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June 02, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 150) • Page Image 16

…GE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Cagers Only Sport To Fail in Quest of Big Ten Cr By BILL MULLENDOIIE 1943-44 was just another year as far as Michigan basketball was con- cerned as Coach…

… was estab- lished as one of the Big Ten favorites in pre-season dope. However, the Wolverines got off to a bad start and by the time they straightened out, any chance for a championship was lost. The…

…, 46-44. With a perfect record of three wins in as many outings, the Wolverines went confidently into a two-game series with a powerful Western Michigan quintet and were humbled in both tilts, 48-38 and…

… played his first game as regular center in this tilt and brought much acclaim .for his aggressive backboard tactics. The following night the Wolverines played host to Illinois, Conference champs of the…

… worked for a lost cause. The next week-end, the Wolverines entrained for Purdue and another two-game duel. The first contest went into overtime before the Boiler- makers eked out a 46-44 triumph. Strack…

… 27 points .as the Buckeyes won the first 53-49, and was effectively stopped in the second which Ohio State took 51-37. Wolverines Win Two from Indiana Against Indiana the following week-end, the Maize…

… the second. The hapless Chicago Maroons were the Michigan victims in the next game as the Wolverines poured on a 71-34 drubbing. Oosterbaan's charges closed the season with a surprise 50-45 upset of…

… tally the first points fory Purdue. Chip Warrick then registered three more points to the Wolverine total as he decisioned Bob Armstrong. However, the Boilermakers had a lot at stake in this meet and they…

June 02, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 150) • Page Image 18

… overtake Jens- wold's commanding lead: Marcellus Is Runner-Up Phil Marcellus, Wolverine captain all year and only civilian player, was runner-up for individual honors as he carded a 155, including a 79 on…

… round, carding an 84, but came back to knock nine strokes off his morning score. Paul O'Hara was the fifth Wolverine player and shot a 79 and 81 for 160, but although his score was lower than several…

… workouts that the Wolverines ob- tained the fine coordination they displayed at the conference meet. The Wolverines opened the season with an overwhelming 18-0 victory over the University of Detroit Titans…

…-6 setback. Broncos Swamped For the second week in a row the Wolverines were on the road and following a 25-2 victory over West- ern Michigan traveled to South Bend and received their second and last defeat of…

… Conference tennis race, that in a few words sums up the success of the' Wolverine netters for the past sea- son under the guidance of Coach Le- roy Weir. The Maize and Blue concluded the recent campaign with a…

…- tle for the championship settled itself into a two-way fight between Michi- gan and Ohio State. Michigan Wins Four Titles Individual Wolverine champion- ships were racked up in three singles flights…

June 13, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

… Fisher Calls '44 Team 'One of Best'; Wiese Ups Batting Mark, Passes Blanchard The two games with Purdue Sat- *urday, which clinched the Western Conference baseball title for the Wolverine . nine, were…

… apart at any time in the eighteen inning span of play, and in the second game, the Wolverines went into the last of the ninth with the score tied at two up. Even in this frame, not a single hit was…

…-sacker Elmer Swanson to come all the way home from second. Bowmnan Hit Freely In the first contest, which clinched the title for the Wolverines, the home nine had a much easier time of it, managing to collect…

Wolverine hurler tightened up no- ticeably in the later innings. On the other hand, hurler Elroy Hirsch pitched one of his best games of the season in the second contest. The closeness of the score was due…

… features and per- sonality. THE DASCOLA BARBERS Liberty off State in six times at the plate for a day's average of .667, to pull into the Wolverine batting lead for the sea- son. Wiese, whose hitting was…

June 15, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

… Conference championship safely dissolved, the Wolverine nine tomorrow travels to Kalamazoo to try and bring its season's record to 17 wins, two defeats and a lone tie as it tackles Western Michigan in two…

… games tomorrow and Saturday. The record of this year's diamond club is much better than average as far as Big Ten Wolverine baseball champions go. Of the eight other teams which have won the title in the…

… in 1940, they won only 10 out of 22 tilts. To Use Reserve Hurlers Meanwhile, the Wolverines are gunning for two big wins Friday and Saturday which will bring the score in the victory column to 17. In…

… throw relief pitch- ers Al Willers and Jack Hackstadt against theeBroncos. The Wolverine infield has been considerably juggled in the past week. Catcher Bob Stevenson and third-baseman Mike Farnyk will…

… last season, will be behind the plate for the Wolverines, and Fisher will move Hirsch down to the initial base. If Hirsch should be required to pitch, centerfielder Don Lund or left-fielder Bob Wiese…

…, Bliss (Bo) Bowman, Dick Schmidtke, Jock Hackstadt and Denn;7 Manko. Hirsch and Bowman were the mainstays of the Wolverine staff while the others saw service in spots. Of the other three, only Manko…

…- son, Charlie Ketterer, Bruce Blan- chard, Mike Farnyk, Walter Kell and Keith Phelps. Two Minor Awards Given The first four named constitute the regular Wolverine infield while Kell and Phelps saw…

