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February 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 97) • Page Image 7

… points ahead, 88-82, when he tipped in his 36th point, but the Wolverines couldn't cinch it until Herner sank two free throws with just seven seconds showing on the Yost Field House clock. 'M' Moves Up…

… Winning their fourth of seven Big Ten games and 12th of 17 al- together, the Wolverines passed up the Hoosiers in the standings. It was, Indiana's third straight conference loss against three wins and left…

… the Hoosiers with 36 points. Also shown are Tom Cole (31) and Indiana's Tom Bolyard (45). TUNE-UP MEET: Wolverine Swimming Team Opposes Wisconsin on .Road By JIM BERGER After losing the first three…

… Big Ten dual meet victory without a defeat. The Wolverines now have a 5-1 over- all record. The Buckeyes, rated to be one of the weaker teams in the con- ference, began yesterday with three straight…

… season. Wayne Miller, Michigan's 157- pounder, won a 5-3 decision over the Buckeyes' Jay Haas, and Rick Bay easily defeated OSU's Norman Nominee, 8-1. Thus the Wolverines had an 11-9 lead, and the rout was…

… must be pinned for a minimum of two seconds. I Michigan is sweeping throug: its Conference competition. Th closest meet was against North western, which the Wolverine won, 18-10. Michigan's next mee…

…, as did back- stroker Tom Clothier. The Badger 400-yd. freestyle re- lay unit might also be capable of giving their Blue counterparts quite a race, finishing fourth com- pared to the Wolverines' third…

May 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 165) • Page Image 6

… 15,000 spectators. Spurr nphasized that a building of this ze should take care of all the pectators for 90 per cent of the Wolverine basketball games. There no intention of providing an rena like…

… Lansing. Three victories over the Spar- tans should go a long way towards putting the Wolverines back into the Big Ten race. Michigan is currently two games behind con- ference leader Ohio State. The…

… Buckeyes are at Minnesota today and travel to Iowa City for two games tomorrow. The Wolverines are 3-3 in the league while the Spartans are 2-3. With these three defeats already recorded Michigan will have…

… to catch fire soon to be a threat for the title. "Michigan State will be out to get us," says Benedict. "We've won the last seven games from them." Last season the Wolverines won a slugging battle 16…

… odds would seem to be against Michigan repeating the series sweep for the third straight year. But the Wolverines have now won five of their last six games' and at times have shown glimpses of the play…

… is a junior who played along with Wolverine first sacker Dave Campbell at Lansing Sexton High School where Dave's father, Bob Campbell, is the baseball coach. Over .300 Besides Sutton, all the other…

… quiet over the Wolverines easy victory at Purdue last Satur- day. The boys performed "reason- ably well," but Canham realizes that "reasonably well" will not be good enough to successfully de- fend their…

February 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

… KUKLA The Michigan hockey team could manage only a 5-5 tie against Minnesota last night, even though the Wolverines played their best game of the season. It was the second tie game be- tween the two teams…

…. The other was a 3-3 tie at Minnesota in January. The Wolverines had a 4-0 lead before 10 minutes of the first per- iod had passed Sophomore Gary Butler scored the "hat trick" by getting Michigan…

…. Webster (O) 92, 3. Lascari (M) 91, 4. Hynds (M) 87.5, 5. Schenq (O) 82.5. TUMBLING-1. Bolton (M) 90, 2. Henderson (M) 88, 3. Blackstone (0) 85, 4. Veon (O) 82. to Michigcn Frnternities Wolverine Track…

… ideas. Running a game race in which they stuck close to the front throughout the Wolverine baton men just didn't have it at the end and Dorr Cas- to, Dave Hayes, Ted Kelly and Charlie Aquino crossed the…

… other bright spot for the Wolverines was the university one-mile relay. Kent Bernard, running fourth, got the baton with eight yards to pick up on State's John Parker. He couldn't quite pull it off but he…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 10

…/2 point total, the Wolverines more than doubled runner-up Iowa's 83'/z. Minnesota came in third with 62, while Michigan State finished strong to pull into fourth with a 51. Michigan had an unprecedented…

… which Lascari was champ. Conversely, Lascari was runner-up in the all-around and longhorse, Larose's high spots. The other Wolverine first was garnered by Fred Sanders on the Trampoline, with Gary Erwin…

….5 yesterday wasn't good enough to top either Henderson or Larose. Wolverine Barry Spicer had a very respectable 88.5 for the meet, but the higher-than- average scores in the exercise rele- gated him to the…

…- ed the team as a whole for its domination of the tourney, which climaxed a 6-0 dual meet season for the Wolverines. I WIN AT WISCONSIN, 82-80: Wolverines End Successful Cage Season TOM COLU ... a…

… three, 41-38, but the Wolverines coming back to take a 46-45 edge at intermission on one of Doug Herner's five long jump shots. Hit .457 in Half At halftime, Michigan's leaders were Harris and Buntin with…

… full-court press with the screening help of Buntin and dribbled in a weave for 40 secondsbefore calling time out. When the teams returned to the floor, the visiting Wolverines went into a stall which…

March 10, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 121) • Page Image 11

…-yd. championship a week ago, matched the fastest 600 ever run indoors in Milwaukee. Win; By TOM ROWLAND Special To The Daily EVANSTON-Michigan crown- ed two new Wolverine title hold- ers and snatched…

… top spot for Coach Cliff Keen's crew after a two-year absence. The Wolverines finished second in both years, last season to Iowa, and the year before to Michigan State. New Champs New Michigan…

… conference champs, sophomore Rick Bay in the 157-lb. division and heavyman Jack Barden in the top weight class, pushed the Wolverine mar- gin of victory, but the Flue had the meet cinched even before a…

…- Wrestlers Q cape at the start of the second period put the Wolverine on top of a 3-0 lead going into the final three minutes. Little Tougher .Barden's title win came a little tougher. Up against the 1962…

…. Minnesota's Lonnie Rubis' late surge nosed out Wolverine sopho- more Lee Deitrick for the 147-lb. crown, 9-6. It was 5-4, Rubis, go- ing into the final- period when a Deitrick reversal put Michigan into a 6…

…- ond place in the Big Ten cham- pionships the Wolverines had to overcome the most spectacular twosome in one of the fastest con- ference meets on record. Michigan could pull only two seconds and two…

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