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June 04, 1944 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-04

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Michiga r




Dame, 6-4; Hume


Win Mile

Illinois Captures ,Team
Scores Victories in Thre

Kelley Wins
440 -Yard Run;
Loses in 880

GREAT LAKES, Ill., June 3.-(/P)-
Freshman Claude "Buddy" Young
won three events and ran a lap on
the victorious mile relay team today
to escort Illinois to its second succes-
sive championship of the Central Col-
legiate Conference track and field
Illinois, runner-up in the Western
Conference games last week, bagged
six firsts and shared another to ac-
cumulate 5'7 2 pints--the most since
Notre Dame won the 3-C crown with
09 in 1930.
Great Lakes finished second with
46 'oints, followed by Notre Dame
with 25, Purdue 14; Marquette 131/2;
Lawrence College, 11; Michigan 9,
Minnesota 6, Illinois Tech 3, Indiana

2, and Chicago, Central Michigan and
St. Thomas College with one apiece
Young Gets Nicholson Award
Young, a stubby, 18-year-old pre-
medical student, was presented with
the John P. Nicholson cup--a memor -
ial for the late Notre Dame track
2oach--as the outstanding athlete in
the meet. He streaked through the
100-yard dash in 9.8, the 220 in 21.3.
broadjumped 22 feet 10'2 inches, and
kept the Illinois defending mile relay
champions in front in a blazing third
lap run that helped his team finish
ahead of Great Lakes with a fine
3.23.3 clocking.
The meet, staged on the naval
training center's new track before
7,000 recruits, failed to produce any
new records, but Young's 21.3 in the
220 was only one-tenth of a second
of the mark set by Marquette's Ralph
Metcalf in 1933.
Michigan, Big Ten team champion,
was represented by the "dead heatj
kids," twins Bob and Ross Hume. For

Your Father
Be Disappointedl
FATHER'S DAY is not very far off. Make sure
that you get your father a GR EETING CARD early
so that his day will be a completely happy one.
We have a large selection of cards on display for
your selection. Come in NOW while our selection
is still complete.
723 North University 221 South Fourth

Title; Young~ Tiger Winn
~e Events Streak snaj
the eighth time this season they fin-B
ished in a tie in the mile race, turning
in their best time of 4:14.6. Their Detroit Outlhits I
previous lows were 4:16.4 outdoors F
and 4:14.9 indoors. e Suiters
Kelley Upset Major League S
TIob Kelley, Illinois captain, suc-j
cessfully defended his 440-yard title DETROIT. June 3.--()
in- 48.9, but Bill Beile of Purdue beat troit Tigers took a gambl
him by ten yards to win the 880 in second string pitching t
1:57.3 in the meet's biggest upset. failed as the Boston Red
Nelson Klaus of Purdue, Big Ten an 11 to 1 victory to em
weight champion, won the shotputay
with a push of 47 feet 9%4 inches, but seven game winning streak
Joe Kelley of Notre Dame out-tossed Fresh out of regula
him in the discus by nearly two feet, Manager Steve O'Neill s
winning with 137 feet 6 inches. J. Orrell and three success
Other Champions: pole vault--Phil }the Red Sox, who gathered
Anderson, Notre Dame, and Bob atook d, aterod
Phelps, Illinois, tied at 12 feet 4 inch- and took advantage of t
es; highjump-Ken Weisner, Mar- The big hero in the Boston
quette, 6 feet 2%V2 inches; 120-yard rookie third baseman Jam
high hurdles-Dave Nichols, Illinois, who drove in six runs, fou
15.4; two-mile- Jerry Thompson: with a grand slam homer
(1943 NCAA titlist from' the Univer- (Chief) Hogsett in the nin
sity of Texas), Great Lakes, 9:31.9; Meanwhile, the Tigers g
220-yard low hurdles-Sam Lankford, off rangy Tex Hughson, w
Great Lakes, 25 seconds. stranded while fashioning
* * victory. The defeat was c
Wolverines Place ii A A u Orrell, his first major leag.
He won his first game it
William Watson, former Wolverine, assignment three days ago.
paced the Detroit Police track team Topping off his big da
to victory in the 21st annual Michi- knocked in what proved
gan A.A.U. outdoor meet at Michigan winning run in the secon
Normal College Field, as he won the The Tigers seized a one-ru
shotput and discus throws and placed the first on Eddie Mayo's d
in three other events, as his squad Rudy York's single, and ti
scored an avalanche of 191 points to Detroit scoring.
dethrone Michigan State. Manager Joe Cronin, wh
Michigan men running unattached, himself in the lineup at f
made the jaunt to Ypsilanti and singled with one out to opej
scored heavily in the events, winning rally in the second. York b
five firsts and many runner-up posi- Wagner's bounder and wit]
tions as Jack Martin won the 320- Orrell walked Hughson, f
yard low hurdles, Jim Pierce and Dick bases. Bucher lined a sing
Forrestal finished one-two in the ter, scoring two runs, and
440-yard dash, Dick Barnard won the Pete Fox singled to center,
half-mile, Charlie Birdsall captured ' third run.
the two-mile and a foursome of Mel Orrell retired for a pinch
Detwhiler, Barnard, .Pierce and For- the second, and Jake Moot:
restal came through for a win in the his first home appearance is
mile. uniform, stopped the Sox
George Vetter of the Wolverines two frames. Bob Johnson's
won thirds in the mile and half-mile, infield out and Cronin's fly
as Gene Moody, Max Kelley and Dick a run off Mooty in the fifth
Bentz finished two, three and four cessive doubles by Fox an
respectively in the pole vault to Metkovich, each scoring aru
round out the Maize and Blue per- Mooty in the sixth.
formances for the day. Mooy m he sxth.

