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March 07, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT mDA T MARCH- ', 193? Wolverines Lead Qualifiers in Big Ten Track Meet SEV EN WlERINIS EARN RIH T To RMUN IN FNALSTONCT Tolan, Russell, Campbell, Egles- ton and…

Wolverines placed one or more men in every event. Eddie Tolan, Michigan's best nml in the dashes, copped his favorite event, beating out Captain Blil Henke of Wisconsin, when the 3aC- ger man pulled a tendon…

…- iary gym, according to Coach Johnstone. The meet was origin - ally announced for last night. The Wolverine team including Friedman, Gordon, and Lovell, foils; Gordon, DeStefano, Bow- land, sabres; and…

… ...........Massy Michigan faces one of its most crucial tests of the season tonight when the Wolverines battie Indiana on the Bloomington court. The Maize and Blue hopes of landing in second place rest on the…

… Monday, the Wolverines will have to leap both Indiana andt Chicago to stay in the race and enter a three-way tie for second place. At half-time in the first meeting between Indiana and Michigan the…

… several entries in the1 field events to be held Saturday: up the Wolverine point total. H enke, th e B adger star, pulled t e t d n n h l g w i r n n- the tendon in his leg while irunning Coach flsher Sends…

… preliminaries, the Wolverines are cause of the prevalence of fraterni- confidence chiefly in Compton and counting upon Austin and the re- ty init-iations this week, Coach Ray Tompkins, although Presby, Mac- lay…

March 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

… final standings were Ohio State and Northwestern, who tied at 1 5/6 points apiece. Chicago brought up the rear with a single marker to its credit. Runs on Wolverine RELAY TEAMS EKO Mile Relay Quartet c…

…---~~~~ Several Wolverine Runners Take Places Against Leading Mid-West Trackmen. CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Mar. 14-Eddie Tolan, the sprinter with a tardy start but lightning finish, carried Ja the Maize and Blue 'in the van…

March 12, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

… LEAGUET TO GO TO RAYS Wolverine Track Squad Leaves for Champaign To rw;v Lineup Indefini . :A contingent of Michigan track * estars will leave Ann Arbor tomor- - row morning at 9:30 bound for Champaign…

…'to put in their bid for honor positions at the annual Uni- versity of Illinois Rey Carnival which will be held there Gaturday. Although the definite entries for the Wolverines have not been an- nounced as…

… t F 1 l tunity again. to try a shot all over What golfer wouldn't?" GYM TEAM ExDRILLS FR0 BIG TEN MEET Neither Coach Nor Team Ex.pect WOLVERINE SOUAD EXPECTEDTO JIN Wildcats Have Largest Number…

… mainly composed of sophomores and they recently suf- fered a crushing defeat at the hands ofthe powerful Wolverine aggregation under the tutelage of Coach Matt Mann. Michigan, with only 12 men en- tered…

… Half. IWho will carry the colors of the .ee u Wolverines into both the diving The Maize and Blue will put the iand 50-yard free style events in the final touches on their first season i Western…

March 17, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 118) • Page Image 6

…';,I WMICHIGAN D IL Y M TUESDTAY. M C4~I 7~I?.191 ..H...... . ....AT.. 'i..G3:i;.L V it d. 1 f 1x'7, aI 1 Wolverines to Meet Cornell rhinclads Saturday 1 Varsity Cinder Team Will Try to…

… crosses the finish line,? for he is good for a mark of 4:24 in his event. He can also run the half1 if not too hard pressed in the first1 event. Wolfe will be Martin's best Wolverine opponent in the eight…

…. I e By Cullon IKennedy. In two succesive nights of swim- l m 7g co -petition r eplete with its thrills, the Wolverine swimmers lifted the Big Ten tank title from theshoulders of the Pii !e swim- icrs…

…. Chief among the individual performers was that of JohnnyI Schmoi ter, Wolverine sopho- more flash, whose brilliant showing in the Conference meet . 's elevated him to a place among' the greatest…

Wolverine captain. This record was doomed to stand for only a brief space of time, for in the next heat, the Big Ten cham- pion backstrocker, Marsh, of Minnesota, cut it down another 1.2 seconds, making the…

… last place had been counted on. week-end Coach West was full of The Wolverines stood a good praise for his charges who he feels chance to take the meet from the are well deserving of the many Wildcats…

March 01, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

…. teRe TAI10S Dof 21-13. The Wolverine wrestlerso ,; Starting 'off at gained three falls, and two dime the very begin- decisions. Ncrth western gained one Mi ning of the con- fall, one decision, and took…

… Boilermakers Defeat Minnesota Wolves in place of Stoddard in the i tie by Wisconsin. The only minia- to Tie With Wolverines 175-pound class again threw his PIP ture player of the Wolverine quar- for Third…

…. This loss pushes Min- Wolverines, succumbed to the tac- good lecting 4 points nesota down nearer the Wolverines tics of Garrigan of Northwestern, mont apiece. Wickham, and the Boilermakers and gives the…

