes that such plan- their grinning husbands.
s been frequent- ning must of necessity be under- With two exceptions, all of the
brides are going to live with their All fraternity house presidents are
union and cor- taken. Centralized control would be husbands' parents because of the urged to attend a meeting at 6:30
e that a settle- 1 necessary factor in planning small- housing shortage. p.m. today at the Beta Theta Pi
ute would hinge °r communities, making it impera- ___n_____ghouse, 604 S. State St. Dinner will be
strike. tive that cities and states be guided , e served before the regular business
further support by a research and planning board, Lt Skidm oremeeting.
wsmen, in an- which could, at once, start planning *n
ions, that the a means for a most effective pro- "
pments" would tection against the adverse effects ledFi
the attitudes of of atomic energy. L A SSIFIE D 2
First Lt. Hobert S. Skidmore, '36,.
m," Dewey said, UN 1 was burned to death Sunday on his
hether the steel . . . farm in Dauberville, Pa., where he
lved in the re- was spending his leave prior to his WANTED
(continued from Page 1) Army discharge. ----------- -------- _
or, while speaks- --ni-y BARBER WANTED: Full or part
sitatin i th deegaeandAndewiVisinsy, While in his senior year at the time. Lee's Barber Shop, 611 East
stuathon ink he delegate, and Andrewi Vishinsky, University Skidmore wrote, "I Will n es.
testrke hee lussian Vice Commisar of Foreign Lift Up Mine Eyes" which won the
ants across the Affairs, were the only two delegates Avery Hopwood award of $1,500. He WANTED TO RENT
ally, I think it to support a resolution proposed by also write "Hill Doctor," "Hill Law-
on the attitudes Modezelewski last night that the year," "Heaven Came So Near," WANTED TO RENT: ROOM by full-
Council take note of Britain's de- "River Rising," and "Hawk's Nest." time University employee. Garage
ce to the future cision to withdraw her troops from His most recent book, "Valley of is desirable but not vital. Walter,
oke of as to Greece as soon as possible and con- the Sky," was written while he was Phone 5539. -
ave an effect,on sider the matter closed. Ernest Bev- in the Air Corps.
in, British Foreign Secretary, opposed ___ WANTED TO RENT: Apartment or
that resolution and demanded that house, two or three bedrooms.
Britain be exonerated of charges by Air Transport Service Three adults, one-year-old child.
"aces Russia that British troops in Greece To Be Sharl Reducw. J. Mason, 23-24-1
menace world peace. Vishinsky thenT
a"ti elt objected to an Egyptian proposal that FRANKFURT, Germany, Feb. 5- LOST AND FOUND
the Council approve a resolution em- ()-U. S. Army headquarters said to- FOUND: Fountain pen on E. Univer-
-(A)-A bill for bodying what Bevin had said. day a sharp reduction in Army trans- sity. Friday Feb. 1. Owner may
Faced with an almost certain split atlantic air transport service would cam upon adequate description,
ernetal lunits between Britain and Russia, Makin's permit only about 300 pssnerlt aithupoSad uatid2-44pti1.
special legisla- maneuver was designed to avoid hav- fly to the United States during Feb - Fait__ adwski 2-4471. _
but apparently ing the Council vote -on the issue. ruary, in contrast to nearly 1,400 LOST: Book entitled "Trees and
t in the House Russia claims the right to exercise flown home last month. Even emer- Toadstools" by M. C. Rayner, Fri-
smittee. the veto power over any formal gency returnees will have to travel day Jan. 25 on South State Street
signatures were statement in which it does not con- bysboat with only the most urgent between Wahr's bookstore and the
esolutiono cur. cases given plane space. Rexall drug store. Finder please
ans bonus pro- return to University General Li-
ection ballot.Hbrary
AROUND THE CLOCK\WITH WPAG LOST: Brown leather wallet, miss-
ed by the CIO, ing from coat on 5th floor of Bur-
tional amend- ton Tower, Friday afternoon. Con-
turning service- WED., FEB. 6 11:00-News 2:15-Melody on Parade tained important identification.
th in the armed 7:30-Sleepyhead Serenade 11:05-Popular Vocalist 3:00-News Notify Ann Lawrence, 443 Mosher,
um of$500. It £3:00-News 11:30 ---Farm & Homo Hour 3:05-SSocial Security or phone 2-4561,
tim-.Cllg ofn500 It8:0-Nws i Board ___
a 20-year bond 8:15-Wake Up and Live Ars B- ars o_____.____yo__ _-g-sh -o--ng
terest. Doll es- :25-Classics In Music 12:0-Nes .--University of LOST: Plymouth high school ring,
$:25-(laS~CS in rV1S1C 1 ter)-NeWS mihi,1 n r .4=_

