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March 03, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-03

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No Expectc Change.



Democracy Ended
In Argentinaa










Army Stream lin edAs Heavy Offensive Is Seen


Roosevelt Orders Sweeping Alterations
Patterned After German Machine


Huge Fleet U.S. Forces Speed-Up In Preparation;
Will Take Initiative Against Axis

WASHINGTON, March 2-(A)-
President Roosevelt ordered a
sweeping streamlining of the entire
War Department today, giving the
Army Air Forces .full equality with
the combined ground arms.
After the German model, military
functions were grouped into three
basic units, the Army Ground For-
ces, Army Air Forces and the Serv-
ices of Supply, each with its own
commander under the Chief of
Involving a general revamping
of cumbersome peace-time machin-
ery set up two decades ago, the
President's Executive Order was
made effective March 9 for the
duration of the war and for six
months thereafter. It abolished
Berlin Claims
SoVietS Mass
T'itanie Army
'Unheard Of Forces' Are
Moving Up Behind Red
Lines For Heavy Action
Russians Advance
In Repeated Waves
BERN, Switzerland, March 2.-(P)
-The Russians are massing "almost
unheard of forces" all along the front
for what is believed to be a large-
scale attack, reports originating in
official Berlin quarters said tonight.
German planes were said to have
observed great columns of fresh So-
viet troops and, enormous supply
trains moving up behind the Red
Army's advance lines.
At, some points, Russian attacks
already were under way and these
were described by German military
spokesmen as "on a scale not reached
hitherto in the war."
The Berlin correspondent of the
Zurich newspaper Die Tat quoted re-
ports from advance sectors saying
Russian troops were attacking Ger-
man positions in 40 or 50 successive
waves, and that these soldiers showed
no hesitation, regardless of the cost.
He said the Soviet Siberian units
admittedly were demonstrating "al-
most unbelievable subbornness."
No More Doubt
"There can no longer be any
doubt," he wrote, "that the Soviets
are massing all their forces in men
and materil for a fantastic effort to
bring about a decision."
The Russians reported tonight they
were steadily frustrating air-borne
attempts to supply the German army
trapped in the Staraya Russa sector,
were enlarging their free zone around
Leningrad 140 miles to the north, and
were mounting a new attack on
Kharkov in the south.
The fact that the Germans are so
persistently attempting to supply the
encircled 16th Army at Staraya Rus-
sa by air was interpreted as an in-
dication that the 96,000 men there
were in increasingly desperate straits.
Free French Rule
On Pacific Islands
Given Recognition
LONDON, March 2. - (0P) - The

United States is cooperating in the
defense of strategic French islands
along the Pacific route to New Zea-
land and Australia and for this pur-
pose has accorded partial recognition
to the Free French regime which
controls them, it was announced to-

bureaus and commands of a half
dozen or more generals.
Secretary of War Stimson de-
scribed the move as a "striking
revitalization and sweeping reor-
ganization of the entire War De-
partment," to help win the war.
Existing staff procedure was "too
cumbersome," he said.
General George C. Marshall re-
mains as Chief of Staff and Lieut.-
Gen. H. H. Arnold as Chief of the
Air Forces. To command the newly-
formed Ground Forces, Lieut.-Gen.
Lesley J. McNair was shifted from
Chief of Staff of Army General
Headquarters. Maj.-Gen. Brehon
B. Somervell, now Assistant Chief
of Staff in Charge of Supply, was
given comand of the new Services
of Supply.
A "small, alert, compact, air-
(Continued on Page 6)
War Education
Should Insure
Peace Is Won
Lindeman Asks Four-Fold
Program For Promotion
Of American Ideals
The task of education in this war
is to insure that the peace is not lost,
Prof. Eduard- C. Lindeman, of the
New York School of Social Work,
Columbia University, declared yester-
day before an Ann Arbor High School
auditorium ieeture 'audience.
Speaking under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Teachers' Club, Professor
Lindeman called upon education to
undertake the four-fold program of
interpreting the ends and means of
the war, preserving American cul-
ture, determining the roots of Amer-
ican ideals and keeping people work-
ing on some of the "unfinished ob-
jectives of our democratic agenda,"
such as the extirpation of racial in-
tolerance and political intolerance.
The present war was described by
Lindeman as symptomatic of a revo-
lution which grew out of the failure
of our economic system to keep the
majority of the people living within
sight of poverty. "This revolution is
on behalf of the standard of living.
It will go on until we have broken the
vicious cycle which maintains pov-
He gave the audience a grim pic-
ture of the American people, who, he
declared, "are not yet in this war."
He scored complacency with the
warning: "We are in mortal danger.
We can lose in both ways; we can
lose the war and become enslaved, or
we can win the war and lose the
objectives for which it was fought."

