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August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 28

… of an end of an era for Gus Stager's tankers. After maintaining consistent runners-up spots to seven straight Indiana swimming championships, one of the greatest senior crops in Wolverine history was…

…. Completing the dismal outlook was the scarcity of new seniors to give the squad depth-only three will be on the squad this year. Stager, the 1960 Olympic swim- ming coach, does not think that the Wolverines

… champ Scheerer, the Wolverines were nothing short of sickening in 1967, chiefly because John Robertson was so disappointing. And t® top this off, there doesn't appear to be any new sophomore breaststroker…

…...." "Well-we want to build char- acter, but. . .." TWO WORLD TRAMPOLINE CHAMPS, the current one, Dave Jacobs, left, and the 1966 champ, Wayne Miller, form the backbone of next year's Wolverine gymnastics…

… team. Jacobs, Miller Carry radition Of Wolverine Gymnastics Team -§ * § WE § ~~WHY. . CARRY There's more than fabric superiority in Gant. In add i- tion, "needled-into the warp and woof of every Gant…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 28

… an era for Gus Stager's tankers. After maintaining consistent runners-up spots to seven straight Indiana swimming championships, one of the greatest senior crops in Wolverine history was graduat- ing…

… dismal outlook was the scarcity of new seniors to give the squad depth-only three will be on the squad this year. Stager, the 1960 Olympic swim- ming coach, does not think that the Wolverines will plummet…

…- Guire and Bruce McManaman ap- parently the best of them. This leaves only one position un- listed so far. That is the breast- stroke, where beyond champ Scheerer, the Wolverines were nothing short of…

…'s Wolverine gymnastics team. Jacobs, Miller Carry rad0to Of Wolverine Gymnastics Team § 4b WHY a yb5 WY§ WE - There's more than fabric superiority in Gant. In addi- tion, "needled-into the warp and. woof of…

… fastest fresh- man time in both the 50 and 100, Bob Kircher, and Robert Har- mony. With so many candidates, the Wolverines will have depth in the short distances for the first time in quite a while. John…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 82

…'s tankers. After maintaining consistent runners-up spots to seven straight Indiana swimming championships, one of the greatest senior crops in Wolverine history was graduat- ing. It, didn't look like there…

… scarcity of new seniors to give the squad depth-only three will be on the squad this year. Stager, the 1960 Olympic swim- ming coach, does not think that the Wolverines will plummet to the bottom of the Big…

Wolverines were nothing short of sickening in 1967, chiefly because John Robertson was so disappointing. And to top this off, there doesn't appear to be any new sophomore breaststroker who looks like he even…

…- acter, but. ..." TWO 'WORLD TRAMPOLINE CHAMPS, the current one, Dave Jacobs, left, and the 1966 champ, Wayne Miller, form the backbone of next year's Wolverine gymnastics team. Jacobs, M er Carry…

… Tradition Of Wolverine Gymnastics Team A - § - . 41 WHY WE - There's more than fabric superiority in Gant. In addi- 5 tion, "needled- into the warp and woof of every Gant shirt"-- there's flair-fit show…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…. He was finally edged out of the national title on the last day of the season. The Wolverine captain set the Big 'Ten records for passes caught3 4 (50) and yardage gained (698) on his way to leading the…

… Hribal has also graduated. The Wolverines must also re- place their kicking game. Kemp, punting specialist, and Sygar, placekicking specialist, have left. SThe strong point of the coming season appears to…

… Stincic and Jon Kramer. Dick Williamson and former NCAA neavyweight wrestling champ Dave Porter man the tackles, while Gerry Miklos will start at middle guard. The Wolverines have had a year of experience…

… give wvell-seasoned veteran returning the Wolverines a strong passing in Ernie Sharpe. Warren Sipp has# game. been moved from tight end to He will pass to either Jim Bey'- fullback. Ron Johnson will play…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 78

… pass re- ceiving. He was finally edged out of the national title on the last day of the season. .The Wolverine captain set the Big Ten records for passes caught (50) and yardage gained (698) on.lhis way…

… graduated. The Wolverines must also re- place their kicking game. Kemp, punting specialist, and Sygar, placekicking specialist, have left. The strong point of tfle coming season appears to be the defen- sive…

…. Dick Williamson and former NCAA neavyweight wrestling champ Dave Porter man the tackles, while Gerry Miklos will start at middle guard. The Wolverines have had a year of experience with the new Oklahoma…

… more holes to fill, is still confident. Center and captain Joe Dayton has two years of experience behind him and Vidmer at quarterback should give the Wolverines a strong passing game. He will pass to…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 29

… this time. "We dont have any stars," sighs the Wolverine mentor, "but neither does one else in the WCHA. North Dakota has no outstanding indi- viduals, but they have good overall balance. Denver and…

… whether or not the Wolverines can rediscover the secret they lost up in Hough- ton last winter, and regain the necessary balance of spirit and ability which guarantees a cham- pion." I Fay ?:i 1M1 {+2…