3 OU TH END.Ind., June 3.-UPr)-
BElroy (Crazy Legs) Hirsch, Michi-
, oin;gan's man of many monograms,'
irst pitched his second victory of the
baseball season over Notre Dame to-
etback day by letting the Irish down with
eight well scattered hits and register-
-The De- ing a 6 to 4 triumph.
e on their The Wolverines, 10 to 1 losers to
today and Notre Dame yesterday, were out in
x front on Bruce Blanchard's first inn-
3ox scored.ing home run today and were never
d Detroit's headed although the Irish tied it in
k. the fifth.

Michigan tagged Jack Barrett fog
11 hits, bunching its blows for double
tallies in both the sixth and eighth
innings. The victory gave Michigan
a 3 to 1 advantage in the season's
It was Michigan's third defeat of
the season, the Wolverines havingI
won 12 games and tied one.
Michigan ...100 002 120--6 11 3
Notre Dame 000 010 201.-4 8 0
Hirsch and Stevenson; Barrett and

r starters,
ent rookie
ors against
eight hits
en passes.
attack was
es Bucher
.r of them
r off Elon
th inning.
ot 11 hits
ho left 14
his sixth
harged to
ue setback.
n a relief
y, Bucher
to be the
nd inning.
in lead in
double and
;hat ended
o inserted
first base,
'n Boston's
booted Hal
h two out
illing the
le to cen-
scoring a
hitter in
y, making
n a Tiger
the next
double, an
, and suc-
d George
in, chased


Navy I en Can Play Against Pros
WASHINGTON, June 3.-UP)-The Navy tea even when that team plays
Amateur Athletic Union of the Unit- against professionals.
ed States has relaxed its regulations It also provides that if professional
to permit amateur athletes in the competition is authorized for an ama-
Navy to compete against professionals teur by his Navy commanding officer,
and retain their Simon-pure standing for the benefit of his station or an
so long as they do not profit person- official fund or recognized charity,
ally, his amateur status shall not be im-
Announcing the agreement' with paired.
the AAU, the Navy said today it pro- -- --_----_-- .®.._____ __
vides that no amateur shall be penal-
ized for playing as a member of a '
999__ _____ I '"1' iiC 1' C-r" A r ' & A A! !