Java Base
U.S., Dutch, British Forces
Counter-Attack Fiercely
Despite Critical Situation
Enemy Is Unable
To Add To Gains.
LONDON, Tuesday, March 3.-
(/P)-Dispatches from Batavia said
today that a huge new Japanese
invasion armada was bearing down
upon Java and was being met by
continuous relays of U. S. flying
fortresses and other Allied bomb-
The reports said that the orig-
inal Japanese invasion fleet con-
sisted of 140 ships of which 50
were able to land troops Saturday.
Thus the others which now are
returning are believed to consist of
from 70 to 80 ships, despite the
casualties already inflicted on the
enemy vessels.
Many Japanese warships were
said to be accompanying the new
stream of troop and supply ships.
BANDOENG, Java., March 2.-(P)
- Dutch, American and British
troops, in a great comradeshipof
arms, struck out together against the
Japanese invader tonight in strong,
widespread counter-attacks which a
guarded official summary declared
had "developed satisfactorily," criti-
cal though the situation remained.
There was no evidence shortly be-
fore midnight of any new Japanese
landing, or of the approach of new
invasion trains; the enemy, though
holding vital areas of this island, had
not in 48 hours been able to add an-
other to his three initial beachheads.
Vital Installations Destroyed
In Batavia, the island capital, vi-
tal installations were destroyed-but
only against distant possibilities.
An official bulletin at 10:30 p.m.
(noon EWT) thus summed up the
situation at the hour of supreme cri-
"From well-informed circles it ist
heard that action against the Japa-
nese invasion troops had developed
satisfactorily. Although in connec-
tion with the character of the opera-
tions no details can be published it
can be said that the enemy received
fair hits.
"Up to now, there is no informa-
tion received about fifth column ac-
tivities, while everywhere our troops
are going to meet the Japanese and
are enthusiastically welcomed." 1

i ,. -' I

WASHINGTON, March 2.-(A>)-
The Navy's top ,Admiral and the
Army's ranking General disclosed
today that the American armed
forces are working with all possible
speed to carry the war to the Axis
enemies in a grand offensive in
Asia, Africa and Europe.
Preliminary to the start of this
offensive, it was said, the Navy is
engaged in keeping open supply
lines to the major theatres, of op-
eration and at the same time har-
assing and weakening the enemy
wherever he may be found.
The Army, in cooperation with
the Navy, has been transporting
thousands of troops and vast quan-
tities of weapons and supplies to
war zones for the battles of tomor-
row, even while its initial troops are
in combat fight in the Netherlands
Indies and'the Philippines.
The overall picture of U. S. grand

strategy came from Admiral Ernest
J. King, Commander-in-Chief of
the fleet, and General George C.
Marshall, Army Chief of Staff.
To some extent, at least, their
separate statements seemed de-
signed to answer demands in Con-
gress and elsewhere that American
forces be concentrated in defense
of home shores and waters, where
numerous submarine attacks have
occurred and air attacks are
deemed likely.
General Marshall, in fact, warn-
ed against thus immobilizing strik-
ing power. "The time has now
come," he declared in a letter to
Senator Austin (Rep.-Vt.), "when
we must proceed with the business
of carrying the war to the enemy
and not permit the greater portion
of our armed forces and our valu-
able material to be immobilized
within the continental United

Given India Post
In Poliical Move
Japs Expected To Resume Offensives
'At Any Moment' Against Rangoon
After Being Halted At Sittang River
WASHINGTON, March 2.-(M)--The War and Navy Departments an-
nounced jointly tonight that Gen.hSir Archibald Wavell has been relieved
as United Nations Commander in the Netherlands East Indies, and that his
command has been taken over by the Dutch.
With the approval of King George, the announcement said, Wavell has
returned to his previous duties as Commander-in-Chief in India, which now
includes responsibility for operations in Burma and cooperation with China.
The text of the brief announcement said:
"1-After the loss of Malaya and the entry of the Japanese into Suma-
tra, which separated Burma from the Netherlands East Indies, it was agreed
that command of land, sea and air forces of the United Nations in the Neth-
erlands East Indies should pass to the Dutch, who are continuing to receive
all available assistance from the United Nations.
"2-With the approval of His Majesty the King, General Wavell is re-
suming his appointment as Commander-in-Chief, India, which now includes