June 11, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…SUNDA Y, JUNE 11, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Nine Clinches Big Ten Title with Double Wolverines Turn Back Boilermakers, 4-2, 3-2 WHAT A RECORD HE'S GOT! Leroy Weir Is Title-Holdiug Coach of Champ…

… title, Michigan hung together 12 hits in the opener to score four runs, one more than was necessary for victory., The Wolverines jumped on Boiler- maker hurler Ed Timms for two markers in the first frame…

… championship in the last 23 years and the eighth for Wolverine squads during the 1943-44 athletic campaign. NOTICE There will be a Sphinx meeting at 1:30 p.m. today in the Michigan Union, President George…

… time his teams have chalked up of his career by whipping George two conference titles. In 1942 the Jennings in a torrid five-set match. Wolverines lost their crown to North- Incidentally, Weir never saw…

June 01, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

… confidence to his fellow golfers. The Wolverines opened the golf season against the University of De- troit and when the scores were turned in at the end of the match, Messin- ger's card showed a 79, which was…

… Tournaments, and he again captured honors in the Portage Lake Golf Club Championship. During this past golf season, Messinger continued playing top golf, and last Saturday he helped the Wolverine linksters cop…

…, Bowman as Starters Michigan's baseball team will be seeking win number thirteen Friday when it once more tangles with Notre Dame in the first of a two-game series at South Bend. The Wolverines hope to…

… the ninth. Irish Again Improve The Irish hit the skids after the Wolverines administered their first losses of the season, but have picked up in their last few outings. Last Saturday, the Notre Dame…

… squad whipped Western Michigan, a team which the Wolverines took with 9-0, 2-1 scores. Tuesday, the Irish lost to the Bun- ker Hill Naval Base, a service nine which boasts several ex-big leaguers in its…

…. Kline's Lineup Changes The Notre Dame lineup will be very different from the one which the Wolverines encountered earlier in the season. Approximately five of the original nine players remain on the Irish…

… MeetSaturday. the Wolverine14:19, and Jerry Thompson. formerly, thinclads will not be gunning for any of Texas University and now at more titles this year, but will enter Great Lakes, who was National…

June 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

… last winter. He played a steady game of golf from the open- ing match with U. of D. right through to the Big Ten tournament when he! aided the victorious Wolverines with a 159. Tews completes the…

… foursome that played most of the golf this year. Throughout the season he was one of the Wolverines top-notch golfers and shot a 156 to bolster Michigan at the Big Ten meet. Noble Joins Armed Services Duncan…

… quite made the top Wolverine four- some. Secondary awards were presented to Ken Berke, Milwaukee, Wis., Don Larson, Flint, Mich., Ken Morey, Western Springs, Ill., Bill Telfer, Port Huron, Mich., and…

… two Purdue tilts saw several Wolverines raise their batting aver- ages and also saw a three-point boost in the team average, although Bruce Blanchard fell from the ranks of the elite .400 group for the…

… averages show three Wolverines, Don Lund, Bob Nussbaumer and Wiese, with perfect percentages. In inter- preting these figures it must be con- sidered that infielders accept more and harder chances than…

… outfielders, and that some spots in the infield are harder to play than others. The team average of .951 shows the airtight support given the Wolverine hurlers, which made many of their, victories possible…

June 04, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 152) • Page Image 7

…, 25 seconds. stranded while fashioning * * victory. The defeat was c Wolverines Place ii A A u Orrell, his first major leag. He won his first game it William Watson, former Wolverine, assignment three…

… appearance is mile. uniform, stopped the Sox George Vetter of the Wolverines two frames. Bob Johnson's won thirds in the mile and half-mile, infield out and Cronin's fly as Gene Moody, Max Kelley and Dick a…

… Notre Dame to- etback day by letting the Irish down with eight well scattered hits and register- -The De- ing a 6 to 4 triumph. e on their The Wolverines, 10 to 1 losers to today and Notre Dame yesterday…

…, bunching its blows for double tallies in both the sixth and eighth innings. The victory gave Michigan a 3 to 1 advantage in the season's series. It was Michigan's third defeat of the season, the Wolverines

June 10, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

Wolverines Eighth Big Ten Title of Year Bowman, Hirsch To Be Starting Pitchers; Iimm, Kennedy 'o Hurl for Boilermakers By BILL MULLENDORE Michigan's eighth Western Conference championship of the 1943…

…-44 athletic season will hang in the balance this afternoon when Coach Ray Fisher's baseball team takes the field in a doubleheader with Purdue at 1:30 p. m. on Ferry Field. The Wolverines must gain at least a…

…- onds from the previous mark, and at the same time they were cred- ited with running the fastest mile ever run outdoors by a Wolverine thinclad. Though there will not be as many teams competing in the…

June 04, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

Wolverines last week-end. Michigan teams captured their fifth and sixth Big Ten titles as well as mov- ing part way toward two more . . . At Champaign, the thincads used their strong team balance to de- feat…

… Lund and one by Elmer Swanson. Michigan ends its Conference season June 9 and 10 at home against Purdue. The Wolverines now lead idle Minnesota by a game and a half. *' * * THE BOARD OF RE- GENTS last…

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