NEW YORK, June 3. --iIP)---Pen-
sive's bid for the American turf's
coveted triple crown failed today
when the Kentucky Derby and Preak-
ness winner bowed to the lightly re-
garded Bounding Home in the final
drive of the 76th Belmont stakes3 at
Belmont Park.
atBeating Warren Wright's chestnut
at his own game, Bounding Home,
from William Ziegler, Jr.'s barn, stuck
his nose in front of Pensive a quarter
of a mile from the finish line and
went on to score by a half length,
under the guidance of Gayle Smith ,
Missouri-born jockey, who learned
how to ride from his cowboy father.
Eight lengths back of Pensive came
Mrs. Donald H. Peter's Bull Dandy,
the outsider in the field of seven
three-year-olds that battled over the
mide and one-half. .Then came
George D. Wodener's strongly backed
combination of Who Goes There and
Platter by Free Lance and Boy
Knight. Platter, second to Pensive in
the Preakness, pulled up lame.

Hirsch Limits Irish To Bounding Home
Eight Scattered Hits Beats Pensive
' _,_-_------ in ell nt Ru

" r- r"nrrri _

Major League Standings

St. Louis.......28
New York......20
Boston .........21
Philadelphia ...16

L Pct.
13 .683
16 .568
18 .55Q
21 .48$
23 .477
22 .463
21 .432
25 .324

9 l
g S

T H Et D EPAR IRTEN T Uh FP CH presen ts
WEDNESDAY through Saturday, 8:30 P.M.
June 7, 8, 9 and 10
Tickets 96c - 72c - 48c (Inc. Fed. Tax)
Box Office Opens Tomorrow 10 A.M. Phone 6300
In Michigan League Building


Boston 5, Cincinnati 4.
Brooklyn 4, Chicago 0.
St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 3.
Pittsburgh 7, New York 6.
Cincinnati at Boston (2).
Pittsburgh at New York (2).
St. Louis at Philadelphia (.2).
Chicago at Brooklyn (2).

112 j

r - --,. -

gjijftf P/eaew'e

1 U

_ Boston .....030 012 005-11 8 1
; Detroit . . . . 100 000 000- 1 11 2
llughson & W'agner; Orren, Gillespie,
Hogsett & Richards
Tribe Spills IBornbers
In Extra-Inning Fracas
CLEVELAND, June 3.-(P)- The
Cleveland Indians won a 13 inning
game from the New York Yankees
when manager Lou Boudreau singled
with two out to score Kenny Keltner
with the winning run.
Homers by Roy Cullenbine, his
sixth and seventh of the season, and
another by Jeff Heath had accounted
for three of the Indians' four runs.
I Cullenbine's second homer camehin
the tenth, after the Yankees had
taken a one-run lead in their half of
the inning, when Johnny Lindell
doubled and scored on Mike Gar-1
bark's single.
Ed Kleiman, fourth Indian pitcher,
was credited with his second victory
in three days.-
George Stirnweiss paced the Yank-
ees at bat with three hits, includingY
two doubles.1
New York 011 001 000 100 0-4 15 1t
Cleveland 110 001 000 100 1-5 16 0
Bonham, Johnson, Turner, Zuber &
Garbark; Smith, Ileving, Kleine,"
I Klieman & Rosar
Browns Ieat *',* 88
To Widen Their Lead
ST. LOUIS, June 3.-(P)-Turning
on the power at a stockholders' day
game, the American League-leading
Browns smashed the Philadelphia
Athletics today, 18 to 8, and widened
their margin over the second-place .
New York Yankees.,
The Browns hammered out 17 hits,
including a home run by Markt
Christman with the bases loaded, an-t
other homer by Frank Mancuso, and"
eight doubles. The Athletics also
smacked out 17 hits but got lesst
mileage with only a triple and four
doubles in their collection.
Philadelphia 100 050 200- 8 17 3!
St. Lfuis . . . . 206 035 11x-18 17 1'
F lores, Hamlin, Scheib & Hayes,c
Mills; Potter, Hollingsworth & F.
* * *

St. Louis .......26
New York ...... 21
Detroit ........23
Washington . .. .20
Boston .........20
Philadelphia . ... 19
Chicago ........18
Boston 11, Detroit





New York 4, Cleveland 5.
Washington 3, Chicago 5.
Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 18.
Boston at Detroit (2).
New York at Cleveland (2).
Washington at Chicago (2).
Philadelphia at St. Louis (2).
Diekey Sworn in as
Lieutenant in Navy
MEMPHIS, June 3.- (')- Bill
Dickey, one of baseball's greatest
catchers, was sworn into the naval
reserve here today as a lieutenant.
Dickey, 36, said: "I'd like to return{
to baseball after the war."
With the Yankees since 1927, he
has been out of the game this year,
living in Little Rock with his wife and
ten-year-old daughter.


