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March 15, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-15

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SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1931


-- .

Reveal That Livecchi Was Seen
in Hotel Both Before and
Following Killing.
State Gets Permission to Enter
Six New Witnesses for
Its Indictment.
DETROIT, March 14. -UP)- An-
nouncement of the discovery of six
"new and vital" witnesses and the
testimony of newspapermen who
were in the LaSalle hotel early on
the morning of July 23 featured to-
day's session of the Gerald E. Buck-
ley murder trial.
In a two-hour session the state
presented testimony from three re-
porters on Detroit newspapers to
the effect that Angelo Livecchi, one
of the defendants, was seen in the
hotel both before and after Buck-
e ley was slain. The testimony also
revealed a discrepancy from that
given yesterday by Edward Rosen-
berg, a state witness, as to just
where Livecchi was when the shoot-
ing started.
Witnesses Total 129.
Prosecutor Harry S. Toy asked
and obtained permission to enter
names of the new. witnesses in an
indictment against Livecchi, Ted
Pizzino, and Je Bommarito. The
state's witness list now totals 129.
The newspapermen who testified
today were John Armstrong and
Thomas McIntyre, of the Detroit
News, and John Martin, of the De-
troit Free Press. All said they had
seen Livecchi in the hotel either
just before or a short time after the
Armstrong testified that he had
reached the hotel at about 2:30
a.m. after learning of the shooting
and that he saw Livecchi there. He
said he asked the defendant where
he was when "the fireworks start-
ed" and Livecchi replied he was in
the elevator with Elmer Jolly,
house detective.
Saw Livecchi in Lobby.
Rosenberg testified yesterday that
Livecchi was standing in a group
near the cigar counter when the
first shot was fired.
Martin and McIntyre told of see-
ing Livecchi in the hotel coffee
shop a short time before the shoot-
ing. They said he took a few sips
of a cup of coffee and left. Martin
told of seeing Livecchi standing at
the cigar counter near the Adelaide
street door about 10 minutes before
the shooting. McIntyre failed to
recall having seen him in the lobby.
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
Saturday, March 14, 1931
DETROIT-Officials of the De-
troit Veterans' Bureau office an-
nounced today that payment of
loans to Michigan veterans under
the new soldiers bonus act has
reached a total of more than $3,-
000,000. More than 47,000 applica-
tions for loans on adjusted service
certificates had been received at
the office at the close of this week.
The office is about eight weeks be-
hind in the paymentof loans, the
officials said.

BAY CITY-The Eastern Michi-
gan water carnival was incorpo-'
rated today as a non-profit making
association. Officers elected were
Otto E. Sovereign, Bay City, presi-
dent; T. J. Manson, Grayling, vice-
president; Mrs. Laurie Budge, Bea-
verton, secretary, and J. Wight
Cooke, Bay City, treasurer.
GRAND RAPIDS-Officials of the
Devaux-Hall Motors corporation
announced today that production
of the new Devaux automobile at
the Grand Rapids plant had been
postponed until Apr. 1. Today had
originally been set for the begin-
ning of production. It was then put
off until Mar. 23, because of delay
in receiving equipment.
JACKSON-What is believed to
be one of the largest stills found
in the-n Mirehizan waeied rin


James J. Walker,
Mayor of New York city, who
faces impending charges of indif-
ference, negligence, and incompe-
tence in his official duties. His po-
litical foes plan to file accusation
with the state next week.

City Affairs Board Prepares
Act Against Indifferent'
New York Mayor.


