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March 13, 1931 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-13

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D -w I L

F-1-dDAY, 13, -1031


conference SwimpngMeet to en Here




Fourteen Cinder Path S
to Champaign Meet V

tars Go

JVural Golf Lessons
Will be Discontinued
Coach Ray Courtright plans to
limit the indoor practice of his
golf classes to one more week, he
announced last night. He has
given the fundamentals in his
groups on the golf swing and
expects to augment this instruc-
tion with outdoor demonstra-
tions starting March 23.
His pupils have progressed
with their training so that by
one more week of p :.c~ice they
will be ready to go c,. .d de-
velop their game by th -nselves,
Courtright stated.

Pitchers Show Development

TT n~P RA TC y__ _ _ _ _


Marts ! omorrow.
Michigan's bid for honors at the
Illinois Relay Carnival tomorrow
night will be made by 14 star thin-
clads picked upon the merit of the+
showing they have been makingl
in the past few weeks, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Coach Chuck
Hoyt. The squad will leave for
Champaign this morning at 9:30.
Seven events will probably be en-I
tered by the Varsity squad includ-
ing the mile relay, the two mile,
shuttle relay, pole vault, 75-yard
dash, hurdles and possibly the
medley relay if the men are in
good condition for it. Campbell will




UUZ1U liu ml le.AL.&' l,. '...AJ. a tL, , CAllI II- d not sta ti h 0 -a d e e ta
traural pool tonight tonight andtart in the 300-yard event as Coach West Hopes to Place His
tomorrow, in his last Conference was first announced. TeUp Half f
competition. Mueller in Relay.Team inUpperHafof
Probably the biggest change in Conference List.
BIG TEN FENCERS the usual entry list was the re- .Michigan's Varsity gymnasti
BIG " TE FENCERS placing of Eknovich by Mueller as teamicianlea itya i y mata 5o.iori
WILL START MEET leadoff man on the mile relayo le Cest5 will end
quartet. Mueller has been showingl
Wolverines Have Good Chance a fine renewal of form in the time the firstrWolverine gym team into
to Finish Well uptList. trials of late and will get his big a Western Conference gymnastic
lp on Lopportunity to make good in this meet.
Coah Jhn ohnton's arstymeet. Mueller has plenty of pos- The Maize and Blue are not ex-
Coach John Johnstone's Varsity sibilities, but up until lately he was pecting to win the title but hope
squad of fencers left last night for sort of disappointing after the form to place in the upper half. The Big
the Big Ten meet at Champaign he showed last season. Ten Championship meet will start
starting tonight. The Michigan Eddie Tolan and Jack Campbell Saturday afternoon in the Illinois
fencers will enter the meet almost will be entered in the sprints and gym.
certain winners of several points can be counted on for several The Illini, on their home floor,
and with a much better opportunity points as per usual. If Tolan can are favored to take first place. Chi-
than last year to be up among the repeat his time of :6.2 which he cago won the meet last year but
chief contenders. Only a single turned in twice in the Big Ten Coach West's boys have met bothl
fifth place was gained last year in meet he will be up in the lead. teams this season and consider the
fif t hree evets. The team has won Besides Mueller, Russell, DeBaker, Illinois squad the stronger. Indiana
three out of five Big Ten matches and Glading will make up the mile is the only school in the conference
thus for this year.m relay entry which ought to be able I that will not be entered. North-
Friedman, who is probably one of to maintain its fine time of 3:26.8 western will not send a full team,
the best foils contenders in the which it set last week. but all the other schools will enterl
Conference, will be Coach John- Austin and Wolfe Entered. complete aggregations.
stone's entry in that event and will The new two mile entry will be Individual championships will be
probably be the best bet for a first made up of Braden and Turner determined besides the team title
position. He took all three of his who have been running the 880, in this last meet of the season. The!
matches at the Northwestern meet, Austin, star two-miler, and Wolfe gymnast gaining the most points
two out of three at Illinois, Wiscon- mile flash. The 320-yard shuttle will be given the title of all-around
sin, and Chicago meets, and lost relay will be run by a quartet of champion.
two out of three in his first affair hurdlers including Egleston, Hae- Goldsmith is Michigan's best bet
at Ohio State. fele, Jackson, and DeBaker. These in the horizontal bars event al-
Capt. Gordon will be entered in men may also run the regular 75- though Elsworth and Hanna will
the sabre event for the Maize and yard hurdles. Capt. Pottle will com- be entered. A. Steinburg is favored
Blue. Although he has done his pete in the pole vault. to win some points in the horse di-
best work -in the sabre event, he vision and he will be entered withE
is also good in the foils. Powers will Ken Strong, former New York Hanna and Decker. In the flying
be entered in the epee. He has been ( university grid star, is one of the rings Decker looks like the best of
having a fine run in this event thus seven candidates for an outfield three men, Elsworth, Parker, and
far this season, winning most of his post on the Toronto ball club of Decker. A. Steinburg will team with
meetab y two to one decisions. the International league. (Continued on Page 7)

