.,. . .
Three Conference
Ufer, Matthews Possible
Contenders in 880, Mile
With the entry of Captain Dave
Matthews in the mile a strong possi-
bility Michigan loomed as a strong
favorite to capture the three middle
distance events Saturday night at
Chicago in the indoor Conference,
track meet.
Matthews rates as the second best
miler in the Big Ten on the basis of
his 4:20.5 time in the Michigan State
meet. The only better clocking
turned in by a Conference miler is
that of Illinois' Seib who was timed
in 4:18.9 recently.
4:15 Clocking Possible
The Wolverine captain appears
capable of 4:15 clocking, and may
conceivably run the distance in that
time, if he is to defeat Seib,
With Matthews concentrating on'
the mile Bob Ufer, the Wolverines'
national indoor titlist, may be called
on to run the half, assuring a Michi-
gan victory. Ufer's 1:53.9 880-yard
Varsity, 11lini
Imperil Purdlue
Wrestling Title
Looking over the material that
other wrestling coaches have on hand
to enter in the Big Ten champion-
ships this coming Friday and Satur-
day, we find that the Orange and
Blue squad from Illinois is going to
give Varsity Coach Ray Courtright's
lads the most amount of trouble.
The Illini team, which some sports-
writers pick as favorites to dethrone
Purdue, the defending titleholder, is
built around four lettermen. Captain
Alex Agase, who placed third in last
year's meet, leads the group and
should give heavyweight Frank Rug-
geri, defending champ from Purdue,
a real battle in the finals.
Illini Have Veterans
Pete Lukas, 175 pounds; Kirk
Perry, 155 pounds; and Roland Ray-
burn, 145 pounds are the other veter-
ans who make the Champion aggre-
gation look good. The Illini also have
a sophomore star in Bob Hughes, 128-
pounder, who has yet to lose a match
this year.
The Hoosiers from Indiana should
not be ruled out as a possible con-
tender for the crown, and will enter
the meet as the darkhorse outfit.
dash here recently tied Charlie Horn-
bostel's 1933 mark which now stands
as a Big Ten record.
If Ufer doubles in the quarter and
half, he may not run in the mile re-
lay. This would endanger Michi-
gan's chances of defeating the pow-
erful Ohio State quartet.
Ufer Has a Job
A glance at the time in which the
three events involving Ufer are run
indicates that the bespectacled "bul-
let" has a job on hi.s hands. The
440-yard finals are slated for 8:45
p.m. The half-mile comes at 9:20
and the mile relay at 9:40. Whether
or not Ufer can win a quarter; come
back 35 minutes later and take the
half-mile; and then anchor the mile
relay team 20 minutes afterwards is
a "question."
Even with Matthews out of the
880-yard run Michigan still has an-
other runner, John Roxborough, who
has turned in better clocking than
any other half-miler in the Confer-
ence. His time of 1:55.1 is endan-
gered only by the 1:57.1 clocking of
Minnesota's Pohland and the 1:57.4
of Illinois' Kelley.
Hockey Mite's
Fight Makes Up
For Smallness
The smallest man on the squad,
the gamest player on the squad, is
the way to describe Jack Athens, the
center of the second line on Michi-
gan's hockey team. I
Thehsextet'sacaptain and goalie,
Hank Loud said of the'mighty mite's
play in the disastrous Illinois series
last week, "Athens' guts alone ought
to place him on any All-Conference
team. He was sensational in both
Athens is the player on the Wol-
verine puck team'that never gives up
hope, and keeps trying to the very
end, no matter what thetscore is.
His First Season
This is his first season under
Coach Eddie Lowrey and already he
is the favorite of all the fans. His
spirit is ever present. He never slows
up when sending his small body into
a man twice his size, and often his
enough force behind his check to
knock the man off his feet.
It was Amo Bessone's hard check-
ing of Johnny that set off the fire-
works that started last week in
Champaign and will reach a climax
here tomorrow and Saturday.'
City Fathers
Defeat New
Sidewalk Bill
Ann Arbor's kind-hearted Common
Council drew the strong ire of Mayor
Leigh J. Young Monday night by
voting down an amendment to put
teeth into their recently invoked side-
walk cleaning ordinance.