NEW YORK, Mar. 14.-(A)-As
the result of a year's investigation,
the city affairs committee will file,
with Gov. Roosevelt next week
charges of incompetence, neglect
and indifference against Mayor
John Haynes Holmes, chairman
of the committee, a civilian body,
said that Henry Rosner, research
secretary, had quietly been assem- I
bling the material on which the
accusations will be based. Mr. Hol-'
mes and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise,
vice chairman, personally will pre-
sent them.
Under the state public office act,
the governor may accept or reject
the charges. If he accepts, he may
investigate them himself or appoint
a commissioner or the attorney
general to act for him. If the
charges are substantiated, he may
remove the mayor.
District Attorney Thomas C. T.
Crain has made a move to combat
accusations made against him by
the. City club. He protested in a'
letter to the governor the appoint-
ment of Commissioner Samuel Sea-
bury as his judge on the grounds
that the latter is a member of the
City club and already has criticized
him on several occasions.
Largest Financial Transactions
Since World War to Take
Place Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 14.-(')-
More than $3,000,000,000 will be re-
ceived or expended by the Treasury
on Monday in the largest govern-
ment financial transaction since
the World war.
At that time $2,095,261,150 will be
received and $1,139,000,000 paid out
as the result of income tax receipts
and the sale of bonds and certifi-
cates of indebtedness to retire
Treasury obligations.
Payments for the first quarter
of 1930 income taxes are due Mon-
day, and Treasury officials expect-
ed them tortotal $525,000,000. For
the corresponding period last year
the amount was $628,000,000. A re-
duction this year is expected on ac-
count of the business depression
although the tax rate is one per
cent larger than last year on per-
sonal incomes.
University Symphony
Will Offer Program

Kasper Halverson Appointed as
Permanent Secretary for I
1931 Graduates.
President of Senior Class Says
Organization Will Aid
Alumni Reunions.
Permanent organization of the
senior classes of the University was
started yesterday with the appoint-
ment of Kasper H. Halverson, '31,
as the permanent secretary of the
class of 1931, it
was announced by -
H. Bruce Palmer
'31, president.mer,
Plans are be-
ing made to de- .
velop definitely a
class spirit in the
seniors be f o r e
graduation exer-
cises in June, Pl
crer stated. The
permanent secre- Palmer
tary in addition to handling all cor-
respondence of the 1931 graduates,
will arrange for all alumni reun-
ions and banquets in the future,
thereby serving as the medium be-
tween the alumni association and
the members of the class of '31.
Dues Receipts Required.
A concentrated drive over the
three-day period, March 31, April
1, and 2, will be made to sell sub-
scriptions to the Alumnus, publica-
tion of the Alumni association, and
to collect class
dues. A substan-
tial reduction in
the price of the
Alumnus f r o m
that in p a s t
years is expect-
ed to result in'
greatly increas-
ed sales. D u e s
and an Alumnus,
subscription will
be o ff e r e d to-
gether for $3.50
instead of the
Halverson ;5 charge in the
Seniors will be asked for the class
dues receipts when ordering caps
and gowns, or invitations. Orders
for caps and gowns may now be
placed at Moe's or Van Boven's.
To Appoint Honor Guard.
Appointment of the Honor Guard
of the senior classes will be made
within the near future. The Guard
will be composed only of men who
have been outstanding on the cam-
pus. While this body has officiated
solely at the graduating ceremon-
ies in years past, it is planned to
have it serve as the nucleus of the
present class insofar as senior cere-
monies and activities from now un-
til commencement, are concerned.
II"It is only fair that all seniors
should contribute equally to the
defraying of the class expenses,"
Palmer stated when questioned a-
bout the dues. "The dollar received
from each graduating student, will
be used to take care of the expenses
connected with the senior activities,
to pay for the Michiganensian
pages, and to provide a permanent
fund in Ann Arbor for the procur-
ing of a suitable class memorial at
a later date."
The Weather
Lower Michigan. - (A) - Mostly
cloudy, somewhat colder, and pos-
sibly snow flurries near Lake Mich-
igan Sunday; Monday probably