Wolverines on the rings last year, will head that ag- gregation again this season while Fred Rodney, an NCAA finalist in the long vault, will try to take over for Vander Voort in the all- around. Teaming with…

… former Michigan interscholastic vaulting, free ex and tramp champ and 1986 USGF tramp runner-up. Rapper has come on strong on the p-bars and is USGF runner-up in the event.t The Wolverines were dealt one…

… dangerous. It also 'recommended that the tramp be outlawed from dual meet competition. If the Big Ten acts on such a proposal, it could prac- tically snuff out any Wolverine title plans. Loken is heading into…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 29

… sophomores were the key to our success last year and we hope for a repeat performance this time. "We don't have any stars," sighs the Wolverine mentor, "but neither does one else in the WCHA. North Dakota has…

… Duluth. The roster is complete and so is the schedule. Now the only question remaining is whether or not the Wolverines can rediscover the secret they lost up in Hough- ton last winter, and regain the…

…, high point and is USGF runner-up in the man for the Wolverines on the The Wolverines were dealt one rings last year, will head that ag- Tgi Wol s wrg deat one 4gregation_ again this season while stinging…

…, will be competition. If the Big Ten acts on the side horse. on such a proposal, it could prac- If the tramp squad is not al- tically snuff out any Wolverine ready strong enough with Miller, title plans…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 83

… key to our success last year and we hope for a repeat performance this time. "We don't have any stars," sighs the Wolverine mentor, "but neither does one else in the WCHA. North Dakota has no…

… roster is complete and so is the schedule. Now the only question remaining is whether or not the Wolverines can rediscover the secret they lost up in Hough- ton last winter, and regain the necessary…

… Rich Kenney, high point man for the Wolverines on the rings last year, will head that ag- gregation again this season while Fred Rodney, an NCAA finalist in the long vault, will try to take over for…

… strong on the p-bars and is USGF runner-up in the event. The Wolverines were dealt one stinging blow last spring that may severely cramp their title hopes. The NCAA eliminated the tram- poline, Michigan…

… proposal, it could prac- tically snuff out any Wolverine title plans. Loken is heading into his 21st year as Michigan gymnastics coach and he is in search of a way to get the cnnferene crown hack I…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 30

… Clifford.P. Keen took, over as coach of Wolverine wres- ters in the 1924-25 season, his squads have maintained one . of the most successful won-loss rec- ords in sports history. Going into last season, his…

… year's squad was no ex- ception. Following a four-year skein which saw Wolverine grap- plers lose only one meet, while at Men' one time winning 34 straight, 1966-67 edition breezed thrc eleven meets…

… five other area frosh squads, the Baby- Wolverines amassed 83 points to for outdistance the pack. Second- place MSU had 48 points, while Bowling Greens 45, Central Michi- gap's 39, Toledo's 27, and…

…-4 and cinch the Wolverines' important 8-1 vic- tory that knocked Indiana out of e T first place by taking sole posses- sion of the top spot. In the last meet of the season, 3!Minhi r~ n.ild rif ntPd th I1…

… second place finish in the Big Ten (behind Michigan State). At the season's end in the NCAA finals at Carbondale, Illi- nois, the Wolverines finished. tenth nationally as a team. "With luck we might have…

… Brown. dual meet season with an un- beaten record, one of three in the conference. Thanks to the shut- out win, the Wolverines were able to retain possession of first place by one point over fast…

… to dent the Wolverines' drive. At the end of the first day, the Spartans paced the meet by only a point, 98 to Michigan's 97. A distant third, Northwestern was 23 points back. The stage was cleared for…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 30

… since Clifford P. Keen took over as coach ofWolverine wres- tlers in the 1924-25 season, his squads have maintained one of the most successful won-loss rec- ords in sports history. Going into last season…

… last year's squad was no ex- ception. Following a four-year skein which saw Wolverine grap- plers lose only one meet, while at Men, one time winning 34 straight, 1966-67 edition breezed thri eleven…

… five other area frosh squads, the Baby- Wolverines amassed 83 points to for outdistance the pack. Second- place MSU had 48 points, while Bowling Greens 45, Central Michi- gan's 39, Toledo's 27, and…

…- nois, the Wolverines finished tenth nationally as a team, "With luck we might have made it to the seventh position," RON TEEGUARDEN said Murphy. He added, "There were some really fine and out- standing…

…- bination of Pete Fishback and Dell as the toughest match of the Indiana meet." Falling behind in the first set, the duo came back to win, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 and cinch the Wolverines' important 8-1 vic- tory…

…-9 victory, ended the dual meet season with an un- beaten record, one of three in the conference. Thanks to the shut- out win, the Wolverines were able to retain possession of first place by one point over…

… teams who would try to dent the Wolverines' drive. At the end of the first day, the Spartans paced the meet by only a point, 98 to Michigan's 97. A distant third, Northwestern was 23 points back. The…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 84