They squelched the amendment by
a 7 to 4 vote after Alderman Cecil
Creal opposed a provision to arrest
delinquents in shoveling snow be-
cause "it wouldn't be fair to old wo-
men who could neither clear their
walks nor hire anyone to do the
Mayor Young rebuked the lawmak-
ers, and said "apparently the council I
doesn't want the ordinance enforced
and the walks kept free of ice and
The ordinance came up for discus-
sion after a row of fraternities and
sororities on Washtenaw Avenue
were hailed into court for failure to
shovel their walks, then let go scot-,
free when officials discovered the
ruling was too hazily worded to be
Favreau To
Lecture Today
"La Jeunesse d'Alphonse Daudet,
"The Youth of Alphonse Daudet,"
will be the topic for the lecture by
Alphonse Favreau of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages at 4:15
p.m. today in Room D, Alumni Me-
morial Hall.
Dr. Favreau, who has done exten-
sive research work on the life of
Daudet, will discuss the influence of
poverty and education on the works
of the French author. Daudet, often
called the "French Dickens," was ed-
ucated in southern France, Lyon,
and Paris.-4
A number of anecdotes from the
life of the writer will be included in
this sixth lecture in the French ser-
Sciola IShi)s
In Engineering
Are Offered
Eligible Students May
Compete for Ginniel,
Boyer, Donovan Funds
Application blanks for any of the
five scholarships announced for engi-
neering students may be obtained
from the office of the Assistant Dean,
359 West Engineering Building, and
are due at noon April 3.
To be eligible for any of the schol-
arships students must be wholly or
partially self-supporting and must
be American citizens.
The Gimmes and Boyer Scholar-
ships, each of which offers $100, re-
quire the completion of at least 15
units of work at the University with
a minimum academic 3. average.
The Mandelbaum, Donovan and
Hunt scholarships, offering more
than $400 each to be paid in two
installments, require at least 45 hours
of work completed with a 2.5 average,
and at least one year at the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
The maximum total amount which
may be awarded to any one student'
from the latter three scholarship
funds in two successive years is $600.
Recipients of the scholarships will
be announced on or after May 1.
RAF Conducts
Huge Raid On
German Capital
(Continued from Page 1)
wigsdom Cathedral, one of Berlin's
most noted churches, was destroyed.
"Berlin never saw an attack like
this one," the dispatch said.
The night attack was the sixth in
a row in the non-stop aerial offensive
concentrated on German holdings in
preliminaries to an officially prom-
ised Allied invasion of Europe.
Around 900 tons of bombs were
cascaded on Berlin, including two
and four-ton blockbusters-twice the
weight of bombs dropped by the Ger-
mans on London in any single night
of the 1940-41 raids.
Keeping up the 'round-the-clock
offensive, RAF planes attacked tar-
gets in Northern France and Belgium
today and one squadron damaged 16
freight locomotives, canal barges,
lock gates and railroad bridges.
Future pilots for the American
Naval air force are being trained in
ever-increasing numbers on this
campus under the War Training
Service program, recently revised by
the Navy Department.
F. R. Steinbach, Coordinator and
administrative leader of the pro-
gram at Michigan, said yesterday
that "more than 80 trainees are now
,tationed here receiving their basic
flying and ground instructions."
.Formerly operating under the title
of the Civilian Pilot Training pro-
gram, the new curriculum was adopt-
ed last December when the Navy de-
cided to put all its potential pilots
on active duty. The men now receive
regular Navy pay and live under mili-
tary restrictions. Their green uni
forms will be replaced in the near fu
ture by the standard blue Navy garb
Michigan was among the first five
schools selected by the Navy in the
spring of 1939 to teach this War
Training program. "Since its exist
ence here 465 men have graduate
under it and gone to pre-fligh
schools," according to Mr. Stein
In addition to this program fo
men on active service, the Navy ha
been offering for the past year sid
courses to those V-1 and V-5 Uni
Navy Trains 80 Future Pilots
Here Under Revised Program
versity students who are still on in-
active duty. These students volun-
tarily attend Saturday night classes
and study important fundamentals
of ground crew work.
However, this extra-curricular pro-
gram will be abolished April 1 when
the last 20 men under it will finish
their courses. It is being stopped
since all available facilities will be
needed for the great influx of train-
ees which is expected later this
e Miss Lois Fischthal, chief secretary
- of the War Training Program, em-
phasized that the remodeled curricu-
- I lum consists of two separate groups
sof studies. An elementary course is'
e available for those students who have
- had no previous air training what-
- soever, while a secondary course is
- offered to the men who had some
. experience in flying before startingw
e their training. Both programs con-
e tinue from eight to ten weeks, de-
r pending on weather conditions suit-
- able for flying.
d Students in either group receive
t from 35-40 hours of flying experi-
- ence. After completing their courses
here they go to a pre-flight school
r for twelve weeks, from which they
s go immediately to regular bases
e where they get final instructions for
- combat service.