Detroit Race Riot At Housing Project

This demonstrator (center) held his ground when police used tear
gas to dispel a Negro crowd that menaced white pickets of a million-
dollar defense housing project in Detroit intended for Negro occupancy.
Several were injured in the fighting, causing occupancy to be post-
poned indefinitely.
"Bomber-Scholarship'Plan Gets
Ruthven' s Stamp Of Approval
Proposal Of Campus Committee For Mobilization
Of University's Social Calendar Gains Favor

responsibility for operations in Bur-
ma, and close cooperation with
"3-There is no change in the
present arrangements for the general
coordination of strategic policy in
the war against Japan."
Dominion Status For India
The transfer of Wavell from ~the
United Nations Command in the
Southwest Pacific back to his form-
er postas Commander-in-Chief in
India may be the forerunner of a
British offer of dominion status to
India, well-informed London sources
said today.
This offer might be forthcoming
within the next three days, these in-
formants said, and therefore the
shift, announced simultaneously here,
and in Washington, was dictated by
political considerations.
With the Japanese beating close
to India's borders in Burma, it was
pointed out that the sprawling do-
main must be protected by a topflight
Wavell's job in India will be to take
what the British expect will be an
upsurge of national feeling on the
news of the offer of dominion status
and to weld it into a fighting army.
India Last Base
To many Britons India is the last
great operating base of empire and
Wavell is just the man to take over
the big task there.
Apparent to most observers in Lon-
don today was the fact that the Brit-
ish, outmanned but not outfought,
had only a slim chance of holding
Rangoon, the fire-blackened Burm-
ese capital.
Jap Push Against India,
Rangoon Expected Soon
LONDON, March 2.--()-Battered
in the air and held to the east bank
of the blood-tinged Sittang River on
the ground, the Japanese invaders of
Burma nevertheless are expected to
renew their westwardrattack toward
Rangoon and India at any moment,
military observers declared tonight.
Communiques from the British de-
fenders reported that two Japanese
patrols on the east bank of the Sit-
tang above Pegu had been ambushed
and killed or captured to the last
man and that the remainder of the
100-mile front was quiet. Pegu is a
rail junction 30 miles northeast of
Rangoon and a link in the now al-
most useless supply route to China.

House Grants
Giant Military
Ap propria 0tion
Passage Follows Earlier
Senate Action-,Biggest
Money Bill In History
WASHINGTON, March 2.--()-
Congress, spurred by word from the
Army high command that "the time
has now come when we must proceed
with the business of carrying the
war to the enemy," gave swift ap-
proval today to a $32,767,737,900 mil-
itary appropriation, largest in world
The big money bill was sent to
President Roosevelt when the House
unanimously, and without debate,
approved Senate amendments which
increased the over-all total.
Senate Passed Measure
The Senate had passed the mea-
sure unanimously a little earlier af-
ter hearing Senator Austin of Ver-
mont, the assistant Republican lead-
er, make a plea for national unity in
the course of which he read a letter
from- General George C. Marshall,
the Army Chief of Staff.
Declaring that the War Depart-
ment had been "deluged" with de-
mands for the employment of com-
bat troops to guard inland as well
as coastal communities and installa-
tions, Marshall said the Army could
not afford to -disperse its forces in
this way.
'Time Has Come'
"The time has now come," he deg
clared, "when we must proceed with
the business of carrying the war to
the enemy and not permitting the
greater portion of our arihed force
and our valuable material to be im-
mobilized within continental United
General Marshall said the enemy
undoubtedly was counting on public
reaction to submarine warfare close
to the American shores to restrain
the United States from engaging its
planes and ground troops offensively
in distant theatres.
There will be a meeting of the
Student Senate at 7:30 p.m. today
in the Union. Room number willI
be posted on the bulletin board.