… Michigan's most exciting - and consistently winning - winter sports squads. Ever since Clifford P. Keen took over as coach of Wolverine wres- tlers in the 1924-25 season, his squads have maintained one of…

… Ten conference crown nine times since official championships began in 1934. And last year's squad was no ex- ception, Following a four-year skein which saw Wolverine grap- plers lose only one meet…

…- Wolverines amassed 83 points to for outdistance the pack. Second- place MSU had 48 points, while Bowling Greens 45, Central Michi- gan's 39, Toledo's 27, and Eastern Michigan with 10 rounded out the…

… the first set, the duo came back to win, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 and cinch the Wolverines' important 8-1 vic- tory that knocked Indiana out of first place by taking sole posses- sion of the top spot. In the last…

… place finish in the Big Ten (behind Michigan State). At the season's end in the NCAA finals at Carbondale, Illi- nois, the Wolverines finished tenth nationally as a team. "With luck we might have made it…

… season with an un- beaten record, one of three in the conference. Thanks to t;e shut- out win, the Wolverines were able to retain possession of first place by one point over fast-rising Michigan State…

Wolverines' drive. At the end of the first day, the Spartans paced the meet by only a point, 98 to Michigan's 97. A distant third, Northwestern was 23 points back. The stage was cleared for the tension of the…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 25

… suspension; and Stewart missed one because f an academic hang-up ... ... and it was that kind of sea- son, The Wolverines opened their Big Ten schedule with three consecu- tive losses, after a mediocre 6…

… pulling Michigan out of its tailspin. It was the first time in six years that the Wolver- ines had finished last. Last (in Theory) It was also (theoretically at least) the last time the Wolverines were to…

… assistant in former Massachusetts head coach John Orr. Orr replaces Jim Skala who re- signed before the beginning of last season. Former Wolverine basket- ball star George Pomey filled in as assistant coach…

… driven the Wolverines to three consecutive :onference championships. There was little spark and no Ignition. Rebuilding Year It was a rebuilding year, of course, after the graduation of all five starters…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 25

… game due to a disciplinary suspension; and Stewart missed one because Df an academic hang-up . . ... and it was that kind of sea- son. The Wolverines opened their Big Ten schedule with three consecu…

…- tive losses, after a mediocre 6-4 pre-season record, before upsetting season. Former Wolverine basket- the other eventual co-champion ball star George Pomey filled in as and cross-state rival Michigan…

…. Except for 6' 10" 200-pound Last (in Theory) Mike Lawson-built in the tradi- It was also (theoretically at tion of Craig Dill-Tomjanovich is least) the last time the Wolverines the tallest man on the team…

… g w ge e e e JIM PITTS The state of things returned to G4 what it had been before Strack and Cazzie Russel had driven the Wolverines to three consecutive ;onference championships. There was little…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 79

… game due to a disciplinary suspension; and Stewart missed one because :f an academic hang-up .- ... and it was that kind of sea- son. The Wolverines opened their Big Ten schedule with three consecu- tive…

… losses, after a. mediocre 6-4 pre-season record, before upsetting season. Former Wolverine basket- the other eventual co-champion ball star George Pomey filled in as and cross-state rival Michigan…

…. Except for 6' 10" - 200-pound Last (in Theory) Mike Lawson-built in the tradi- It was also (theoretically at tion of Craig Dill-Tomjanovich is least) the last time the Wolverines the tallest man on the…

… DETROIT § ~326 South State St, 41 Est Adams § JIM PITTS DAVE McCLELLAND The state of things returned to what it had been before Strack and Cazzie Russel had driven the Wolverines to three consecutive…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 1) • Page Image 24

… the 22 berths players man the entire Imelnslted rJm adclf af The Wolverine captain set the( vacant. The seniors take with The trio battling it out for the Big Ten records for passes caught them the last…

… middle guard. tract with the Miami Dolphins,! lection Rick Yolk, John Rowser, The Wolverines have had ae' who drafted him as a redshirt. Mike Bass, and Sygar have left.f year of experience with the new…

November 29, 1967 (vol. 78, iss. 74) • Page Image 7

… turkey hunt and knocked the stuffings out of the baby Wolverines, 104- 90. What the freshmen couldn't match was the sheer strength of the varsity on the backboards. The older players outrebounded the…

Wolverines face Saturday, Strack said he thought his squad would give them a credible fight. "We're not going to lie over and play dead for the Baron," Strack said. ;Billboard Season tickets for the 1967- 68…

…, corner of South State and hoover, between 8:30 and 4:30. rSwap Fever' Hits Majors WOLVERINE GUARD KEN MAXEY drives in for a layup last night as freshman Dan Fife (24)tries to block his way. The varsity…

August 29, 1967 (vol. 0, iss. 1) • Page Image 51

…, three and eight comes under the to write about. a discussion of the chances for why it is important to read ' jurisdiction of the managing edi- The Daily has a beat system Wolverine sports teams. Daily…

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