Mattmen Count on Church
For First in Big Ten Battle
From the ranks of the unusually
large crop of fine Michigan freestyle
sprinters has recently emerged a
sophomore who, on the basis of his
latest efforts, must reign as favorite
in the 50-yard dash this week-end
at the Big Ten swimming meet. His
name is Mert Church.
This big blond merman is no
Johnny-come-lately to the swimming
picture. While at Pontiac High,
Mert won the state championship
for the 100-yard freestyle and fin-
ished second in the 50 behind Ann
Arbor's Chuck Fries, who will be the
other Michigan entry in the Confer-
ence sprint.
Last year Mert was one of the best
members of the exceptionally talent-
ed freshman squad that is now the
single largest component of Coach
Matt Mann's latest championship-
bound aggregation.
Church has only lately really roun-
ded into title-winning form.
He won the short dash in the Mich-
igan AAU's with a time of 24.3 sec-
onds. Fries and Harry Holiday cap-
ably handled the duties in the first
meet with Ohio State, tying for first,
but Mert returned to the scene in the
Spartan contest when he won the
50-yard event in 24 seconds. He also
was a. winner at Iowa City, finishing
first in the 60-yard sprint.
It was in the last Wolverine-Buck-
eye engagement that Mert really
'found himself.' In this meet he
swam the distance in 23.4 seconds,
his best time and the fastest turned
in by anyone in the Big Ten this year.
Since then he has consistently.
looked good in practice, good enough
to show that his effort in Columbus
was no once-in-a-lifetime affair.
Thus it is that Matt is counting heav-
ily on the Pontiac soph to furnish a
first place in. the 50 toward Michi-
gan's total this week-end.
Also, Mert will probably be called
on to swim on the favored Wolverine
foursome in the 400-yard freestyle
Cagers Given
1943 Awards
Eight members of the 1942-43 Wol-
verine quintet which concluded the
Big Ten campaign here Monday
night with an upset victory over
Northwestern, were awarded their
Michigan letters.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's Varsity
cagers who received the block "M,"
were Captain Jim Mandler, '43, of
Chicago, Ill.; Mel Comin, '43, of Chi-
cago; Gerry Mullaney, '45, of Mil-
How about a CAREER on
As a student, you've doubtless asked yourself miany
times what you ought to do to help win this war. What can you
'study that will be of practical assistance?
The Retail Bureau at the University of Pittsburgh is offering
a new opportunity to college upperclassmen to be trained for a
successful career in retailing while gaining actual working expe-
rience at a steady weekly salary. You will receive regular under-
graduate credit for your work at the Bureau, you'll earn a
weekly income in a Pittsburgh department store, you'll be
making a definite contribution to civilian wartime morale-at
the same time piling up experience toward a career.
Pitt's Retail Bureau came into being during World War I
to help retailers replace executives and junior executives lost
to the armed forces and government services. In this war, we're
bringing 24 years of successful store service to the problem of
training new people. And we believe opportunities in retailing
have never been greater than they are right now.
Application blanks will be furnished on request.
A tryout meeting for the 'Ensian
editorial staff will be held tomor-
row at 4:30 p.m. in the Publica-
tions Building. Eligible freshmen
and sophomores are invited to
. .
';., >"'
w" :
" .
All Michigan basketball letter-
men will meet at Rentschler's
Studio, 319 E. Huron, at 12:15 to-
day to elect next year's captain,
and to have their pictures taken.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan
waukee, Wis.; Ralph Gibert, '44, of
Flint; Bob Wiese, '45, of Jamestown,
N.D.; Leo Doyle, '43, of Pequaming;
Don Lund, '45, of Detroit; and Fred
Gipson, '43, of Toledo, 0., senior
Secondary awards went to Merv
Pregulman, '44, of Lansing; Bill Mc-
Connachie, '44, of Upper Montclair,
N.J.; Walt Spreen, '45, of Highland
Park; Charlie Ketterer, '45, of De-
troit; and Harold Anderson, '45, of
New under-arm t,
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