Control as Batters Get
Needed Workouts.
Continuing the policy of letting
the batters get accustomed again
to taking cuts at the ball, Coach
Ray Fisher sent his large squad of
diamond candidates through an-
other practice session yesterday at
Yost Field house, in the batting
Although the pitchers have not
really begun to bear down yet in
an attempt to fool the hitters, sev-
eral of the hurlers yesterday were
tossing some pretty fair curves in
the direction of the plate. The bat-
ting has picked up somewhat from
the showing made the first few
Daniels Still Missing.
Norm Daniels continues to be the
only member of the regulars squad
who has not yet donned his base-
ball uniform. Probably he will re-
port for work next week, after a
brief rest from the close of the
Conference basketball season.
Tompkins, Hu d s on, Braendle,
Butler and several other of the
,men yesterday comprised the con-
tingent that was taking cuts at the
offerings of various members of the
mound corps.rAlthough most of
these men were hitting the ball
hard in the batting cages, just what
they will do when they get out into
the natural light of Ferry Field re-
mains to be seen. Such a difference
exists between the light of the two
places that a man who ordinarily
turns out to be a slugger in the
field house may be just ordinary
when he starts batting outdoors,
or vice versa.
To nprove Conditions.
In an effort to get conditions in-
doors a little more like those out-
side, it is likely that Coach Fisher
will have backgrounds of green
cloth put up behind the pitchers
to aid the batters in seeing the ball
against the background of seats in,
the field house.
The swimming pool in the
Intramural building will be
available only to Conference
swimmers March 13 and 14.

Coach Cliff Keen's Squad Starts
Drive for Titles at
Chicago Tourney.
Late yesterday afternoon Coach
Cliff Keen entrained for Chicago
with his squad of eight wrestlers to
take part in the annual Western
Conference meet to .be held in the
Windy City tonight and tomorrow
night. Both coach and the men
were in the best of spirits when
they left Ann Arbor for they feel
that their chances to take a couple
or more of the individual belts are
as good as any team in the Big
Ten this year.
The annual meet which for some
peculiar reason is not held to de-
cide the championship of the Con-
ference, will consist of the individ-
ual grapplers of the Big Ten squads
coming to grips to decide the
crowns of the various divisions. It
has a bearing on the final chamn-
pionship of the Conferenc, in that
the team collecting the greatest
number of individual titles adds to
its standing in the general chai-
pionship race as alreadymade in
the dual meet competition.
Dougovito Favored.
Michiganhopes to do as well this
year as they did last when they
brought home four crowns. The best
chances this year are in the 118,
126, 135, and 165-pound classes with
Sigward, Otto, Woodard, and Doug-
ovito entered respectively. The lat-
ter is practically conceded his
match for the title, while Sigwart
and Otto stand better chances in
their weights than does Woodard,
who will have to take the measure
of the man who beat him last year,
(Continued on Page 7)

Dal Sigwart,
one of the pluckiest members of
the Michigan wn stling squad who
is one of the favorites to win hon-
ors in the 118 pound class at the
Big Ten meet.

Contestants Are to Compete
Only Two Events.


Contestants may only compete in
two events in the All-Campus Skat-
ing Carnival next Tuesday night,
March 17 at 7:30 in the Michigan
The meet is sponsored by the In-
tramural department. If the stu-
dents show enough interest in tne
Carnival, the Intramural depart-
ment will make it an annual event.
This is1 the first year of the compe-
tition and the Carnival was plan-
ned upon demand of the student
Five events are carded for the
evening; the 220-yard dash, 440-1
yard dash, half-mile, mile, and the,
two-mile race. Preliminary heats
will be run off if the entry list is
too large for one race. Gold nedals
will be given to the winners and
runners-up in each event as awards.
Among the entries to date are
Emmy Reid, Keith Crossman, and
Tom Prouse, of the Varsity hockey

(Continued on Page 7)

^n .

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