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February 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

…, 54-30 Fourth Consecutive V' Win for Wrestlers# BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Feb. 12.-()P) -Michigan's powerful -Wolverines crushed Billy Thom's Indiana Uni- versity wrestling team for their fourth consecutive…

… triumph today, 23 to 3. The Wolverines, strong favorites to oust the Hoosiers from the con- ference crown at Chicago. Feb. 19, won six events, lost one and took one forfeit. Summary: 121 pounds…

… medley relay. Paul Maloney, Wolverine distance star, took the 220-yard free style over his team- mate, Achilles Pulakus and Wildcat Kick Neff, who won the event in the initial meet. Wolverine Free…

…'s Johnny McCarthy. The Wolverines were paced by freshman Paul Maloney who, besides winning the 220, copped the 440-yard mara- thon. Michigan's 400-yard free style relay combination of Branch, Kop- pin, Cory…

… and Pulakus, outclassed the Wildcats to take the event for the Maize and Blue. By their excellent showing last night, the Wolverines will be the lo- gical favorites to capture the team championship in…

February 17, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…-q= 41- 94AVt-j9-lV' - - - Michigan Swimmers Compete in Big Ten Meet Saturday Undefeated Wolverines Expected To Win Title over Northwestern Double Trouble Wrestlers Are Favored To Take…

… Championship By JIM LEWY All Conference schools will have a chance to make their bids for the Big Ten swimming championship for 1944 in the Northwestern pool on Saturday night. Michigan's Wolverines will have…

… Pulakus may also pick some points up for Michi- gan in the 220-yard event. Jim Walsh, who gave Wolverine Heini Kesslei% a close contest in the 200-yard breast stroke last week, Wrill DAILY OFFICIAL…

…, Jepson and Hindemith and will be open to the general public. probably be Heini's only competition in the same event in Evanston. Wolverines Expected To Win Michigan entries are favored to win at least…

… year, and Chuck Fries, who paced Church all season, the Wolverines should take a first and second place in both the 50 and 100-yard free style swims. Expected to provide Michigan and Northwestern with…

…'s Capt. Phil Hansel and Iowa's Bernie Walters. The Wolverines will enter the na- tional collegiates at Yale March 23 and 24 and the national AAU cham- pionships in Ann Arbor on the fol- lowing week-end. As…

…-2 drubbing from the Wolverines, will be on hand to play with Brantford, Ott Wins Contest NEW YORK, Feb. 16. - () - Mel Ott, manager of the New York Giants, closed with a rush to win the sports popularity…

… HANK MIANT1I10 After polishing off Indiana, defend- ing Big Ten champs, last week, the Wolverine matmen finished their sea- son undefeated in four dual meets, and will be the heavy favorite to capt ure…

February 06, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

… SUNDAY, FEB. 6T, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Michigan Trips Indiana,46-44;Swimmers Rout Ohio ,AGE-FIV Wolverines Nip Hoosiers In Final Minutes of Play Strack Paces Maize and Blue with 19 Points…

… an easy time of it as they did Friday night. Indiana Coach Harry Good devised a new and effective defense which threat- ened to stop the Wolverine attack cold early in the game. After trading baskets…

…- tunities by missing easy shots and throwing the ball away. Maize and Blue forward Dave Strack kept the Wolverines in the game by gathering nine points in the half. Despite his efforts the Hoosiers enjoyed a…

… 25-22 lead at the mid-point. The second period was much the same as the first with Indiana stav- ing off repeated Wolverine threats, Good's charges boasted a comfort- able six point 41-47 lead, but the…

… Michigan team finally pulled itself together. Rex Wells, whose fine play as a substitute for Elroy Hirsch at center was one of the main factors in the Wolverine triumph, and Strack caged quick field goals…

February 19, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

… SATTMDAV, r M. 19, 1 ,14 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGX IMY - It . ..,. r _._.. Tankers in Evanston; Track Team Meets Notre Dami D Here Mermen To Try for Big Ten Crown Wolverines Favored; Wildcats…

… Expected To Prove Strongest Rival By BUD LOW Michigan's mighty Wolverines, win- ner of 13 Conference championships and 12 National Collegiate champion- ship, are the overwhelming favor- ites to regain the…

… Trumble from Northwestern. Bob Tribble, another Purple swimmer, should have little trouble in winning the backstroke, while Wolverine Bill Cooley is a pos- sibility for second. Jiaize and Blue Favored…

… Will Play Last Game Of Current Season Tonight By BILL LAMBERT A favored Wolverine track squad makes their second and final indoor appearance at 8 p.m. tonight in the Yost Field House when they meet the…

February 09, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, FEI 9, 1911 THE MAIGA AILY P#aI1 IMF S U, Intl I*1LAL~ Iowa Leads Conference;, Wolverines Are Seventh Tom King Still First in ndividual Scoring; Dick Ives Iowa Sharpshooter, Is…

… sixtli place ahead of the Wolverines but faces tough competi- tion for the balance of the campaign. The individual scoring statistics show Michigan's Tommy King con- tinuing .to head the list, closely…