Calls for Special NhIIOUUI PIIIUUILI
Meeting of Senate EUAO OTL Big Ten Crown K*
Members of the University SWIMMING
Senate will meet at 4:15 o'clock 11 1HURCH TMichigan's powerful swimming tUmorroU afLernooI LLL
tomorrow afternoon i room C, iteam smashed the Western Con-
Law building, at the special re- ference record in winning the
quest of President Alexander 1931 Big Ten championship at
Grant Ruthven. Dr. Frank Rob- Dr. R. B. Kleinsmid, President of the Intramural building 1 a s t
bins, assistant to the President, Western University, Will night before a record-breaking
stated yesterday that the reasonr Address Methodists. rowd of 1,600 fans, scoring 57
for this special ga theringess ofhothes Convicts Wreck Prison
governingboywsukwnt points. Iowa and Northwestern
governing body was unknown to finished in a tie for second with Buildings in Hour
him. Themeeting is not one of FISHER TO GIVE SERMON 20 points each. Minnesota was
those scheduled during the scho- third with 16, Chicago fourth o.
Anderson, Heaps, Smith, Morse, with 3, and Illinois tallied one
Boesche, Hildner, Heller point for last place. Two con- OFFICERS WARNED
Will SpeakHToday.f erence records went to the dis-
Se Toycard when Meigs, Miller, and
Kennedy swam the 300 yard Gunners, Police Guard
dent of the University of Southern Marsh, Minnesota star, nosed out notene aryW a
pek A J o D n n y Schmeiler, Michigan None Escape.
TOdACTOyAR [S adto l pe in hn swimmer, in the 150 yard back-
meeting of the First Methodist stroke, negotiating the distance JOLIET, Ill., Mar. 14.-(A/)P-
Council Promises Consideration Episcopal church on "Internation- in 1:43. Four convicts were shot, one
of Alleged Hell Week aism and Christian Ideals. WRESTLING fatally, as ,ioo rebellious prison-
Occurrence. President Von Kleinsmid h a s Dougovito, M i c h i g a n's 165 ers in the old state penitentiary
curec.made few appearances in the East p ound star, won a fall from Bag- today wrecked the prison shops,
.iInr ecent years concerning the work naw, Wisconsin, in 11:35 to d a llrad the n in an
Acton was promied Ilterastr he has been carrying on at the uni- score the Wolverine's lone vic- dougsha d kit
council was promised last night by versiy, Cory in the Big Ten wrestling hour's mad rioting.
oa Wzation, 31 president ofthe Dr. Fisher to Talk on 'Reality." neet at Chicago. Sigwart was Three of the prisoners were
university students who walked in- At the morning service at the beaten by Aldrich, of Indiana in felled by sharp-shooting guards
to the residence of Ernest E. Gwin- Methodist church, Dr. Frederick B. the 118 pound finals by a .time on the high, castellated wall,
ntr 806 West Libert street Friday Fisher, pastor of the church, will of 3:11. Northwestern, with three picked off one by one as they at-
night fully masked The students speak on "Reality." victories, topped the meet. tacked a group of prison guards
were turned over to Chief of Polie "Living Christ," will be the sub- TRACK at the door of the dining hall.
Thomas M. O'Brien and were given ject of Rev. Merle H. Anderson's Eddie Tolan's victory i the Captain B. A. Davenport suffered
a hearing yesterday ning Cef sermon at the First Presbyterian. dash event at the Illinois Re- a broken arm and perhaps internal
O'Brien resd t h morning. church this morning, and at the lays last night was the feature injuries.
them in the custody of J. A. Burs- student's meeting in the evening of a successful Wolverine inva- The fourth convict wounded was
iy, dean of students, for action by there will be a discussion of "The sion. Tolan, off to a bad start, struck by a richocheting bullet
the University. ,[hehandicaUniversity of Michigan and the S. overcame the handicap by a fired into the air by cell house
C. A.," led by Fenelon W. Boesche, brilliant burst of speed near the sentries to drive the recalcitrant
The youths said they had two '31L president of the Student tape.
presden of he tudet iprisoners into their individual cells.
initiates locked in a house at 805 'Christianassociation.i FENCING Officials Were Ready.
West Liberty street, and had en- CIn escon Michigan placed f o u r t h in
tered the Gwinner home by mis- In the second of a series of Len- fencing at Champaign where the Warned by fermenting discontent
take. Gwinner told the police that ten s e r m o n s, Rev. Allison Ray. Sig Ten meet was held last nightI during the last few weeks, the pri-
they had walked in the front door ! Heaps, pastor of the First Congre- icoring 3 points. Illinois won the' son administration was ready for
and started upstairs when he halt- gational church, will speak this meet with 15 points. the outbreak and within a few
ed them. They told him that they morning on the subject, "On the GYMNASTICS moments after the alarm -as
were in search of two initiates for Mountain" which will be a discus- Unexpected strength and good sounded from the dining hall the
their fraternity who were in a room sion of Christ's vision. Ira M. Smith, performances enabled Michigan outer walls were manned by ma-
on the second floor, but Gwinner, registrar of the University, will to place fifth in the Conference chine gunners and city and high-
who was giving a bridge party for ,lead the. discussion at the student i gymnastics meet, won by Chi- way police surrounded the ancient
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stein and meeting and will speak on 'Michi- cago with 1121 points, which stone prison on every side, armed
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wall, did gan's Crime Problem." was held at Champaign last wit shotguns, rifles and revolvers.
not believe their story and called Dr. Morse to Describe China, night. None of the prisoners was armed
the police. Gwinner admitted yes- At the First Baptist church this 1 (Complete Sports on Pages 6-7) and there was no attempt made to
terday that the students had said morning, Dr. W. R. Morse, dean of: -escape.
nniiDeaths Caused Investigation.
nothing which substantiated any the medical school of the West ITheoutbre was a seeto te
suspicion that they were marau- China Union university, in Chen-
ders. p gru, China, will describe some ofTR o fthe pisna tFe.
his experiences in the oriental in- de22, intoman hembson galdseb.
stitution. He will also lead the dis- T.uum 22 noanabs f urs h
PRISON EXPERT cussion at the studentdmeeting~t- TAL S HE E O50 the death of a prisoner from a clot
TO SPEAK HERni t hsdon the heart last week while he
t. was in solitary confinement for in-
At the Hillel foundation tonight i Lorch Announces Lecture Series subordination, shackled, as is the
llexander Paterson, Englishman, Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, of the Ger- b Architect of Union customary punishment, with his
to Talk on Social Aspects. man department, will lead an open wrists cuffed to the bars above his
forum under the title "Side Glan-1 Women s League. I head.
Alexander Paterson, British com- ces," while at the morning service After the latter incident, al-
missioner of prisons and Great in the League chapel, Rabbi Ber- Irving K. Pond, internationally though a coroner's jury absolved
Britain's representative on the in- nard Heller, director of the found- known architect from Chicago and prison officials of blame for the
ternational prison commission, will ation, will speak on "Evolution and ex-president of the American In- death, the state legislature directed
speak under the auspices of the so- Judaism." stitute of Architects will give a se- a committee to visit the peniten-
ciology department on the subject, ries of four lectures during the per- tiary next week and make an in-
"English Prisons Today," at 4:15 iod from March 19 to 27 under the vestigation. This action, Warden
o'clock Wednesday, March 18, in usg fhArierIc- Hill said, led the convicts to believe
u dnsdyMach18 nAT Al MAII le ePrsof hEiALrchithecaloflh
room 1025, Angell hall. lege, Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the public sentiment was with them.
Paterson s a graduate of Oxford Nschool, announced. Wreck Furniture.
Pnatersnisaher adu paedofhOxokdyI Pond is the designer of oht e The mutiny broke out at noon.
university, where he played hockey LE A E1I C IEUnion and League buildings as well Catcalls and shouts from the
had the reputation of knowingdL as the new Press building now un- luncheon tables gave the signals of
ha h rpttino koig ___der construction. He has receivedcotmtfrhegadante
every tramp in the county. He spent rcontemptoforntheerguardsaandrthe
his vacations in the poorest part of Postal Authorities Given New recougnio n internatioa arc- 1 100 convicts, refusing to march to
Lndn n ing Schedules Adding 10,000 merous skyscrapers in New York, and then rushed into the open.
and earning money by teaching the Miles to Total. Chicago, and other large cities. Warning shots fired from the walls
idle sons of the rich and by writesgOn Thursday, March 19, he will sent them to cover, and 60 of the
Durng th e World war he served WASHINGTON, Mar. 14-(P)-An deliver the first lecture, "Laying the leaders ran for the kitchen.
as a fellow soldier and corporal air mail-passenger service, increas- Foundations of Architecture," in Leaving it thoroughly wrecked,
with well-known criminals, living ed by 10,750 miles a day and placing which he will discuss what archi- they went on to the dining hall,
I with them-onqualctrmns lingthe United States far ahead of all tecture has meant in all ages. The smashing furniture, tearing tables
with them on European countries combined, was second lecture which is scheduled and chairs from the concrete floor
announced by the post office de- for the following day is "Possibili- and hurling them through windows.
Last Wendel Sister, partment for inauguration April 1. ties in American Expression." In Two fibre furniture shops were also
Noted Heiress Dies With the new schedules will this talk, Pond will describe the demolished, and a fire was started
come, for the first time, in the his- trend in America towards a new in a cell house but was put out.