About As Usual:
Purdue Outlasts Cagers, 52-41;
Spartan Mermen Beaten, 59-2 5

Michigan's basketball charges play-
ed their best game of the year last
night in Yost Field House, but just
couldn't match Purdue's sharp-shoot-
ing quintet and lost the season's
finale, 52-41.
But the real story of the game
doesn't lie in the score because the
Wolverines, playing inspired ball, out-
shot and outplayed the Boilermaker
quintet for three quarters of the con-
test, only to have thekinvaders put
on a sensational attack in the final
13 minutes and pull the game out of
the fire.
The Wolverine spark was ignited
by diminutive Don Holman, playing
his last game for the Maize and Blue,
when he sank two one-hand push
shots to put Michigan in the lead
6-2 before the game was only two
minutes old. The Detroit senior kept
popping in his one handers all dur-
ing the first half and helped push
the Michigan team to a 28-22 lead
at half time.

(special to The Daily)
EAST LANSING, March 2.-Ad-
miral Matt Mann, digging deeper and
deeper into his watery bag of tricks,
came up with some new combinations
as his titleholding Michigan swim-
ming team powered its way to its
most lopsided win of the season, de-
feating a hapless Michigan State
crew by a score of 59-25 here tonight.
The wily Wolverine mentor switch-
ed his lineup in the opening 300 yard
medley relay, and continued to enter
surprises in almost every ensuing
race as the Wolverines captured all
but one first place and broke two
dual meet marks.
Mann used Capt. Dobby Burton as
anchor man on the medley relay
team in place of Gus Sharemet, put
Gus in the 50 yard freestyle in place
of Burton and shoved senior Art Dob-
son in as the Great Gusto's running
mate. Then, to further confuse the
500-odd spectators, the Maize and


The "bomber - scholarship" plan,
launched last week by a representa-
tive campus committee, gained fur-
ther momentum yesterday when
President Alexander Ruthven gave
it his stamp of approval.
"If any funds can be raised for the
purpose," Dr. Ruthven declared in
discussing the proposal for aid to
student World War II veterans, "they
certainly can be used effectively after
the war."
Under the chairmanship of Art
Rude, '42, leader of Lincoln Coop-
erative's "bomber-scholarship" party
held Feb. 20, the committee proposes
social mobilization of the University.
Contributions aimed at a $100,000
goal from campus parties would be
turned over to the government in re-
turn for defense bonds.
The contributions' immediate use
will be the placing of a U. S. Army
bomber over Axis forces. After the
war, revenue from the defense bonds
will be turned into scholarships for
qualified student servicement desir-
ing to continue their studies.
Adding his own O.K. to official
University approval of the plan, Dean
Joseph A. Bursely told The Daily yes-
terday that "the idea is excellent."
It gives the government the use of
the money now," Dean Bursely point-
Frosh Frolic.. .
Frosh Frolic tickets will con-

ed out, "and it gives returning stu-
dents use of the money later on. I
hope it gets the whole-hearted sup-
port of both organizations and indi-
viduals on campus."
Precedent for the plan was found
by Assistant Dean Walter B. Rea in
(Continued on Page 6)
Air Cadet Rally
Set ForToday
Draft Deferment Granted
Wolverine Squadron
With the announcement yesterday
that no "Wolverine Squadron" mem-
ber would be eligible for the draft or
forced to leave school before the end
of this semester, the Washtenaw
County Air Force Sponsors Associa-
tion will hold an open rally today in
the Union's Room 302.
Featured speakers on the program,
open to any and all interested in
joining the nation's air forces, will
be Major Floyd Showalter-president
of the Army traveling cadet examin-
ing board-and the board's public re-
lations officer, Lieut. George Comte.
According to W. M. Strickland,
chairman of the sponsors association,
Washtenaw County enlistments have
fallen short of its quota of 13 pilots

Pianist To Give Concert Today;
Mozart's 'Impresario' To Open

Vitya Vronsky and Victor Babin,
the brilliant piano team, will present
their two piano interpretations of
musical compositions in a Choral
Union concert at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
The two young pianists, who have
successfully combined marriage and
career, will be playing in their first
concert in Ann Arbor.
Not only do their musicianship and
technical skill inspire enthusiasm in
listeners, but their artistry in enlarg-
ing or reducing the tonal frame of

"One night of song" under the com-
bined auspices of Play Production of
the Department of Speech and the
School of Music will be presented at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow through Satur-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
"The "Impresario" by Johann Wolf-
gang Mozart will open the evening.
The four soloists will be Robert Hol-
land, '44L, the Impresario (suppos-
edly Mozart himself); Donald Plott,
'44SM, Buffo; Marjorie Gould, '44SM,
Mrs. Heartfelt, and Roberta Murno

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