… also loD--sided. There will be but thrce athletic events on the card for the Wolverine teams and all of them come Saturday night, only one being held here in Ann Arbe':. Coach George Veenker will take…

March 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

… Michigan's outer garden, saw con- siderable service on the mound as a relief hurler, in which role he proved most effective. Even though the Wolverine star made a good appearance as a pitcher, Coach Fisher…

… to Date Points field post, although several other to First Place Laurels men with the squad may get the job. Fred Eichrodt, former Cleve- for Wolverines. land gardner, is one of those with - - ~- the…

Wolverines as a team to be feared in the Conference meet that will be held on March 13 and 14 in Chi- cago. Coach Keen's chances to turn out a team that would cut any ice in the final Conference competition…

… MICHICAN OUWNTET TAKE S SHORT HE ST Wolverines Will Meet Hoosier Squad Again Saturday at Bloomington. Michigan"* Varsity b a s k e t b a 11 team was given its reward for so decisively trouncing the Badgers…

… Indiana the Wolverine five let their oppo- nents down, 34-22, in a fast game. This week's encounter should prove to be about the same kind of an j affair with both teams stacking up much the same as before…

March 11, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 113) • Page Image 7

… and was the Wol- verine's high scorer, with 93 points. He was the keyman in Michigan's offense and his shooting was con-! sistently effective. He succeeded a great center in Bob Chapman, 1930 Wolverine

… leader, but shaped up well by comparision. He is a junior and will captain t h e Wolverines next year. Fesler, playing h i Tst season, Yeceivect six first team votes but was not mention- ed by the other…

… and Meyers, and Holm will help the in- be easil removed in the co ield problem. much practice. Gus Mancuso, Jimmy Wilson, and An addition to the siugg Gonzales will take care of the the Wolverine roster…

… may be rnrl Rnrt t teams makes it more than likely catching burden. Mancuso is ra-i oped in -astman, who has re that the Wolverines will be hard pidly improving since his debut in heavier this…

… give the fcan be counted upon to steady the! game full of hits anytime it Wolverine hopes a severe jolt if Cardinals' rookie fingers. erence to a pitchers' battle, their men come through in their best…

March 20, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

… Ar- bor, 29, Maple Rapids 16; Richmond 29, Saginaw Lutheran 9. At Owosso: South Lake, St. Clair Shores, 28, Comstock Park, Grand Rapids, 25. FOUR WOLVERINES A T LEFTHANDED Half of Batters on Michigan…

… offer a direct contrast to this ac-' ^epted fact. No less than four ,of the Wolverine .regulars, half of the team that will play day in and day' out for Michigan, will be portside batters. In yesterday…

… asked to call each matches with a picked Michigan other and arrange their matches. team in vain, as the Wolverines won INDOOR TENNIS the squash exhibitions 3 to 2 and Snell and Hirschman will meet the…

… finish- the first match 2-1. Then the Wol- ed by then. verines won 4 straight contests as edbythen. Walker defeated Winter 2-1, Bishop scored 2 to Ruhl's 1, Phelps won Wolverines to Enter from Rohrmosher 2…

… deferred until the later in the season, Earl Riskey an- Wolverines have returned from the nounced last night. nationals, although the selection of men made to take the trip Figures Show Hockey is a pretty…

March 10, 1931 (vol. 42, iss. 112) • Page Image 7

… easy 53 to 22 vic- tory. Raike Holds Edge. The Wolverine splashers are well versed in all departments. They have earned their victories by gain- ing points in all swimming events. They have held their…

… Title Meet to Enter strong Team. (Continued from Page 6) the Wolverine delegation next Sat- urday also. T u r n e r deserves considerable praise for the way he stuck to Dale Letts, the Chicago half…

… good chances. In the 155- pound bout either Parker or Wilson will be called upon to carry on the colors of the Wolverines. -Either Reif or Dougovito, prob- ably the latter, will take over the duties of…

…'s initial gym season has been a great success, even though the scoring column shows no wins. Considering the teams that the Wolverines have encountered this year, Illinois appears to have the strongest squad…

March 17, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 118) • Page Image 7

…- letic career. The showing of the Wolverines in the Big Ten meet was something of a surprise to followers of the sport, inasmuch as the dope sheet gave them an excellent chance to finish one, two. The men…

… placings of a first and fourth in the 75 yard dash, a third in the mile relay, a second in the two mile classic and a third in the shuttle, placed the Wolverines on a par with most of the other outstanding…

March 13, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 115) • Page Image 7

Wolverines have determined holdout, and as Mc- several sprinters, including Fenske, Graw does not have a great deal Meigs, Marcus, Smith, and Klint- of patiensen with players of that worth who should give the…

… sea- should be of tremendous aid to th the court this year. son. - younger men. Daniels Leads Wolverine Cagers in Scorin L a s s F i E ForRATeams I With 152 Points to His Credit, Weiss econd Qualify…

… the heavier weights are the Others 2 for $1.65 r outstanding entries other than the LOST between Ann Arbor Saving a Wolverines and will be the men Bank and State Street, lady d that will give the…