NEW YORK, Mar. 14.-(P)--Miss tory of aviation, a through air- American architecture.
Ella V. von E. Wendel, last of the E mail-passenger service, with tri- "Psychology of Form," a discus-
Wendel sisters who inherited the motorplanes, between Atlantic and sion of the human reaction to mass,
vast fortune of John Gottlieb Wen-C Pacific coasts. 0et[ilULndCirecIinWoPEachiES
S e h i n A short cut to South America, ture, will be the subject of his third
del, died in her sleep Friday night. Ashr utoSuhA ri, lecture which will take place on
She was 80 years old. with a direct Richmond, Va., to March 26. On the next day, Pond
Raleigh, N C. Florence, S. C., and will deliver the fourth and last lec-ST BILLE ISLATION
Jackoile, CFlorondtripC iadtMeArchi eOnthrenEduaiond"
VTS REINSTA TED Savannah, Ga., with stops at those ture, "Architecture in Education."
DRINKING CHARGES points, also will be provided. In this talk, he will treat architec- Leaders in Senate, House Fear
Detroit and Chicago will be linked ture as a cultural study. Technical Slow-up, of
calling for an investigation by the by four more round-trips daily, and HOOVER TO TAKE 399 Measures.
enateriday nrut ficaliactt body Chicago and Cleveland will have CARIBBEAN TRIPS LANSING, Mar. 14.-(f)-A tech-
postponed until tomorrow morning one more chance each day to go nical deadlock which is making the
to allow yesterday's conference with calling on each other, and Chicago President Will Leave Next Week current legislature one of the slow-
university officials and the students and Kansas City will have two est in years must be broken soon
univsityocid more. for Porto Rican Visit. if the session is to end at its usual