0,000 in bonds 8:30-Musical Revelie 12:15--Jesse Crawford 3r3 n
his first day at 8:55-News 12:2i-Today's Ban 3:40-It A Hit ably on Hill between State and
n in the House 12:30-Along the Sports 3:45c-Trade Winds Tavern Washtenaw. Finder call 8623.
atures, but he ~900-Music Box Sidelines 4:00-News
both chambers 9:30-Popular Music 12:45-Man on the Street 4:15-Hollywood Melodies LOST: Red billfold. Finder keep
9:40-News 1:00-News 4:30---Eventide Echoes money but please return material'
9:45-Moments of Melodies 1 :05-Salon Music 4 :45----Quiz in billfold. Call Frances Foley at
Representatives 10 :00-News 1:10--Organ Music (Pop.) 5:00-News36.Noqetnsakd
ginaw and An- 10:05-Hawaiian Moods 1:15-South American Way 5:05-Music 3366. No questions asked.
apids, both Re- 10:15-Quiz 1:30-This Rhythmic Age 5:15-Mystery Melodies
d bill proposed 10:30-Broadway Melodies 1:45-Jerry Scars 5:30-Little Show
l ooed10:40-Community Calendar 2:00-News 5:45-Spotlight On The
al to one-sixth 10:45-Waltz Time 2 :05-Bob Che~ter Stars
for distribution -
townships on a
,nning July 1,
omxmittec emez- A
Ieasure was re-
animous in de-
eds would re- m andP_..
,000 estimateds
tbiennium and
t for the cities.y
ie of Eagle de-
gislature's firstJE L
e schools, men- JELLY
state institu-zQ
aken care of, I
1 be any money CAUSE
ss Dies I

rived aboard the Argentina in New

Medical Committee . .


Dr. Ira D. McCoy, '15 Homeo-
pathic Medicine, of Bad Axe, has
been appointed a member of a 10-
man National American Legion
Committee on Medicine and Sur-
gery, it was announced this week
by John Stelle, National Comman-
der for National American Head-
quarters in Indianapolis.
Talk on Mexican Art ...
"Colonial Art in Mexico," illustrat-
ed with slides, will be the subject of
the talk to be given by Miss Eva
Martinez at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Kel-
logg Auditorium.
Lane Hall Seminar . .
Dr. Frank Littell will discuss the
founder of the American foreign
missions, Samuel G. Millo, at the
seminar on "The Expansion of
Christianity" at 4:30 p.m. today at
Lane Hall.
LOST: Brown Schaeffer Pen. Diag-
onal or S. University. Feb. 1. Call
Bob Evans, 2-3171. Reward.
LOST: Green wallet, including iden-
tification. Leave at League desk
or phone 2-5180. Kate Lloyd.
DOUBLE ROOM for women gradu-
ate students. Nicely furnished.
Block from campus. Available on
March first. Phone 2-1293.
FOR SALE: Practically new long,
black evening wrap. Bunny fur
hood. Size 14. Call 4693.
apartment on first floor; second
floor now rented at $60 per month;
large lot; fine location.
10-ROOMS on Geddes Avenue; one
block to campus.
6-ROOM BRICK beyond city limits;
Southeast section; excellent condi-
For additional information call eve-
nings, DeVries 3670; Heger 23702.
604 Wolverine Building
PHONE 2-3249
HAVE your typewilters, adding ma-
chines, calculators repaired. Work
guaranteed. Office equipment serv-
ice, 111 S. 4th Ave. Phone 2-1213.
TO R.M.B., P.S.J., and M.L.: The
shoe is on the right foot. G.H.D.
sends greetings- to you and M.L.C.

