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March 03, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

… made up Michigan's sched- ule to best favor the Gophers. He had the Wolverines open on a foreign court and, what's more, against Minnesota. Immeasurable pressure was obviously on the Michigan quintet…

… to favor the Gophers as the Wolverines had to journey down to Ohio State. The Wolverines were completely eliminated from the Conference race as they lost their ninth out of ten starts against the…

… Purdue's Field- house pool tonight. Led by Con'ference champion, Matt Mann III, a Wolverine dele- ration including Gus Stager. Johnny McCarthy and Bob Wag- ner will take to the water for the 1.500-meters…

… with Mich- igan picked for second and Iowa, enjoying the position of the meet's "dark horse, picked for third." TIlE WOLVERINES have lost Conference backstroke champ Harry Huliclday. and diver Evans…

… the scor The Wolverines are also hop for extra help from diver Chi Chelich of Northwestern v stands a chance to whip Calht in the battle for second place. BASS FOOTWEAR. is the No.. Ishoe in the…

March 03, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…94 TIlE MICIADN ILiAY MS wimmers Face Spartans Friday Night MSC Seeks Initial Win Over Wolverines Michigan's powerful swimming team will put its unblemished rec- ord on the line this Friday night…

… when the Wolverines take on i Michigan State's natators in the East Lansing pool. Though the meet will be anti- climatic after the OSU affair last weekend, it should supply some excellent spectator…

… Schalon, the Wolverine varsity will have a nuc- leus of four lettermen on which to build. In addition to Schalon, who is defending Western Confer- ence champ, Katzenmeyer has ' Bill Barclay, National…

…- sons why the Wolverines can boast of having a stellar defense. The record books show it in a Very definite manner. Michigan has had a total of 556 points tallied against them, while the closest rival…

… ball-hawk, which gave the Wolverines possession of the ball and the chance to make those oh- so-necessary points. Morrill wasn't the only Wolver- ine sub to come through when the chips were down. Boyd Mc…

… er-mainly because of Lloyd Duff. Duff, Ohio's amazing all-round man is expected to cop points in four events. The Wolverines, with Herb Bar- ten and Charlie Fonville are ex- pected to be right up among…

…-western teams, Minne- sota and Michigan Tech. The Wolverines battered the Gophers in three out of four games and thus far has dropped the Tech- men in two games. The final two games of the season will see Michi…

March 03, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

….5. Williams, timed at :54.0, regained the lead for the Wolverines and gave Sharemet a two foot advantage at the start of the last century. Gus eased along as he pleased and pulled 10 yards in front of the…

… Wildcat an- chor man. The diving almost proved fatal to Mtt Mann's squad. Tom Powell, the long and lanky Northwestern ace, led the Wolverine entries through the first nine dives, but lost his ad- vantage in…

… breastroke in 2:27.1 with Johnny Haigh gaining the second place hon- ors. .. Wins Water olo Just as rie a Widcats were no match for the Michigan swimming balance, so the Wolverine water poloists found it hard…

… succession. But then the outclassed Wolverines gathered under their goal, clenched hands and decided to get together on things. Gus Sharemet followed this with a sensational goal from mid-pool which made him…

… Michigan's high scorer for the Wolverines never hit pay-terri- tory again. Benham started in the Michigan goal, but when the Wildcats proved he wasn't another "Spike" James, Beebe, then Haigh and finally…

… Larry Wehrheim followed in his place. But alas, it was all in vain. Going Was Rough The Wolverines were rough and tough. They stopped at nothing ex- cept the referee's whistle as they phdughed over the…

Wolverines a chance to break fast or set up plays. After trailing by only six points at the half, Mich- igan never got closer than seven points to the Bucks. Both Michigan and Ohio flooded the floor with…

… through the Paris defense, grabbed the rolling puck and shoved it into a corner of the net. The Wolverines had been blanked in their four pre- vious games with Michigan Tech and Minnesota. Paris tied it up…

March 03, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

… the season's finale, 52-41. But the real story of the game doesn't lie in the score because the Wolverines, playing inspired ball, out- shot and outplayed the Boilermaker quintet for three quarters of…

… the con- test, only to have thekinvaders put on a sensational attack in the final 13 minutes and pull the game out of the fire. The Wolverine spark was ignited by diminutive Don Holman, playing his last…

… score of 59-25 here tonight. The wily Wolverine mentor switch- ed his lineup in the opening 300 yard medley relay, and continued to enter surprises in almost every ensuing race as the Wolverines captured…

… (Continued on Page 6) Air Cadet Rally Set ForToday Draft Deferment Granted Wolverine Squadron With the announcement yesterday that no "Wolverine Squadron" mem- ber would be eligible for the draft or forced to…

March 03, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…. 4:15 Clocking Possible The Wolverine captain appears capable of 4:15 clocking, and may conceivably run the distance in that time, if he is to defeat Seib, With Matthews concentrating on' the mile Bob…

… Ufer, the Wolverines' national indoor titlist, may be called on to run the half, assuring a Michi- gan victory. Ufer's 1:53.9 880-yard Varsity, 11lini Imperil Purdlue Wrestling Title Looking over the…

… when he won the 50-yard event in 24 seconds. He also was a. winner at Iowa City, finishing first in the 60-yard sprint. It was in the last Wolverine-Buck- eye engagement that Mert really 'found himself…

…-end. Also, Mert will probably be called on to swim on the favored Wolverine foursome in the 400-yard freestyle relay. Cagers Given 1943 Awards Eight members of the 1942-43 Wol- verine quintet which concluded…

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