Fifteen Suspended at St. Paul
Are Taken Back by Senate
and University Action.
Associated Press dispatches from
Minneapolis last night indicate that


all of the students suspended for Students at the farm school, in
liquor drinking at the University which all of those held on liquor
of Minnesota will be reinstated charges were enrolled, held a mass
within a few days. Fifteen of the meeting yesterday and were re-
19 culprits had been received back ported to have been overwhelm-
into the fold yesterday after action ingly in favor of supporting the
of the state senate, meeting with s c h oo1 administration's original
university officials. Action, at first stand on the matter.
thought to be harsh, was reduced Further investigation of the
following the meeting of the sena- liauor situation at Minnesota was

Tickets for Ervine's
Play to Go on Sale
Tickets for Saint John Ervine's
comedy, "The First Mrs. Fraser"
starring Grace George which is
scheduled for t w o performances
next Monday at the Lydia Mendel-

WASHINGTON, Mar. 14.-(P)--
President Hoover planned to. make
several trips from Washington in
the next few months, beginning
with an ocean voyage to Porto Rico
and the Virgin Islands next week.
His 10-day visit to the Caribbean
countries is intended to provide
him with relaxation after the stren-

time early in May, leaders declared
It is claimed by house members
that their bills are being held up in
the senate and some senators think
pet measures are being delayed in
the house. The situation occurs
every session, but this year it ap-
pears to have retarded the activi-
ties of the legislature more than

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