March 08, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

… champion as that is awarded on a basis of dual meet competition. University Open U Ar Course Will Not Be Jntil Officials Make anouncement. I Eddie Tolan, Veteran Wolverine sprinter and former holder of…

… session with North- western here last night to end the season with a smashing 12 to 5 vic- tory. The Wolverines opened the meet by winning eight of the nine events with the foils. In the epee and sabre…

…'s last Maize and Blue quintet will finish the race in a tie for second place. The Wolverines are heavy favor- ites to win the game tomorrow, as the Maroons are far down in the rankings, and with Minnesota…

…, both teams playing a stellar brand of basketball. In- diana controlled the ball most of the encounter through its tipoff plays. The Wolverines took advantage of all breaks and played with cool and deadly…

March 19, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 120) • Page Image 7

… trip to the Wolverine lair,' Heavyweight contender, who will for the Red and White team is swing into the fistic wars again counting on a repitition of its over- soon when he tackles Tuffy Grif- whelming…

… that the 10 best results taken as the should not affect the Wolverine team total. Delta Sigma Phi placed chances of victory to any great ex- behind the winners with 178, fol- tent for Glading, De…

March 14, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

… Help Wolverines MEET HA9NGS IIR E 1 Incomplete Reports of Other Schools Prohibit Final Point Computation. Michigan's freshman track team competed in a telegraph meet with Wisconsin and Minnesota yester…

…'s gue are located, as is their usual right to enter 15 men in tonight's wont, have again selected the first finals was the result of the efforts and second teams for this season of 10 Wolverines, several…

March 13, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 115) • Page Image 6

… gymnasti BIG " TE FENCERS placing of Eknovich by Mueller as teamicianlea itya i y mata 5o.iori WILL START MEET leadoff man on the mile relayo le Cest5 will end quartet. Mueller has been showingl Wolverines

… Have Good Chance a fine renewal of form in the time the firstrWolverine gym team into to Finish Well uptList. trials of late and will get his big a Western Conference gymnastic lp on Lopportunity to make…

March 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 117) • Page Image 7

….RCH 15, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE VEN .. i* _ ... D.OUGOVII"O if I 165- E ' -r-) ll ,T.D SRT DEFEATED Distance Star Runs at Relay Carnival Ren1inder of Wolverines D Bouts in Semi…

… the freshmen who can swim, will be 50-yard sprint. Fenske and Ladd of allowed to choose the other activity the Wolverines each gathered six 'that will engage two of their aster- points, Fenske winning…

… different sports. the Big Ten meets. The Wolverine Dr. May and his assistants have quartet of Marcus, Smith, Klint- given instruction in track events worth, and Ladd stepped out to win including sprints…

March 01, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 105) • Page Image 7

… and Grounds quintet held the Hospital Stores aggregation to a lone free throw, winning 13-1.4 SO AD 10TO flEPflI'' Pitching Staff Is Outstanding Weakness of 1931 Wolverine Nine; Veterans Back. , When…

… CONTESTS ON WEEK'S CARD Wolverines Have Good Chance to Place in Track Meet. (Continued From Page 6) strong enough to make the meet very interesting. Ohio State has lost to the Hoos- iers already and Chicago…

… is not rated as good as the Wolverines by most experts. Iowa on the other hand, is a power to be reckoned with and has aspirations for col- iii:g the title this year. Purdue. (Northwestern, and…

March 22, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

…-2. Winig was entered as the t Wolverines' third man in the foils and lost his first match to Yoakum 1 5-3. In the second round of the foil, division Lovell defeated C. Mayo, 5-3 and Winig lost to L. Mayo, 5…

…, and take two first places in the high and low hurdles to make him the high point man of the meet. with 10 to his credit. Clark of Cor- nell finished but an inch or two behind the Wolverine entry in the1…

March 15, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… wrecked the prison shops, .iInr ecent years concerning the work naw, Wisconsin, in 11:35 to d a llrad the n in an Acton was promied Ilterastr he has been carrying on at the uni- score the Wolverine's lone…

… in the custody of J. A. Burs- student's meeting in the evening of a successful Wolverine inva- The fourth convict wounded was iy, dean of students, for action by there will be a discussion of "The sion…

March 14, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 116) • Page Image 7

… wasl ference c For on the nets chasers, stars of aggregat Jack Tompkins, Veteran goalie of the Michigan Western Conference hockey cham- pions, who has been elected to lead the Wolverine puck team next…

… teamj past two years, has been, aptain of the 1931-32 puck each Eddie Lowrey an- last night. election of Tompkins as f the Western Conference ampions for next season popular Wolverine athlete ition which…

March 20, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

… University's rifle team. Firing its first week's targets, says the Alumnus, the Wolverine squad scored- 3,659 points out of a possible 4,000, one of the best scores ever made by a Michigan group. Douglas C. Mc…

March 29, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…-yard breast stroke in 2:34.6. Carl Dougovito, star Wolverine wrestler, lost the national 175- pound championship to Conrad Caldwell of Oklahoma A. and M., Complete Sports on Pages 6 & 7 HOUSE COMMITTEE RECEIVES…

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