Golf side Riding Stables


Phone 2-3441

3250 East Huron River Drive

I. I- - -


.--- - - - - - Clip Here And Mail To A U.-M. Man In The Armed Forces---.--- .-.-.- .


li r irl i ttn ttii

L ,4


"The Daily"


SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 1944

xtr -currcl
ABOVE is a picture of the office you'll work in if you try out for any of the
several staffs of The Michigan Daily. Your work will count on your war
activities record; you'll have loads of fun and find it a fascinating job.
If you're the business type, then try out for the business staff. Develop
your ability ire salesmanship, business management, office work, or account-
irg; dind try your creative skill at advertising layout and design.
lf you like to write, and want to know what's "going on" on campus,
then try out for The Daily editorial, sports, or women's staffs.

HOPWOOD winners were
announced Friday after the
annual Hopwood lecture,
given by Louise Bogan, po-
etry critic of the New York-
er magazine. Top honors
in the major fiction con-
test went to Marianne Fin-
ton Meisel for her novel,
"The Lost Moorings." High-
est prize in the minor fic-
tion field went to Hilda
Jane Slautterback for
"Mexican Silver" and oth-
er stories. Charles A. Lea-
vay captured the major
drama contest with "Plays
with a Preface" arid Miriam
Mansfield Stimson won on.e
of the major essay awards
With "The Detroit Door-
whay of Desire." Inr the
minor essay field Ann Fa-
gan won an award for
"Life, Liberty and . ."
Edith Katz won the top
award in minor poetry for
her "Poems." Other win-
ners were Rene L. Kuhn,
Augusta Walker, William
John Kehoe and Florence
Maple Brown in the major
fiction field. Russel M. La
ihn- _Tr Ar+hmar nro

Poetry" Miss Bogan stated
that "poetry is a talent
that can't be forced," that
the Hopwood arrangement
brings together people in-
terested in professional lit-
erature and that she be-
lieves in "giving people
money recause it gives
them freedom."
was given in Ann Arbor
last week.' It was the Co.
D "Rumor Has It" and the
show seemed to please those
who saw it. Opening per-
formance was Thursday
night. For that and the
Friday night show all tick-
ets were sold out. Str~ictly
on the light side, the play-
ers joked their way through
the old triangle plot. Es-
pecially appealing to the
audience were some of the
names of the characters.
There were, for instance,
two witty soldiers named
Calkins and Fletcher; there
were three soldiers named
Mosher, Jordan and Stock-
well, respectively; there was
Qn onkrin rnnhn1Aina V_ V.-

was alleviated when it was
discovered that the natives
of Ping Pong Island had
substituted the professor's
language for their native
language. Besides, a criti-
cal war material was pro.
duced on the island, The
music for the show was
sparkling and good, espe-
cially a sharp beguine and
a smooth waltz, and the
singing was far more than
acceptable. All in all, spec-
tators said, the show was.
good, funny and American.
been arranged here. The
Women's War Council and
the Post-War Council have
announced.-that they w il
sponsoir meditation services
in the League Chapel the
day aster the invasion is
announced. These services
will be the first all-campus
devotions to .be held in the
League Chapel. They were
planned at the suggestion
of Governor Harry B. Kel-
ly, who asked that D-Day
be followed by state-wide

Cards Fight Uphill
To Defeat Phillies,


PHILADELP IIA, June 3.- ( P)-
The world champion St. Louis Card-
inals came from behind today after
trailing the Phillies 3 to 0 at the end
of the sixth to score three runs in the
seventh, one in the eighth and an-
other in the ninth to win the second
game of their four-game series 5 to 3
before 5,843 fans.
t Dnny TLitwhiler sinalard tn right

I .

Come up and let us show you the ropes.

The building is open from

9 A.M. until 2:30 A.M. You're always welcome.

CUTE HOBO-Margaret

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