SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1931
__,. ...
Stars in
Inter-Class Tankmen
L toCompeic Monday
The inter-class tank meet will
take place Monday, March 16,
--IT1Lat 7:30 p. m..in the Intramural
Defeat Wisconsin and Minesota pool. Maaes who have not
Freshmen in Telegraphicc so at that time. A tea':
Dual Contests. posed of four men. This wamber
-- is necessary in order to get en-
A brilliant pair of victories were trance points. The events are the
tacked up on the honor sheet over 25-yard free style, 25-yard back
the week-end by Coach Ken Doher- stroke, 25-yard breast stroke, re-
ty's freshman trackmen when their lay, and diving, which will con-
performances proved to be better" sist of four required dives. A
than that put forth by the Wiscon- man can enter only two events,
sin and Minnesota yearling outfits one of which must be the relay
in a telegraphic meet. The Wolver- I or diving.
ine plebes nosed out the strong _
Badger team by a 55 to 44 tally,------
but swamped the Minnesota year-
lings, 80 2/3 to 23 1/3. j
The Michigan squad showed con-
siderable i mproveent over last r9n9
week's performance, and bettered LIi~
most of the times by a second orTO_ cp 'F
two. Five slams were scored against
the Minnesota team of thinclads,
as well as 10 first places out of the Eastern Thinclads Will Appear
twelve events. Slams were scored in Against Michigan Team in
the 880, mile, two mile, high jump, Final indoor Meet.
and broad jump. Alix proved to be
the high point man of this meet,.~
garnering first place in the 880, the1 Michigan will cose its indoor'
mile and a second in the two mile. season this Saturday when the Wol-
The Badger meet. was much more verines and Cornell meet in their
c 1 o s e 1 y contested, although the eighteenth track dual in Yost Field
Wolves showed considerable out- house. The Maize and Blue will
standing talent by annexing seven
Michigan Finishes Fourth BehindI
Wisconsin and Purdue;
Two Men Place.
(Sercial to Thi Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Iii., March 14. -
Counting 15 points to put it far
ahead of its nearest competitor,
i11inois' fencing team last night
won the championship of the Wes-
t rn Conference for 1931. (Michigan,
wih three points, stood fourth in
the list, trailing both Wisconsin
and Purdue, who nad 6 1-3 and 4
points respectively.
Following Michigan in the final
standings were Ohio State and
Northwestern, who tied at 1 5/6
points apiece. Chicago brought up
the rear with a single marker to
its credit.
Runs on Wolverine RELAY TEAMS EKO
Mile Relay Quartet
Several Wolverine Runners Take
Places Against Leading
Mid-West Trackmen.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Mar. 14-Eddie
Tolan, the sprinter with a tardy
start but lightning finish, carried
Ja the Maize and Blue 'in the van of
the fastest dashmen in the Middle-
West tonight to account for Michi-
gan's share in the honors of the
Illinois indoor relay carnival.
The Wolverine quartet of half
milers paved the way for other
two mile teams until the final few
yards, when they were nosed into
second place by a marvelous sprint
eth b srhinBradenWfe,
Austin and Turner were the Mich-
,~igan runners who forced the Buck-
Seyes to the limit in a record break-
RUc 'I .L. ing race,
Veteran Michigan trackman. who Campbell also came in for some
ran in the mile relay team that fin- of the glory that goes to the place
aihed third in its section of that winners by finishing fourth in the
i in 75-yard dash.
cvent at Illinois. , The Wolverine mile relay, team,
composed o DeBaker, Glading, and
GER SLUGGER(Continued on Page 7)
___ A
first places out of the 11 events
and a slam in the 880. No compar-
ison could be made in the relay1
with the Badgers as they failed to
wire their results. Alix again took
high point honors with 11 to his
credit by means of a third and two
first places.
Renwick's time of :06.4 in the,
sprints proved to be too good a time
for either of the opposing sprinters.
Moissio also took first in the high}
jump over both the Minnesota and
Wisconsin jumpers by repeating his:
fine{ performance with a six-foot
jump. Myers' broad jump of 21 ft.
6 in. was also good enough for first;
places in both meets. Heston an-
nexed two firsts in the low hurdles
as did Lassala in the pole vault.
Michigan-minnesota su maries:
60-yard dash-Won by Renwick
(M); Doner (M), Heston (M), and
Walensky (Minn.) tied for second.
Time :06.4.
65-yard low hurdles - Won byl
Heston (M); Jusek (M) second;
Walensky (Minn.) third. Time :07.6.
65-yard high hurdle - Won by
Walerrus (Minn.); Kutchback and
Savage (Minn.) tied for second.
Time :08.4.
440-yard run - Won by Lanto
(Minn.); Wardlaw (Minn.) second;
Doner (M) third. Time :53.3.
880-yard run-Won by Alix (M);
Younger (M) second; Horton (M)
third. Time 2:04.7.
Mile run-Won by Alix (M); Mc-
Manus (M) second; Dickson (M)
third. Time 4:44.
Two mile run-Won by Dickson
(M); Alix (M) second; McManus
(M) third. Time 10:14.
High jump-Won by Moissio (M);
(Continued on Page 7)
probably run into the strongest
competition on the cinder path of
the year, the Big Red team having
proved its power by taking third in
the Eastern Intercollegiate meet
while Michigan was walking off
with the honors in the Western
Conference last Saturday.
Since their first encounter in
1902, Michigan has scored 11 vic-
tories to Cornell's six. Last year,
however, the team from Ithica took
the measure of Steve Farrell's men
by a score of 63 to 32. According to
appearances Coach Hoyt has a
much stronger squad than that
which represented the Wolves in
the last encounter, ..with a better
chance to build up Michigan's list
of wins.
Michigan's hopes will rest chief-
ly on the same group of men who
carried the Wolves to a Big Ten
championship. Eddie Tolan, Camp-
bell, and Smythe will represent the
Hoyt aggregation in the dash;
Egleston, Haefele, and Jackson in
the hurdles; Russell, Glading, Mos-
ser, and Mueller in the 440; Turner
and Braden in the 880; Wolfe in
the mile; Austin, Howell, and Hill
in the two mile; Eknovich or Muel-
ler, DeBaker, Glading, and Russell
in the mile relay; Captain Pottle in
the pole vault; Noyes and Cox in
the high jump; and Goldsmith in
the shot put.
-For the academic year 1931-1932,
27 graduate fellowships, scholar-
ships, and assistantships are of-
fered, in commerce and economics
courses here.
Friends and Relatives
With a Card
St. Patrick's Day
r r E _ a l1 '