SU' Bureau Su
Situation in M
In cooperation with the placement
bureaus of the 16 other teacher-
training institutions in the state, the
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information yes-
terday took the first step in the fifth
annual survey of the supply, demand
and placement of Michigan teachers
by requesting information from the
656 Michigan school superintendents.
Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director
of the Bureau, said that in addi-
tion to the questions which the
Bureau usually asks to ascertain
the probable demand for teachers,
the study will attempt this year
to find what percentage of teach-
ers are returning to their jobs from
war activities, and why teachers
are leaving the profession in in-
creasing numbers.
Each superintendent in the state,
Dr. Purdom said, is asked in the
questionnaire how many teachers he
hired last year from schools in and
out of the state and how many he
thinks he will need next year. The
county superintendents are also
questioned about the number of rural
schools which have been closed.
By adding to this information
the number of requests for teach-
ers the placement bureaus received
last year and the number of teach-
ers they placed in positions, it is
possible to obtain a fairly com-
plete picture of the supply and de-
mand for teachers in Michigan.
Reports of the results are sent to
all superintendents in Michigan and
to the placement bureaus, Dr. Pur-
Move Becomes
Strikers' Rally
By The Associated Press
FLINT, Mich., Feb. 5-A women's
meeting aimed at spearheading a
back-to-work movement in strike-
bound General Motors plants turned
into a strikers' rally here today, and
before it was over even the sponsors
joined in support of continuing the
About 300 women-some GM work-
ers themselves and others strikers'
wives-packed a Genesee County
courtroom on invitation of two mili-
tant housewives, Mrs. Ralph Ide and
Mrs. Marshall B. Hadley. A sprin-
kling of men was sighted in the room
but only one attempted to speak and
he was shouted down.
One of the first persons to gain the
floor was .Mrs. Catherine Gelles, of
Detroit, international secretary-
treasurer of the CIO United Auto
Workers, women's auxiliary.
Mrs. Gelles traced the union's fight
with General Motors from the days of
the sitdown strike in 1937 to the pres-
ent. That started to turn the die and
the rest was easy.
Other union auxiliary leaders from
Pontiac, Detroit and Flint took over.
A resolution calling on President Tru-
man to "take immediate steps to
force GM to come to satisfactory
agreement with the union" was intro-
duced and passed on voice vote in the
name of "housewives" from the three
Sensing the sentiments of the other
women, the two sponsors then re-
versed their position and agreed to
attend a union auxiliary rally Tues-
Mrs. Ide, wife of a Flint ailines
mechanic, volunteered to workin a
strike kitchen.
Mrs. Hadley, wife of a Buick shop
worker, signed up for picket line duty.
"I think it's wonderful to see so

much enthusiasm behind an organi-
zation," she commented as the meet-
ing broke up.
Buy 'Victory B01ds!
Playing Through Wednesday

rveys Teacler
ichigan. Schools
dom said. He pointed out that this
survey will enable the superinten-
dents to know what new teachers
cill be available, what the state de-
mand will be, and therefore the sal-
aries they will probably have to pay.
The survey is also utilized by the
bureaus in advising students to be-
come teachers in fields for which
there will be a real demand.
Student Bakes
Cake with 15th
Century Recipe
. . . She had some little dogs,
too, that she fed on roasted flesh,
or milk and fine white bread."
This quotation about the prioress
from the prologue to Chaucer's "Can-
terbury Tales" precipitated a discus-
sion of the difference between bread
and cake in the English 225 class of
Prof. John R. Reinhard. And that
discussion led to Mrs. Erna Xan,
grad, a student in the class, baking a
cake with a 15th century recipe, the
first known cake recipe in the Eng-
lish language.
"Nun's Cake"
Mrs. Xan baked a "Nun's Cake,"
from a recipe which was sent to her
by Ann Batchelder of the "Ladies'
Home Journal." Previously Mrs. Xan
had written a baking company which
combed all the libraries in New York
for the first cake recipe and was un-
able to find it.
The recipe, according to Mrs. Xan,
was the first recipe for cakes ever per-
fected, and uses air as a leavening
agent. The baked goods before this
recipe, Mrs. Xan said, used yeast for
leavening and that produced bread,
not cake.

Different Ingredients
The "Nun's Cake" which Mrs. Xan
baked derived its name from a Nun
who perfected it. The cake differs
from the cake of today, Mrs. Xan
said, because the ingredients include
rose water and caraway seeds.
Mrs. Xan took the cake to class,
and other students of English 225
have testified that it was delicious.
Cleveland Press
St rike Settled
CLEVELAND, Feb. 5-(P)-Settle-
ment of an AFL-pressman's strike
which has halted - publication of
Cleveland's three daily newspapers
since Jan. 5 was announced tonight
by Emmett O'Flanagan, president of
the Cleveland newspaper printing
pressmen's union.
O'Flanagan said approximately 175
pressmen voted at meeting tonight to
end the strike after a recommenda-
tion by Maj. George Berry, the un-
ion's international president.
The wage dispute will be submitted
to arbitration by a three-man board
composed of one management repre-
sentative, one union representative
and one public member, he said.
The morning Plain Deaer immedi-
ately made plans to publish its three
Wednesday morning editions.
'U' Flying Club Will
Hold Meeting Today
A meeting of the University of
Michigan Flying Club will be held at
7:30 p.m. today in the Engineering
Bldg., itwas announced yesterday, by
Warren Curry, president of the or-
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Last Day
Thrlls !
Coming Thursday


S "Pen

to write
Refilling !"f

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