… press- ed by Dick Ives of Iowa, whose rec- ord-smashing 43-point performance against Chicago placed him only three points behind the Wolverine ace. King has 137 points while Ives has 134. Since Ives has…

… played three less games than King, he is in a good position to finish in front if he can hold his present blistering pace. The only other Wolverine in the top ten is Dave Strack whose 31 pdints over the…

Wolverine. Anyhow, this poem. entitled, oddly enough, 35-12, expresses his annoy- ance and bewifderment at the out- come. It goes: 35-12! I was shaken to the core When I heard that terrible score! I darn near…

… in the amazing time of 51.6 in the 440-yard dash against Notre Dame. and will be favored in that event, inasmc as Mel Detwiler, Wolverine quarter- miler, hasn't done better than 52,1 yet this year…

February 12, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…:30 p.m. tonight in the Yost Field House, The Wolverine squad will be com- posed of 41 men, 28 of whom are Marine and Navy trainees, an will be one of the largest squads to be used in recent years. It was…

… Northwestern's loss to the Wolverines said, "If the Wildcat swimmers had not been the victims of some tough luck they would have beaten the Maize and Blue natators." Ohio State's coach seems to have forgotten…

…-yard medley relay, Matt III crimp in the plans of Coach Ray swam the 50 in the fine time of 24:8 Courtright. This is the weakest that -mightygood'even for a varsity the Wolverines have been at any time…

… of their members are back for action. The Hoosiers will undoubtedly go all out in an endeavor to upset the high- ly touted Wolverines, and "it will be a close meet now that we are short of regular men…

… plenty' of close guarding in tonight's fracas. No changes are anticipated in the Wolverine starting lineup. Tom King and Dave Strack will be at forward, Elroy (Crazy Legs) Hirsch at center, and Don Lund…

February 20, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 85) • Page Image 7

… Brant f ord's Woes Sa Disi(fualied; Reichert Is Beaten i S milinals; Greene, Oberly Take Seconds Comiltird e rnt Page 1) pounds, while Johnny Greene and Lowel Obr took seconds. Th Wolverines started off…

… last year, scored a fall over Chip Warrick of the Wolverines. How- ever, Warrick wrestled in a consola- ion bout, held to determine third and fourth places, and he came in four h. George Curtis then beat…

February 15, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

… (aMsi, I zsIoth VtihjoeEaled Will Seek Individs 1 (row:s.Il at Evalnsto l K ing Slop1.d-But Iby 0w e( 'uiera By HANK MANT i0 Michigan's mighty Wolverines rout- ed Coach Billy Thorn's Indiana mat- men…

… and versatility when they overpowered Western Michigan Saturday night. 1t was not so much the lop-sided score which impressed Wolverine fan1s as it was the individual per- formances the boys turned in…

… distance events to gain a 62-51 decision over the same Western Michigan team that the Wolverines took with such great ease. DAILY OFFICIAL DULIETIN I (Continued from Page 2) ulty Club, where arrangements for…

… three regulars, Jim Galles, Hugh Wil- son and Bob Gittens, were absent from the line-up. The Wolverines won six matches, lost one and gained one forfeit. George McIntyre, substituting for Hugh Wilson, was…

…, one transfer student and two lettermen," stated Corky. However, Michigan has rolled aside every op- ponent by wide margins, beating Pur- due, chief threat to the Wolverine title hopes this year, 17…

… Big Ten crown they lost to Ohio Stat:e lst year Te Conference Swinting r,,mee(t. wh will be held Friday and Saturday in Evanston, will find the Wolverines out to garner their 141h Big Ten championship…

February 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 79) • Page Image 7

… -brother combina-I vecry good for the reason's first meet.a One of the evening's big surprises was the performance of Jim Pierce r ill the 440, who beat out Wolverine'R1Dtlle mBrnoilPt- w~ho was at pre…

… two laps but'wanerpuedi)tefalsgs as his lengthy strides easily outdis- tanced his pursuotis. i3ob Seguda, Wolverine ace poleE." vaulter, grabbed a first in that event ' withr a lean of 13 t. 1 in…

… followed by7 Ler, also of Michigan.r clff, who starred a(g,, ne last week, could do' noor t hird. er evets were also)_!don cach Ksen Doherty'si b~e Wolverines gave an Psheer power which is in a track meet…

February 06, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 73) • Page Image 8

… men and a few made a total of 22 points and it was Michigan all the way, the score at the half being 32 to 21 . . . Satur- day it was a bit harder. In the last three minutes of play the Wolverines came…

…-end. The team won 57 to 26 Saturday from the Ohio State Buckeyes for Michigan's third straight Western Conference dual victory. The Wolverines took six of the nine events and the Buckeyes didn't even score a…

February 06, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… present record. Advance notices had predicted a record-smashing perfor- mance for the Wolverines, but the other teams in the field did not press them sufficiently. The Rochester re- lay team placed second…

…, followed by Dartmouth and Penn State. Wolverine contestants in other events did not fare so well. Ufer was defeated in the special 600-yard dash and Ross Hume was scratched in the mile. Elmer Swanson and Bob…

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